The Broken And Waiting

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~+Red Army Base: A week later+~

"Good Morning Love." Torm leans down and kisses his boyfriend on the cheek.

Asher smiles and sets his book down on his lap. "Morning to you too Devil." He kisses his boyfriend back on the cheek as well.

A week has passed since Torm's small encounter with Tomi. The rest of the Lawson siblings haven't said a word about Tomi's appearance due to their older brother not remembering said meeting. All the Devil seemed to recall was it being a dream to him.

Today's another morning as Asher's sitting on his shared bed. He has the day off and plans to use it as a day of rest since he's been working nonstop for a couple of weeks now.

He's in charge of organizing all documents with the small group Red Leader picked out since he wanted all necessary paperwork taken care of with care. Tord has trusted him with the group of soldiers to handle said work so he knows there is at least someone with a good memory, even it the new soldiers were well young men and women like Asher, to care for said papers.

Torm, on the other hand, has work to attend too. He also plans to return his father's CD containing his mother's memoirs today. The Devil wanted to continue looking through them for the sake of finding his brother, but he was almost caught by Tika the other day when she was looking for him to get lunch together. He'll just have to come back to it another time or find something else to help him look for Tomi.

"Do you want to have lunch together?" Asher asks as he holds his partner's hand.

"Sound good to me. We can even eat up on the roof or garden." Torm softly chuckles as he pecks another kiss against his lover's cheek. "Maybe spend some lovely time together?" Ever so suggestive as he leans closer to kiss those sweet lips.

"Mhm... ha..." Asher lets his cheeks warm up a nice red much to Torm's delight. "Dummy."

"But I'm your dummy." Torm whispers into the human's ear with a following chuckle and playful nip to the ear. He stands straight again and makes his way to the bedroom door waving behind him. "Make sure to text me before hand if you can't make lunch."

Asher watches his boyfriend leave through the open door with a flushed blush across his face until it closes behind him. He sighs and picks his book back up to go back reading his chapter.

"Maybe I'll go take a walk around the base before lunch."

+With Torm+

After Torm had left the bedroom, he went down the blue hall to the leaders' section's lobby. He made a turn into the opposite hall, where his father's study, office, and bedroom are located.

Even to this week, Torm could still not forgive his father's actions as of that day. It may faded a little bit, but he's still as stubborn as ever when he held a grudge. Thomas is not their mother, that thing is a robot made in their mother's image, wearing his face and harboring his memories.

He takes a deep breath as he steps in front of his father's office. Hopefully he could return the CD in his father's private study without notice.

His hand is placed on the scanner and the door quietly slides open recognizing his handprint. Torm steps into the room quietly seeing as there is someone laying across the couch dead asleep.

That person is none other than his father.

"Hey Father..." He greets in a whisper to not wake his old man up.

Torm looks around the room seeing how much piles of papers there are to go through. He was pretty sure his father had pulled another all nighter to get all these papers done. No doubt these will be sent to their correct places once they get sorted by his boyfriend's group. His expression softens as looks back down at his father's sleeping face.

So he goes over to the cabinet to pull out a dark red blanket and sets it in on the arm of the couch by Tord's feet.

Torm makes quick and steady work as he pulls his father's boots off to set them beside the end of the couch. Then he sits Tord up to take off the blue military coat so his father could sleep more comfortably in his red hoodie. He lays his father back down on the couch and hangs the coat on the coat rack by the door.

Humming a simple tune, Torm finishes taking care of his sleeping father by draping the red blanket over the man's body up to his neck. His father looks relaxed and peaceful as he moves in sleep to sleep in a better position on the couch.

The devil can't help but sit on the floor in front of the couch, back pressed against the soft furniture, and talk in a quiet voice to his father.

"I'm sorry... I know how much you miss Mom, Dad."

Tord still sleeping behind him.

"But you have to understand he's not coming back. It would take a miracle for him to be able to return."

