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~+Next Morning: With Tomi+~

In a better mood, Tomi went to the Red Base clearly happy as he met up with the twins. The two children can definitely see the pure bliss their friend is going through even when the man has the mask on.

"Hi Mr. Ghost."

"You look really happy today."

Tomi brought his hands up and places them on their hair to ruffle them up. "I made a new friend is all." His younger siblings then give him the blank look that meant it was time to talk. "Is there anything you would like to do with me today?"

Lucille grabs the man's hand to hold it gently in her own. "Um... Can we talk today?"

Lawrence nods in agreement knowing what he and his sister wanted to speak with Mr. Ghost about today after some time of talking things out between them before speaking to him.

"Of course." Tomi replies as the three of them come to sit in the floor in a circle. "What would you like to talk about?" He smiles behind his mask watching the twins look at each other while they try to bring their question in mind out on the table. "Are you perhaps curious about me?"

Lucille bit at her bottom lip while Lawrence shyly nods in agreement to Tomi's words. "We were wondering who you are, just who are you under the mask?"

"And I believe you both have your assumptions, right?" Tomi can't help but let his lips stretch his ever growing smile. He's just nudging them in the right direction to say it so he doesn't break the rule of himself saying it to them verbally. "I can tell, it's right there written all over your faces."

Lucille fiddles with the jewel of the necklace hanging around her neck.

"You're Tomi."

The man giggles childishly as he brings up his hand to tap his mask.

"How about you check for yourself?"

Lucille and Lawrence look at each other for a moment before nodding to each other. The both of them each take a side of Tomi's mask and slowly pull it off his face. The face of their friendly Mr. Ghost is revealed to them once the mask is off, his eyes closed until they're open after the mask is taken off completely.

A perfect white smile is shown to the twins similar to his eyes that curve up in the corner.

"It's nice to finally have the mask off in front of the both of you." The twins were almost speechless at the man who is known as the second eldest son of the Lawson Family. The one missing for seven years and the rightful owner of her necklace and his stuffed bear. "You're both so much lovelier without the mask blocking some of my view."

Lucille stops fiddling with her necklace with her one hand after she had set down the mask along her brother. She hesitantly pokes her older brother cheek which he giggles at thinking her sister is being playful. "Am I dreaming?"

Tomi keeps his smile on as he brings his little sister closer to sit on his lap. "Nope! I'm Tomi T. Lawson, your older brother after Tormy!" He happily said to the two siblings. The demon kisses his sister's cheek lovingly. "And I'm happy I don't have to hide it from the two of you anymore."

"So you've been the one watching over all this time. You never did leave." Lawrence says looking at his brother in awe. "If you've been here this whole time, why have you been keeping yourself a secret from everyone... They miss you."

The Shadow leader understood what his little brother was saying, but there were the respects he had to pay to his deceased mother. "At one point I did leave Law... I left the ones I love behind to continue our mother's work out on the field." He sighs as he hugs his little sister close to his chest from behind while she stays seated on his lap.

"I miss them too, our family, but I have my reasons." He looks between the twins with a knowing look. They look at him with faces of questions that he could not answer at the moment. "I'm sure you heard my recording I played back during the little meeting we had a few weeks ago. One of them being our older brother."

Lucille holds her brother's hand resting on her tummy. "Tomi, big brother misses you a lot, a lot... if you could at least pay his a small visit." She worries just like everyone in the family for the eldest Lawson sibling.

Torm being unstable as he is without Tomi made them scared, made the whole base scared. Mostly the older generation soldiers knew how scary and dangerous the Devil can get without the Demon by his side.

Tomi smiles sadly and presses a light kiss to the crown of his little sister's forehead.

"I would love, and I mean love... to meet Tormy again, however, I will not be able to leave his side once he sees me again."

There is no doubt in any of their mind that the devil will stop at nothing to keep his brother, Tomi, by his side as for long as he lives. Tomi is his other half after all, the one who can control that wild part to him. Their father would not be able to deny the implication too since the secondary focus of the creation of the demon is to keep the devil in line if the devil creation were to be used on the field.

So for now, Tomi will hide himself away. He had talked with the scientists and inventors to create some kind of patch and cologne to cover up his secondary scent.

His main scent is of mint and blueberries. The patches or cologne will then be used to block both or one of the scents to something else. Like during the time of the meeting, Seth couldn't trace him because both his scents were replaced with a fake scent. When Torm had grabbed him, he smelled of mint and strawberries.

