Early Troubles

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~+Next Day: Rebellion Base: England+~

Tomi found himself sitting in the uniform department of the rebellion base surrounded by older, but familiar faces. Two of which had worked with his favorite uniform artist, Neva.

"Um, Kattie, Milly... Why am I here?" He asks the two head uniform department heads.

Kattie smiles happily at the half demon she had befriended when he was still possessing Blue Leader. "Milly and I decided we wanted to give you a makeover." The Green Uniform department leader has talked with her fellow copartner of said department. They definitely didn't want to miss the chance to give the boy a make over.

Neva has been telling them over the radio during their usual weekly chats how she got to make new designs for Tomi once he made himself known again. She sent photos and everything, including some with Todd!

It's immediate to say they were jealous. Neva has always been a favorite in Tomi's eyes, but they had been blessed to have this opportunity!

"But I already like the way I look," The half demon says a little awkwardly before sensing the atmosphere of the room. Looking around he noticed that those who knew of him in his younger days held a stubborn stance.

"Don't worry Tomi~" Milly says sweetly while approaching him with her hands behind her back. "We'll take good care of you."

Tomi grips his seat tightly and smiles nervously.

Where's his siblings when he needs them...

~+Base Garden: With Torm+~

It was a surprise when he woke up to being surrounded by his family. Somewhere at night, Tomi had slipped into the bed with them and started cuddling them like not tomorrow.

Torm was happy then just be be with them in the morning.

However, Torm has resumed his cold attitude with Tomi again after a nice long rest. It didn't fully start up until he fully woke up tho so there was some peace period during breakfast.

Yet, here in the garden at the moment, his red gaze stared intensely at the boy's back as he played with Ashely.

"You're still giving him that look."

Torm snaps out of his stare at the sound of his sister's voice. He looks at her with a soft look. "Tika."

The young lady before him smiles with her hands held behind her back. She come to take a seat next to him which he doesn't complain too.

"Your expression reminds me so much of when I first came to know you." She recalls the beginning of their sibling relationship. How her mistake lead to his hatred towards her for a period of time.

"It's different..." He said like he's trying to convince himself of the words he spoke.

Tika shakes her head knowing all to well. To her, her brothers can be a book like how they used to be to their mother. "I know very well how you look at him Torm. I used to be where those eyes looked to back then, take my word for it."

"Don't tell me you also side with Father." Torm glances slightly to his sister to see her expression.

"Torm, you may hate him now but you will come to love him eventually. I'm not forcing you to like him now. I just want you to consider giving him a chance." She smiles a little as she watched Todd give Ashely a childish hug and loving kisses on the cheek while she giggles in glee. "You haven't even gotten to know him for him and not who fathered him."

The oldest huffs as he rest his chin in the back of his hand, elbow set on his knee for support. "He's just lucky enough to look like Tomi."

Tika closes her eyes knowing well she can't change his mind too quickly. Her oldest brother is just stubborn like that since day one of meeting him. "Todd's going to protect her."

"He won't have to if I'm always there for her."

"And if you aren't?"

"Who says I won't?"

Their conversation taking a turn as they let a slight breeze pass through from the open roof.

"Torm..." Tika starts fiddling with the hem of her jacket. "You know we won't be together forever. You and Tomi may live forever, but those who aren't we value the time greatly."

Torm knows exactly what she's talking about. After all, their mother was the first to leave by his mysterious illness. Father may be next, possibly a soldier they know, their friends... Years later farther into the future it will their younger siblings.

His free hand moves over to rest on top of his sisters hands. He holds her hand, feelings himself relax, not realizing how tense he was before.

"Ashely and that boy have time... Tomi and I have time..." He leans over and rests his head against his sister shoulder. His red eyes fall close, but the red disappears as if to hide his emotions from her. "My feelings for that child remains the same for now... but as you know my feelings for Tomi's son will settle when I feel he has proven himself."

"Just please try for Tomi's sake..." Tika feels upset a tad. Tomi had begged and cried for Torm to accept Todd. To understand that the life he created and left to live was for the good of his own love. Why couldn't he try for Tomi earlier she wonder.

"Of course, Princess."

The two toddlers run up to them with smiles. Ashely respectively going to her Papa while Todd happily comes to be by his Aunty's side. Being sensitive to his uncle's emotions made him know exactly where he stood with the older half devil. So he kept his respective distance even if it did hurt him so.

"Aunty," Todd said softly before showing her a closed eyed smile.

Tika looks down at the boy with a sad smile. She pats his head, "Where's your Mama?"

