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+Shadow Base: Two Weeks Later+

Tomi is currently in his office going over some paperwork, mostly reports, from his department heads. What they usually write in their reports are how all the soldiers are doing and the usual work progress. Sometimes they would write in some conflicts between some soldiers, but Tomi would be the one to fix it really quickly if his department leaders cannot after waiting long enough.

Knock knock

"Come in." Tomi say while signing his name at the end of the report to show he read all of it and approved.

The door to his office opens and his two soldiers, Victoria and Witt walking into the room with there cover up masks. Ace following them in holding something in his hand.

"What's the visit?" Tomi asks as he sets aside the report and putting his pen back in the holder.

"I went to the Red Army Base today by Red Leader's request. He gave us an invitation to an upcoming social ball being held by him." Ace tells hims as he walks up to the front of his desk. He sets the letter down on Tomi's desk and slides it over to him. "He kept in mind that our base wears masks, so if you, myself, and some of the soldiers you choose can keep our identities undercover."

Tomi hums amused by the invitation. "We have to keep in mind that this is also to protect my siblings."

Victoria and Witt take of their masks looking confused at their leader. "What do you mean Tomi?" Victoria asks.

"My Dad is holding the party, so it's expected that his whole family is there to enjoy and mingle.  In order to hide the identities of his children he needs to cover them up. More specifically their face."

Usually those holding parties, by their standards, have done introductions to their families before announcing the beginning of the ball. Tomi could guess his father would be introducing his siblings, some would probably recognize Tika if she keeps the same mask or by her dance moves. Assuming his sister would do another dance like she does whenever their father attends parties he attends.

"It does make sense since your family is ruling the world as we know it." Witt says crossing his arms over his chest after latching his mask to his belt. "Plus it would finally be known your dad now has an heir to take his place when he steps down."

Tomi giggles, "I can't wait to see when my Dad gives all control to my brother. I imagine he'd be crowned like a king since he is the first prince." Out of all the things Tomi could have said, his imaginative mind loves playing and comparing situations to fantasy or silly things.

The Blue Leader gets up form his seat and claps his hands once together with a closed eyed smile on his face.

"I'll deal with the invitation after we get some food."

His friends and fellow soldiers nod in agreement and just follow the amusement that is their leader. They promised their former leader they would protect him, everything leading them here today.

They could all agree on one thing.

All to say it was worth it.

+Red Army Base: Training Grounds+

The new squadron of soldiers have been training for more than half a month now by the instructions of the Training Department. To say, the soldiers were very surprised when they were to choose between to sections of the base. Either to become a Red or Blue soldier.

Now keep in mind that these are a newer generation of solider who do not understand the story behind the two sections. They merely believe it was just a simple separate fraction for a different set of work Red Leader had made even if the name did not go with the name of the army. Without much background knowledge there were still some who choose blue while others stayed with red.

These soldiers still all trained together in a mixed group and sometimes by their chosen color of choice. All of them given a specific uniform to where depending on their color choice and department.

When they trained together outside on the front grounds, they were surprised to see a young lady by a taller male. The male, going by the name Alfred, is the Training Department Head who oversees all of the training for those new to the field. Even if they chose an inside job such as a doctor or cook, or so on, it is required for all new personal to receive basic training to be able to defend themselves.

As for the young lady dressed earlier, she was introduced named Tika, as their co-head trainer and overseer. The soldiers noticed her to be quiet most time unless giving instructions or when a rather large mutated looking German Shepard dog stays by her side. Some of the newbies took cautious  whenever the hound was around because of the observant eyes and warning growls.

Although there have been some brave souls who took a chance to try to get close to the woman. Most were welcomed with a simple and short conversation, but others, who tried to flirt were her at least, were scared off by the large hound before receiving an approving pat on the head by his mistress.

By this time around they were considered for graduation where Red Leader would talk to them for awhile about some sensitive information and then ending with a congratulations party for the new group of the year. The party for them being tomorrow, however, they must complete their last day of training today.

"Hey look, Miss Tika's here again to oversee training." A young brunet whispers nudging his friend with his elbow. "Her dog's with her again."