Law comes closer to his older sibling who doesn't mind pulling him closer to have the youngest lean on him. "Tomi, just a glance would be enough for him."

The demon's face nuzzles against Lawrence's caramel brown locks.

"I might be willing to try something."

Lucille perks up when Tomi said that.


~A few minutes earlier~

After Torm had woken up from his blissful sleep, he could not help but flush red at what had just happened last night. He looks to his boyfriend's side of the bed where he is curled up with the blanket, top half bare with hickeys marking his skin.

"I am in so much trouble..." Torm whines to himself under his breath. He sighs and leans over to Asher's side, where he kisses his partner's cheek before placing a loving kiss on those soft lips. After doing so he gets out of bed and goes to the shower to get refreshed for the day.

When he gets to face the bathroom mirror, his red eyes widen at the sight of his own markings across his neck and shoulders. Bites and hickeys scattered across either side, not more surprising than the parallel scratches marks on his back as he turns around to look.

"Mother help me live through Father's lecture if he ever finds out." Jehovah help him if his his father find out about this, he will surely start a long winded speech about this. He shakes his head knowing they'll heal out sooner or later. His genetic makeup is suppose to play out to quickly heal his body to keep it from being damaged. The skin should harden at immediate danger but last night was nothing but pleasure so his skin let down their guard and soften.

Torm gets himself into the shower without another thought and cleans himself up. He'll have to go visit the simulation room again sometime during the day and see if he can check on his younger siblings just in case they need something from him.

Once he had gotten quickly refreshed and dressed for the day, he went to his boyfriend's side once more and kiss Asher's forehead. "I'll see you later Ash." Meaning Asher can come back to sleeping by his boyfriend's side again in their shared room.

He really loves his boyfriend, he ready does... it's just his emotions for his little brother are always there. They stay and fester within himself, blaming the danger he had caused for not keeping a closer eye on him.

The Devil never wanted to make the one he loves into the person he is now. He fell in love with Asher's quick wits and ability to be able to challenge him. Now, a man of quiet and observance who walks beside him to this current day. Asher shouldn't be playing the part of some soap opera of a woman waiting so long for their beloved to return to her.

Jehovah, he felt terrible for having Asher to wait for him. It's been so long since they started dating, longer than his dear little sister, Tika, who is engaged to a close friend of his and Asher.

What did he do to deserve Asher's patience...

Torm quietly leaves the room after closing the door behind him. He starts to leave the Leaders' section of the base to go get some food from the dining hall.

It wasn't until Torm was about to pass the ballroom that he heard music playing.

He knew his sister sometimes like to practice dancing in the ballroom from time to time in order practice. She sometimes preforms at parties their father is invited to come and join. Tika would provide a special dance entertainment at importance events while she keeps her identity a secret under a ballroom mask that covered her eyes. Their Father was hesitant to let her do this at first, but Tika willingly does this as a sign of thanks for the invitation for her father.

He smiles and thinks about greeting her, maybe get breakfast together before they go their separate ways for today. So he makes it to the door and tries his best to not disturb his sister in the middle of her dance practice.

Only, it's not his sister who is dancing around the ballroom when he turns his head to look over to her. The immediate response is to freeze, his voice stolen for he could not speak a word if he tired, eyes ever slowly turning blue and glitching.

In the center of the room is his little brother.

The young man in the middle room dances by himself ignoring his older's brother's frozen up presence. He continues to dance to the soft music in the ballroom that's playing.

Torm watches the demon dance alone, arms dancing along with him like someone is actually there dancing with him. Tomi dips back like someone is dipping him back as he finally comes to make an upside down eye contact with his brother. He brings himself up and stands politely up right with his hands held together in front of him.

The two eldest Lawson Siblings now facing each other with different expressions.

One merely frozen, the other giving a sad smile.


"Tomi..." Torm finally is able to breath out like his brother's words were the one to break his voiceless spell. "Tomi," He said again as he starts taking steps toward his little brother.

"Stay right there Tormy."

Again Torm freezes on the spot. Eyes only trained on his brother that he didn't notice his twin siblings in the corner of the room watching. In their core they just felt so much pity for their older brother since he was yet not allowed to come close to Tomi.

"This isn't a dream, right? Please tell me I'm not dreaming..."

Tomi shakes his head, a sad smile on his lips. "You're not dreaming Tormy, I'm actually here." He wanted to cry so badly, he wanted to go closer to his brother and hug him tightly, taking in the scent he so dearly missed that comforts him.