"Mama got pulled somewhere by some soldiers," He tells here confused. Todd had watched his Mama be dragged away by some soldiers in purple and green uniforms. "They said something about a new look."

While they talked, Torm had sat back up to tend to his daughter. Ashely had shown her Papa a happy smile as she was placed on his lap. Torm smiles back at her the best he could after the heavy talk with his sister.

"Are you having fun my angel?" Torm asks her while he picks off some stray blades of grass sticking to her dark hair.

She nods, "Todd and I made flower crowns! He said Mama Tomi showed him how to do it." Ashely holds up a red flower crown and offers it to her father. "Made this for you!"

Torm lowers his head so she could place it on him. He straightens up and looks at his daughter curiously. "How do I look?"


The older one kisses her forehead and he receives a kiss back on his cheek. "Love you Papa."

"I love too, Ashely."

After another hour or so passes them by, the kids returning to exploring the rest of the garden, they then hear the sound of their brother's voice addressing them.

"Tikky? Tormy?"

Tika is the first to look his way and gasp at the sight of him. "Oh my... Tomi, what in the world happened to you?!"

At her words, Torm looks away from the kids to see his brother's current state with concern. Although he did not expect to his see his brother look rather dressed and styled like so.

Instead of their mother's usual gravity defying hair, his hair had been trimmed and gelled lightly to have it lean over to his right. His usual baby blue hoodie traded in for a baby blue dress shirt with a low button type black vest. His slacks exchanged for black skinny jeans. Fitted gloves adored his hands for his specialty on the field. The thing that didn't seem to change were the knee high boots with heels, although they did seem slimmer to fit the shape of his calves. Tomi had put his foot down when they tried to take away his favorite pair of shoes much to their amusement.

The half devil almost fell out of his seat at the change of outfit and new hair style. If anything, the outfit was similar to his own. Not that the outfit didn't suit Tomi, but he was used to seeing his brother in more casual and loose fitting clothes.

Tomi smiles at them awkwardly as he rubs at the back of his neck. "The uniform department heads... I forgot how much they love dressing me. Neva was never the only one back then in the old days."

Back then in the rebellion days, the three uniform department leaders always like taking advantage of him taking over his mom's body. They were always able to dress him up the way they thought he and his mom would appear the very best to the public. On the plus side they gave him candy most of the time as a bribe.

Tika got up from her seat on the bench so she can get a closer look at her brother's new look. "Wow, all this is awesome! You can tell by the quality too." Her hands touching the soft and breathable fabric of the second born.

The oldest gets up to come over to them as well. His arms crossed one he stand bin front of his brother. "It's not bad... Although I feel bad for your hair." His hand comes up to lightly hold a strand of his brother's hair between his thumb and index finger.

"I wanted to keep my hair the way it was but they insisted," Tomi says. Weak against people who look very happy for him to try something new and have pure intentions.


Before Torm could speak further, a sudden attack hit him right on his goggles. A resounding crack and splatter none the less breaking the glass of the device.

"Son of a-!" Torm exclaims bring his hand up quickly to hold over his visual aid. His stance changed to him leaning hunched forward while hissing in pain.

Tika had screamed in worry for her older brother while Tomi had a wide eyed expression of shock and fear. None of the two registering the green paint dripping from the broken goggles. The half demon reflexively turns to the cause of the shot to see two soldiers holding boxes in their hands passing by from where the shot came from.

On the floor next to one of them is a fallen paint ball gun that shot at his brother. Not wasting a second, he ran over to them and demanded for an explanation.

"What happened?!" The tension held tightly in the atmosphere around them. Soldiers around them freezing at the cold voice of the young man.

"W-We're sorry Sir!" One of the soldiers of the pair carrying the boxes apologies quickly. "One of the paintball guns for the Color War accidentally fell from my box. It seems as if the safety was left off when they put it back for storage. I sincerely apologize!" The man quickly set the box down and bows his head down for the trouble caused.

Fueled by his worry and panic, Tomi grabbed the fallen gun. Using his enhanced strength, he bent the device into literal dismissal from its job. Soldier watching him in fearful awe having seen what Tomi had done what he did with no sweat.

"Throw them away."

"I'm sorry?"

Black eyes stare the soldier down as if peering into his soul. "Throw that box away along with this pathetic piece of plastic. Then burn them to oblivion." Cold, ice cold. His tone very dangerously feral.

"Yes sir! We'll get to it!" The woman who had been carrying the second box quickly answers for her partner.

She nudges her partner quickly to get him to pick up the box and the damn gun the second Lawson sibling had bent to hell.