He knows these times are though. They're men who grieve for the lost of a love one. They just miss their missing pieces, they're other half.

"Hey Dad, just the other week I thought I saw Tomi again for the first time in seven years." He laugh ever so softly yet sad and broken. "You would have been proud, he look so much like Mom. But he looks a little more feminine than him, not that I think either of us would mind."

He could still remember his dream. Tomi standing before him, dressed in a casual light blue hoodie and dark grey pants. What got him the most were probably the black heeled boots. "I actually wonder what you say to him if you actually saw him wearing heeled boots." A chuckle of amusement leave his lips.

Torm gets up from the floor and stand back up on his feet. He looks back to his father remaining asleep. The man's a deep sleeper just like himself. He leans down and kisses his father's forehead.

"I'm sorry again Dad..." He says close to his father's forehead. "I know I haven't been the best son or the best brother to my younger siblings, but I love all of you no matter what."

"You mean the world to not only myself but to Tomi, Tika, Lucille, and Lawrence as well. We may not show it the same way, however, we show our love to you in different ways." A smile forms on Torm's lips.

"You're not alone, you're family is still here."

With those words he leaves his father's office, deciding he will put back the CD in his mother's picture frame another time.

When Torm leaves, Tomi comes up from the shadow made by the table. He had witnessed his brother actions and heard those words with pity and sadness.

If there was anyone more broken in their family, it's their father.

He lost their mother to death and then his second oldest goes missing a month after. Tomi eyes close half way as he walks over to his sleeping father. Just for awhile, if he could just stay with him. 'Just for a moment...' He thinks to himself.

Tomi sits his father up so he could sit on the couch, then he lays his dad back down on his lap. He runs his fingers through Tord's hair ever so gently. Tord relaxes even more at the comforting action and curls close to his son's warmth. He dreams of his wife and all the good memories of his family.

The demon closes his eyes and leans down to kiss his dad's cheek.

"I love you Daddy... I miss you and everyone so much..."

Tomi pets his father's head for a bit longer until he fells the need to finally leave.

"I promise I'll come home one day."

Tomi held back tears as he leaves via shadows again. He had gently moved his dad again so he could leave without notice.

Forty minutes later, Tika comes into her dad's office to drop off some paper work from the training department. Her smile softens seeing her sleeping father on the couch.

It was common to see her dad pass out on the couch trying to pull off all nighters to accomplish time to himself, maybe spend time with his own children at the rarest of moments. She set the paper work aside on a clean table before she starts organizing the room herself. Tika never touch the ones on the coffee table, only the ones around the room. She made them into nice little piles and separated them by category.

Some piles were for international affaires, others were invitations to more parties. Tika made a mental note to practice her dancing skills again. More for government affairs, and the rest were more she could not say in detail, mostly confidential reasons.

It took her awhile but she did it once again for the sake of her father. She turns back to him and gives him a kiss on the cheek.

"Love you Dad... If you ever need us, we're here."

She takes a hold of her dad's hand for a moment to relive a moment of the past. Her dad would hold her hand just when it's the two of them talking. At times her mom would join and just relax with them.

"I'll see you around."

Tika left feeling a bit lifted from the heavy burden on her shoulders.

Tord's sleeping form is once again left alone until sometime in the afternoon. That's when the twins decided to peek into his office.

They were hoping they could spend some time with their father since everyone is busy as usual. Their big sister busy continuing training for the new squadron of recruits that were brought in last month. Seth is with her as always to help her train the new squadron in action or in simulation setting. Their big brother working as temporary leader as they heard him from earlier say their father is taking the day off.

"Dad?" Lucille says as they enter the room.

There is no answer, but they can see their father laying on the couch. The twins walk over to his sleeping form and stare at his sleeping face for a moment. They look at each other until they nod in simple agreement to what they were both thinking.

Lawrence helps his sister up on the couch over their father so she could lay next to him. Next, Lawrence joins her and the both of them snuggle to their father's warmth.

