Parting so Soon

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+Present Time+

"You can't—"

"Shh..." Cooling fingers press against his lips.

Quiet sobs leave from the other.

"I love you..."

"I *hic* —I love you too."

~+Rewind to this morning: A week later: Red Army Base+~

"So when are you and Asher leaving the base, Big Brother?" Lucille asks after swallowing the last remains of her food from her plate.

Torm smiles, "Later tonight, little princess. Asher and I have to make sure we packed everything we need for our trip over seas to Paris and Hawaii." A tropical paradise recommended by his dear sister Tika after video calling her for some advice.

The older brother looks to Lawrence who is sitting closer to his twin than usual. He tilts his head with an analyzing look only for his smile to turn into a smirk.

If anything, his youngest brother was starting to show signs of protectiveness over family, more importantly over his own twin sister. Whoever set the signal off is obviously close with their little sister to make Lawrence worried.

'Although it's a bit strange,' He thinks to himself watching his twin siblings talk to one another. 'They're still rather young, only 8... Isn't it too early for his protective stage to start kicking in?'

He shakes his head in denial at the thought that he may be overthinking Lawrence becoming over protective early. His youngest brother would probably start feeling it a few years from now when he can understand he's being protective for his sister's sake.

"Big Brother?"

"Yes Lucille?" Torm says focusing back on his siblings.

"Is it okay if we bring a friend over from school while you and Asher are away?" She asks a bit hesitant.

Tobias has asked if he could ever visit their home. Lucille and Lawrence that day looked at each other and wondered if it was okay to bring a civilian into their home... because it's a base full of dangerous soldiers.

Over protective soldiers on that side note.

"I'm not sure Lucille," He says a bit unsure of letting his siblings' friend come over. "The base is suppose to be a safety zone for those associated with the Red Army. You and Lawrence are also staying under low profile since the two of you are still young to go public about being the last of the family remaining undercover."

Lawrence looks at her sister as she sighs. He gives her a light pat on the back. "I thinks it's best if we wait Luci. We don't really want our friend to end up in danger because of us." He knew their family has enemies out their waiting for a chance to find a weak spot. While they may be taking training for defense, their friends don't have the type of training to compare up with them.

"Okay, But can we at least stay out late to hangout with our friend after school if he asks us?" Lucille says hopeful.

"Alright, but you have to be supervised." He gets a thoughtful looks for a moment before adding. "And you have to tell Father beforehand."

"Yes Big Brother." The two say in sync.

Torm nods and pats them both on the head. The two of them will be just fine while he's gone for awhile.

~+Shadow Base: With Tomi and Todd+~

Tomi pats his little one on the back lightly in rhythm to his soft humming.

He had carried his son to the garden this morning to enjoy some breakfast with some of his soldiers under the clear sky and nice weather.

Todd has enjoyed watching the flowers dance to the gentle breeze while being fed his breakfast. His soldiers, Victoria, Will, Maki, and Danna, were very glad to be with them just to watch Todd clap and try to grab for the flowers.

Eventually, he fell back to sleep after eating, now content to be quiet for the time being while Tomi and his soldiers discussed certain topics.

"So how goes things on the field? I haven't touch some of my recent reports yet since Todd's been a bit fussy lately."

"Haaa! The new soldiers we got have been nothing but trouble! Even the Red Army Soldier have noticed and they're teasing us!" Victoria stands from her seat and puts a foot on her seat with her fist held up clenched. A not so happy look so to say expressed thoroughly. "I swear—"

Seeing his partner shaken with fueling rage, Witt takes her hand and pats it with a calm smile. "Calm down Toria, they're new and still need to learn. You can't expect a baby to talk in a day, right?"

"Mhm, but they don't take things seriously," She tells the group sounding disappointed. Victoria shakes her head then looks to Tomi and Todd. "They're too relaxed because of Todd and Tomi. When ever Tomi and Todd are up and about, all the soldiers can't seem to focus on their training instructors."

Tomi looks at her apologetically. "Forgive me Victoria, I didn't know my presence and Todd's would cause so much trouble." He shifts Todd in his arms and brushed a small strand from the baby's forehead.

He knew the new soldiers often wandered their eyes to him. Tomi thought it was always for simple curiosity. A leader with a child, a possible thought where his other partner could be that should be helping him care for the child.