Tomi watches them like a hawk until they vanish from sight. After doing so, he stalks back to his brother while keeping a stern expression.

Tika held onto her brother's hand tightly while Torm kept trying to get his VR off to have her see the damage done. She took out her handkerchief from her pocket to at least clean off some of the paint.

"Tormy..." Tomi said weakly once he was back close to his brother.

"Tomi, assistance please."

Without another word, Tomi assisted his brother to take off his goggles. He pulled the black strap apart gently, then he slowly pulls the device off his brother's face.

Thankfully the paint ball didn't pass through entirely due to the long distance. The actual ball getting through the last layer only by an small inch. The pain Torm felt earlier were the electrical shocks from the device and the force of the paint ball's blow.

"Ugh... Well it looks like my visual aid is ruined."

Tika looks conflicted at the damage of the device and her injured brother. "I can radio Dad about sending you another. Sorry I don't keep a spare with me here." She usually keeps a spare whenever she and Storm go out to town years ago. The habit dwindled after moving in with her husband.

The half devil stands straight while keeping his right hand pressed over his right eye. He hisses at the lingering pain for a moment longer.

Concerned, Tomi lightly holds his brother's wrist.  "Breath Tormy, the pain should fade in a bit." His brother nods knowing he's right. He just needs to calm down after the surprise.

"For the time being Torm will have to focus on finding his way around the base with the Braille we have set up around the base. Those working with special needs like the visually impaired have them almost every where for their convenience."

Tika had been the one to suggest it to her uncles when she was younger when she noticed few of the older soldiers having a hard time getting around. Some of them even coming back to base with visual problems from battle.

"Ah..." Torm nervously scratches at his cheek lightly. "It's been a long time since I used Braille to find my way around."

Having never leave the main base and only going out once in awhile all the time with his goggles, Torm only relied on his memory of his familiar surroundings from when he was a kid. The Red Army base is basically remembered like the back of the hand on how to get around kinda thing to him. He lived there for all his life and didn't think he would leave anytime soon. So even without his goggles he can get around perfectly fine.

Torm hates going outside from the view point that he rather stay and protect the people in his home while assisting from afar. In dire situations he will go out to the field himself and aid his soldiers if truly necessary. Despite his good self defense and knowing to read the air around him, he can't direct himself towards any known building outside of the base without help. Hence the all reliant use of his goggles once more.

"Oh my gosh, our brother is a sitting duck in unfamiliar territory when he's blind." His brother vulnerable to all kinds of trouble at this point. Tomi's hands at his point are holding his brother's in a squeeze.

Shaking his head, Torm knows he's not completely helpless. He can still read the airflow around him by movement and a person's breathing pattern if he concentrates in his blind state. His heightened sense allow him to fully use every ability to its limits in order to fulfill his instincts to survive.

"I'm not that helpless Tomi," Comments softly as Tika finishes, having tried her best, in getting the green paint off of him.

Tomi very stelthily sticks his foot out as his older brother takes a step forward to make a point.

"Hu-" Torm stumbles forward not having noticed his brother stick his foot out to trip him. Tomi, of course, caught him by the arm and helped him regain his balance.

"My point exactly."

Torm huffs as he crosses his arms over his chest. His pride at stake if he couldn't even manage his basic training he had learned from his mother while moving blindly. "Give me a moment. I can figure out how to get around on my own, even if I have to brush up on my Braille."

Tomi looks upset with a pout on his lips. His gaze looks over to his sister who gives an unsure shrug in dealing with Torm at the moment.

"Tika, do you have any Braille books that I can use to brush up with?"

She hums as she taps at her chin in thought. "There should be a section in the library. It's in the north wing since most of our important departments are stationed there that need reference materials." Certainly they do have those books scattered about the base, but most of them are stationed in the northern wing for departments there that need them the most.

"I'll go pick one up now really quick so he can brush up with it here," Tomi said as he lets darkness crawl up his form. He'll be sinking into the plant shadows next to them since they're closer. "Be back in a bit!"

For mean time, Torm stay close to his sister, sometimes even holding her hand due to his lack of blind practice. Inwardly he cursed himself for not keeping track of his weak spots and lake of training to cover them up.

When Todd and Ashely returned to them did they notice the change with Torm. They had been too busy on the other side of the garden playing about to notice the damage that had been done.

Todd slowed in his pace when he noticed the lack of goggles over his uncle's face. "What happened?"