They were afraid they woke up their dad by joining him on the couch as he moved a bit, however, that was not the case. Tord moves for a moment to fix his position on the couch to adapted to the addition of the twins. His good arm draped over them to pull them closer to his chest.Their father mumbles something quietly that they could not hear before going quiet again.

Lucille smiles a little bit as she takes what she can get from their father. She hugs his strong arm in her own small pair.

Lawrence smiles too, turning to his side to press his face against his father's red hoodie. The fabric soft and warm against his skin much to his delight.

"Love you dad..."

"Sleep well..."

~A few hours later~

Tord groans as he starts to stir from his sleep. He squints his eye shut for a moment before opening it slowly, blinking a couple of times just to clear his vision.

He was going to move his arm in order to get up, but he found said arm being held onto by his youngest daughter. Fast asleep against the couch and her little brother who sleeps against him.

"When did you two get here?" He questions quietly in amusement. He smiles at his sleeping twins before trying to move off the couch.

Although he couldn't move away due to his daughter keeping a tight hold onto his arm and his son clutching tightly to the front of his hoodie.

Tord sighs but none the less cares seeing how content his youngest are with him at the moment. Instead, he holds onto them as he gets up from the couch to carry them.

"I'll should take you two back to your room."

He walks over to the door with them in his arms. His arms holding his children gently and protectively as he brings them out of his office. Tord heads out of the red hall and into the blue one where the twins' room is located along with the others.

He carefully opens their door and enters since its the first of the bedrooms anyways. Tord goes to Lucille's bed to set her down first. Lucille, however, has no plans to let go of her dad in her sleep.

Tord laughs a bit awkwardly and decides to set Lawrence down instead on his bed. Yet, Lucille's twin has the same idea in mind in his sleep.

"Come on you two, I have work to tend to." Tord could feel a cold sweat run down the side of his head. He takes a seat on Lawrence's bed to take a rest. "I'm not really getting any younger here."

Lawrence and Lucille open their eyes and clings onto their dad's hoodie.

"Take a break Dad."

"Please father, just for a little while."

The twins have never had much time with their dad before like this. Sleeping with him earlier had been a nice change of pace from the norm. Their dad was always working, away from and at home... it just felt so lonely.

They never really did experience spending some quality time with their father like their older siblings... They can't say the same for their mother anyways since he's gone.

Tord looks down at his children, the two he had yet to fully spend time with. The only small, and good time had been that moment weeks before. When Torm and Tika has brought them back from school and shopping from the nearby town. The twins looked happy for once in the lobby of their shared living section as they went through the things they bought.

He kisses the crown of their heads. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to spend the rest of the day with you two."

And for the first time, Tord was graced by their smiles. Lucille giggles and kisses her dad on the cheek happily. Sweet like a princess like his first daughter with a cute charm to her too.

"Thanks dad."

Lawrence gives a little chuckle and holds his father's hands with his two small ones. It actually reminded the leader of his two oldest sons when they were still small.

"What do you want to do?" He asks the twins to let them choose. "We could watch a movie, go out to the nearby town... well I would have to be wearing a disguise." He shakes his head knowing that's probably a bad idea. "Or maybe we can talk a walk in the garden instead?"

The twins look at each other for a moment like their usual silent conversations. Twin telepathy as people like to call it.

Lawrence said, "Let's just stay here and talk."

Lucille got an idea and voices it. "How about you tell us about mom?"

Her twin brother nods in agreement with her. "You know mother best, what was he like?"

Their father's expression takes a soft look, "There's so much to say about him. Where should I start?" He could talk about his wife forever if someone asked him. Spending time with Tom had always been one of his favorite things, all the more so since they get to spend each day together after finding out each other's feelings.

Lawrence voices, "His appearance first!"

"But you've already seen him, my Secretary Thomas." Tord chuckles at the bright attitude his youngest son is showing him. It's actually refreshing to see other than his emotionless one like his twin sister who still continues to show little emotions like a certain devil he knows.