"Excuse me Tomi, I didn't mean to sound rude." Victoria says noticing her mistake.

"Nothing you said was wrong Victoria. It's the truth and it should be said." He nods her head and smiles to reassure her it's all right.

Maki smiles a offers a possible solution, "Perhaps Tomi and Todd could assist in training the new soldiers instead since they're so focused on him?"

"That may be a good idea," Danna says supporting her apprentice. "With the soldiers' attention constantly on them, they're bound to listen to him more. An added bonus is for the soldiers to be able to interact with Todd to get an understanding of him to be able to know how to handle him."

To Tomi the idea didn't really seem so bad. Extra hands to help him with Todd when he's not around. "I suppose that helps. While I train the new soldiers with Todd, Witt and Victoria can focus on missions and reports that need a lot more attention than I can give at the moment. I can't focus too much on them because I'm taking care of Todd."

A simple switch of jobs between the three of them.

"By the way, how are Venus and Marshall doing working on that project I asked?"

"About the that collar device?" Ace finally speaks after drinking his tea. "Why do you need a custom collar anyways?"

Tomi lightly pokes his baby's cheek, "I need to keep track of Todd. His powers are growing faster than his physical growth. I'm afraid he might hurt himself if I don't keep eye on him every time."

He remembers his mom going through the same thing when he was still a little boy, except he didn't have any collar attached to him to keep him in check. His mom would always carry him around until he met Torm. When he valued Torm as some one to look up too and followed what he did, that's when Tom had actually given him some reasonable space.

"I'll be able to measure his power output and if he's in danger when I'm not around." He sips his tea and sets the cup down. "Although, Todd has been an angel so far when he sees that I'm busy. He usually plays with the dolls Max made for him."

Maki claps her hands together at an idea that comes to mind. "Tomi! I was thinking for awhile now, what if you got Todd an animal companion? I mean lots of children grow up with an animal companion."

Tomi smiles remembering his sister's dog, Seth. He's practically been with her for most of her life before she came to live with them. Tika would always tell him she was never really lonely because Seth was there all the time to keep her company while everyone else was busy.

"My sister did have a dog growing up... but it was more of a loyal dog that came from an experiment like myself." He hums as he tries to think of a few scenarios with normal animals around his baby.

A dog wouldn't last unlike Seth who is strong and intelligent. A cat, probably the superstition that they really can sense devils and demons doesn't really sit well with him. Not to mention their claws, big no. He and Torm found a stray cat before, it hissed at them sharply then scratched Torm's back hand. It ran away before Torm could even think of punishing the terrified creature.

When their father and mother heard about it, well they panicked.

"I'll think about it, but I don't think a normal house pet would do."

Danna smiles, a look that spelled trouble and Witt wasn't sure how to feel about it. Victoria grins knowing Danna, the head strategist, to be creative to make the best deductions out of the options she has to work with. That woman is definitely planning something and she wants in.

Ace on the other hand ignored them as he's more focused to keep a closer eye on his leader and the demon child if Danna and Victoria are up to something.

"Don't try," A few simple words from the usually stoic brunet man who's trying his best to look after his leader and Todd.

The two women act all innocent, Danna twirling a strand of her hair around her finger as Victoria puts a polite smile. "What ever do you mean?~"

Witt and Maki shield their eyes at their pure light of mischievous. Ace, on the other hand, sighs lightly before shaking his head back and forth.

Tomi smiles a bit uncertain.

"Mama?" Todd says quietly as he wakes up from his nap.

The light haired leader looks down to his little demon and nuzzles their foreheads together. "Mama's here baby."

"Mhmm..." Todd's small hands moves up to rest on his mama's cheeks. A smile gracing his little lips and plumping his cheeks adorably. "Love, Mama."

"Love you too my little one."

Tomi kisses his baby's cheeks making his child giggle. His friends can't help themselves as they fall for the scene before them. Just pure love and innocence is enough for them to continue serving their leader.

~+Red Army Base: Outside Training field+~

Asher had been keeping track of the new soldiers and their approved training schedule sent in by Tika through Bryon. He brunet man had tasked himself to guarding his beloved wife twenty four seven since he got the news she's pregnant.

Tika's husband is basically at her beck and call not that said young woman wanted for him to in the first place. She's an independent lady, but she appreciates her husband's devotion to making sure she is cared for as well as the new life growing in her.