Torm wanted the same thing like his brother, to hug him and keep him close to comfort the little demon. "Where were you all this time?"

"Traveling... Seeing the world as Mom had..." Tomi says in half truth as he fiddles with his fingers while he keeps his eyes trained on Torm's red ones, never breaking eye contact.

The devil dares to take another step towards Tomi before he's stopped again place just by Tomi's warning expression.

"Will you stay now? You're back here, back home."

The demon finally parts his gaze from Torm's to meet the sight of the floor in front of his boots. "I can't come home yet..."

As Torm heard those words leave Tomi's mouth his forming smile was coming to drop. "What? But-"

"I have my reasons Tormy," Tomi said firmly as he could not hold his smile anymore. He looks up and is met with an inch between him and his brother. His head slightly tilted up due to their height difference by him being a head shorter than Torm.

Being near his older brother, Tomi got a slight whiff of his brother's scent that had a lingering tint of some other scent on him. He felt himself shiver as he comes to remember a certain raven who stays by his brother's side now. His mood bums out at the realization and he takes a step back.

Torm who assumed Tomi was going to leave instantly grabs his brother's wrist. "Don't go!" He exclaims in panic. He couldn't lose his little brother again, he just couldn't. Torm pulls his brother close and hugs him.

Tomi looks calm knowing this might have happened.

"Like a river flows, surely to the sea..."

Torm sang back, "Darling so it goes..." This was the song their mother used to sing a lot back when they were younger. A sweet but sad song in his opinion.

The Demon smiles as he hugs his brother closer to kisses his cheek.

"Some things are meant to be..." He lastly sang in a sad soft tone as he takes the chance to pull out of his brother's soften embrace. His eyes glance at a mark made by Asher last night just peeking a little bit above Torm's dress shirt collar as he moves back. "This is not a goodbye Tormy."

Lucille and Lawrence pull the curtains back to all items around the room to cast their shadow. The closest shadow to Tomi being the speakers still lowly playing the music he was dancing to earlier.

Tomi whispers something into his brother's ear to make him stay rooted to his spot for a moment to give Tomi a moment to rush over to the shadow entrance to jump in to escape. The twins let the curtains fall back into place closing away the shadow Tomi had gone through.

"I... I..." Torm looks at the place where Tomi left via shadow entrance. He had his little brother right here in his arms and now he lost him again.

All over it felt like he was drowning again, darkness encasing his vision and his breathing shorten into quick breaths.

The twins rush over to him trying to get him to come back to them but their voices were so muffled and his head ached.

"Big Brother!"

"Torm, clam down!"

The twins began to worry about their older brother. Lucille looks to her brother expressing her concern and worry for him, "Law! He's-"

"I know! Go get help. I'll keep trying to get him to calm down." He tells her, she nods and runs out to go get help from anyone for their big brother.

Lawrence, on the other hand, does what he promised his sister and keeps trying to shake his brother out of his silent state. "Big Brother, please- Tomi's fine, you saw, right?"

Torm holds his head as his legs could not support his weight anymore, he falls to his knees and sits on the back of his legs. "He was right here... Tomi was..." Fresh tears leaking from under his goggles. "Why couldn't I make him stay? ... Jehovah, he was right there... My little brother was-"

"Torm..." In a way, Lawrence was starting to feel and see his older sister's pain when dealing with their older brother.

While Torm is sure to grieve for their lost sibling, there is also the pain that comes from knowing the Devil's favorite sibling is their Demon brother. The three of them, Tika, Lucille, and himself have to go through the ache of having to watch their older sibling have to break over this one person.

They are here too, was that not enough for him?

So the youngest of the Lawson siblings comes closer and hugs his brother around the neck, burying his face against the shoulder of the devil. Torm's stiff and frozen to his place while his youngest brother hugs him tightly in comfort.

"I know our brother may be gone, but you still have us with you. We are always with you and there is no doubt in our mind he will come back."

Torm slowly brings his arms up to hug his little brother back.

"We're a family... He'll always come back to us."

Torm squeezes his eyes tightly before passing out against his brother. The pressure in his mind too much for him to handle.

Lawrence had to keep his brother's weight up against him until his sister came in with their older sister. She had tears in her eyes only meant Lucille told her what happened.

Their older sister collects their older brother into her arms after Lawrence passed him to her. She held their older brother close and tight in her embrace.

"Torm! Oh my gosh, Torm wake up please."

