The Devil's Love and Pain

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~+Red Army Base: With Torm+~

Torm, as usual, now ignored his family except Tika and sometimes the twins. Why he mainly wasn't ignoring his sister is because of the fact she's his only form of support.

Seth also provides him comfort at times too when he could not be by Tika's side. His sister's dog really knows how to sense various emotions from the Lawson siblings, even the twins, when they could not. He should really look into having Seth filed to be an emotional support and service dog one of these days.

Back to his sister, Tika, plays the level minded part to him that kept him from actually just going berserk ever since their mother and brother disappeared from their lives.

Tika was blunt with him too, not that he didn't mind her being up front with him. But it's nice to hear the problems he's in denial of saying out loud about himself. An example would be his unhealthy relationship with their brother Tomi.

However, his sister wasn't the only one to say this to him on most occasions. Asher has told him many times yet he never listened to him about it. The only time it really did come up personal was the time his father came to talk to him after locking himself in his room when Tomi disappeared.


At this point of time,  Torm was practically out of his mind, lying on his bed face down against the soft material of his pillow cover. He didn't have the will to eat not even move. Torm had been staying in the same position since he locked himself in his room.

It's like he has no control over his body anymore, it's like he's a doll with pins holding him down wanting him to not do anything.

Knock knock

"Torm, it's me."

The devil child didn't answer to his father's call. He knows his father wants him to open the door, but he couldn't move his body.

"Torm, I know you must feel like shit right now, but please open the door... We need to talk about this."

Torm closes his eyes and tries to move, he can't. He wanted to be mad at his father for using profanity again but it's useless.

"Storm, I lost your mother... I lost your brother... please, don't let me lose you too."

Finally, the devil took some control in his body to get out of bed to let his father in. His movements sluggish as he walks towards the door. Tord was then met with the sight of his son, his goggles off and his body appear heavy with the small slouch in his posture. Torm was usually the one to stand straight like himself and give off the confident air.

Tord took a step into the room while his son follows with taking a step back as the door closes behind the man. He watches his son walk back to the bed and flop down without another thought. Torm hiding his face once more against the black fabric of the pillow case.

His father walks over to the side of the bed and takes a seat at the edge of the bed making it dip at his weight. "Torm, I know you didn't let me in here to see you be like this."

"Hmm..." Torm hums plainly.

He opened the door for his father, so what? He wanted to be alone yet he let his father come into his safe space.

"It's been months Torm, you've been locked in your own room with no contact for a long time. Have you even been eating?" Tord asks, voice full of concern.

"What's the point of eating? Tomi's not here." Torm said turning on his side to let his father see his face a little bit.

Tord looks back at his son, "It's important for your health."

"You haven't been eating since Mother died."

"I'm in the middle of grieving your mother's death, Torm. I'm starting to slowly regaining my appetite, so don't use him to support your claim. There is a difference between our losses..." Torm could just feel some of the anger laced in his father's tone when he said those words. So he knows not to uses their mother against him, he should know never to use his mom in an argument period.

Torm curls in on himself while keeping a hold of his pillow. "I'm sorry..."

Tord lets out a heavy sigh as he brings his hand up to rest on his son's head. "It's fine, I know it's hard for the two of us to lose the people we are closest to in our life. Tom was mine and Tomi is yours... but you know, your obsession with Tomi is unhealthy."

"I'm looking out for him, he's my little brother after all."

"That's not what I mean Torm and you know it." This time a serious tone took his father's voice. It had Torm coming to sit up on the bed with his arms hugging his pillow on his lap. "Torm, the constant need to know where your brother is all the time, the need to keep him happy, and your overprotective mindset have caused all sorts of problems in the past and it keeps growing. Would you just look at yourself?"

Tord brings his hand up to cup his son's cheek like Tom does when he's really worried about their kids. His other hand comes to unstrap Torm's goggles from his head, letting the device slide down is face to let it come hanging around the teen's neck.

Torm's father looks at his son's glazed over eyes with sadness, dark bags evident under them to show the lack of sleep the devil had been getting. It was like looking at his past self during the time of darkness for him. "I could name all the events of when you have cause problems due to your obsession with Tomi. Take now for example Torm, your sister and boyfriend are at the end of this hall worried about you. You've been hold up in your room for months, do you know how worried they are about you?"

