Offering a Risk

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+Red Army Base: Main Ballroom+

It wasn't until a little bit later they bumped into Shadow Leader. The leader sending his small party of soldiers, in their own masks, to go mingle with the rest of the guests.

He seemed to have noticed them by the way his head looking in their direction. "Torm, Tika."

"Oh, Shadow Leader. It's good to see here." Tika says happily as she smiles at the other. Her brother dressed in his usual uniform of a light blue hoodie, black pants and high heeled boots. Finally the full face mask with that black oval in the middle which went with the party theme.

"I wouldn't miss a party from the Red Army for the world. It's an honor to attend such an extravagant event. My former preseason would have been impressed." Shadow leader replies as he give Torm and Tika a bow. "Not to mention the beginning. I see you two were finally officially announced as princess and heir of the Red Army."

Tika giggles, "I suppose your former leader would be rolling in their grave having missed this."

"I suppose," Tomi says smiling sadly behind his mask. He turns his head in Torm's direction seeing as he had not come wearing his visual aid. "I'm curious Torm, are you blind right now?"

Torm answers vaguely, "Yes and no would suit my current situation. While I may not be wearing my goggles to see, I am perfectly aware of my surroundings. Our late mother trained me for safety purposes."

He could recall the old days of simple and loving moments in the family. While he misses them, he can't help but smile every time he thinks about them.

Tomi smiles behind his mask seeing his older brother smile even just a little bit. "Of course, myself and my army give our condolences and grieve at your family's loss. We ourselves have also lost our leader around the same time." It wouldn't hurt to expose his brother at the time around when his leader and mother fell to death's hands. "It's good to know you've learned a few tricks from a beloved."

"Thank you Shadow Leader. It's good to hear some kind words..."

Tika looks between her two brothers with a smile of her own. Wishing silently to herself that this could all end so they could be together. The pain and horror that is their separation has done so much to them, they truly need to heal together.

"That reminds me, were the Rebellion leaders and their son invited as well? I'd like to meet them officially." Tomi asks wanting to see how his parents' long times friends were fairing after so long. Sure Tomi's caught a few glimpses of them from time to time out in the field, but he would love to talk to them.

"I'm sure they're around here somewhere. I checked the attendance sheet and saw they did make it to the party." Torm remembers seeing their name marked on the list just before his father came to them asking if they were ready to go.

Tika gasps and lightly hits her brother's shoulder. "Why didn't you tell me they were invited?! You know it's been a long time since I've seen Bryon." She pouts while Torm chuckles.

"A brother's instinct is to protect, however, I'm sure Bryon wanted to surprise you too."

"He's right you know." A familiar voice backs Torm up.

The trio looks towards the owner of the voice, Torm already rolling his eyes under his mask. Just behind Tika and Torm is Asher and Bryon looking at them with smiles. Tika is the first from her brother's side to hug her fiancé tightly in a hug.

"Bryon you dummy! Why didn't you tell me in advance you were coming?!"

The rather tall brunet laughs lightly as he swings his fiancée around once lovingly. He looks down at her cute face so warmly, love just showing in his eyes. "Sorry Love, but like your brother said, I wanted it to be a surprise." The two of them share a chaste kiss on the lips before they smile at each other happily.

Asher slips over to Torm side and holds his hand while intertwining their fingers together. Torm brings his free hand up to feel along his boyfriend's jaw line before placing a sweet kiss on raven's cheek. Asher blushing lightly at the simple yet loving action from his devil of a boyfriend.

Torm looks back to the direction the Shadow Leader's presence is along with his boyfriend. "Shadow Leader, I don't believe you've met my love yet. This is Asher Woods, my boyfriend." Said boy friend dressed in all black tuxedo with a dark shade of gray for his dress shirt. The sides of his mask were similar to the wings of ravens.

"Yes, we've run into each other before during one of my visits to the base." Tomi says trying to remain passive. "It's nice to see you again Asher."

"Likewise, Shadow."