Lawrence holds his twin sister's hand tightly. "Big brother passed out a few minutes ago before you got here." He tells her sadly. "Lucille told you what happened?"

Tika looks to the twins with a sad smile, at least one being able to make one. "Yes... So you've been meeting with Tomi all this time?"

They nod and Lucille answers her, "Yeah... He was Mr. Ghost. We connected everything together." After Tomi's last visit to the twins, they've been slowly connecting the dots and the meeting with Shadow Leader took the cake.

Tika waves her hand for the twins to come closer and they are met with a one arm embrace from their older sister. They were surprise by the actions for a moment as she spoke to them.

"Listen you two, since Tomi's been visiting the two of you a lot, it means he cares and is watching over you. For all I could know, Tomi could also be watching over all of us with the use of his powers." She takes a breath to calm her rapid beating heart.

"If anything our brother might not remember this encounter with Tomi. So don't say his name when he is up, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Big sister." The twins reply in sync.

"Good. If Torm mentions anything about the meeting with Tomi than your free to say as you wish, but keep in mind of what Tomi might want too."

The twins nod together as they come to hug her back, both careful not to let her drop their older brother who is still being held in her other arm. Once they break up the hug, Tika sits on the floor and let's Torm use her lap as a pillow until he wakes up. She'll have to call Asher later to help her take him back to his room if he still isn't awake by then.

Lawrence went to go lower the music a little more while Lucille looks at her brother's sleeping face with a sad look. She wondered how their brother, Tomi, could make such an impact on their older brother.

She had seen the way their older brother looks at their other brother, breathless with a glazed protection right there in his posture. When Torm had entered the ballroom she watch him walk up to Tomi, always listening and following his words.

It hurt her to see him break down when Tomi left his sights.

She let out a quiet whine as she takes a hold of her brother's hand, giving it a tight squeeze a seven year old could muster.


~+Meanwhile: with Tomi+~

Tomi spent a good while in the shadow abyss crying to himself. His arms hugged his body tightly as if he could still feel his older brother hugging him just as tight.

"I'm sorry Tormy..." He cries heavily as his tears continue to drip deep into the abyss. "I'm sorry..."

Shadows does he wish he could go back up to the ballroom surface to be there when his older brother wakes up. He wanted to spill everything to Torm and find the comfort he so desperately longs for by his brother.

He wipes his tears away with his hoodies sleeves as he tries o focus on calming down. His good day already falling apart bit by bit. It's so hard for him to sound calm, and forma full sentence from his heavy crying.

"I-I need to go back... I can't-"

Tomi lets his demon appendages appear and quickly makes haste back to the shadow base. Tears continue to spill from the corner of his eyes at the fast speed of his swim through the abyss.

He made it back to his base and office in a record time. He exits through a shadow entrance on the wall of his office, allowing him to run right into the room. Tomi uses his sleeves to wipe his eyes again as he makes way to the door connecting to his private room.

The Demon slams the door behind him and locks it. Thus walking over to his bed to flop right onto the mattress, letting the fabric absorb his salty tears.

His thoughts over took his mind as he lays on the queen sized bed alone. Every memory of his brother and sister passing his mind once in a while as he wills himself to calm down. To calm the racing beat of his heart from the interaction.

'Maybe I should have never agreed to meet with Torm.' He thought to himself. 'I should have given him a brief glance and disappeared. Why did I have to stay and talk?' Tomi questions himself with an audible groan.

He turns on his side while hugging a pillow close to his chest.

Then he remembers the spot on his brother's neck when he was moving away from him. Surly he knows thats from Asher, he's not stupid enough to not know its a hickey. When he still didn't know, he had actually asked Witt what it was when he saw one of their fellow soldiers spotting some on their neck before.

His trusted soldiers blessed and explained it reluctantly. Victoria had found out and soon enough punished the said soldier who had the hickeys for being and idiot for getting them in the first place.

He shakes his head and presses his face against his pillow. He shouldn't be thinking badly of Asher or how jealous he was about Asher being able to stay close to his brother. Even though they may fight, the raven makes his older brother happy. Torm deserves to be happy and think for himself without his presence there.

Tomi's breathing began to calm down and return to their soft patterns. Although he remains quite as he stairs at the photo on his bedside table. Another photo of their family with his and drawn picture of the twins next to it.

"I'm sorry Tormy..."

He closes his eyes and drifts off into a dreamless sleep.

~+Red Army Base: With Tika few hours later+~

"I'm serious about this."