"We know, but we want to hear it from you." Lucille says as she hugs her dad's arm.

Tord kisses their foreheads again and just for once in his life, relaxing like he should with his family. Especially with his two youngest who deserve time and love with him after all this time.

It's just time for him to change his style and heal that crack in his broken heart.

~+An Hour Later: With Asher+~

Asher went through with talking a walk around the base gardens. The beauty of the flowers and other greenery shown through the soldiers' hard work. The nurses and scientist work together to keep taking care of the garden on their free time like any other soldier on their free time if they choose.

The garden even got more work around the time Tomi disappeared from what he recalls. Will was actually the first and still is working to keeping the garden in top condition when he isn't caring for the twins or working on patrol under Zack and Reggie's supervision in the patrol department.

The raven sighs when he thinks about the clone, the blond became depressed when he left... A sad sight to see as Will's mission was solely to take care and protect Tomi by his creator. In some sense Will just managed to fill in the void when Red Leader gave the task to the clone of taking the twins' daily needs when they were children until now.

He walks around one of the squared quad holding flowers to see Shadow Leader with his arms held behind his back admiring the flowers through his mask.

"Shadow Leader?"

The leader turns his head towards the voice to see Asher looking at him in surprise. The raven had not expected to see the mysterious leader this afternoon. "Oh it's just you... Hello."

"Do you have a meeting with Red Leader today?" The male asks as he walks over to stand next to the other man. He makes sure to stay on guard and use his fast reflexes from his training to grab his hidden gun or dagger hidden somewhere under his clothes if needed.

The masked leader shook his head and looks back to the flowers. "No, I came to visit to see the flowers. Red Leaders daughter, Lucille, told me they have a garden." Tom usually spends time here on his own during the nights when the base is asleep besides the occasional night patrol guards. He only came to the garden this morning because he had came this morning to see to it that the twins get up today and check on them. "What brings you to the garden?"

"A nice relaxing stroll... I came to put myself to some peace of mind."

"That's nice..."

There is a pause silence between the two as they keep their eyes on the square containment of different colorful flowers.

"But I do have to ask..." Asher starts as he receives no body language in the difference as he spoke again. "What brings you back, Tomi?"

The Shadow Leader, or rather Tomi stays silent for a moment more as a breeze pass them by until it settles down.

"Can you really tell?"

The raven turns his head slightly with a straight face, but Tomi could just see the annoyance in his eyes. "It's not hard to see it's you Tomi. How everyone in this base can't see it puzzles me." He remembers seeing Ace standing next to Shadow Leader at the base entrance, very clearly protective of the second child of the Lawson family while keeping a neutral expression. Ace wasn't the one to disappear on sight without a very good reason after all. "What have you been doing all this time Tomi? Why did you leave?"

"I have my reasons Asher... My Mom being a big part of it." He could see Asher from the corner of his eye look at him interested to hear more. "While my Mom played a key part, I also had more to why I left everyone, especially Tormy. I know you two have been getting along well."

"Of course, he's my boyfriend."

"Clearly," Tomi said as he gestures to the fading hickeys on his neck when he pulls the collar of the black turtle neck down a bit. Asher blushes and pulls back from his boyfriend's brother's space. He quickly pulls his collar of his turtleneck back up to hide the love marks littering his neck. "Yes, but his attention is elsewhere, is it not?"

Asher seemed to tense when he heard the demon say those words. "What would you know? You haven't been here for years."

"Which leads me to my point Asher, Tom doesn't look anywhere else but to me." TomI turns back to the flowers and leans down to pluck one out. A simple blue daisy to his liking twirling between his fingers. Asher watching carefully as the demon finally looks back to him again. "Tormy is someone I treasure so much... just as much as he treasures me. I hate to see him the way he is now as I have learned so much from merely watching as my disappearance has taken a toll on him."