The two men were trying to keep it together. Tomi trying not to breakdown on the spot and worrying about if Asher will uncover the truth he's been hiding for so long. As for Asher, he wanted to pull the demon boy aside and shake him vigorously for being stupid. There is no way the raven was going to let Tomi make his own brother hate him, if he could only get them to actually sit down and talk face to face.

Tika took the silence to introduce Tomi to their old friend and now fiancé to her. "Shadow Leader, this is my fiancé Bryon Grams. He's Green and Purple Rebellion Leaders' son."

"Adopted might I add," Bryons says with a small smile looking to the masked man his fiancée is introducing him to. "But none the less they've treated me the best they can with all their heart. They really are family to me and I'm grateful to have them."

Tomi nods in acknowledgement to the kind words seeing as Bryon has indeed change over the years. He's taller than Tika and an inch more than Asher, but not exactly passing Torm's height. The brunet seemed to be around the same high as him, dressed in a black tux with a green vest over his white dress shirt. A black bow prominent at the collar of his dress shirt.

"I'm Shadow Leader of the Shadow Group, my soldiers and I work in secret for the Red Army for a couple of years before revealing ourselves a couple of months back."

Bryon whistled impressed, not many can get by Red Leader's radar of knowing many things now that he runs the world. "Impressive, but it's good to know you're on his side. If not you'd get on his bad side of things."

"My predecessor only wished best for the Red Army... now I continue their legacy in his place." The masked man's tone going into sadness at the mention of his late mother. "If you'll excuse me. I must greet Red Leader and the Rebellion Leaders."

The four let him go as they watched him walk away, except for Torm as he can merely feel his presence leave from them. Tika, holding onto Bryon's arm, looks at Torm, "Um, I'm gonna talk to Bryon for a bit before my dance performance later." She was quick to pull Bryon away to quickly discuss something important so it seems.

As for Asher, he took Tika's place by staying near Torm's side during the party. So far able to dance together in a few slow songs and a couple fast ones. Sometimes having to stop to entertain a few journalist and reporters.

While they did that, Tomi did eventually meet Up with his father and uncles who were catching up on their current lives. He smiles behind his mask as he approaches them.

"Apologies if I'm interrupting a friendly conversation. I thought drop in to say a few words of thanks." Tomi says causally as he becomes the attention of the three.

"Ah Shadow Leader! I see you were able to make it too the party. I'm glad you could make it." Tord says smiling. He gestures to Edd and Matt, "These are the Rebellion Leaders, Edd and Matt. They came with their son Bryon who might I add is engaged to my daughter Tika."

"So I've heard from your daughter," Tomi says in a delighted tone. Really his Dad is just too good to pass up on the pleasing of showing off. He looks at his uncles looking very well in their age. "It's a pleasure to meet the both of you. Please call me Shadow, I am the Leader of the Shadow Group alliances under the Red Army."

"Tika and Torm speak fondly of the both of you when I talk with them sometimes."

Edd laughs and waves the new leader off, "Oh come now, you're such a charmer." His chocolate brown eyes look over to Tord. "Are you sure this one is safe Tord?"

"He said his former Leader knew me, but he hasn't said anything more of him." Tord says with a sigh, expression soon holding a steady serious to them. "Shadow here is actually an acquaintance to Tomi as well. He delivered us a letter from him on his first visit, more so over the past months."

Matt and Edd's face adopt an expression of surprise hearing this news for the first time. Matt says, "So you know where Tomi is?"

"Tomi flows with the shadows sir. He doesn't tell us where he goes but simply discusses his travels after he's been to them." Tomi answers truthfully which brings Edd to wonder if the little demon would actually come back one day to his family. "He misses his family yes... but he feels there is much to do before he can return home."

Tord places his hand gently on Shadow's shoulder gently. "He's been kind enough to look after Tomi all these years from what he told me. Proof has been provided to clear his statements."

The Rebellions Leader smile as they can rest their hearts a little now knowing Tomi is still out there and alive.

They slowly come out of their conversation as the music from the orchestrated band grows louder in volume as if to catch more attention.

