Family is Family No Matter How Far Apart

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~+England: Rebellion Base: Meeting room+~

Tika and Bryon were escorted to the meeting room where the leaders of the Rebellion and their special guest is located.

Upon entering the room, Tika recognizes her brother's soldier. "Happy?"

The soldier wearing the smiling mask nods her head politely at her leader's sister. "It's an honor to make your acquaintance, Tika. I see you are doing well especially with the newborn you're carrying," she says noticing the obvious baby bump.

Tika giggles, "Yeah, this little one sure is one for the wait." She gives her stomach a light pat. There was even a light kick she could feel that made her smile even more.

Bryon kisses her cheek and smiles after. He looks to the soldier curiously. "So what bring you here... Happy, was it?"

"Yes sir. I am here on behalf of the Shadow Base to warn you with some information we've gathered recently." Happy round the table to stand before the two leaders and the wedded pair. "Recent reports have indicated some groups may be targeting Tika."

Matt gasps with a worried look. "But Tika's a neutral now that she's staying between Rebellion and Red Army lines."

Happy shakes her head. "Even if she is a neutral, she is still directly related to the Red Army due to her public status as first daughter to the previous Red Leader. Our soldiers have been getting sensitive materials of kidnapping and hostage plans directed towards her unfortunately."

"Oh dear," Tika whispers looking down worriedly at her baby bump. Bryon right by her to keep her comforted, he wraps an arm around her shoulders. "The baby could be in danger too."

"Yes, that is why we needed to come in person to report the happenings directly so no one could overhear that we managed to obtain this information." She keeps her hands behind her back and holds them together. "You brothers and father are being informed as we speak by Ace."

Bryon looks at Tika with a knowing look. "If I know your family well enough, they might come here to make sure you stay safe along with the baby."

"I mean, I don't mind if they do come, but they can't stay forever." Tika holds her husband's hand with a squeeze. Torm has an army to run along with taking care of his new daughter. Not to mention he's also looking after their dad and the twins. Tomi also has his soldiers to take care of along with Todd. "If they do decided to stay for awhile I hope they could be here until I give birth to our baby. For safety measures and for them to be here with me when the baby comes."

Edd and Matt look at their adopted son and daughter-in-law with worried expressions. Of course they were going to up security and do a double background check with everyone just in case there may be a spy in their ranks.

Bryon turns his attention to his adoptive parents, "I'm going to order some of the soldiers to get some rooms ready just in case her family does decide to come stay for awhile."

"No problem at all Bryon. Matt and I will do our own check up to make sure all the soldiers are loyal as they say they are to our team." Edd's tone hinting for being extra cautious in their sensitive time.

Matt looks at Tika to assure her she's going to be safe as well as her baby. "Don't worry Tika, we'll make sure you stay close to safety within these walls."

"Thank you," Tika thanks as she squeezes her husband's hand again.

Edd and Matt leave quickly to do their assigned job, while Bryon is left with the guest and his wife.

"Happy, do you mind guarding my wife for the time being while I handle some work for the upcoming days? I really need to finish them before I can keep a closer eye on her." Bryon asks. As much as he wants to keep guard of his wife and unborn child, there is much to be done to make sure she's safe.

"Of course Mr. Gram. I will protect my leader's sister and her unborn child with my life." Happy's tone very serious.

Bryon nods and gives Tika a kiss on the cheek. His eyes soft looking into her mismatched ones.

"I'll be back as soon as I can."

"I'll be fine if I stay with my brother's soldier. Best you finish work now before things get out of hand without you for awhile." Tika tells her husband with understanding.

Again, Bryon gives her another kiss and leaves his wife in his brother in law's soldier.

Tika looks to Happy with a smile. "Shall we take a walk around the garden?"

Happy bows her head, "If you wish Ms. Gram."

Tika waves her hand at her with an awkward expression at the use of the title. "Please, just call me Tika. I'm not one for formalities when I'm around friends and family."


"Of course, any friends or soldiers of my brothers is my friend unless stated otherwise by them." She remembers how Tomi told her that all his soldiers were his friends and how they've been so nice to him. So it's only logical she listens to her older brother and treat them kindly unless they've upset her brother greatly.