"I know you are love, but what are you and your family to do?"

Tika pinches the bridge of her nose and breaths out a heavy sigh. She's currently on the phone with her fiancé about what happened earlier with her two older siblings. God forbid that she doesn't go over the wall about all the problems she has right now.

"Bryon, I really want them to be together again. It's been too long... You've seen how my older brother is a mess without my Demon of a brother. Torm cannot go a day without breaking down when someone says Tomi's name."

Bryon, on the other end of the phone, is going through some paper work his adopted fathers gave him to review. Later in the day he'll have to go help in the training room with the new recruits. "Torm has always been close with Tomi, practically stuck to him like glue when we were still teenagers."

He could remember ever interaction he witnessed from the two children experiments. The two of them obviously love each other enough to go past the limits to do anything for each other. Then again, her family knew how their relationship is unhealthy.

"I wish you were here Bryon. I could really use your support right now." She sighs as she leans back against the headboard with her pillows as soft cushions. Her lips stretch into a smile when her mutant German Shepard jumps onto her bed to lay next to her. Tika pets and strokes his soft fur, "Then again Seth has been a pretty good understudy for you."

Her fiancé laughs into the mic of his phone, "Aww, you're starting to make me jealous." Bryon sets his pen down as he continues his conversation with his fiancée. "I love you Tika..."

Tika smiles, "I love you too Bryon." A soft laugh leaves her lips as Seth comes crawling closer to curl up closer to his mistress. "I still can't believe my dad allowed you to finally ask me that question of marriage."

"Well it wasn't easy my dear. It took me a lot of convincing to get your father's permission." Bryon remembers sitting in Tord's office, both across from each other on opposite couches.

It was at least three hours until Tord was fully convinced he could trust Bryon with his oldest daughter. If Tord had not known Bryon before then it might have taken more than three hours for Tord to accept Bryon. "Just a few more months until we get married."

"Then we'll probably have another problem on our hands." Tika could already picture her father trying to fight with her godfathers about where they should stay. Best bet is Bryon coming to live with her at the Red Army Base. But before that, "I really wish Torm and Tomi can sort everything out by the time of our wedding. I'd love it a lot if they'd both participated."

"Tomi's your older brother, the fun one who wouldn't dare miss your most important day." Bryon assures her. Torm, the serious one, is without a doubt never missing any of his siblings' important days no matter what. He'd go through hell in a minute if he had too.

"I guess you're right... Okay, I'll leave you to your work. I'm going to take a nap with Seth."

"Alright, try not to smoother Seth with too much love."

Tika giggles wishing her fiancé good luck before hanging up the phone. She places her cell phone on her night stand and slides down under her covers. Tika lays on her side and hugs her big, lovable dog who snuggles closer to her.

"Sweet dreams..."

~+With Asher+~

Asher looks down at his boyfriend's sleeping face as his had is resting on his pillow. They're both stationed in their shared bedroom on the bed, Asher watching over his passed out boyfriend after Tika had called for him. His fingers running through caramel locks of hair slowly.

Tika had told him of what had happened a few hours before hand. He was quite frankly surprised and most of all speechless in a different way from Torm about Tomi's appearance.

He had never been on Tomi's good side because of the fact they both fought for Torm's affection, now look where they are. The fight is soon to start again, right? He worries Torm will put all his time into his little brother again and leave him in the dark.

Asher sometimes wonders if Torm will go out one of these days to just to search for Tomi endlessly again. He signs, he loves his devil of a boyfriend truly with loyalty. That is the truth and he will not lie to him about it.

In the past, he had never really been trustful to anyone but his own mother. She was a lovely woman, so kind and understanding. It made him wonder what she saw in his father to love him so to the point of smile even when death came to her.


He could remember that day clearly. He was still young at the time and had just woken up from a nap that his mother had set him down for. Asher left his room passing by soldiers and various halls to visit his mother's room.

It happened to be open just a bit for him to peek inside, only for his silver eyes to widen at the sight through the opening.

His father stood tall in his Leader regal uniform. Hand holding a knife stained in his mother's blood.

His mother, obviously bleeding from the chest as her white night gown absorbing her ever flowing blood, sat on the floor across from him.

"I could never hate you, Love... I could never bring to hate the man I truly-" She coughs, blood spilling in front of his father's boots. The woman takes a shakes breath, "I could never... hate the man I truly fell in love with..."

Young Asher watches her smile for the last time before the life in her eyes dies. Unconsciously he had push the door open yet his father pain no mind to his son's witness to the situation.