Torm hadn't thought once of his boyfriend and sister, not even of the twins during his depressed state because of Tomi. His hold on the pillow tightens.

"Tomi is missing, Torm... Tomi isn't dead." Tord tells his son as he is now swiping away a collection of tears in the corners of his son's eyes.

Hands of the devil come up to hold his dad's hand cupping his cheek. "It hurts Dad... I can't- I can't stand losing him!" All he could ever think about is Tomi over and over again. He owed Tomi so much, he loves his brother so much, god he wanted to protect the sunshine he had been so blessed to have in his life.

"I just want Tomi back."

Tord felt sorry for his eldest son seeing him break down like this. Torm had also completely dismissed the topic of Tika and Asher as well. He pulls his son close and holds him tight which Torm does in return.

Torm had never felt so weak and vulnerable in his life until now.

The little devil in his head planting the seed of breaking and wanting.


The Devil shakes his head and continues walking pass the soldiers in order to make it to his destination.

The Simulation Rooms

These rooms are typically large and take up space in the base, but no one minded because they were used for training scenarios. Scientist and Technicians are usually the ones handing maintenance for the rooms to create new programs and update the system when they can so they are fully functional for working conditions to train new soldiers.

Torm went up to the simulation room at the end of the hall and marked the whiteboard next to it as occupied. He even added a message next to signed with his name too.

It said:

Private study use, do not disturb

Just like that for Torm, being simple yet complicated in more ways than one. After doing so he entered the room and locked the door behind him.

A holographic keyboard and screen appeared as he stepped onto the platform in the middle of the room. He entered his account name and password to get confirmation to start up the room. Everything in the white room became black except for his keyboard and screen which had become red, his favorite color like his father's.

"Welcome, Storm T. Lawson." A robotic voice welcomes him as the simulation room comes to wake up. "What would you like to do today?"

"I have a disc that needs reviewing." He holds the disc for show and the room provides a CD port for him to insert it in. There is a small whirring sound until his red screen becomes filled with memory logs.

To test the simulation room, he clicks on a memory file to show him one of his mother's memory. The room turned into his mother's old room back when he was still a small child. Judging by the color of the sky through the window and the lights off, it's night time.

"Good night my little monsters."

Torm turns around to look at his mother's standing form next to the bed. His younger self snoring lightly in his sleep while Tomi is quiet snuggling close in his embrace.

His mother leans down to kiss them on the forehead lovingly careful not to wake them. His finger lightly stroking Tomi's cheek before caressing the side of his younger's face. Torm flinches a bit when his little brother squirmed in his sleep, his mother looking like he knew what was happening already.

"Shh... Shh, my little monster..." Tom whispers in a soothing voice.

Torm watches his mother pick up his little brother carefully from his youngerself's embrace, small hiccups leaving Tomi as he curls up against Tom. Their mother providing young Tomi with rhythmic pats on the back to sooth him.

It's okay baby love~

Don't be scared, I'm here with you now...

The devil takes a step forward to be close to his mother. He misses him a lot...

Go to sleep dear, I promise I will protect you

No nightmares, no terrors

Sleep with no fear,

I will be here to shield you~

His little brother snuggles his face against the crook of their mother's neck with the looks of calming down from whatever stirred him from his sleep.

Little love, you are not alone~

I promise~

I swear~

Your family loves you

you are safe and we are here~

his mother's song ended with a soft smile on his lips, as he comes to kiss Tomi's head lightly. He brings Tomi to bed and gets in next to his younger self and Tomi's side to sleep with them. Draping the blanket over them before himself in a protective way that makes Torm's heart ache.

"I'm home."

The whisper had Torm closing the memory to return to the dark room he was welcomed into before. He took a second to take off his goggles in order to wipe the corner of his eyes. When sniffs a bit and adjust his goggles back over his eyes so he can see again.

"Okay, so it works, now I just have to check through the memories to find the one that knows where Tomi ran off too."

Torm eliminated the memories form the past off his mental list to check and went went a few years forward to where he, Tomi, and Tika are already close to each other. Enough to be in a spot where his mother would start prioritizing each and everyone of them for their future.