"We relied on each other too much, that I have noticed later enough to finally bring myself to separate and create a distance between us. Yet Torm isn't keen on letting me go no matter what."

"He wants you safe Tomi." Asher said to try and reason with the younger male.

Tomi brings his free hand up to remove his mask. Asher finally getting a good look of the young man's face behind the mask of one he and the rest of the base have not seen for years. It doesn't surprise him how much he shares the soft and similar features of the former Blue Leader, but the expression of tiredness in his expression even with the soft smile pulling his lips.

"And I want him happy."

Tomi moves forward and surprises Asher with a hug, a tight one, his face buried into the raven's shoulder much to the other's suprise. "I may not like you Asher, but I tolerate you enough because I love my brother." Asher stood still in his hold while he still lets confusion run over him. "I know my brother best, he's mean when he wants to be and over protective of those he loves so dearly... Too much in my case."


The demon cuts him off from speaking. "I love my brother enough to make him hate me if it comes down to that point."

Asher's eyes widen at what Tomi's trying to tell him. He questioned himself on why Tomi would even do such a thing even if the demon already told him why. It just made him feel pity for the little brother of his boyfriend.

"I'm trying to teach my brother to stop chasing after me like I can't handle anything by myself. I don't need to be babied anymore and he has to know he doesn't need to stay by my side forever..." Tomi lets go of Asher and steps away. A look of sadness is expressed on his face as he holds his hands behind his back with his mask. "If he can't come to learn the easy way then all I can do is make him hate me."

The raven shakes his head, "Tomi, are you listening to yourself. That's crazy! You two are brothers!" He takes a step forward grabbing the brunet's arm tightly. "You need to talk to him about this."

"And if he doesn't listen?" A serious expression quickly taken over his face, but its hurting Tomi internally. "Unlike Tika and I, you also know how our older brother is like with me..."

"That doesn't mean you have to make him hate you!"

"I love my brother enough to making him willingly hate me Asher!"

Tomi rips his arms out from the other man's grip. "Don't you wish he'd put more attention on you?" He had hit a weak spot on Asher seeing as the raven flinched at his words. "I've watched the base sometimes during my seven years of disappearance... I know of my brother's actions, avoidance, not enough time to spend with family or partner..." He meets silverish blue eyes with his black ones. "I don't want that for anyone anymore."

"That doesn't mean you have to make him hate you." Asher firmly tells the other man holding his ground on his opinion. He felt himself put up a guard in case Tomi tries to escape this conversation.

"Yes, Torm loves you very much. Yes, he's overprotective and focuses all his attention on you more than myself or your family..." His eyes show a certain pity as black eyes are trained his own. "Don't break the broken even more Tomi."

The demon becomes silent as Asher comes closer to him to gently place his hand on Tomi's forearm.

"Storm loves you Tomi. Like me, I also wish for my boyfriend's happiness." The raven closes his eyes. "But how can he be happy when said happiness disappeared from his life?"

By the time Asher opens his eyes, he's met with empty space in front of him where Tomi used to stand not only a few minutes ago.

The wind's light howl filling the silence.

~+Late in the Evening: With Tika+~

Tika was very surprised to find her other older brother sitting on her bed, casually reading a book while waiting for her.

"Tomi?! Oh my gosh-" She felt tears welling up in her eyes.

Her brother sets the book down and stands up opening his arms for her. "I come all the way here and I don't get a hug?" He jokes with a grin. He had been hiding in the shadow abyss to collect himself after talking with Asher. After awhile he looks towards his little sister for comfort and a long awaited reunion with her.

His sister doesn't hesitate to throw herself at her brother, dragging both of them down on her bed to cushion their fall. She cries into her big brother's hoodie while hugging him tightly.

"Where were you all this time?! You big dumb dumb!"

Tomi keeps laughing holding his sister close in his arms, as he tries to keep his eyes from spilling tears again. Really, he's a grown man, but he's still such a crybaby.