"It's her own personal guard dog, what do you expect? Honestly Sam, we all know that dog doesn't let any guy just waltz up to her to flirt." The red head rolls his eyes before continuing to tie the laces of his boots up.

Sam let's out a light laugh, "It's known by memory now." He brings his hand up to hold his chin in thought. "But its weird when I think about it. The other soldiers, from what they saw and heard, said they've seen a least one guy within our age group talk to her. They say he's flirty with her yet her dog isn't chasing him off Chase."

Chase gets up from his kneeling position and dusts off his pants. "Maybe it's her boyfriend."

"Guess we'll find out, take a look."

His friend looks up from his pants to him and then where he's pointing at. Just coming through the open doors from inside the base is a rather tall male with caramel locks like Red Leader. He held a confident air around him and formal as he makes his way over to their co teacher who's checking through her holopad for today's itinerary.

The two soldiers watch the young man walk over to her causally. He smiles at her kindly, almost lovingly as he takes one of her hands to kiss the back of it. They glance at Tika's dog who remains seated by his mistress's side not causing any ruckus so far.

"Man I wish I could hear what they're talking about."

Chase shakes his head, "Just leave it alone Sam. We were already warned before hand by Alfred not mess around with her." The brunet reminds him holding his hands behind his back. "She works directly under Red Leader after all."

The two quickly leave their spot to resume training  with the other soldiers being lead by the other members of the Training Department. It was not long before the new soldier were starting to notice the lingering presence of the devilish male by Tika's side.

Their guest just so happened to lean down to whisper into her ear for a moment. An expression of curiosity and then amusement settles on her face.


All soldiers in training stop, including those working in the Training Department. The new ones copy after their seniors who give a firm stance with ready ears.

Tika and the man next to her, followed by Seth, come towards them and stop at the front of the group. She smiles at them kindly, "If there is anyone will here, who would like a test of combat against our guest?"

All eyes focus on the devilish man wearing a dark pair of goggles. Red digital eyes expression a neutral notion not showing happiness nor any sing of sadness.

A prideful and arrogant soldier stepped up, followed by a few other soldiers willing to try their combat skills against their guest.

Some of them noticed some twitching from their senior soldiers. Unsure wether or not it was a good or bad sign.

Tika held her brother's black vest after he took it off. She was confused why her brother would want to do this, but with some guessing she supposed it was for the better good.
These soldiers were probably gonna work under him someday.

"So how are we doing this? One on one?" The arrogant soldier questions with his hands on his hip. A smug grin on his lips that Torm would no doubt mind cleaning off with a good punch.

"All of you at once."

His words stunned the people around him, except for his sister and the more experienced soldiers.

The soldiers willing to fight Torm all have a silent agreement with eye contact. They circle around the devil unaware of the end result.

"Now!" One of the soldiers shouts.

They all run at him baring their claws for combat. The corner of Torm's lips curve up into a smirk.
So swift and silent, the group was met with a gust of wind blowing around them. Only their eyes catching a glimps of a black and red blur before their eyes. All of them stop in place holding their running stance with surprised looks on their face. By the time the gust died down, Torm is standing back beside his sister without a scratch.

When he snaps his fingers, all the battle ready soldiers fall to the ground with their clothes slightly ripped in some areas.

"Didn't even last five seconds." Another soldier, who had been watching, overheard one of their senior say with a following chuckle.

Torm sighs knowing that these soldiers have their graduation day tomorrow. His best bet was to tell their father they still need more work, but he does compliment their silent agreement using their eyes.

He leans down a bit to whisper into his sister's ear. "I'm going to give Father a status report of their training. Hopefully he can talk some sense into them to step it up tomorrow. Most of them seem arrogant." Ending with a hot huff, not amused by the arrogant air around some of them.

"Alright Torm, but remember to be nice to dad. Please... He already have enough stuff on his plate." Tika reminds her brother who replies with a kiss on his temple.

"I'll keep that in mind."

Torm leaves her after petting Seth on the head. The dog bowing its head before looking up at Tika who smiles down at him. She looks to the soldiers again firmly this time.

"Come on now everyone! Back to training!" She claps her hands and Seth barks loudly enough to make them flinch. "Graduation Day is tomorrow and all of you still need to clean up on your skills."