"This is weakness son..." His voice firm.

The young boy frozen to his spot stayed quiet.

"And I succumbed to this weakness..."


After that, he remembered being pulled out from the room by his father's soldiers. He screamed, shouted, fought everyday to survive his father's torture.

He bares the worst of his father's punishments on his back. The scar from his left shoulder blade to his right hip represented his father's hate and resentment towards him. The other scar that crosses over the first, from the right shoulder blade to the left hip, represented what Asher guessed to be regret or something else from his dead father.

Even as a child, Asher could tell his father was missing her.


"Torm," Asher said as his boyfriend is finally coming to wake. He pulls his hand back from Torm's hair.

Closed red eyes appear on Tord's screen before they open up. His eyes open half way before they look towards him.


"I'm right here." The raven responds ever so softly.

A soft, small smile comes onto Torm's face, "I had a nice dream... I saw Tomi...."

Asher pressed his lips into a thin line seeing the soft look of his boyfriend mentioning Tomi. He was told by Tika if Torm remembers the encounter then he should send him to her, but if he thought it was a dream leave him be. They're bound to see each other again and they didn't want to risk her brother and his love going out of control to seek out Tomi.


Torm merely nods his head a little as he closes his eyes again. His head against the pillow felt so nice and comforting. "Yeah... Tomi was dancing in the ballroom. He looked a little bit matured now, still childish if wasn't for the face he was putting on, and even a bit taller but not as tall as me."

"What else?" Asher asks letting his boyfriend tell his encounter with Tomi.

"There was some light music in the background, but I could hardly hear it when I saw him." Torm responds again. "He looked lovely like Mother too. I'm sure Father would be proud if he ever saw him."

Asher holds Torm's hand and gives it a squeeze, yet Torm doesn't return it.

"I got to hug him in my arms for the first time in seven years..."


The Devil turns his head slightly his way, eyes opening half way again looking at Asher this time.

"He was right there Ash... He was right there..."

Torm's hands gripped onto Asher's hand just as tight.

"Torm... I know you know Tomi best, and I think he wouldn't want you to keep acting out like this..." He really wanted to be here by Torm's side helping him through this, but Tord's proving to be difficult to change. "Right?"

Torm kept his soft smile even at Asher's words.

"I miss him."

"I know you do."

There was a moment of silence until Torm lessened his grin on his boyfriend's hand. Torm never answered Asher's equation because he was too caught up in his own thoughts to think about it.

"Do you know what he told me before he left my dream?"

Asher lowers his gaze on his boyfriend, his bangs shadowing his eyes over. "What did he say?"

Torm closes his eyes once more as he tries to picture the dream he thought he had. "He said something that made me what to hit myself." The tone of his voice starts to shake, he's slowly mulling over the fact his brother is still missing.

He should be out on the field at least doing something to find his brother in person. He shouldn't have to here on his butt doing nothing.

"He said..."

Asher's eye widen at the next four words that came out of Torm's mouth.

"Don't forget our family"

~+With Thomas+~

Thomas looks to Tom who appears before he could make it out of his room to meet with Tord for another brief meeting with the department heads.

"Tom, what-"

"Thomas." Tom said cutting his android self off from speaking further. "Everything is setting itself in motion. Tomi is on the move so don't be surprised when he comes to see you alone."

The android shuts his mouth and nods his head.

"I understand. I'll make sure to be prepared..." He glances away from his predecessors gaze unsurely. "Will you be present?"

Tom chuckles lightly, "I'll be watching from the corner of the room and listening. If you need help I will step in and speak to my son myself."

Knowing Tom will be there reassured the android as it relaxed its body.

"Then I must head out to meet your husband now. Would you like to join me?"

"It would be nice."

Tom moves aside and lets's Thomas open the door of his room. Thomas heads out first while the ghost lingers for a little bit at the room. In his now ghostly form he has a more aware sense of the things going on around him. The shadows are rippling all around meaning someone is in the abyss passing through.

"Just a little longer..."

With that Tom leaves, the door sliding shut just in time behind him.


Happy Belated Merry Christmas!

Yeah, I'm late ^^' Christmas and Family stuff goingnone while I'm on vacation.

Anyways hope this chapter was good to you guys.

I don't think I have any news to share at the moment. So I'll leave you guys off here.


Wonderful Fanart provided by our local artists and new ones. The video on top is also Fanart by Cheesyy_Drawss!






-Local Anon

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