"Mother... please show me the truth."

~+Meanwhile: Shadow Base: With Tomi+~

Tomi whistles in a goody tune as he walks around the the base doing checkups in the departments his mother once used to check himself. The department heads were actually the nicest people he met in the base in the first place.

Irene, a wonderful young woman in her mid twenties, Tomi met her when she was the same age as his physical appearance of eighteen. She controls the patrol department of the base, making sure to be very conscious and self aware of their surroundings at all times. Tomi can't thank his mother enough for finding someone so nice and kind for the spot.

The next person who welcomed him was Danna, lovely young woman too, age nineteen when he first met her. The woman is a skilled profiler and strategist, the glasses she wears is no joke. The woman's scary that's for sure, in his opinion, when he first saw what she can do first hand if someone kicks her temper into gear. Tomi can tell the soldiers under her control are more than qualified to handle her and her quick thinking. The best way to get the strongest strategies are the ones among each other who can bring out counters until there are no more.

Another person, lovely to meet as well, is a man named by the name Nolan. Controls the department of training, by far the oldest one among the department head at Tomi's round table. A smart guy, protective on him sure at first, but Tomi's learned Nolan can be like his older brother sometimes. Just a bit more lenient when it comes to certain situations or topics.

"Tomi! Hey!" Maki's voice calls out fo him.

The sandy hair brunet turns around to greet the short woman with a friendly smile. Her short, red, curly hair bounces lightly as she makes her way over to him. She smiles up at him as she hugs her notebook close to her chest.

"Hey Little Red, what brings you out of your department?"

She giggles as her eyes roll playfully, "Very funny Tomi." Her voice absolutely dripping with sarcasm. "I was just coming back from lunch when I caught you in my line of sight. What are you up to?"

"Just going through the rounds as usual. I just came from the Science Department-"

"I thought Witt and Victoria told you to stay way from that department." Maki interrupts quickly with a stern voice. Her cheery voice dropping the moment he said Science department. "You know what he-"

Tomi places his hand on her shoulder, "Mika calm down, will you?" He sighs as he laughs lightly, "I don't get why you, Witt, Victoria, and the others don't want me seeing the science department head in the first place. Ever since I came here I've never once had contact with him."

Maki holds back a cringe by keeping a strand smile on her face. "Haha, we have our reasons..." Her gaze really drifting off to avoid Tomi's suspicious expression.

The demon hums as he continues walking down the hall with the redhead now walking by his side. "I wish I could meet him already."

"I wish you could not." Maki mumbles to herself quietly.

She and the other soldiers knew of the head of the science department very well, a young man very well near Tomi's age. Neat platinum blond hair, a shade close to white, his eyes ever so close to a shade or dark red, his skin light and fair... a truly terrifying human.

While Maki's deep in thought, she didn't notice said man passing by her and her leader who is happily thinking to himself about visiting the red army base soon.

The man stops in his tracks and looks over his shoulder watching their backs as they walk away.

A charming white smile forming on his lips.

~+Red Army Base+~

"Is it really this hard to find a certain memory?"

Torm has been looking through his mother's memories for most of the day already and had yet to find the right one. so far he had been best avoiding all personal memories between his mother and father. He sighs to and rests his hand against holo keyboard, his thumb accidentally playing a certain memory.

The darkroom fills with his parents bedroom, his father obviously shirtless along with his mother in the same state. Tord's arm pulling his wife in a close one arm embrace.

The devil turns a flushed pink as he quickly tries to stop the merry memory from playing forward.

"Go to sleep Commie, you have another long day tomorrow."

"I'll go to sleep when you do first."

Tom smiles lovingly at his husband before kissing his partner on the lips. "Come now love, sleep please. I'll just be reading a book for a little while."

"If you insist, how can I say no." Tord places a kiss on his wife's cheek for a brief moment before snuggling under the blanket to fall into a blissful sleep.

Tom picks up what looks like a notebook from the nightstand and opens it up. At this point, Torm has stopped trying to pause the memory as it looks to become safe.

Torm moves to look a little close to the bedside to look at his mother's notebook. A simple blue book with a small symbol of a purple flame in the corner.

