Arrival of the Oldest Lawson Brothers, plus their Kids

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~+Hours Later: Rebellion Base+~

Tika sat on a bench stationed by the front doors of the base. Her head tilted back to look at the sky above her in waiting.

Her brothers are arriving today.

"Tika," She heard her husband say as he takes a seat beside her. "What are you doing?"

"Whatever more could I do but wait for my brothers." She giggles as she looks back at her loving husband.

Bryon sighs and holds her hand with a squeeze. "You know you should be in the base. Happy went a little crazy searching for you when you left her sights."

Said woman is being seated in the dining hall for the sake of the soldiers in the base. Happy had gone through most of the rooms of the base and tore them apart looking for his beautiful wife.

Tika pecks a kiss on Bryon's cheek to comfort him. "I'm sorry dear... I just wanted to sit here alone for awhile."

She wanted to particularly sit on this bench because she would always come here when she was a little girl to look up to the sky. Tika sat here almost all the time when she went to read her mother's letters in private too. Reading stories of her brothers and father when they were so far apart for so long.

Little her was waiting for her family, again she waits for them to come visit.

"It shouldn't be much longer," Tika says standing up from her seat. Bryon following her lead as they both enter back into the large building. "Torm will be here to be the protective brother he is. Tomi no doubt still being the supportive energetic brother I know since we met."

"Tika," Bryon calls for her while she still walks just a step ahead of him. "My dear, look at me please." He stops her motion by grabbing her hand once more.

The woman looks back at her husband who shows concern in his eyes. She looks down with a sad smile. "Sorry Bryon."

Bryon comes close and lifts her head by the tip of her  chin to have her look at him. "I understand Tika. You miss them and it's been long since you've seen them in person." He places his forehead against hers as they keep their eyes locked on each other. "You're nervous to see them."

Tika tried to swallow but it's a little hard when what her husband said is true. She's nervous to see her brothers. The ones she looks up to since she first heard of them. The ones who have loved and protected her until she made her own path to this moment.

"I'm afraid I may have changed too much for them."

Bryon smiles as he squeezes his wife's hand in assurance and lifts it up to kiss. "I know your older brothers, they'll always love their little sister no matter what."

Tika smiles and gives her husband a loving kiss on the lips. They part and Bryon hugs her close against his chest in his protective embrace.

"Thank you for reassuring me Bryon."

"Anything for you my love."

The two of them stay close to each other for awhile longer until they decide it's time to let go.

"Zzzt- General Bryon! This is Maya Reporting from the first Radio tower."

Bryon continues to hold his wife's hand while he picks up the radio call. "This is Bryon, what's the matter?"

"A Red Army Jet is heading this way and requesting for landing. We have confirmation that Red Leader and his brother are on board. Proceed to let them land?"

"Of course, the hanger for their aircraft is ready from what I last heard from Julian."

"Roger that sir."

The radio clicks off from Bryon's radio as he sets it back on his utility belt. The brunet looks to his wife who had heard everything, he hands clutching nervously to his vest.

He sighs softly with a reassuring smile. "Come now my dear, we should greet them properly when they come out." Bryon wraps his right arm behind her back and rests his hand on her hip.

Tika let's him guide her towards the hangers since she could. It seem she could not get her legs to move forward due to nervousness of seeing her brothers after moving out so long ago.

Nervously she fiddles her old necklace's jewel drop between her fingers.

'It'll be alright,' She thinks to herself.

'It's Torm and Tomi after all.'

+Jet: Torm and Tomi+

Torm carefully shifted Ashely in his arms as he walks up to the door about to be opened for them. Tomi not far behind since he had to pick up Tomee Bear for Todd because he dropped it under the seat while asleep during the ride.

Their pilot and copilot walk out first from the opened door of the jet. Then himself, his daughter in his arms looking curiously around their new surroundings.

The little raven hair girl shyly hides her face in the crook of her papa's neck when she notices unfamiliar faces around her. Unlike the Red Army and Blue Soldiers, she's not used to facing new people quickly until she learns about them from her papa.

"Torm, still the same I see."

Torm looks to his known Brother in Law, the brunet the same height as him wearing a forest green vest over his white dress shirt. His pants a baggy blue with brown combat boots to show his participation on the field. He knows Bryon even has a long coat prepared for formal meetings when ever peace talks are held or just really important parties.

"You've changed in a... good way. Father's still not pleased you got his daughter pregnant by the way."

Bryon tenses before bringing his hand up to tune the back of his neck nervously. "So I hear," He awkwardly laughs. "I mean your sister and I did talk throughly about it. Even your dad..." he shakes his head and decides to change the topic.