"Come one soldiers! You've still got 15 more laps to go around the base!" He shouts at the Group running by his station. A few soldiers covering the track around he base were saying the same thing. These soldiers were the seniors who made sure none of their newbies were slacking off and running who knows where to skip training.

A pair of arms wrap around his waist, lips peppering kisses to his neck to his surprise. Asher turns around, pulling his stun gun out of his utility belt to aim at the culprit.

"Wow Love, I'm glad you can quickly do this. Otherwise I'd be jealous if you'd let strangers do what I can only do to you~"

The raven haired man relaxes at the sight of his boyfriend who has his hands raised in surrender and peace in front of him. He disengages his stun gun and places it back on his belt. Asher gives his partner a second look to see his tail and horns out in the open.

"Devil," He rolls his eyes at the sight before eyeing him again.

Noticing his love's eyeing he smirks, "I was doing some practice earlier inside the base. I wanted to see it I could use my horns or my tail for an advantage in a fight." He steps closer to his boyfriend who had turned back to watching the new soldiers running about pass their observation post. Some of them saluting their leader along the way if they weren't so focused on running.

Asher hums as he brings a hand up to lightly scratch under his devil's chin. Torm's response is to purr like an appeased cat getting what they want. The older of the two rewraps his arms loosely around his boyfriend's waist.

"So how's training? The newbies being good soldiers?" The half devil asks curiously.

"They're behaved, but there are some rebels among them." Asher reports in his usual tone as he starts to feel better with his boyfriend being around him more. It made him feel like they were teenagers in love again with some of their playful fighting here and there. "One of them actually has a record in lazing around."

Torm tail flicks back and forth behind him playfully. "Oh do they? Then you have my permission to punish them as you see fit." He knows his beloved partner will do fine in dishing out the proper punishments.

Asher chuckles as he takes his hand away from Torm. He turns around and the two lovers share a sweet but brief kiss.

"Love you my dear."

"I love you too my devil."

They lightly bump foreheads and share a light filled laugh with one another. Torm spins Asher around and holds him in a dancing hold. Playing around he swings his partner lightly back and forth in their shared space in the observation area.

"Torm~ I'm working," The raven whines a bit yet he laughs.

"But we're not suppose to be working, my Love. We're on vacation until we get back from our trip." He stops their dance and holds his boyfriend close. Torm leans down a little to catch his boyfriend's lips on his own.

Lips moving against one another as a slight moan occasionally slips from each of them.

Torm pulls back and licks his lips with a thoughtful look on his face. "Have you been eating strawberries?" He holds his chin with a hand on his hip, a curious expression on his face.

The other nods, quite dazed from their make out session. He shakes his head realizing they were still on the observation deck where soldiers can definitely see them if they look up. "Devil! I'm working!" He exclaims with a flushed red looking face.

"Can't be helped that you taste even more delicious today." His red eyes focus on his love's lips with the intent to kiss them again. "You know I love strawberries too much to let them go until the taste is gone."

Asher flushes a light pink this time before punching his boyfriend's chest a couple of time, by the way that didn't actually hurt his beloved. "I don't understand how I put up with you for so long!"

Torm chuckles and catches one of his love's wrists mid throw. He kisses the back of his hand lightly with a innocence to it with his eyes closed.

"Once again, I love you too my dear." Torm's words true and very genuine.

After Torm lets his hand go, Asher huffs when he crosses his arms over his chest. Was he really easy to read by his own boyfriend when he's paying attention to him?

"Anyways, I also came up here to remind you to double check your luggage with what you needed for the trip."

"I'll be doing it later tonight before we head out." Asher kisses his boyfriend's cheek. "It won't take me long, I promise."

"Then you don't mind if we meet at the plane in the hangers? I double checked my luggage already so I can head straight from my siblings' room."

Asher raised a brow in question. "Your siblings' room?"

"I left my luggage there because the twins wanted to decorate my case before we left. I also have to tuck them in and wish them good night too since I won't be seeing them until we get back." Torm not being in his younger siblings company will be completely foreign to him for awhile. He's always with them when he can be, that includes Tika when she used to stay at the base.