As for Torm, he was a special case because of his ice like personality. But he has Bryon, Easton, Austin, and Molly for sure since they were teens. However, now is different, but she heard Torm is sweet secretly to his soldiers from her father. His soldiers know it but don't say anything because they think their new leader is being too cute by doing so.

Behind the mask, Victoria lets an embarrass blush take her cheeks. She shakes her head to clear her head.

"Then off to the garden, Tika."

~+Norway: Red Army Base+~

Torm and Ace sat across each other, ace doing his best to stay calm while said leader is not in his usually mood.

"This isn't false info?"

Ace shakes his head, "No, Red Leader. Your sister is starting to be a possible target in various areas to be used against you and the army." He didn't like the thought of his friend's family being a target at all, any of them actually.

"Then I'd like for Tomi's soldiers to record all threats aimed towards her. I'd like to know who has the guts to even think of messing with my family." A low growl raised in the back of Torm's throat. Messing with him is one think, but family is a different matter that made his blood boil.

Ace nods, "Then how would you like to proceed from there? I'll be informing my leader moments after this so he may offer some input as well."

Torm rubs at his chin in thought. He really should talk to his brother concerning their sister. Maybe they could go visit her for awhile to make sure she's safe even with her unborn baby. Tomi would surly agree that they would need to be with her until then.

However, there was the matter with the twins. Lucille and Lawrence needed to go to school but at the same time he wanted them to come as support for their older sister. Maybe he could ask Edd and Matt if he had any teachers in his line of soldiers for temporary education for the twins.


The leader hadn't noticed the knock on the door other than Ace who noticed him at first.

"Tomi, come have a seat." He pats the space next to him on the couch. "We need to talk. Ace has some news to share."

Tomi wat next o his brother and attentively listened to what his right hand man had to say. Upon hearing of his sister's endangerment he immediately held his brother's hand tightly with fear coursing through him.

"T-Tormy..." He couldn't help but let the fear sink into his voice as well. "I want to go to Tika."

"Tomi-" Ace tries to interrupt but his leader's expression clearly says what he wants.

Tomi then looks to Torm firmly serious. "Rebellion Base, now. I am not going to sit here and pretend everything is okay. I'm going to protect her myself and throw anyone into the darkest shadow if they get in my way." He had always looked out for Tika when Torm had yet to place a protective eye on her yet. As one of her older brothers he demands of himself to protect her no matter the cost.

Torm squeezes his hand back in assurance. "Of course, Tomi. I will be coming with you. However, the twins will stay here and continue going to school like normal." Who is he to deny his brother. Moreover, who is going to stop the both of them since they share a common goal when it comes to protecting their younger siblings.

He made his mind up quickly to have the twins stay here where it's safer. Their father will be here to run things while he's away and their younger siblings will continue with their outside education.

"But Tormy, your duties-"

"Can be done at the same time while we stay with our sister and brother-in-law." Torm interrupts knowingly. His red eyes flash a caring color of light purple before going back to red. "I'm her brother too, and the oldest. I have to be making sure all of you are safe."

The second oldest Lawson sibling sighs and knows their is no point in fighting his brother here.

"Alright Tormy," Tomi says standing up from his seat. "I'll go prepare our things and pick up the twins myself from school with Will. I want to make sure they make it home safe. You have to finish what needs to be done today before we decided to head out later for the Rebellion Base in England."

"Understood," Torm nods in confirmation.

Tomi leaves them to go back to Ashely and Todd to see how their doing before deciding to do any packing.

Torm and Ace continue to talk about possible attempts that may occur during their stay and how they should handle them.

Whoever decides to try hurting the princess of the Red Army will surely meet the Devil and Demon of the Lawson Family, along with their murderous soldiers.

~+England: Rebellion Base+~

Tika hums to herself while her temporary guard follows her around the garden. She loves this garden, yes, but she longs to go back home to visit her family's family garden.

She places her hand on her baby bump with a fond expression. "I guess I'll just have to visit the garden with you once you come out."

"Tika?" Happy says unsure who she was speaking to.

Tika stops and looks back to her guard with an apologetic look. "Excuse me, I'm just talking to myself aloud." She didn't mean to confuse the woman. "How's the look of the garden so far for you?"