"Yes Ma'am!"

Tika looks to Alfred, not to far away from her, "Can you please help the soldiers who spared with Torm? I think he hit their weak points a little too much."

The blond's eyes rolled knowing duty calls whenever Tika's older brother's involved. "I'm on it Tika."

"Thanks." She smiles thankfully, the soldier paused seeing as if the first daughter of his leaders seems light in her mood for the first time in a long time. He smiles back at her with a kind salute before he leaves to get his fellow soldiers to help care for the left overs Torm left behind. Tika looks down at Seth and pets him with gentle strokes. "Come on boy, we got work to do seeing as how fast Torm beat all of them in five seconds."

Seth barks and follows his mistress commands as she raises his arm in a familiar gesture. He runs towards the unsuspecting soldier to jump on them. Any soldier falling prey to the predator were heard as a yelp or gasp escape passed their mouth.

"Hey! A little advice!" Luna, another senior soldier shouts next to her partner.

Fred chuckles as he gives some support. "When she send Seth out, you're suppose to run! Seth's a trainer too ya know!"

There was a response of shouts and yelps.

Tika laughs, she wished Tomi could see this. Seth is practically holding onto Tomi's old habit, as she likes to remember it fondly. The days where Tomi would pop into the meeting area just to mess with the new soldiers and surprise them. Then Torm would have to drag him out once he finally got a hold of him.

She brings her hand up to cover her mouth while chuckling quietly to herself.

"I can't wait for the party."

~+Graduation Day: Assembly Room+~

The next day, Tord stood on top of the platform while the new squadron of Blue and Red soldiers are standing in their sections waiting for his information session before giving them the clear to go celebrate. Well, not that the new soldier knew that yet.

Torm stood to the side with Tika, his sister holding their little sister's hand while he holds onto their little brother. They were noticed due to the lowered lighting in the room and the spotlight placed onto the stage. The more experienced soldiers, some of them, stood around the perimeter of the room for security reasons.

"Welcome soldiers to your graduation day. For your information this didn't used to happen back in the days of war, but now we do this as a little informational process of what you's trained for now that you have been accepted." Tord tells them in a professional tone as he skims over his papers on the podium informs of  him.

"So I welcome you once again to the Red Army Base." The experienced soldiers and his children clap for the new squadron who gave each other smiles and thumbs up. Once the applause dials down, Tord took the floor again. "First part of business would be to explain the second group you could have chose. During the war, the army had gained another group with a head strong leader... Sadly they are no longer with us."

The crowd silent as they could see a sad expression pass over their leader's face before it's quickly covered up. "In honor to my co-leader, I decided to keep the option of joining his group, still being lead by me, but over seen and cared for by his old soldiers. I will not tolerate a sense of degrade from either side of who is better. Both groups work for this army, therefore both are equal. Understood?"

"Yes sir." The group responds after a tense flinch from the threatening gaze of their leader.

"Now we can address another matter now that you all understand." They watch as Tord looks off to the side of the stage where he waves for someone to come over. Their eyes widen as Tika and their guest from yesterday walk up onto the stage with two little ones holding their hands. "Not only will you be protecting this the Red Army itself, but the next generation to come when I decided to finally step down."

Tord raises his arm to his children, "Please introduce yourself to your new friends."

Torm gave a curt bow of his head to the group before him. "Welcome the army everyone. My name is Storm T. Lawson, but I preferred to be called Torm."

Tika went next with a polite curtsy even if she wasn't wearing her dress, she mostly did it out of habit. "Nice to see you again everyone. I know you all have heard my name and seen me before, but once again, I'm Tika T. Lawson."

The two of them look down to their younger siblings who get the hit to follow along.

"I am Lucille T. Lawson."

"I'm Lawrence T. Lawson."

Tord looks back to the soldiers keeping his serious gaze. "These are my children and you all best remember that they will be your superiors in the future. The fate of the Red Army lies in them once I step down."

There were some murmurs in the crowd of soldiers, most surprised, others confused or indifferent. Tord let them have their moment before he tells them to quiet down again. "My oldest will be taking my title."