He looks at the little toddler in Torm arms peeking at him curiously before hiding her face again. "Ah so this must be the rumored daughter of yours I heard so much about from Tika."

Tika, who had been yet to be noticed by her older brother, takes in the sight of the toddler hiding her face in the crook of Torm's neck. Her appearance took after Asher for sure, but if she looked closely she could see her brother's traits there as well.

"Ashely, let me introduce you to your aunt and uncle." At his words, the little girl looks their way to meet her light eyed stare.

Tika's eyes widen at her niece's eyes. They were just like her older brother's eyes, light silver but lighter as if she were blind.

"Torm is she-"

"Hush now, and no she is not blind like me," Torm tells them sternly yet soft all the same. He shakes his head and introduces his daughter to them. "Tika, Bryon, meet my daughter, Ashely Alice Lawson. Ashely, this is your aunt Tika and Uncle Bryon. Your aunt is my sister."

Ashely looks at them with focus as if she is trying to store them to memory. After a moment so, she smiles at the two of them with innocence.

"Aunty Tika, Uncle Bryon."

Her voice were like melodies to their ears. Her voice soft that it could be considered angelic.

"What an angel..." Bryon says with awe staring at the toddler in his brother-in-law's arms.

Tika couldn't help but shyly raise her hand to gently poke her plush cheeks. Her action made the little one smile back at her with a giggle to follow. "She's adorable."

"Thank you," Storm thanks his sister and brother-in-law.

After his words, Tomi rushes up to hug his sister.m after coming out the plan with Todd in tow. "Tika! It's been so long! How are you?! Is your baby alright?! Are you eating enough?!"

Tika laughs and hugs her brother back gently. "I'm fine Tomi." Her ever cheerful brother coming in hot with concerning questions relaxed her greatly. Her brothers have changed, she can tell, but they're still the same as ever. Her mismatched eyes glance to the toddler holding onto her brother's leg while looking up at her curiously.

"And this must be Todd."

Tomi nods happily as he finally lets go of his sister to pick Todd up in his arms. "My cute little baby, Todd!" The half demon snuggles him some as Todd hugs him back around the neck. "Todd, this is your aunt and uncle! Tika and Bryon!"

Tika offers her her hand to the little boy with a smile. "It's nice to see you again Todd. Last time I saw you, you were still a little baby swaddled in your Mama's arms."

Todd blinks a couple of times at the surprise of the lady's soothing voice. He smiles and leans forward to greet his aunt with a surprise kiss to the cheek.

He then smiles back at her. "Hi Aunty Tika."

The third oldest of the Lawson Siblings stilled on her spot before looking back at her husband. "Honey, he's too pure!" She says after a moment of silence.

"Tika?!" Bryon fusses over his wife as she starts to tear up.

"Oh dear," Tomi quietly says watching his sister continuing to gush over his son. His son unconsciously overloading the eldest female sibling with how pure he is.

Torm rolls his eyes at his sister's words. "Bryon."

"Ah, yes Torm?" The brunet turns his attention back to his friend and his daughter.

"Where will we be staying for the duration of our stay here?"

Bryon sighs, "Unfortunately we've got one room available at the moment due to a recent recruitment session. You've probably seen the construction for the new dorm building on your way down... We're trying to expand to make more room." He takes out a pair of keys from his back pocket and holds them out for Torm. "You and Tomi will have to share the room... if the both of you don't mind, of course?"

"Tomi and I have shared a room for most of life together. I don't think it'll make a difference." Torm let Ashely take the keys from Bryon since he was holding onto her. The little girl placing the keys in her Papa's upper vest pocket.

"Thank you," Torm places a soft kiss on the side of her head.

Ashely smiles shyly and hides her face again in the crook of her father's neck. She giggles to herself while her father continues talking with the nice people.

Todd let his aunt hold him while Tomi helps the soldiers move their bags over to them. He and Tika watch in amazement as the older half demon lifts the two larger luggage's onto his shoulders like nothing.

"Sorry baby, you don't mind if aunty Tika carries you for the time being?" Tomi asks his son, not even breaking a sweat with the weight of the two luggages.

Todd shakes his head, "It's fine Mama."

The group of six move out of the hanger and into the dorm wing Torm, Tomi, and their kids would be staying in for the time being.

Once there, Torm opens the room and they fill inside the large room. The room could fit a family of seven if it wanted to. There is a upper loft area, private as you can see the entrance only unless you turn the lights on inside.