"It's beautiful... My leader has one similar in our base. It's located in the middle of our base, filled with so many different types of flowers with various colors." Victoria remembers the day her leader started up the garden a few weeks after coming to their base. He let the soldiers continue their work while he transformed the unattractive middle crossing of the base into a large, beautiful garden by himself. "All the soldiers know he goes there when he misses you and the rest of your family."

"Would you explain further?" Tika asks wishing to hear more of his brother durning the time he wasn't with them.

Victoria holds her chin just under he Happy mask. "Often times when our leader misses home and his family, we would find him in the garden. Over time we learned his patterns just by the garden itself." Happy then moves their attention to the flowers near her. "Depending on the flowers, we know who he misses."

"That's my brother... He never really shows the dark parts of himself when he's down. He hides it to himself and tends to show his emotions differently." Like before, she knows Tomi likes to play with his nightmares when no one is looking. Him associating his family with flowers is more like him to calm his mental state without them before Todd came into his life.

"When he looked at purple colored flowers, we always knew he was thinking of you." Happy says to inform her thoughtfully. "He always thought of you and your older brother when it came to red and purple flowers."

"Not as much as blue flowers... Am I right?"

There was a pause of silence. Neither female spoke knowing what Tomi has in mind while staring at blue flowers. With all that happened before he became a leader... He misses the person who loved him most out of any other.

"Blue was..." Victoria biting her bottom lip for a moment as her gaze shifted about the flowers around them. She looks at Tika, "He was a wonderful person."

Happy shakes her head, "Blue used to tell us he wasn't so good back in the day, you know. An alcoholic with choices made here and there that weren't admirable. But then, he became an amazing person who came from who he was before. It makes us believe in second chances." She takes a step closer to her leader's sister. "Perhaps Tomi can one day share his heavy burdens and change as well..."

Some hope swelled in Tika that what she said may be true. Her family is not the best with sharing their true feelings or problems.

Torm, for examples, breaks so badly when it comes to Tomi. That problem extends to his siblings who he tends to falls short in giving some love to them. Although he has been getting somewhat better.

The twins may seem fine but they lack so much because of their mother's death. She can tell they seek attention, as much as she can give she's there for them. So will Tomi, but her father and older brother are still so distant some of the times.

"I hope, Happy..."

Happy wishes she could provide more comfort to ease the woman's mind but what could she do? She's never really gotten to know her personally, only the Lawson Brother, Tomi, she knew rowing along side him since he came to the base.

He communicator beeps at her hip and she picks up the call. She places her earpiece in her ear before answering, "Hello? Happy speaking."

"Victoria, it's me, Ace. I'm calling to inform you that Tika's older brothers will be coming over to the Rebellion Base. The former Red Leader will be staying at the base with the twins while the current one comes to assist in personally guarding his own sister."

"Understood, I hope for their safe flight. I'll inform them of their incoming arrival."

Both Victoria and Ace hung up their commutnicators after that. She looks to Tika with a smile, "Update, your older brothers will be coming here."

Tika sighs knowing she will have no say to stop them. "Just like my brothers to come running here when I'm in danger."

"I heard that they used to do the same to each other when they were younger," Victoria recalls as she thinks to what the founder of the Shadow group told her. Tom was always willing to share stories of the boys with her and Witt when they joined.

"My brothers..." Her eyes shift sadly to the side, not able to meet her guardian's eyes. "They went through a lot of trouble when they were younger. Situations where they thought they would lose each other... and circumstances that put their mind and body in danger."

Tomi became who he is today through all those situations. The love for his brother strong enough to make him leave them for the sake of both of them to grow better apart.

Torm still has issues he needs to resolve before he can stand on his own if everyone in their family were to disappear one day. Yes, that includes Tomi. One can never know another's true fate. Immortal beings included.

Victoria could see the sadness in the young woman's eyes but holds a firm expression. She holds her hands behind her back and stand poised.

"Your brothers are strong people Tika. I believe they can survive on will alone."

Tika finally looks her in the eyes with a smile stretching her lips.

"I believe so as well."

~+Evergarden Elementary School+~

Will stood outside the car waiting for the twins to come out from school. He checks his phone, after pulling it out from his pocket, to see they should be getting out right about... now.

The school bell rings at the top of its tower across from the school while a raising chatter of children are heard in the short distance.