Torm places his hand to up over his chest, "I know some of you may have seen me walking in the halls or during your last training session with my little sister yesterday. I look forward to getting to know and working with all of you to continue my Father's work in the future."

He looks to the new soldiers of the blue group showing a small smile. "Those who have joined the blue section of this army, I greatly appreciate your choice not that not choosing the red group would make it any different. I am just happy to know my mother's group still continues to grow under the guidance of my Father and his old soldiers."

His sister nods her head in approval next to her brother. Just watching as their mother's old group receives more soldiers made her ease down a bit. Her brother let their father have the stage again to say are more things to say to give them more of the run down of how the base works.

By the end, Tord told them about the party he's hosting a a few months from now

"If my brother is done," She glances to Torm who gives her a side not to tell her he is done. "Then I'd like to say one last thing before we get off the stage."

Soldiers eyes focus on her as is her family.

"Welcome home."

~+ A Few Months Later: Red Army Ballroom+~

"Guard and patrols are in their respective designations Red Leader. Your children are all waiting for you at the entrance for introductions."

"Thanks Pau, make sure to double check around switching time for the guards. I'd hate to have a rat slip into here where they are not invited." Tord smiles at his old man who smiles at him with a knowing smile in return.

Sure it's been years since his parents services, but Paul and Patryk are keen to keeping their jobs and merely looking out for him and his children. The two old soldiers take pride in their work as they continue to support their son, so far as assisting the training department in their spare time to give some old and new tips they've learned over the years of war.

Patryk chuckles as he rests his hand on his son's shoulder. "Come now Tord, everyone is waiting."

The caramel haired leader nods in agreement, surely his wife would have said the same. He and his parents walk down the hall after leaving the dressing room and turn to their left to see his two oldest holding onto their younger siblings' hand. Thomas is with them watching with a observant eye to make sure they are well protected and ready to protect if he needs too.

Thomas catches his leader's eye and smiles. "Hello Red Leader. All preparations have been met, your guest have all entered the main ballroom."

"Thank you Thomas," Tord tells the other thankfully. He glances at his oldest son who gives Thomas a second time look before looking back at Lucille to fix her black choker fitted around her neck. "Torm, are you ready?"

His oldest son finishes helping his sister before standing up tall to meet his father's gaze equally. He's donned in a blood red suit with a black dress shirt, black shoes, and red tie. His mother's gift presently hanging around his neck proudly. Torm's hands covered in formal black gloves due to his request to Opal and Neva.

"Yes Father," His devil son replies smoothly.


His lovely daughter smiles at him ever so gracefully, while she wear her no shoulder flowing gown akin to a waterfall. Her dress starts off a light purple as it descends down the color gets darker much to little siblings's amusement. Her mom's gift also hanging around her neck in loving remembrance of him. She wore two inched heels that clicked against the floor for a sense of warning to those around her. A red rose is pinned onto to her upper half of her dress as a symbol to show she is of the Red Army.

"I'm ready when you are dad."

Tord bends down to look at his twins with a soft expression. "And my twins?"

"Ready." The two say in sync.

His two little ones dressed up for the formal occasion courtesy of Neva and Opal's hard work. They decorated the youngest princess of the Red Army in a blood red dress similar to her older brother, but unlike her older sister, it covered her upper half properly. A black choker in place around her neck along side her gifted necklace from Tomi. Black socks reaching up to stop under her knees while they compliment her low heeled shoes. Neva and Opal didn't want her to suffer having to deal with high heels at a young age just yet.

Her younger brother was the only one to wear their mother's color. Neva put a lot of her time into making a perfect suit for him to represent the blue group. Had a Tomi still be here, he would be doing time same in said colors. Lawrence sported a black tux with a blue dress shirt underneath. Opal added a blue folded, silk handkerchief into his chest pocket to the looks of professionalism just to the seven year old.

"Alright, but before we go out I need you all to wear these." He turns to the small table holding a medium sized chest. Tord opens it up and pulls out a familiar mask to Tika and a few more. "This party is a masquerade after all. I rather have you four protect your identities, especially Lawrence and Lucille."

Tika took her usual mask she used for dancing at formal parties her father attends. She took the two offered masks and hands them to her little siblings who have a bit of trouble putting them up. So she helps them anyways as usually.