On the main floor, their is a queen sized canopy bed made from oak with transparent curtains tied to the post at the moment. On either side of the room are opposite bathrooms. One has a grey color door with a metal flame symbol and the other is a creamy yellow color with a metal flower symbol hanging on it.

The rest covering the room were photos in their frames, furniture, a tv, and the usual electronics such as speakers and a radio.

Tomi set the luggages down with a soft thus against the floor. While Todd and Ashely are set down on their feet so they can explore the room.

The two little one immediately climb onto the canopy bed. Todd confidently stands on the bed with Ashely.

"We claim this bed!" The cute toddler exclaims.

"Yeah!" Ashely giggles as she jumps on the bed a bit but stumbles forward with the light bounce. She takes down her cousin with her to the soft covers. Both of them laughing louder than before.

Tomi walks over to his brother and hums. "Then I guess we'll take up the loft bed. A good idea since I don't want any of the kids walking off in the middle and the night and falling from there."

"Good point," Torm agrees whole heartedly. He hate for the both of them to injure themselves.

"Then we'll leave you to get settled," Bryon said clapping his hands together once. "I've got paperwork to get done and a meeting to head to in a few hours."

"I need to over see the trainers and talk to them about a certain change in their regime with the soldiers." Tika may be pregnant but she can still help by doing small stuff like sitting paper work or talking with the soldiers.

After bidding them goodbye, the two older males went about the room cleaning and setting up their supplies they brought around the room.

The two kids continued to explore the room with curiosity. When they grew bored they sat on their shared bed to play with their toys or draw.

Hopefully they can settle down peacefully.

~+Later: With Tomi+~

Hours after getting the room set up, Tomi decided to take a walk around the base. He heard from his sister they had a garden set up in the base so he wanted to go see it.

He smiles kinda excited to see what flowers they have here than the Red and Shadow Base has offered.

Caught up in his excitement he accidentally runs into a soldier who had been focused on some documented in his hands. Those papers ended up falling around them as they fall to the floor themselves.


"I'm sorry!"

Tomi rubs at his bum before looking up to meet the soldier who had gotten back up to help him.

His physical feathers were healthy porcelain skin, blond hair with amber colored eyes. His uniform one he had never scene before since the colors of green and purple mixed together. His pants black with similar color combat boots.

"Are you okay?" The soldier asks concerned but in a way remained calm. His hand held out in offer to help him up.

"I'm fine," He said in reply. Tomi takes the offered hand and the solider helps him back up on his feet. "Thank you."

"No problem," The soldier says with a small smile.

Tomi looks around them to find the soldier's papers scattered about. "Sorry about that, I'll help you pick them up."

"You don't have to-" The soldier tried to stop Tomi but the half demon is already going about picking up the papers. He merely shakes his head and goes to pick up the papers near himself.

A few minutes later they get the papers together and back in order. "By the way, I never did get the name."

The soldier looks up and hums. "My names Dion, I was part of last year's group recruitment." His eyes trail to Tomi's clothes and has a moment of confusion in his eyes. "And you are?"

"Tomi T. Lawson, second son of the former Red Leader. I'm the leader of the Shadow Base who works closely with the Rebellion and the Red Army." Tomi grins proudly as he sets exactly who he is. "My sister Tika is married to an important general, Bryon Grams."

"Ah..." The blond made a simple sound finally realizing who he bumped into. "Then excuse me for my rudeness to the guest of the base." He knew word had gotten around the base that their leader's goddaughter's older siblings would be staying for a period of time.

Tomi waves off the apology like it's nothing. "Don't worry about it. I'm not into formal stuff if any of the older soldiers have told you about me. I prefer the informal unlike my brother and Dad."

Their a pause of silence for them as they didn't seem to know how to continue the conversation.

"Um, you wouldn't happen to know where the garden is, do you?" Tomi asks a little awkwardly.

Dion turn his body to point down the hall rather than the hall Tomi was suppose to walk down before. "Keep heading straight from here and you should enter the garden without a problem."

Black eyes express their happiness after losing their awkwardness. Amber colored eyes turned soft at the other's content to finally know where to go.

"Thank you, Dion," Tomi thanks as he takes a few steps past him before turning around for a moment. A sweet and thankful smile given to the taller man. "I'll see you around! Let's talk again soon!"

After giving a small wave, Tomi skipped off towards the Rebellion garden.

Dion hums as he shifts the pile of papers in his arms a bit. His amber stare lingering on the energetic leader he had run into moments ago.

He turns around to head to his general's location to drop off today's reports.

"Let's meet again soon."