The blue leader picks up his pen from the side of his nightstand and opens the book up.

"To my dear Tomi,

I know leading may be hard for you in the future. I know you will find many challenges along the way when I pass my position to you.

My sweet little demon, I wonder: Do you look to the moon for me?

You used to sit on my lap in our room and watch the moon lovingly through the bedroom window. You used to tell me it reminded you of me, while I told you, you remind me of the stars.

Jehovah, I will miss you one day... I fear for that day because then I will have to leave you and your siblings behind. I hope and wish I do not leave before your father either because it would pain the both of us dearly.

Look forward to my future letters,

Your Mother: Thomas Thompson Lawson

Torm looks at his mother with sad eyes, "Mother..."

The memory faded back to black and Torm resumed his position in the middle of the room on the platform. He shakes his head when he feels the lack of food in his stomach. Not to mention the growl that sounded from said stomach after the acknowledgment.

"I must of stayed in here too long," He said as he requests the disc back from the simulation room. The disc is given back in safe and proper condition as always. He placed it back in his inner vest pocket, then left the room.

He made sure to erase his name on the board before continuing on to the dining hall. On the way he checks the clock from one of the rooms to find it's already so late in the evening.

Along the way he met with the twins who were also heading to the dining hall to get dinner.

"Hello Big Brother."

"Where have you been all day? No one's seen you since breakfast."

Torm tried his best to smile for them. "Hey you two, I've been doing some research is all." When he says research, he means trying to find out where his little brother is.

The twins give him their usual expression of blankness. Torm sighs and places his hands on their head. "Let's get dinner." He says picking them both up in his arms now in a more lighter mood after getting something from looking through his mother's memories.

For it him it was like a refresher to see those old memories. To see his parents so young and in love, to get along with Tomi in the progress and continue to bond with him over time. Then meeting his dear angel of a sister... He loved the good old days.

He carries little siblings all the way to the dinning hall over to the table where his family and boyfriend are sitting. Torm sets his twin siblings down next to his sister, giving them a kiss on the head, before going to his own seat on the other side of Tika and next to Asher.

"It's nice of you to join us for dinner, Torm." Thomas says with a smile. He really wanted to get Torm to at least have some kind of mutual relationship so Torm could at least stand to hold a conversation with him. Tom would want that too.

Torm merely huffs and avoids making eye contact with the android sitting by his father's side. Tika looks at her older brother quietly with a sad look in her eyes, she knows Thomas may not be their real mother in the flesh, but he's here to fill in that empty void they miss. He's genuinely trying to be there for all of them so they could at least gain some of the happiness they once lost.

On the other hand, Tord kept himself silent like his son, he's still mad at him for saying all those rude words to Thomas. Like father like son, their anger and stubbornness are one of a kind. Then again, there was always someone to control their emotions down without much of an effort.

The family ate their dinner together in mostly silence besides the usual chatter around them from the other soldiers catching their dinner before bed. The twins are mostly whispering to each other while Tika makes sure the two of them finish their dinner.

Asher moves his right hand and places it on top of his boyfriend's thigh. Torm didn't really flinch at the contact knowing the only person on the other side of him, besides Tika, is Asher. He uses his free hand to place it on top of the raven's hand while he continue eating in silence.

By the time the awkward dinner was over, Asher was pulling his partner out of the dining hall without another word from anyone.

+⚠️With Torm and Asher⚠️+

Torm was brought back to his room by his concerned boyfriend by the hand. He found himself sitting on the side of the bed with Asher straddling his lap, hands on his shoulders with a squeeze.

"Torm..." Asher said looking right at his devil of a boyfriend. "Stop pushing me away."

"Ash..." Torm said as his eyes try to avoid looking at him but his boyfriend stops him.

The raven shakes his head before returning his gaze on Torm. "Don't you "Ash..." me Torm. I'm really worried about you." He said poking his finger at Torm's shoulder, voice ever so stern. "First you lock me out of the room because of a fight with your father, fine I understand that. Then you lock me out for days after that meeting with that leader! Do you have any idea how painful it is when you push me away?! I was so worried about you when you kept your distance again!"