Torm looks at his Father unsure considering he's wearing his goggles. "Father, my goggles..."

"I know Torm, I took some time to make you a personal one for these new occasions." He pulls out a black mask with red flames fading over the left side of the coverup, added thin white fabric covered the eyeholes. "I trust you kept practicing what your mother had taught you."

Back when Tom was still alive, Torm would practice 'seeing' without his goggles with him. A safety precaution Tom had discussed throughly with Tord once Torm had lost his sight. If Torm had ever been in a fight and his goggles were unusable, then he would be a goner. Thus Tom had taken it upon himself to teach him ways to overcome that weakness.

Tom had to be prepared too back in the pass once his sight had been lost forever. There was no way him, a mother, would ever let his child go in blind when he had the knowledge to over come it.

Torm nods before undoing his goggles from his face. His hands turn off his visual aid and retract the wires from their connected nervings. He takes them off his face where Tord is met with his younger looking self where a sense of deja vu washes over him for a moment. While he sees his younger self, his son is actually there looking at him with his blind eyes.

The effect of the tube healing from years ago healed the skin damage around the eyes, thankfully leaving no traces of scars, but healing process did leave one thing behind. His eyes were now glazed over, eyes no longer silver like before but a lighter shade of gray to let other people understand he's blind.

Tord takes his son's hand and places the created mask on it in exchange for the black goggles. Torm takes the mask and places it over his eyes where it settles on comfortably.

"If you can't handle keeping up the charade, find Tika, myself, or one of the soldiers. We'll bring you back to your room to help you."

"I understand."

Tord places his hand on his son's shoulder and lightly presses his forehead against Storm's. "Have fun Torm, but be safe."

Torm didn't say anything but responded with himself going closer to his father to nuzzle him against his cheek. An old habit Tord knew of his son's becoming as the devil grew up. It just comes to show Torm's sorry about his past actions towards his father. He takes a step back and shows his father a small curve at the tip of his lips.

The leader pats his son on the shoulder with a a proud smile, "Let's get this show on the road then. Thomas, your with me. Torm please escort your sister. Pau and Pat will help escort the twins with the cover up as their 'caretakers'. The term caretakers were the disguises for Paul and Patryk since they actually played the undercover bodyguard very well.

Speaking of under covers, a small portion of tonight's guest were also playing in disguise who knew Red Leader personally as to the reason why they were invited in the first place. The soldiers among the guest were mostly part of the stealth and spy department from the blue group since Tord trusted them the most at this point in time.

His wife's group as a whole was known to be the sneakiest of all the groups after all.

Tord, or rather Red Leader, takes a breath as he takes his place in front of the curtains. He could just hear the bumbling chatter on the other side of the divider. He looks to side for a moment to see Thomas flash him a supportive smile in which he return no less.

"Show time."

The two of them pass through the curtains where they're met with a soldier waiting for them with a favored smile. "Just on time sir." He hands Red Leader the microphone just as the crowd waiting below start noticing him.

"Thank you Miles." The Leader thanks in a whisper before bring the mic up to speak. Thomas patiently stand by his side as their party gets moving. Miles keeps his hands held behind his back as he waits for the introductions to be finished.

"Welcome to tonight's masquerade party everyone." Red Leader greets his guest as the remaining few who did not notice his presence turn their attention to him.Some invited reporters and journalist taking videos or photos at their leisure. "As you're host I will take up any reasonable responsibilities during tonight's event. Please enjoy yourself to the wonderful food and music provided by my soldiers. I assure you they are wonderful and have worked very hard to meet your expectations as to represent my army as a whole."

Soldiers who served Red Leader felt pride when they head those praising words. Some mentally laughing, those of old blue, who reconnected to the old idea of his fatherly personality.

"While this night is to celebrate, I'd also like to formally introduce a few people important to not only to this Army's future, but to myself as well."

Tord looks back to the curtains where he holds his hand out towards. As on cue, two young looking individuals come out with masks over their eyes. The tall devilish dressed man escorting a lavender wearing beauty next to him holding his arm.

"Please meet my children. My heir and princess to the Red Army title."