Asher nods in understanding, since Torm and his family is pretty important to him. What probably worries his boyfriend the most is the fact his youngest siblings will be left alone without any second eye on them. The second eye meaning one of their older siblings.

Tomi's gone from the base, leading as Blue Leader to the Shadow Base created by his mother. Currently raising his only son in his base with a bunch of soldiers.

Meanwhile, Tika's out of the base for the time being until she can visit again. Which won't be for awhile due to her pregnancy.

The raven merely smiles knowing how much his boyfriend cares for them. "I understand, then we can meet at the plane. It's fine with me."

"That's good." Torm rubs his forehead tightly with Asher's forehead with a happy look. One Asher hasn't seen in a long time. Torm let's go of his partner and steps back as he's ready to leave. "So I'll see you tonight."

"Of course," Asher huffs.

"I mean it Ash," The half devil jump off the observation deck, unfolding his wings he taken out before hand to fly in place. He looks back at Asher, "Don't get into any trouble."

"I won't."

Once assured, Storm left Asher back to his work after flying away to the direction of the front of the base.

Asher crosses his arms with a moment to close his eyes. Then he opens them and looks down to the path the newbies should be running.

To his surprise, a group of them had been watching him and Storm for awhile now after being distracted with all of his love's affection.

Asher could feel a vain on his temple pop.


~+Shadow Base: With Tomi and Todd+~

Todd claps for the new soldiers in training. He would always laugh when one of them did something funny.

The funny as in messing up horribly.

He had watched them tumble, stumble, some even tripping on their own two feet. The child had no clue as to why though, since the training are they're in is fairly organized and maintained.

What the baby didn't know is that they're too distracted of him. The soldiers have indeed take a liking to Todd and we're trying to make him happy while training with their leader.

They learned quiet a bit from their leader about his own child. Such as how he's half demon like their leader and the mention of his dad is a forbidden topic to be talked about around and to Todd.

Tomi had clearly stated they were both better off without the missing part in their family for good reasons. So any talk about the father will be punished for accordingly.

The new soldiers liked to be funny for Todd to see him laugh and smile which was a good cleansing for their well being. It felt relaxing to be around the child.

"Come on everyone, no more making Todd laugh." Tomi said picking up his son from his seat on the floor with all his toys on the plush blanket. "I want all new soldiers in training course 1 outside before Todd and I arrive."

"Yes sir!"

Todd watches them march out of the training room with an awed expression.

Tomi, on the other hand, smiles before shifting his baby in a more comfortable position in his arms. He looks down to Todd, "You okay baby?"

The little one nods with a happy look on his face. "Yes, Mama!"

"That's good," He pecks a simple kiss on the boy's forehead. "Just tell me when you get hungry. Then we'll have have everyone stop for a break to get some refreshments."

"Yay!" Todd's giggles lightens the atmosphere as soldiers keep passing on by them. He cuddles up to his mom happily to be rewarded with the same affection. "Mama? Can Todd keep watching friends?" He says referring to the soldiers.

"Sure my little demon," Tomi says as he starts walking the path towards the outside training course.

Along the way they cross paths with Ace who had just finished his rounds patrolling the base for today.

"Acey!" The year old child exclaims happily. His little arm raised in the air to wave to the brunet soldier.

Said solider smiles and comes over to his beloved leader holding the child. "Hello Todd, and my leader."

Tomi chuckles before patting his friend on the Soldier. "No need to be formal Ace, we've been friends since I was little."

Todd leans forward to Ace who holds his hands out since it seems the little one wants to be held by the taller male. "I know Tomi, but I need to show my respect every once in awhile."

The leader huffs as he hands his baby over to Ace. "Well I still don't like it. You know I like being close with everyone if they aren't meanies."

"Tomi, you're an adult already. You can't possibly be using words like 'meanies' forever."

A playful look crossed the half demon's facial expression. "Watch me Ace."

Ace could only smile softly as his leader's bright grin reminds him that Tomi will always be the ever loving Lawson child he had come to know since they first met.

He takes Tomi's hand once more and places a kiss at the back of it. "Keep smiling like that, and I'll be tempted to start courting you again in hopes you'll say yes."

Tomi blushes, quickly pulling his hand away and held behind his back. Ace laughs and waves his free hand while Todd remains clueless to what had happened.

"It's a joke."