Edd and Matt bid the two leaders adieu so they could spend some time together dancing and enjoying the party and guest invited. Tord went off after a little more talking with Shadow about their next meeting arrangement.

Tomi leaned back against the wall as he watches the flow of masked guests flow about the floor dancing or walking around.

The ladies around the ballroom all dressed in their finest clothes. Some of them even trying to make a move on the heir to the Red Army, Torm. Tomi snickering to himself a little bit seeing his brother keeping up his polite professionalism to not cause a disturbance while Asher seems to be glaring at the competition for his boyfriend.

Some of the young men, also in their finest suits, were also trying to attract Tika's attention, first princess to the Red Army. Like Torm, she remains calm and flashes her smile at them for a moment to those around her. Byron standing by her side protectively as he continues to escort her around.

Tomi found it cute that Bryon was also trying to keep Tika calm by secretly fiddling with the engagement ring on her finger with the hand he was holding.

He searches the crowd for his little siblings and finds them dancing with one another on the dance floor. A highly adorable sigh which he would love to take a photo of, but held it in. People around him would be suspicious as to why he was doing it in the first place. Not to forget there could possibly soldiers in disguise roaming about the crowd for extra safety precautions.

Tomi took in a breath and sighs...

Maybe it's time he should take a risk.

~+With Tord+~

Tord has made it back up the staircase to watch from the open balcony from above. A little private area for him to take a breather from the crowd below dancing and mingling around.

He just didn't feel up to it, there wasn't anything to keep himself entertained besides his own children. Not that he would ever get bored with them.

They were his soul purpose after all.

It's just his beloved heart isn't here to spend time with him anymore.

He crosses his arms on the railing of the balcony as he keeps his eyes looking down below. His visible eye watching the crowd below lost in the excitement of the party. The music soft but just enough for him to keep admiring it.

"If I remember correctly, this is the music piece you and Tom first danced to."

The leader looks over his shoulder to see that Thomas was there with his arms held behind his back as usual. A small smile on his lips as he looks right back at his creator.

"Indeed," Tord says a little fondly. He didn't expect Thomas to follow him up here, yet what is an android like suppose to do when he hardly knew anyone down there besides the soldiers and kids. "Care to join me here?"

Thomas glances to the right side of his creator. Tom's ghostly figure standing there watching his husband so lonely and with longing. He felt so bad for his creator's other half who could not simply be there to enjoy this party with him or for anything anymore.

So the Android made a choice.

Thomas makes his way over to Tord's right side and silently held his hand out to Tom. The ghost looks at him confused for a moment until Thomas nudges his head in Tord's direction as he still had his back to him not seeing what's going on.

Tom smiles ever so gratefully and takes the Android's hand gently. "Thank you Thomas."

The bot smiles and closes his eyes to let Tom take over his body for the rest of the day. He truly deserves it to be with his love once again.


The softness of the voice made Tord wonder why Thomas sounded more like his beloved when he was still alive. He stands back up from leaning against the railing to turn around to face Thomas.

Instead he's met with the expression his beloved always wore when he's with him.

"Thomas, what?"

Tom moves close and places a slim digit against Tord's lips. "You should be grateful Thomas lent me his body for tonight to be with you." He lightly chuckles.

Tord's good eye widen as it soon filled with a collection of tears that slide down his cheek. "Tom...?"

"Hello Commie, miss me?"

~+With Torm and Asher+~

After a dance or two, Torm thought it was time for him to take a break. As much as the party was fine, he tended to need lots of time to himself afterwards to recollect himself.

"Asher, can you bring me outside to the garden. I need to take a break."

The raven looks at his boyfriend understandingly. "Sure love, let's go."

The two of them went with the flow of the crowd to smoothly make their exit out the door nearest to the army garden. Once out, Asher let's Torm roam about on his own in the garden.

"Do you want me to stay or go back to the party?"

Torm smiles a bit as he looks over his shoulder a bit. "Enjoy yourself Asher, don't let me hold you back. You deserve time to relax as well." He didn't want to be a bother to his boyfriend at the moment. Nor did he want to have company for the time being since he wished for time to himself.