~+Soldier Dorms: With Torm+~

As for Torm, he was left with watching the over the little ones after Tomi left to view the garden. He wanted to go see the garden as well but he was too drained from the flight. So, he decided to stay back in the dorm room with his daughter and nephew.



He wasn't completely alone so to say. His sister's dog, Seth had found their room and scratched on the door earlier a few moments after Tomi left.

The large family dog happily watching and keeping the toddlers entertained while he catches up on rest.

His eyes behind his visors slowly fall close for a moment.

Not a second later there is rapid knocking on his door. His eyes snap open and narrow at who could be disturbing their private space. He merely closes his eyes and waits for the knocking to stop.

However, it isn't the case as it seems more hands knock on the door to make more noise.

Torm groans as he gets up from his seat. Seth leaving the toddlers' side for a moment to accompany his Mistress's older brother to see who is at the door.

"Open the door Joe! We know you're in there!"

"Yeah dude! Open up! The British Goverment sent some new entertainment equipment and everyone is helping to set it up!"

Two boyish voices exclaim through the door with excitement. Whoever this Joe character is, these soldiers obviously got the wrong room.

Torm presses the button to have the door slide open to reveal himself to the two soldiers. Said soldiers freeze in the spot when they see exactly who they're dealing with.

"It seems you've got the wrong room soldiers," Torm tells them sternly. It didn't help that he was tired and annoyed at the same time, because it made him seem very angry and intimidating to the two.

"R-R-Red Leader?!" The taller of the two stutters in surprise. The other one holding onto his companion's arm with a similar look of fear.

"Seth," The oldest sibling said.

The mutant dog comes forward more and circles the two soldiers once before sitting down. He looks to his Master for orders.

"Bring these two to the right door of this joe character they're looking for. Then escort them to where they need to be, understood?"

Seth gave a confirming bark while he stand up once more. He circles behind the two fearful soldiers and judges them away from his tired Master. These fools obviously now terrified of his Mistress's oldest brother.

Torm has the door close as he turns back to now returning to watch over the children.

"My lady! It seems this person is tired!" Tomi exclaims holding up a ruler in one hand. He looks down to his sitting cousin. "What should he do?"

"Sleep!" Ashley answers while holding her arms up.

Two little ones run to him and take a hold of one of his hands. Tomi to the right while Ashely holds his left.


Torm laughs tiredly as he follows their dictation to the comfy queen sized bed. "This is your bed."

"You first!" Todd merely remarks knowing how drained his uncle is.

Ashely settles herself close to her Papa. Tomi sitting on his bum near Torm's head still wide awake.

The half devil glances at his nephew curiously. "Where did you learn those words by the way? The 'My lady'."

Todd tilts his head slightly while holding fiddling with his fingers. "From when Mama reads me and Ashely bedtime stories... He told me that since I'm older than Ashely, I have to protect her." He nods to himself recalling the time he stayed awake with his mama one night to continue reading their current story while Ashely continued to sleep next to him soundlessly. Often times he would be the one reading since his mama tell him to practice more words.

"Like you do with Mama." The younger half demon smiles as he reminds himself he can be like his father figure. His Mama loved telling him stories of his uncle when he was small. How 'Tormy' would always protect him no matter what despite the long distance between them.

It's what made him view his uncle in such a high position like a father. Not that he ever had one, but the soldiers at the base would describe their own father like so which gave him the idea in the first place.

Torm stares at Todd for a moment longer.

The thought that Todd is the first born grandson of the Lawson family was really incredible feat itself. His position makes him responsible for watching over the younger ones like his only daughter and possibly another girl or boy depending on the outcome of his sister's child. From there, it would also include the kids the twins would have when they're older.

He won't be alone, of course not since he had his Mama and Uncle by his side for a long long time.

Torm huffs and raises a hand to pat the top of the boy's head. Todd surprised for a moment by the small affectionate action.

"Lie down Todd... Let's rest."

Todd quietly nods his head in a small daze as he follows his uncle's command. He slips down from his sitting position to lay down more comfortably.

Not a second later Todd is in deep sleep like Ashely snoozing close to her father.

Torm, without a sound, moves off the bed and repositions the two little ones next to one another on the bed. He pulls the over up to their necks to keep them warm.

The older half devil lays down once more on the open side of the bed to keep them from rolling off. The position is Torm, Ashely, and then Todd who has a pillow on the other end to keep him from falling off.

He softly sung them a lullaby before drifting of to sleep himself.

The last thought before sleeping is the hope Tomi wouldn't try to take pictures of them, more importantly his sister.

Thank again for Fanart!!!


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