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They gonna go to proooooom
Request from dearestevanhansen


I was panicking.
No one had asked me to prom yet.
It was girl's choice, but Zoe had asked Alana, Connor had already made his point clear at how stupid he thought prom was, and I was 98.9% sure that Jared was going with some girl. I mean, who wouldn't ask him? Although he can be a smart Alec or an asshole at times, he's still funny and attractive and smart and his hair is soooo soft and OH MY GOD TAKE YOUR PANTS OFF . . .

Fuck it. I like him. But as I said earlier, I have already seen a couple of girls ask him already so I'm pretty sure he has a date. And he's straight anyway.

"Um no."
I said.

She walked away looking defeated. Yet another girl I've rejected. I've never even talked to half of these girls! I don't even know their names! I'M GAY!!!

I honestly just want to go with Evan. He's been my crush for a couple of years now, but although I know no one has asked him, and even if he wanted to go with ME, I know he wouldn't have the confidence to ask me. So if I want any chance I'll have to take matters into my own hands.

I'll just ask him after school.

Timeskip to after school

Yeah I need more time to prepare.

Timeskip to a week before prom

Holy shit holy shit holy shit

Okay breath in and out.

I'm good now.

But that doesn't change the fact that I don't have a date.

I hear some music playing, so I look to my left and see some popular girl, Chloe, from our school asking... BROOKE?!?! Well then. I didn't think that two of the most popular girls in school would be going to prom together.
Guess there's a first for everything.

The kid holding one end of the 'PROM?' Sign looked over at me and I held a thumbs up to show I supported. I know, even though he's short, you don't wanna mess with Rich. Everyone knows he's going with Jake.

I started daydreaming
What if Jared asked me like that? No. He wouldn't need to do something that big. He wouldn't need to go through a lot of trouble just for me. Not to mention how much attention it would bring. It would be so embarrassing!

While I was in my daze, I knocked someone, no, JARED over. Shit.

JARED POV (a little in the past)
Ugh I haven't been sleeping much lately, not that I usually get much sleep, but I've been thinking about how to ask Evan to prom. I might do something big! But maybe not. It would take a lot of effort.

I wanna make it perfect. It's only a week away and I still don't have a clue of what to do. Damn this fücking shit is hard like my dick when I think of Evan at night what the fuck am I even thinking about anymore okay this is a pretty great sentence author are you gonna end it already? Wtf.

Timeskip to Chloe asking Brooke out


That just gave me motivation! I'm asking Evan when I see him next. Chloe did a huge thing, but I don't need to do that! Plus Evan would get nervous because of all the attention. Even if he's so cute when he's nervous or anxious, I still don't want to make him uncomfortable.

I'm just gonna straight up, er I can't do anything straight,

I'm just gonna flat out ask him. YEAH! THAT'S IT!

While I'm deep in thought, devising a plan, someone bumps me over, knocking my glasses off. Screw my terrible vision. I look up and see...

Um... a blob. Yeah I can't see shit, but I can tell that they're reaching out a hand to me. I grab it sloppily and they help me up.

"Jared are you okay?"
They ask me.

Wait. That's Evan's voice!

I think...

"Are you... Evan?"
I hesitantly ask

"Yeah, Jared, did you hit your head or something! Sorry."

My sucky eyes widen and I wave my hands.

"Don't be! I'm not hurt or anything! I just lost my glasses. Can you find them."

He bent down and gave me my glasses.

"Thanks Ev"

"Thanks Ev"
He says to me.

I was kinda glad when he had his glasses off though, it meant he couldn't see my red face. He put them on and smirked immediately at my face colour.

Until his eyes widened slightly and his cheeks were tinted pink. He then took a deep breath in and looked me in the eyes.

"U-so Evan, would you like to um, like, uh, go to ahem p-prom with me"
He stuttered out, his voice squeaking at the end.

His face was now officially redder than mine.

I took 10 seconds to take it in.


That's all I could mange to get out due to my surprise and joy.

I tackled him in a hug, being careful to stay balanced. He hugged me back and said,
"I'll take that as a yes!"

We spent the rest of the week figuring out stuff.

I'm so nervous. We both agreed to not show each other our outfits until Even picked me up. So I just had to wait. I bet he'll be really cute though. I was wearing...

I can't wait to see Jared! I bet he'll be really handsome and beautiful! My mom took work off so she could help me get ready. She was tying my little bow tie, and when we were sure that I was ready, she gave me the keys.

She smiled so wide,
"My baby boy's going to prom! I'm so proud!"

I waved goodbye and told her I loved her.

I got in the car and before I could close the door, she yelled,

I drove off to get Jared.

When I arrived at his house, I got out and knocked on the door. He opened it and when I saw him I gasped. He was...

So beautiful.

(You asked for it. So you got it)

He had a silky white dress with a black jacked thingy and black boots. He was breathtaking.

"Y-you're so-"
"I'm sorry I know it's weird for a guy to wear a dress this was a bad idea I'll just leave"
I was surprised by how loud I said that, as was he.

"You're the most beautiful guy I've ever seen and I-I can't believe I'm going to prom with someone as good looking as you"

He blushed a very dark red.

I gave him a flower and we got in the car.

Timeskip to when they get to the school

We finally arrived and we walked hand in hand into the large high school. We saw lots of people dancing and having fun. But I noticed Evan tense up, so I squeezed his hand and told him it would me alright. (EVERY LITTLE THING IS GONNA BE ALRIGHT. IF YOU DON'T WORRY ABOUT A THING, THEN EVERY LITTLE THING IS GONNA BE ALRIGHT. sorry not sorry)

We saw some people we recognized like Alex and John, Veronica and Heather M, Chloe and Brook, Jeremy and Micheal, Jake and Rich, and a bunch of others. We walked over to Zoe and Alana

Zoe greeted

"So who asked who?"
Alana asked glancing at our hands

Evan pointed to me.

"Fuck you"
Zoe gave Alana a Ten dollar bill.

We blushed.

"Well nice dress, lets get some punch and hope it's not spiked."
Zoe said.

I blushed more and we got some punch. We just enjoyed ourselves and talked and shit. Until a slow song came on.

Evan grabbed my waist and I grabbed his shoulders. We just moved along to the rhythm. I glanced to my right to see a bunch of couples doing the same. Except Rich and Jake who were just making out.

I looked up into Evan's eyes and the song was coming to an end.

He looked slightly down to my lips and looked back into my eyes. Blushing like crazy, he started to lean down. I went on my toes and our lips met half way.

I let him take dominance. Almost too soon, the song ended and we broke apart.

That was one of the best nights of my life.

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