"I'll be back later to see how you're doing." Asher's fading footsteps against the concert away gave him the note that his love went back to the party. So Torm finds himself walking around the garden when he knows he's alone, one his gloved hands held out from his side to graze flowers within his reach.

A small humming tune sounding from him as he makes his way to the sound of the center fountain. He takes a seat on the edge of the fountain and waits with his hands on his lap.

"Who are you?" Torm finally says aloud.

Although Torm could not hear their footsteps, he can definitely hear a heartbeat thanks to his heighten senses after being blinded. He knew he was being followed once he was in the gardens' ground.

The other's presence wasn't holding any malicious intent which is why he didn't act out early. But he made sure to be cautious just in case.

His unknown guest didn't talk.

They only went closer to Torm and sat next to him, finally leaning his head on the devil's shoulder.

"It's been seven years."

His guest's soft voice makes his eyes widen a bit behind his mask.

"I've missed you so much, Tormy."

"T-" Torm's breath hitches like he feels like he can't breath. "Tomi."

Tomi continues resting his head on his brother's shoulder. He could just hear the rapid beating of his brother's heart pumping just by his presence. "Relax Tormy... It's okay..."

The devil listens to his brother as he tries to calm his beating heart. He breaths in and out to even himself with his current situation.

They both stay silent for a couple of moments.

Until Torm finally decided to voice his thoughts he had been keeping to himself this entire time.

"You're here...Why now?"

Tomi hums lightly in thought, "I overheard Shadow say he was going to a party today. I thought I could follow along and see." He moves his hand slightly to place on top of his brother's hand. "I guess it shouldn't surprise me it would lead me here."

On a sudden move, on Torm's part, he turns his body to hug his brother tightly in a comfortable hold. Tomi was surprised by the action, but never the less snuggled into the familiar warmth.

His face pressed against against his older brother's chest with his eyes closed. Arms wrap back around his brother's upper body to reassure he is indeed there. Tomi would admit he did really miss his brother's hugs just like this. Old ones like this when they were still merely little children.

"I missed you so much Tomi..." Torm says with his face pressed against the top of his little brother's head. "Jehovah, I have missed you."

"Me too... Me too Tormy," Tomi said truthfully as he can feel himself building up tears in his eyes. It's been so long, the journey he decided to take filled with so much. Seeing death, love, happiness, and so much more that Tomi could not even begin to describe.

Torm kisses the top of Tomi's head and pet's his hair. Soon he moves his hand down to caress the side of his brother's cheek. How he regrets taking off his goggles, if he had known this encounter would have happened he would have kept them on him to wear now.

What he would give to see his brother's face, to see how much he's grown without him.

He leans down and places a kiss on Tomi's forehead. "Please... Please don't leave me."


Tomi could feel his brother's grip on his suit clench and trembling.

"I don't want to lose you again." Torm said in a broken voice. Tomi looking into the white of the mask Torm wore over his eyes. "I am afraid."

Tomi let his tears fall.

His brother so broken because of him.

"I am afraid too, Tormy."

Not too far away were the reporter and camera man who happen to be coming out from the ballroom to review their notes before going back.

The cameraman happened to spot them and point them out to his partner. "Lisa," He said nudging her while she was looking down at her notepad.

The woman looks up at him, "What John?"

John nods his head towards the two sitting in front of the garden fountain. Lisa eyes widen at the sight of the two young men hugging each other.

"Let's try to move a little closer." She whispers.

The two were able to move closer to the two, staying behind a pillar to listen in on their conversation. They lean a bit to peek over at them.

The first man they knew is the heir to the Red Army. No name given by Red Leader but the knowledge of that he is to take the man's place once his duty is over.

However, the man with the heir is someone unknown to them.

The unknown person wore a blue suit with a black dress shirt. Surprising them as they look to his shoes which were short black boot type shoes with heels. For their view they could capture the mask he wore, a baby blue with white lining.

"How have you been while I was gone? Are you taking care of our sister, the twins?" The one with the baby blue mask asks as he continues letting the heir hug him.