The devil watches his boyfriend just fall apart at the seams on his lap, tears falling onto them.

"I thought you were gonna hide away for months in your room again, all because of Tomi!"

"Asher, you know how I feel about Tomi..."

"I know, but... It's always Tomi this and Tomi that- It's always about him with you!" Asher brings his arms up and wraps them around Torm's neck. He leans closer to his devil and presses his lips against soft ones which belong to his boyfriend.

Torm accepted the kiss but with surprise as he rests his hands on the raven's hips. Their lips move I sync, both have their eyes closed as they lose themself in the atmosphere of their shared room.

Asher pulls back, silverish blue eyes looking sadly back at him.

"I want you to pay attention to me too." He pulls Torm close to him into a hug, in the process pushing the Devil onto his back against the bed. "You're always off looking at him, but what about me?"

Asher looks off to the side with an expression of hurt.

"Do you even love me anymore?"

Torm's eyes widen, "Of course I do!"

"It doesn't feel like it..."

Torm was too speechless to answer back, even more so when his boyfriend licks at the shell of his ear. He can feel his cheeks warming up and possibly the tips of his ears turning red. "Huh?! Ash-Wait!"

"I can't... I just want you." Asher pulls his head up to look at Torm's face. He leans down and kisses those soft, sweet lips once again lovingly. "Do you really still love me?" He asks when he pulls away.

"I love you." Torm says as his lovely raven takes his lips again.


"I love you," Torm say in between their kiss. His hands hesitantly starting to move up and down Asher's sides in a sweet manner. "I love you so much."

Asher and Torm deepen their kiss, arms wrapped around each other tightly while they move against each other. Torm's gripping at the base of his partner's black dress shirt where it's tucked into his pants before pulling the rest out. Asher's shirt is then quickly pulled off with some struggle due to their fumbles with the buttons. Once he succeeds, his hands come in contact with Asher's bare back ever so warm, making him shiver at the cold touch of the devil.

"Mhmm~ Torm... more~," He moans lightly near his partner's ear. Asher lowers his head down to show some love to the vulnerable part of Torm's body, his neck. Treating the sensitive skin with light kisses, some nips and cool blow to the areas he's licked.

The devil's body shivers and her could feel himself get hot. 'Ah... It's getting hot...' He thought as he's treating Asher so sweetly tonight in his arms. His fingers grace over his lover's large scars across the raven's back. Two long scars crossed over each other into an X. Asher has yet to tell the tale of why he has these scars but he was too out of focus at the moment to ask. He doubted Asher would try to explain when they're like this right now.

'The whole room feels hot.' His thoughts were beginning to fade into nothing as he lets his instincts take control of the situation before him.

Asher sucks at Torm's neck making the devil groan and touch him even more in the most pleasurable ways.

"Ash... God you'er so-," Torm squeezes his eyes shut when his boyfriend shifts on his lap to try and wake up his little monster. Not that it's "little" in the least mind him and his lover.

"Pay attention to me tonight love... Reassure me that you love me." Asher says as he's working on undressing Torm from his top clothing, first the vest, letting it slide of the bed once off. Soon enough getting lower as they progress. "You're dear bird's been very lonely."

Torm suddenly flips their positions so he's on top and looking down at his boyfriend. A flustered Asher looks up at his boyfriend breathless as Torm sits on his lap licking his lips seductively while undoing his string tie from around his neck.

"Asher," He says with a hot tone while unbuttoning a few of his dress shirt buttons. His red eyes clearly focused on the raven under him. Torm leans down to start decorating his lover's neck in hickeys to show Asher later he is his. He slips his string tie around the human's neck and ties it neatly in place.

This little raven is his.

Soft moans leave from the man underneath the devil, occasionally tightening his hands at the back of his lover's shirt before it was discarded, then his own nails were soon enough raking down the Devil's bare back.

So to say, Torm was distracted away from the thoughts of his little brother for this late time in the day.

~+Morning: Shadow Group Base+~

Tomi woke up the next morning refreshed and ready to start the day. His plans consisting of visiting the Red Army base again to see the twins and a surprise visit to his father and the android copy of his mother. Then if he has time, he could go check on his older brother and little sister to make sure they're well from the abyss entrances.