Ashely stops just behind him and clings into the back of her cousin's shirt. She had never really seen her papa without his visors on before. His glazed over silver eyes drawing her own gaze in to his own in wonder.

"A little accident," Tika says to put the explanation lightly. She shakes her head and tries to avoid explaining it to them for the time being. "How about we get something from the dining hall? I'm sure you're Mama will be there Todd."

"I wanna go!" Todd said excited to see him mama.

"Me too," Ashely says softly in copied enthusiasm.

Tika smiles at them, "Then you two can lead the way. Torm and I will follow." She knew she would have to go a bit slow for her brother. Like he implied before, he hasn't fully mapped out the Rebellion base in his blind state before.

The kids, thinking none of the situation before them happily went ahead of them but kept within sight of Tika. They would stop and wait for the two older siblings to catch up.

Torm tried to keep an even pace in the process while Tika radioed her soldiers to inform Tomi they would be in the dining hall waiting for them.

Minutes pass them by before they make it to the dining hall filled with soldiers eating or chatting. Todd and Ashely run up to the counter where a nice lady in green greets them. They animatedly talk with her while Tika sits her brother down close by.

"I'll be right back. Just stay put, alright?"

"It's not like I can make it anywhere like this at the moment," Torm sarcastically comments with a shrug of his shoulders. He crosses his arms and leans back in his seat while his sister goes to maintain her attention to the kids and the food.

He runs one of his hands down his face before pinching the bridge of his nose. What was the use of coming here to protect his sister in the first place if he can't even see properly. Heck, it hasn't even been a week yet and his visors are ruined in pieces. He can only hope, and pray, that his Father can send him his backup spare quickly.

With a shift of the flow of air near him, Tomi slides up from his chair's shadow carrying a few books. He sets them on the table to the left of his older brother gently. "I pick out the best I could find for you from the library that were available. I even got a map of the base from the head librarian as well."

"Thanks Tomi, I appreciate the assistance." Torm carefully picks off the book off the top of the stack. His fingers flipping through the pages after cracking open the book. The pads of his fingers sliding across the familiar dot patterns he's been fairly use to. "It's been awhile since I've done this."

"True, but I'll have to say you should take it easy for awhile since you don't have your visual aids on you." Tomi didn't want his brother putting himself in danger, least adding onto it. They already got Tika to worry about and adding the current Red Leader to the Red Army to the mix wasn't needed. "I'll take over guarding Tika until your new visors come in."

"I can handle myself just fine after some brush up a Tomi," Torm said to his brother. He won't be helpless once he gets the layout memorized. Then he'll be back on duty good like everything is back to normal. "I can help still guard over our sister."

Tomi had some confidence to knock him on the head, which he did without hesitation. "Storm," He said firmly while putting his foot down in this discussion.

The older of the two stops brushing his fingers over the pages. He turns to look at Tomi with surprise when he had heard him use his actual name.

Tomi looks down at his brother the best he could with those confused glazed over sliver eyes stare back at him.

"When will you understand I'm not the same little brother you saw me as anymore. I'm not helpless anymore... I can take care of myself." He could feel his eyes start to tear up. "I don't want you to keep carrying such a heavy burden anymore."

Around the two, the loud chattering of the dining occupants were drowned out to them. It was just the two of them here and they're talking about this matter now. Not the best place, but Tomi wants his brother to understand that he shouldn't have to hurry. That the oldest shouldn't shoulder everything and mature so quickly for his younger siblings. That he shouldn't have to bear stressing and overworking himself into trying to protect him and their family.

Torm should be taking his time.

"Tomi," Torm said.

Realizing what he said, Tomi took a step back away from Torm. "Excuse me."

Torm didn't even stop him as his brother left quietly through the doors of the dining hall or via shadow, he didn't really know.

Back with Tomi, he had walked out of the dining hall to head outside. He needs a moment to breath, take a breath and calm himself down.

Being near his brother is great, but he's still learning on how to stop being so dependent of his brother and be his own person. That's why he left all those years ago after their mom's death. He took the risk of leaving the Red Army base to heal himself mentally and physically. Take step away from his brother's protective shadow so Torm could grown on his own too.

It was... unhealthy. The relationship they had come to have after what happened with those bad guys and William when they were younger.

It needed to stop.

Tomi was the first to notice after what he had done when getting so jealous, yes he admits he was jealous at the time, of Asher. Those therapy sessions their parents made them go through were more helpful in his mental reflections by himself during his stay in the Shadow Base. Over time away from home he had come to remember his actions and regret them. Asher was good to his brother and their love was truly something. He stayed when Torm was clearly things were strained between them. Helping some process in getting Torm to grow somewhat, even if it was little from what he noticed.