"I have been... okay to say the least. As for our siblings, I do my best to keep an eye out for them." He nuzzles his head against Tomi's affectionately. "I do not wish to lose them too since you disappeared."

"Do you spend time with them?"

"When I can... Work can be very overloading, but I manage and help Father when I can." Torm smiles as he recalls a certain memory running through his mind. "Do you remember that time when we were still small? Whenever Father was working so much and could not spend time with us, Mother would literally drag him to spend time with all of us."

A lightening giggle sounds from his brother. "Of course, how could I ever forget! I swear Dad was always looking forward to it everytime he had mountains of work." Tomi loved those memories because they were always so wonderful to remember. It was one of those rare times where their dad would smile happily the most.

He sighs and snuggles closer in his brother's embrace. Just for the two of them like this, their presence is enough to heal their hearts.

Torm smiles in relief accepting the action. He felt like everything is returning back to normal.

"I love you, Tomi..." The Devil whispers.

"Forever and always, I will always love you too, Torm." Tomi whispers back with his eyes closed.

Lisa and John couldn't catch the whispers but they did manage to understand the other person must have been the missing child. They kept talking about the heir's father like they share him and the clues like their younger siblings. So it's safe to assume this other person the missing second.

Unknowingly to Tomi, Torm kept rubbing his alpha scent on him. Pehaps, if Tomi were to leave again, he could track him down like this.

"I wish I could see you." Torm says aloud. He moves his brother back a bit after their longer embrace to brings his hands up to cup both sides of Tomi's face. "It's been so long... If only I had kept my goggles on me."

Tomi felt bad but he knew it's for the best Torm can't see him right now. If his brother could see then it would probably be harder for the both of them to let go, well for him at least.

'Maybe it's for the best right now.' Tomi smiles as he places his hands over Torm's. "Hey, would you play a game with me?"

"A game?"

"Yup!" Tomi pulls himself away from his brother to stand up. Then he helps his brother up from his seat at the side of the fountain. "You have to find me with the sound of my voice. No time limit."

Torm squeezes his brother's hands gently, "What do I get if I win?"

Tomi hums playfully in thought as he tilt his head a bit to the side.

"If you find me, I'll stay."

A pregnant silence stays as a short breeze passes by them.

"I won't disappear again... I'll never leave unless you want me too."

The Devil squeezes his brother's hands a little more, his eyes widened behind his mask. Tomi was gonna stay if he finds him at any point of time. Whether it be now or somewhere in the future.

Torm felt his brother's hands slip from his where he finds himself leaning and taking a step forward.

Tomi giggles.

"Game start."

Torm needed to find him now!

"Come on!"

Lisa and John watch as they witness Tomi giggling while the heir is trying to find him. It's weird to them how the other is right in view but the heir isn't able to pinpoint him correctly to grab.

"Is... Is he blind?" John questions unsure of what to think of the blind heir.

Lisa holds her chin while in thought."Didn't he say earlier he wanted to see his brother? It's possible the oldest is blind then." She can't believe she's hitting big with the biggest news ever.

"Quick John, snap some pictures of them." She quickly whispers to the other.

So he does, John sets his camera up and snaps some clear pictures of the two brothers. In all he had 3 and 3 of the individuals and 4 pictures of them together before the pair disappear around the corner.


"I'm going to slip into the party... Good Luck."

Torm huffs and hits his hand against the wall in frustration. If he just had his goggles, he could make this easier to catch his brother. He shakes his head. The Devil remembered his Mother's words.

Take a breath. Stay calm and focus. Don't press forward, take a step back and analyze the situation. Plan, then eliminate obstacles.

Finally, take action.


Torm looks towards the sound of his boyfriend's voice. "Asher?"

The sound of his footsteps grows closer and stops. Then the familiar feeling of the raven's hand holds against his. "What are you doing here? I was trying to find you back at the garden."

"Where am I?"