Parents met up with their kids and walk or drive home together with smiles. Some tired from all the work, both parties not spared from assignments needed to be done in their respected fields.

Will is able to spot his charges in the distant walking with their friend Tobias, or Toby as he likes to be called. They approach the sleek car in content moods as they greet Will.

"Hello Will," Lawrence greets while his twin waves at the tall male quietly. "Luci and I were wondering if we could go over to Tobias's house today. He said he wants us to try a new game he got."

Will smiles apologetically, looking down at the twins and their friend. "Apologies you three but you two," He said looking at the twins. "Must be returning straight home today. Your older brothers will be leaving soon to visit your sister. They wish to see you before they go."

Lucille didn't hesitate to squeeze her brother's hand she is holding. "I want to go home now."

Will nods and opens the door for them.

Lucille looks to Tobias with her usual stoic expression, "We'll hangout another day Tobias."

"Aww, alright Luci. I'll see you and your brother tomorrow then." The raven hair child waves to them goodbye before heading over to where his mother parked to pick him up.

Will lets the kids enter the vehicle only to hear their surprised gasps. He chuckles as he closes the door behind them.

"Hi~ My little brother and sister!" Tomi giggles and his arms are filled with his little siblings hugging him back eagerly in greeting. He kisses their foreheads and snuggles them close. "I came with Will to pick you two up."

Will gets into the drivers seat to start the car. On the road once more, Tomi asks his siblings about today. Apparently they had a fun time a school today since they were having a special event today. A traveling circus came and hung around the school the entire day to give the kids a relaxing time.

"I learned how to walk on a tight rope." Lucille had been sticking to a nice young lady who taught her some tightrope walking. She said if Lucille wanted to be pro, she could be able to use her hands walk the rope with her body above her. "It was really fun Tomi."

Tomi hums seeing how his little's eyes lit up talking about it. Maybe he could get some of the spies to train with Lucille. She seems to have a knack for stealth already by how many times she and her brother surprise them at odd times around the base.

"What about you Law? Anything fun you did with the circus group?"

"There was their really cool magician who I got to spend time with! He did a lot of cool magic tricks and showed me the art of disguise." Law was really impressed when the magician showed his how to do special effects make up really quick to give himself a different face. He wouldn't have believed it if it weren't for the fact he showed him directly in person. "I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it with my own eyes. He even mimicked my face!"

Tomi could also see his little brother falling into the spy category with his sister. However, he would like it if the twins could grow up in with a normal life, for their own safety.

Find themselves in love in the future and possibly start a family if they wish so outside the army.

What a wishful dreams he thinks but they always turn the other way.

"I glad you two are having fun."

~+Back at the Red Army Base+~

Torm has been tasked with watching the kids while his brother went with Will to their little siblings' school to pick them up.

His father stood beside him with Todd in his lap. The one year old holding Tomme Bear contently as Ashely napped one his arms.

"Are you sure you'll be fine with the base and the twins while we're gone?" He asks his father with a suspicious look.

Tord merely waves his hand as to gesture everything will be okay. "I may be getting old Torm, but I'm still capable of bringing you down to the ground under my boot. We had this argument two weeks ago if you've forgotten."

Of course, the oldest Lawson sibling didn't like to recall the event. He had been fearing silently that his father would get caught at one point while off guard or that he couldn't protect himself anymore. His held back fear grew to the point he finally started to show it by ordering some soldiers to keep his father company around the base.

Tord wasn't really fond of the idea of guards by his side when he knew he could protect himself. He was the first Red Leader for crying out loud! Although he did appreciate his son's concern he really needed to tell him to stop.

They ended up arguing over it in the training room that they battled it out.

Tord had won not that anyone was surprise, okay maybe a few or more were but that's not the point. The former leader brought his son down to the matted floor with precision and quick reflexes from all the training he did with Torm in the past. It also helped that he had more battle experience than his son.

The first son didn't appreciate when his Father smothered his victory with his familiar smug smirk. Going as far as to place the bottom of his boot lightly on his head and raise his arm like a winner.

"You're a piece of fudge."

"This piece of fudge made you remember? How about them apples?"

Todd stopped playing with Tommee Bear for a moment to look at his Uncle and Grandpa with a confused expression. "Fudge and apples? Can I have?"

