The Note

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First I just want to thank you for ONE THOUSAND VEIWS AND ONE HUNDRED VOTES!!! Now get ready for depression.

Suggestion from PerfectlyUnbalanced

TW:Suicide stuff



I woke up and got out of bed. I stretched and yawned. I walked over to open my window so I could feel the temperature for today, but when I got closer I could see a blurry square on the window.

It was a note.

I went to my nightstand and put my glasses on, before turning on the light.

Then I read that note.

Dear Jared Kleinman,

Today will be a good day, and here's why, today I will be gone. Even though I tried to get over you time and time again, I just couldn't get those beautiful blue eyes, those soft pink lips, that smooth perfect skin, that silky brown hair, everything about you, out of my head. But you wouldn't feel the same. I knew that. I was so in love with you that it hurt that you were only putting up with me for some stupid car insurance. Is that all I'm worth to you? I couldn't take any more of that. Nor could I deal with the insults that felt like daggers in my heart. It was just too much.
So I thought, what if I jumped from that tree again? But this time with a noose around my neck.

Sincerely, with love, Evan Hansen.

I collapsed to my knees, gripping the letter like it was my lifeline
Right now, to say I was sad would be a total understatement.

I was absolutely distraught. My only fri- no -my only love, killed himself.

Because of me.

It's all my fault.
It's all my fault.
my fault my fault my fault my fault...

Those words kept repeating in my head.

I had the note clutched in my hands, which were pressed against my tear stained face.

But then some new words made their way into my head.

He might be alive!

Of course I didn't believe it but if there was even the slightest chance that he wasn't dead, I would take that chance.

I sprung up off of the ground and sprinted out the door. I stumbled through my house and didn't bother to close the front door on the way out of my house. I was barefoot and in my plaid pj pants and a shirt with 0s and 1s. But I couldn't give a single fuck about that. The only thing on my mind was Evan.

I remembered how far away the orchard was.

I changed my destination to his house and started sprinting down the street.

I used the spare key that was in that chicken vase outside his house.
I fumbled with the key, trying to get into the house.

When I opened the door, there were two notes on the counter.  One from his mom saying how she'll be back at midnight and fir him to get food and take his meds and write the letter to himself. Another was from him. A suicide note to his mom.

I didn't read them. I just went to grab the keys- that weren't there...

Fuck it I'm biking.

I went to the garage and got out Evan's bike, which was a little too tall, but I didn't care.

I rode all the way to the orchard, crying the entire way there. When I got there I fell off the bike, scraping my knee and hands and hitting my head, but I quickly recovered and started running.

This is the most exercise I've ever gotten.

I ran all the way to that tree, hugging and puffing. When I got there I saw a knife in the ground. Next to a pool of blood. I looked up and near the top of the large tree was Evan's limp body.

I grabbed the knife tightly.

And climbed that motherfucker.

I sucked at climbing trees and I was terrified of heights,but I did it for Evan.

I finally got to where he was. I grabbed his waist tightly with one arm and cut the rope with the knife.

I dropped the knife and held Evan.

I took out my phone and called 911.

They said they were on their way.
They said they were on their way.

Tears blurred my vision. Tears I didn't bother wiping off.

I just held onto him so tightly. Sobbing into his sky blue polo. I looked up at the sky. Then I heard sirens. They're coming to get him. They're coming to get him. And everything is gonna be okay.









That was 2 hours ago.

Now I sit in the waiting room. And I wait.

A doctor comes in and says "company of 'Evan Hansen'?"
Heidi and I walk to him.

"Evan Hansen was hanging when you got there, correct?"

"Y-yes" I manage to choke out.

"He was declared diseased when he first got here, but we tried to revive him and, it seems like he's been dead for at least six hours. There is no reviving him. Even if he would have survived the hanging, he would've died from the blood loss from cutting himself."

By now I used the wall to keep myself from falling to the floor while silent tears flow down my face.

Evan was... dead?

No. He can't be dead. That's impossible. Not MY Evan. MY Evan can't just die on me like that. No. No. No. no. No. No. No. no. no no n-

My thoughts got interrupted by myself as I fall to the floor sobbing. I try to recompose myself and get up, but I just keep on crying. After a while I'm able to stand up and try to form a sentence. All I manage to choke out is,
"C- I see him..?"

The doctor nods and looks over to Heidi who has her hands over her face, clearly crying that her son is dead.

He leads us through the halls to a white room that seems to blind you as you walk in.

I walk in and immediately regret it.

They have already unplugged him from all of the machines and he just lied there. A blanket covers his chest and everything below, but his cut-covered arms are out. An evident rope burn on his neck.

Tears block my sight, but I still manage to stumble over to him.

But as soon as I reached his bed I couldn't manage to look at his face, drained of all colour.

I know I will miss him everyday. But I think that he might have to wait for me. I want to live a full life for him. Live the full life that he never had. From now on, everything I do will be for him. He's was the best thing, the light, in my life.

Sixty years later

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the life and death of Jared Kleinman. A wonderful father of four adopted children and a great friend to many. He went to Virginia Tech and got a medical doctorate. After that he worked at INOVA emergency hospital and adopted four children, raising them as a single father. He retired at the age of forty-three when he was diagnosed with brain cancer. But he used most of his money to send all four of his children to college, and to donate to charities. Near the end, he wrote his will. Asking to be buried next to an old friend, 'Evan Hansen'. One of the many things he wrote on his will was, 'When some times were hard or I just felt bad or everything was going rough (insert Jared saying kinky), Evan is what motivated me to keep on going and to not give up. He became my motivation to press on. I wanted to live the life that he took from himself. I feel like I've succeeded. I want my children to find a motivation one day. Someone they love enough to never let go and to never want to fail them.' We will always remember Jared for all of the good he's done for his family and the world. Thank you Jared Kleinman and Rest In Peace."

'Here lies

Evan Hansen'

'Wonderful son and kind friend'
'Death by suicide'
"I'll always love you"

'Here lies

Jared Kleinman'

'Caring father and friend to all'
'Death by brain cancer'
"I'll see you on the other side"

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