"You never sent anything during the past five years you went missing to let us know you were safe. Not even a single letter until recently that you sent personally!" She pulls her face away from her brother's chest to look at him. "What's with you trying to keep your identity a secret anyways?"

If anything, his sister's tone is all mixed with different emotions. Anger for sure, confusion definitely, happy and relieved for sure...

"I'm sorry Tika... I didn't mean to hurt you so much when I left." He says as he sits up along with Tika who stays seated on his lap. Tomi also kisses her on the forehead to comfort her. "You've been very strong for so long... I didn't mean to leave you with all the emotional baggage."

Tika continues to clutch onto her brother's hoodie tightly while she keeps crying. "You did amazing taking care of everyone while I was gone, and for that I am grateful."

His sister is honestly very strong in the emotional department of the family after Tom and Tomi. When Tomi isn't able to see to his family right away, Tika will be right there to take their place. When she's by her dad's side, she accommodates his emotional needs well enough to keep him on task and moving forward.

When it comes to Torm, she's always there giving him reminders and holding his hand to let him know she's still with him. Torm needs that support from his sister a lot to remember he's not alone with his problems but that she's also there too facing the same one as him. Plus it takes a lot of work for her to keep her dad and her older brother calm and away from anger.

Tomi cuddles her close thinking to the twins. Tika's been their mother figure since their Mom died. She feeds, cares, watches, and most of all protects them aside from Torm who stays with keeping a close eye on them to keep them safe. His sister had learned to be stern in some areas while taking care of the twins as babies to their current age.

'Yeah,' Tomi thinks to himself, 'Tika's gonna be one heck of a Mother.'

"I'm sorry I didn't send a letter to you... I know how much you like receiving one." Tomi says as he starts running his fingers through her hair. He knows how much letters mean to his sister because of their Mother. It's a means of contact that keeps Tika going because she'll know the sender is alive and well unless stated otherwise in said letters. "I'll keep you updated from now on, I promise."

"Please Tomi, just come home already... We miss you..."

"I'm sorry Tika, but there's still so much to do outside this base." Tomi apologies to her again and holds her tightly. "Please know that there isn't a day that goes by where I don't ever think about our family."

Tika sniffs and continues to hold her big brother in her arms. "At least promise me you'll return at first chance... When everything you need to do is finished..."

"I will do my best Tikky."

They both smile at each other with tears glassing their eyes over. Tomi nuzzles his sister a bit more while enjoying every moment of being with her. He loves his little sister a lot like their older brother. Like Torm, Tomi would do anything for her.

"Don't forget to invite me to your wedding, okay? I wanna have an invitation too."

"Of course! No family gets left behind!" Her mood becoming much more brighter.

Tomi places a few more kisses on her face, one on her cheek, then nose, and finally her forehead.

"Get some rest, okay Tikky?"

"I will, good night Tomi."

"Good night, sweet dreams."

Tomi went through tucking her in like he used to do for awhile for her. It just made her feel less stressed and more relaxed to know Tomi, her brother, is well now.

He pets her head and whispers loving words.

"I love you."

Tomi eases her into her dreams with his skillful technique to soother her to sleep. Merely petting her head and singing their mother's old lullaby to her.

After that, Tomi slips out of the room using the shadows. He wanted to see the twins before going to see that robot his Dad made of their Mother.

The Shadow abyss allowed his to move fast and peek up into his youngest siblings' room. His black eyes widen at the sight he sees.

Up in the twins' room, his Dad is actually spending time with Lawrence and Lucille. A soft smiles graced his face happy to see a sight as such.

If their mom was still here... He'd definitely cry tears of pure joy.

Tord caught Lawrence as he jumps off the bed thinking he would be able to fly like Torm.

"I'm gonna fly like Big Brother!"

"Law, don't do it. You're gonna hurt yourself."