Torm glances at Todd with a bit of surprise that he had been listening to them. He shakes his head, at least his mother's teachings to censor their swearing worked for future use.

Tord chuckles as he pats his grandson's head, "You'll have to wait until your Mama comes back. I'm not sure if we're allowed to give you fudge, apples sure, but I'm not sure about fudge." Todd nods still confused by why they were taking about food.

Torm watches Todd for a while long sitting in his father's lap. He was pretty quiet and intelligent for his age. The boy wasn't annoying either, very respectful when addressing people older then him.

He remembers back to visiting the town nearby with Tika and his younger siblings for their parent teacher conference. The young children were very difference compared to how he saw his younger siblings grow up with the exception of Tika. She grew with their parents' friends.

"Dada?" Todd says when he notices Torm watching him after some time.

Torm shook his head, "Uncle, Todd. Not Dada."

Tord looks down at the boy sitting on his lap with a neutral expression, but still saw the sadness behind it. He says, "Torm, you should just let him call you that."

"Why?" Torm questions with a raised brow as he shifts Ashely in his lap to hold her better. "It'll become a bad habit if I let him continue to call me Dada. I'm his Uncle after all."

"Torm, Todd needs a father figure in his life since his real one is a..." Torm ponders for the right word since he can't use 'asshole' or 'dead fucker'. "I'm sure you understand what I mean."


Tord looks at his son serious, "Ashely sees Tomi as an acting mother figure to her. She even calls him Mama Tomi and you don't even correct her."

"That's because she knows Tomi is her uncle," Torm remarks to his father. "When I ask Ashely who her uncles are, she always tells me it's Tomi and Lawrence.

"Then Todd is the same when he looks at you and calls you Dada. You are his uncle Torm, but you're also his father figure while his real one rots wherever he escaped to. Hopefully a uncomfortable ditch in hell," The older man darkly says for the last.

Todd looks between his Grandpa and Uncle uncomfortably since they seem to be arguing, about him none the less. He wants to leave and see his mama.

While The two adults talk, he gets out of his grandpa's lap while they're distracted. He walks out of the room and into the hallways with soldiers walking about in opposite directions.

"Oh, Todd?"

Todd looks to his left to see a lady wearing a blue uniform. "Who are you?"

The lady squats down with a smile to meet each other at eye level. "My name's Neva, I'm a friend of your Grandma and Mama."

"You know Mama?"

The department head of the uniform department nods. "Of course, known him since I was a young lady. So what brings you out here?"

"Da-" He stops himself when he remembers the frightening red look his uncle gave him when he called him Dada. "Uncle, I mean... He and Grandpa were arguing so I left to find Mama."

Neva looks at the child sadly understanding the situation. She offers her hand slowly to Todd to hold. The child look back up at her with familiar eyes that remind her of the young Tomi back in the old days.

"How about you join me in the the uniform department for awhile, hm? I'm sure some of my coworkers and friends would love to meet you. They also are friends with your Mama."

Todd lets a smile stretch his lips as he holds Ms. Neva's hand.


Meanwhile, Tomi and the Lawson twins came back home to the base safely and in a good mood.

Tomi looks at his younger siblings with a soft smile for a moment before he speaks. "Alright you two, you should meet with Torm first and set your things down in your room. I have to go do some final check ups with our luggage before Torm and I leave." He recounts a few things in his head before adding, "Dad will be in charge while we're away as usual. Be sure to listen to him, alright?"

"Yes, Tomi."

"Both of you also need to stay focused with your studies, that includes your tutors here at base. No disturbing the soldiers while they work either." He squats down and bops the two on the nose with a strict smile. "Last reminder, never go with a stranger even if they tell you their name. You have to call Torm, Myself, or Dad about it before going with them no matter what. Understand?"

Lucille and Lawrence give a firm nod of their head and a verbal yes in response. When their happy older brother stresses something, you follow it as they've learned from their older sister.

Tomi, once again, kisses their forehead before standing back up to his full height.

"I'll see the both of you later." Tomi takes a breath and sinks down into their shadows to take the fast route to the leaders' lobby.

Lucille and Lawrence look at each other and share a giggle of laughter. Their older brother always made them feel bubbly and warm kinda like their mother.

"Let's go see Big Brother."