Asher looks at his boyfriend confused. "You're in the greenhouse area of the base. Next door to the gardens." The greenhouse area is located just to the right of the main ballroom, but it couldn't be seen too clearly from any of the windows. "Come on, I better take you back inside."

The two of them head back into the ballroom, Torm's eyes catching the raising volume of guests around him once more.

"Torm!" The cheerful voice of Shadow say as he walks over to the pair. Tomi has even exchanged his temporary disguise back to his usual uniform that everyone had seen when he entered the party their first time. "I heard from a certain someone that they saw your brother." The leader shakes his head sighs. "I suspect he followed me all the way here out of curiosity."

Asher eyes widen a bit behind his mask at the brother in disguise. Has he really just risk himself getting caught by his brother. The raven thinks back to the moment where Torm was by the greenhouse... Did Tomi talk to him?

Torm pats his lover's back lightly. "Asher, mind giving me a moment to talk with Shadow Leader in private for a moment, please."

The raven felt hesitant but reluctantly left to go find Tika to tell her the news.

As for the pair left to themselves, Torm offered his hand to Shadow invitingly with his other arm resting behind his back in a short bow.

"Would you do me the honor of dancing with me?"

~+Back With Tord+~

After some crying and an exchange of words, Tord found himself holding his dead love's spirit possessing the android. Tom hugging him back ever so gently even in a metal body.

"You left so early."

"I know love, I know." Tom says as he sits back a bit on Tord's lap. He brings his hand up cupping his husband's cheek carefully. His thumb gently sliding against the old scar with love. "There isn't a day that I haven't missed watching all of you."

"What happened after you died?" Tord asks carefully.

Tom's eyes close, "I saw darkness until I could finally open my eyes in my ghost form." All Tom could remember was darkness and then light when he finally was able to open his eyes in his new form. "The first thing I saw was you in you office so quiet and suffering after my death. I kept close to you as much as could, trying my best to talk some common sense into you."

"But I couldn't hear you..." Tord says defeatedly in a quiet voice. Just thinking about it, Tom must have watched him not eat for days and his restless nights alone in their quarters. "I'm sorry."

Tom places a soft kiss on Tord's cheek. "Don't be sorry for your actions, Tord. I died, you couldn't help but grieve." He presses his forehead softly against his husband's forehead. "If anything, I should be the one that's sorry. I kept my illness from you."

"That reminds me," Tord says remembering something after the fateful fall. "I checked your I'll mess even after you died. We're never encountered it before, so we gave it the name K-1. I tried a series of test with it but it really did seem incurable.

"Then I would have died anyways, all work to try and cure me would have gone to waste." Tom shakes his head and Tord places a comforting hand on top of his.

Tord took his turn to kiss Tom for a moment on the lips. He smiles for a bit, "Thankfully enough, Lucille and Lawrence were born healthy. The doctors double and triple checked them just for safety, The illness you had didn't affect them."

The Red Leader was thankful enough to have them even after Tom's death. If they died with Tom, his grieving would have probably doubled to an unhealthy state.

He was the one to look after them when they were still babies. Feeding them and caring to his needs until the war with America got into deeper waters. That was when he assigned Will to official start taking care of them as their personal assistant.

Tord fought America's forces for his dead love and his two new additions to their family.

"You fought hard love." Tom says with a small smile back in return.

Tord shook his head, "My regret a month after you died was losing Tomi. I'm so sorry Tom."

"What do you mean?"

"Tomi's been gone for so long no, seven years to be exact. We haven't been able to find him. Some of the soldiers even believe he's been kidnapped and held hostage somewhere for some time. But thankfully we know he's been in contact with an allied group." The leader tells the other with a tired voice.


"If I had been more careful..."


"I know Tomi can be curious-"


"Maybe I should had Shadow Leader-"

"For the love of God! Tord, Tomi's okay!"

Tord flinches in surprise and looks at his wife with a mixture of confusion and surprise.

Tom takes a breath and looks at his husband with a guilty expression.

"Tomi's always been with you. He's always been watching over you're Army, always aiding you in secret."

"What do you mean?"

"Tomi... Tomi is Shadow Leader."

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