He quickly got out go bed, getting cleaned up and changed into his regular uniform, then racing to the dining hall to go get breakfast.

Getting there had been the easy part, along with greeting his soldiers on his way there. The soldiers and the base itself always in a good mood.

"Mary! I want grapes for breakfast!" Tomi exclaims the he goes to the serving counter where said cook was waiting for him. Mary is the head cook of the Cooking department, a lovely lady in her late 20s.

The woman with long brown hair held up in a bun playfully scolds her leader. "Tomi, I told you so many times already that you can't have grapes for breakfast! Your mother specifically warned me about you eating habits related to them." Said woman wipes her hands on her grey apron.

Tomi gives her his best puppy eyed expression in the cutest and outright pitying way that he knows will mark anyone one down to his submission to give into his pleas. "Please Mary~?" He begs sweetly.

"Honey," Mary says breathing in and pinching the bridge of her nose. "I have no clue how your mother have ever dealt with you." She's not saying this in a bad way, if anything Tomi and Tom were a lot alike in most situations. Which may explain most why Tomi can can hold a candle equally against his own mother. "Fine, but no more grapes for breakfast for a few weeks."

The demon giggles and thanks the amber eyed brunet as she goes off to fix up his breakfast. While Tomi waited for his breakfast, another solider came up to get his breakfast. He noticed this person is someone he hasn't seen before, confused he tilts his head slightly to the side.

"Um, excuse me?"

The unknown solider with platinum blond, close to a shade of white hair turns his head to look to him. Black eyes meet a pair of dark red ones that caught Tomi off guard due to never seeing someone with actual red colored irises before.

The soldier recognizing Tomi smiles like that of a cheshire cat, "Good morning Blue Leader." Like, or rather as a gentleman, the young man reaches for Tomi's hand, bring it up to meet his lips to kiss the back of the young leader's hand.

Tomi still confused while soldiers nearby witness the scene with surprise and shock. Mary who had been coming back with Tomi's breakfast dropped the tray from her hands letting it fall to the floor.

"Please excuse me for not introducing myself earlier."

Witt and Victoria coming into the dining hall just in time to see their beloved leader be acquainted with the person they didn't not want him to meet.

"My name is Marshall Walker, I'm your department head for the science department." He lets Tomi have his hand back to his side while Marshall holds his hands behind his back in a formal straight posture. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

Victoria runs over to the pair and pulls Tomi back into her embrace needing to protect her little brother type of leader. She will not let this mischievous scientist mess with their previous leader's son.

"Keep your hands off him you sneak little-!"

The head scientist laughs as he holds his hands up in mock surrender. "Oh please Victoria, I would never do something to harm our dear leader. I am a gentleman after all."

"Try saying that to my fist!" The woman exclaims clenching her free hand into a fist with her knuckles white by the grip.

Witt comes over trying to stop his partner from doing anything rash even though he knows himself how Marshall tends to act. "Now, now you two. Let's not do anything too rash, Tomi's here you know."

Tomi smiles and lets himself slip out of Victoria's protective hold. He goes up to the tall male and hugs him, the first thing he actually did when he met mostly all of his department heads.

The demon leader looks up at the surprised man with a heartwarming smile.

"Hello Marshall, my name is Tomi T. Lawson, son of the previous leader Tom Thompson Lawson." He says as Victoria sighs and Witt taking the normality of Tomi's personality at this point.

"Let's get along!"


Yay an update ^^

Hope you guys found this chapter amusing, especially with Torm and Asher lol.

So it your getting this late in the day in America, it's because I'm still in the Philippines. It's morning for me right now ^^'

Anyways, I guess I should make it clear that Will, Dr. William's experiment, is not immortal like Torm and Tomi. Dr. William isn't like Tord in the science field due to Tord having more experience experimenting in the past. Note Torm is experiment number #999 and Tomi is part of a new series of experiments when his dad was still young.

Yeah, I've been reading the comments. Don't think I skim over them XP

Alright everyone, I'll see you next chapter. I believe you'll all be in for a surprise.


Now for the hall of fabulous Fanart. As always thanks to every artist to draws Fanart for these past few book related to this!






-Local Anonymous

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