"Yeah, he might be worried again if we don't tell him we're home again."

The two of them hold hands tightly and go off to see their protective older brother with smiles on their face.

~+Time Skip: Plane Hanger+~

The soldier loaded Storm and Tomi's bags onto the jet they'd be taking to England. They wanted to take a faster aircraft to get their faster.

"Remember you two, no talking to strangers even if they say they know any of us." Torm said sternly to his younger siblings.

"Yes, Big Brother."

"Tomi reminded us before we came to see you about it." Lucille informs while glancing over to her other big brother who she smiles to and he smiles back at her happy they remember.

Torm rolls his eyes and looks over his shoulder to his brother. "One step ahead?"

"Learned from the best," Tomi says with confidence. If his mom taught him anything, it's always to be one step ahead of the people he loves. Mom always did it with everyone he loves dearly, soldiers, friends, and family. "You can thank Mom next time you go visit."

Torm sighs, he can't argue when it comes to their mother. "I'll remember that." He he places a hand on his brother's and sister's head. "You two, listen to Father and follow the rules Tomi said earlier. If you don't, I'm taking Lucille's violin for a week and your..." His digital red eyes squint at Lawrence when he couldn't figure out what exactly his little brother likes.

"Once I figure out what you've been interested in lately it's being taken away for a week." He pats Lawrence on the head while the younger boy looks back at him confused.

Torm would have thought Lucille would be the more mysterious of the twins but it turns out her twin brother is more of a mystery than her. He was sure Lawrence would had been the one to find more entertaining pleasures going out of the base than his twin sister.

Lawrence interest had been very quiet if he thinks about it more.

"Red Leader, we must be leaving soon," Lana, one of the pilots, calls from the door of the plane.

Torm shakes his head, scolding himself lightly for being lost in thought for a moment. He looks back at his twin siblings pats them on the head.

"Be well, both of you."

"We will," Both of them day simultaneously.

"Give Big Sis a hug from me!"

"Give her a kiss on the cheek from me."

Tomi giggles as he walks up to their younger siblings. "If you're good we'll bring back lots of presents for you two."

The twins cheered with smiles and kiss their brother's cheek to send him off with.

The oldest Lawson boys move to the plane and give their father a hug before they leave. Tord wished them a safe flight and hope that Tika will stay safe for all their sake.

"Tell your sister she's really missed back here at base. This old man misses his daughter dearly as well."

Tomi kisses his dad on the cheek and grins as he steps back. "Don't worry Dad, we'll make sure to mention you and report that she's safe. I'll even bring back pictures of her cute little baby."

Tord then got a dark look in his eye, "I still can't believe that boy touched my baby girl! The next time I see him I swear-"

Torm part his father on the shoulder to calm him down. "Now Father, we had this conversation before. I'm sure even Mother had this conversation with you before." He gave his father a knowing look that made the man's shoulder's sag down in defeat. "She's a lady now, Tika can decided things on her own now."

"I still can't believe it though..."

Tord looks at his grown sons. Both so tall with their head held high leading their own groups. Heck they've got their own kid as well.

"It only feels like yesterday you boys were so young... Then Tika comes into the picture..."

Torm and Tomi share a look and their smiles soften up.

"We'll come home soon Dad."

"We promise."

Tord watches them enter the aircraft and close the door behind them. A proud look as the two Tom and he cared for the most go forward for a long time to come.

Inside the aircraft, Tomi goes to his seat where his son is waiting for him so quietly. Different from his usual open attitude.

He picks him up gently and sits him on his lap to embrace with love.

"You okay little love?"

Todd could only nod quietly as he snuggles up to him Mama.

As for Torm, he sat beside his daughter near the front of the jet. He strokes the dark locks on top of her head with a sigh.

"Papa, okay?"

Torm nods with a tired smile for her. "I'm okay angel." He moves the armrest between them up and away from separating them. He pats his thigh, "You should get some rest. We have a long flight ahead of us."

Ashely lies down with her head resting on her papa's thigh. Her eyes tiredly fluttering close to the lulling tune of the turbines on either side of the jet as they take off into their air.

Torm hums her a lullaby.

Tomi sings to the tune of the lullaby as his son drifts to sleep against his chest.

The oldest pair of siblings have a long way to go as well.

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