The youngest of the Lawson Siblings doesn't listen as he makes a few jumps. Yet, when he jumps, Tord catches him and carries him around the room, over his head, helping Lawrence 'fly' around.

Tomi laughs as the sound of cheerful glee escapes his little brother's mouth. It's like a spell is undone and his twin siblings are no longer cursed to hide their emotions. He spins around and around in the shadows enjoying watching the small moments

between the twins and their father.

How the demon wishes he and his brother could go back in time and relive their life as children again, now knowing the truth of their future.

Maybe they could have started earlier when the Blue scientist and doctors were looking into their mother's mysterious illness. Surely their Father could have done something to prevent Mother's early death?

But all that is said and done in the past.

A past of their timeline they can never tamper with no matter how much they want to.

The only one who can mess with the pass is his Mother.

That was Tom's main job besides staying by Tord and leading this large army together. He's the key to the Timelines, the one who can move to and from without messing something up.

Timelines have their purpose and reason.

Their mother wasn't meant to live forever with them long enough as planned in this timeline.

Tomi sighs, the only reason he knew so much was because of all the journals he read that Tom had wrote in during his time with the Red Army and newly created Shadow Group. It gave him some light when his mother left little clues and explanations here and there around the base.

A fun game just for him that his Mom left behind.

He leaves his Dad be with his youngest siblings to head back to the Shadow Base to catch up with his own soldiers. His mood turning up and lighter for him as he swims trough the abyss.

Tomi only makes a quick stop to his old shared room with Torm. He comes up to the surface swiftly, only to leave behind the blue daisy he had been holding on from earlier on his brother's bedside table. Then like the shadows he leaves once again to head for home.

Just as he was passing the lab he head his name being called.


The demon slows and looks back up to a shadow entrance above he slightly passes under. His Dad's recreation of their Mother as a robot looking down at the shadow of a chair. This robot shouldn't be able to see him.

He pushed his head out of the entrance of the abyss to meet eyes with the robotic secretary.


The robot stood still for a moment before smiling back softly. Something Tomi thought his father had done incredible to recreate that special smile of his.

"It's getting late my Little Demon."

Tomi could feel his heart beat in a similar manner when his mother was still alive. Why now? What's the difference?

The creation got down on his knees to kneel down to get closer to the young man halfway out of the shadow entrance.

"Get some sleep with sweet dreams..."

Tomi didn't hesitate to nod to his words speechless. His top half sinking back under the shadow abyss he controls. He could feel a lingering pet of the head after sinking back down and leaves quickly.

"I love you... I'll be here waiting whenever you need me."

Tom chuckles as he crosses his arms as he turns back to his robot counterpart's charging port. He picks up the framed photo on the cabinet top and looks at the family photo.

"Or rather, all of us are waiting for you, right?"


Okay guys, finally got this chapter. Updates will still be lagging though, don't expect regular updates yet.

Some explinations just in case you guys forgot somethings:

As some of you make have noticed, Torm called Tord "Dad" while Tomi called him "Daddy". The two monster children usually call them by thier own titles such as "Father" for Torm and "Dad" for Tomi. The reason they use the other titles is because they are showing their vulnerablity or weak side. You can probably recall from old chapters if you read them.

If you haven't read the old chapters, you're definitly in the wrong book (this is the 3rd book for crying out loud).

Tom can posses Thomas when he wants to, but he likes asking permission first.

Tord is such a hard working leader, especially after he had conqured the world that he rarely has time for the child. Not to mention the twins who barely got the fatherly relationship like the rest of the children.

This is new information, but I thought I should put it in. The twins look up to Torm as thier fatherly figure while Tika takes over the motherly figure in their lives hile growing up.

Okay, I don't think I need to explain anything else. Other wise I'll just put in the next chapter.

Alright, Time for Fanart. Thanks again to the readers and artist for their time to do this, greatly appreciated.


-jessica_mcgee06 on insta





-Pineapple Leader on Amino


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