The two of them show the crowd curtesy, Torm placing his right hand on his chest to give a short bow while Tika hold the side of her dress to give a curtsy.

The reporters and journalist eating up at the big news as Red Leader's children are becoming known to the public. Cameras flashing from below to get shots of the children before them.

Tika and Torm move off to the side to make way for the twins as they walk out from behind the curtains. The seven year olds holding onto their grandparents' hands as they lead them to stand in front of the crown just down the grand stair case. Their masks firmly secured to their face thanks to their older sister.

Paul and Patryk let go other their hands to hold them behind their backs. Lucille copied her sister's greeting of a short curtsy as Lawrence bowed politely with his right arm across his stomach.

Red Leader looks back to the crowd knowing there is sure to be talks about this. "And last but not least, my wonderful twins. Though young as they are, the two of them have brilliant minds." He adopts a sadden expression for a moment as he gives some more information to the crowd before cutting everything off.

"Sadly their mother has passed due illness they had gotten, attacked more at the vulnerability during child birth of the twins. Added the account my second son has been MIA for a few years now." Tord closes his eyes for a moment to let some silence wash over them. His children taken in the silence to remember their loved ones. "In honor of them and the hope my son is still out there, I thought this party would be just right."

Tord opens his eyes and smirks, "So I say let's open this party. Enjoy everyone."

The flow of the party shifted as Tord and his family came down the steps of the grand staircase to join in with the crowd. It wasn't a surprise journalist and reporters were wanting to ask Red Leader more questions about his children.

The heir to the Red Army and its princess were also subjected to them as well by ambush and not so coincidental run ins with a few of them. Torm had to make sure to keep a close eye on his sister to make sure she wouldn't fall into some trouble just as she's doing for him.

As for the twins, they were being safely guarded from questions thanks to their bodyguards. Patryk made sure to keep them at a safe distance and distracted while Paul dealt with reporters and journalist who tried to get too close.

"So you're the heir to the throne once you're father steps down from his position?" A repost questions Torm. She's got her mic and camera man with her recording the whole meeting.

Torm nods as he handles the press professionally. "That information is correct. I'll be the sole heir to my father's reign."

"What about the little prince? Will he be taking after you then if you were perhaps unable to?"

"Ha, my youngest brother is not intended to find himself seated in a dangerous position any time in the future forward. I will be overseeing what is left for me over the coming future when the time comes after my father has settled down." Torm huffs with a playful smirk yet voice holding some small knowing. No one should take the title of Red Leader after him since he is immortal by his father's creative hand. "I hope for him to enjoy life to the fullest and find his own way even if he doesn't want to take part in the Red Army."

The reported was indeed curious about what he means but no less pushes it off to get some other juicy questions answered. "How about your other brother? Red Leader said he's been MIA."

Tika, who he had temporary forgotten by his side, over heard the reporter's question and furrowed her eyebrows. She tightens her hold on her brother's arm but Torm handles he question quite professionally after placing his free hand on hers.

"While my brother is MIA, my family has everywhere looking for him. All we wish is his safety and hopes for him to come home soon. In a way, he holds our family together by personality and looks considering he has a similar appearance of our late mother."

"So we hear from you... Condolences for your loss."

Torm nods his head and the reporter and camera man leave the two of them be to the party. Tika looks to her older brother who finally gives out a shaky breath. She leans her head against his shoulder and closes her eyes.

"One day Torm..."

"I know Tika... Let's walk, yeah?"

Tika nods her head even if her brother can't see it.


Hey everyone! Been awhile hasn't it ^^'

Sadly to say there will still be no regular updates. College is picking up its game and my grandfather recently died so I'm trying to catch up on a few things.

Loveless Flowers will continue but no regular updates for that either for an unknown time.

Some new notes for the book:
* Torm and Asher are a switch type of couple
* Only Torm, Tomi, and Tom have the status of Omega or Alpha. This is not omegaverse.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. It was kinda rushed but I know which way I'm trying to go with this story so stay tuned if you want.

See ya later,

Now for the wonderful Fanart for the Day!










-Local Anonymous (I mean if you know their wattpad and amino account now then not really anon. But I like giving them the title Local Anon due to using it so much it fits them ^^)

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