He shook his head as he takes a turn to the main lobby of the base. From there he exits through the front entrance of the base. Soldier passing him gave a salute or a simple wave in greeting.


Tomi looks over to the one who called his name to see a familiar solider he met the other day. "Ah, Dion?" He said unsure if he remembered the soldier's name right.

The tall blond nods as he walks closer to the half demon. He stands across from the leader in a white tank under shirt and his cargo pants and usual combat boots with a small friendly smile on his face. His smile kinda reminded him of how his older brother smiles, neither full nor too small.

"What brings you out here?" Dion asks out of curiosity for what one of their guests would be doing out here. It wasn't common for guests at the base to come back to the front entrance of the base unless they're heading home.

"I just came out to take in some fresh air is all." He smiles kindly to the soldier. So far, from what he saw in Dion, he wasn't too bad personality wise. "So what are you doing out here?"

Dion gestures to the group a little ways behind him doing work on a Jeep. "I'm with my assigned team fixing up our ride. It kinda broke down last practice mission run on the test track. We can't seem to get it kicked back up." He explained to the leader while scratching the back of his neck unsure. A tad bit worried also from what Tomi could clue in on. "If this breaks down we won't have a ride for the next month because it takes a while to build one from scratch."

Tomi hums as he looks back to the broken down Jeep being fixed. He snaps his fingers, "Shall I give it a look into?"

"Huh?" Dion says confused.

Tomi giggles as he confidently places his hands on his hips. "You might not take me for being the one to mess with mechanics, but I did learn a thing or two from my Parents' head mechanics and my Dad."

Ever the curious Tomi from the small age always popped in on his Dad when he was dabbling in his inventor hobby and the two head mechanics when he got bored. Up to now he had helped his soldiers in the mechanics workspace when they were in need of some assistance on certain parts they couldn't figure out.

Dion looked between the leader guest and the Jeep and help his hands up in front of him. "I couldn't possible ask you to do some dirty work. You're a guest here." He'd also probably get in big trouble from his higher ups about letting Tomi even mess around with their equipment.

Tomi again, giggles like Dion said the most funniest thing. Who did the solider think he was, the Queen of England? Yeah, no. He's the fucking son of the former Blue and Red Leader. The light haired brunet took Dion's hand and drags him into pace behind him. "Come on you tall lug. I'll show how I'm not afraid to get dirty."

They both get to the Jeep with Dion's group stopping when they notice Tomi grinning at them. Some stupefied and others confused by the presence of a literal cinnamon roll.

"Hi!" Tomi greets waving his free hand. "I can to help you guys fix your Jeep."

"Uhh..." One of Dion's teammates sounds dumbly while Dion hides his calm face behind his hand. His formality composure remains the same dispute the new addition next to him.

The half demon squats to speak to a young lady who was working under the car. She stopped when she heard her other teammates stop. She was gonna give them a piece of her mind for slacking off, but coming out from under she finally notices Tomi.

"B-Blue Leader-" She stutters in surprise.

Tomi smiles blissfully with his hands resting on his cheeks. "Please call me Tomi, I'm still not used to be called by my mother's former title." He then points to the Jeep behind her. "Can you tell me the details about what's wrong with the car? I'd like to assist."

"I don't know-"

"If it's about letting me help you, I'll talk to Uncle Eddie and Uncle Matt about it. So you can relax um... Miss..."

Flustered, the young lady offered her name. "Mallory, sir."

"Then Mallory," Tomi said with a small chuckle. "I'm not one for formalities like my Dad or Brother so please just call me by my name. That goes for all of you as well," He said addressing the rest of the group. Looking around he noticed that Mallory seemed to be the only girl within the group out of four.

With quick work, Tomi unbutton's his vest and strips off his baby blue dress shirt to place on the unoccupied tool bench. This left him in his loose fitted black undershirt, skinny jeans, and knee high heeled boots.

He picks up a few tools from the tool box and faces the team with a dazzling smile.

"Mind giving me the details so far?"

Hey everyone ^^'

I don't really have any excuses for why I've been gone for so long besides school and the coronavirus going around, this having to leave my dorm few weeks prior. Thanks to those who still read and support, I really still thank you guys enough.

I really hope everyone is doing well and staying safe during this time until things get back on track and safe us as a whole community. Please remember to wash your hands and practice good hygiene.

Love you guys, please stay safe.

*reminder that artist will be labeled anonymous if the artist doesn't sign their work ^^






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