"Really?! Or else I would have told Will on you!" Tomi says flustered with a step taken back. Trying to appear like the situation was scandalous out of playfulness.

He knows Will and Ace has gotten on good terms after a talk they had. Ace had told him Will had been doing well as he took care of the kids and misses him dearly. Thankfully the twin Lawson siblings filled in the hole he left behind and he proudly cares for them like how he did for Tomi.

Tomi had been happy to see some progress in Will and Ace's relationship. So he's hate to see them fighting again, more importantly if he was the problem of said fighting.

Ace rolls his eyes and resumes walking along side his leader to the training course area. Todd, being carried in his left arm, playing with his white cap that he got using his shadow powers.

Tomi and Ace continue to talk about the recent reports concerning the current information the brunet acquired during his last visit to the Red Army Base.

"Oh~ So my brother is finally taking a break to spend time with Asher." He claps his hands together with a genuine smile on his face. After all this time to himself, Tom has gotten used to the fact that Asher will be his brother's partner until his time comes. He still doesn't like it to a degree, but if his brother Torm loves the raven a lot and makes him happy then Tomi will step back. Like he should have done earlier while he and Torm were growing up together. "Do you know where they're going?"

"I believe their first stop is to Paris, and their last stop before coming back is Hawaii." Ace informs as they make a turn around the corner.

The leader hums with curiosity, never really traveling so far yet to reach Hawaii. "Sound nice... I hope I get to go there with Todd one day." Happily daydreaming of possible things he and his son could do over there.

The double doors they come to part open to where the outside training course one is station.

Tomi pats his son on the head lightly before going forward to finally set the new troop in place.

"All right! Let's get started!"

~+Night: Red Army Base: Torm and Asher's Room+~

Asher places his hands on his hips, staring at the open luggage laying on the bed. Folds and supplies unpacked to double check everything one last time.

"Clothes are packed, jacket and sweater in place in case it gets cold. Another pair of shoes...." He mumbles going through some other things laid about on the bed.

So focused and unconcerned of his surroundings, Asher hadn't noticed the second presence he considered a safe space. The figure blending perfectly in the shadows in a black body suit.

"I should start putting these in and head out-"

He jerks to a pause as he turns around to look behind him. His eyes blown open wide at the feeling of a malicious intent.

"Who's there?!" He looks around the room sharply. Hands positioned at his utility belt for any of his weapons on him. "Show yourself!"

A second after he said those words, pain came so quickly.

~+Meanwhile: With Torm+~

Torm finishes tucking in Lucille to bed after hanging up her necklace next to her night stand. The lovely blue drop shaped jewel still within her view to help her sleep.

Just before her, Torm had tucked in Lawrence with Tomee Bear. The young Lawson always loved to cuddle up with the stuffed animal since he was a baby.

"Both if you be good to Father, alright? I'll be back soon with Asher." Torm says to his siblings who watch him a bit sadly.

Lawrence nods slightly, "Come back soon."

"Please stay safe," Lucille adds with a tone that says she already misses him.

Torm laughs lightly, then comes to each of them to kiss them on the forehead. "We will... Good night you two."

Lawrence snuggles with Tomee bear as Lucille tries to relax on her bed to sleep.

The oldest Lawson sibling gives them one last look before leaving the room with his luggage. The door closing behind him softly with a light click.

Torm headed straight for the hangers where he dropped off his suitcase and bag to the crew who would place them in the cargo hold of the small aircraft.

"Any word from Asher? He's taking quite a long time." Torm crosses his arms after about 20 minutes of waiting.

A red soldier, Maddie, shakes her head at her leader. "Not a word, Red Leader."

The half devil hums in thought thinking his boyfriend must of been stuck on something while packing. He waves his hand for her to continue with her regulation check up on the plane stats.

"I'll go meet up with him to see what's going on."

He left the hanger and walked across the base to get to their shared room. Along the way soldiers either saluted him or gave him curious looks as to why he hasn't left yet.

Getting to the door of their room, he knocks first to alert his boyfriend.

"Ash? It's me Torm. You in?"

Silence, no answer.

Torm took the door knob in his hand, "I'm coming in." Turning the job he opens the door and steps inside.

The first thing that strongly hits him is the scent of blood. Metallic, disgustingly to his olfactory sensors and horror to his visual sight.

Gruesome and heartbreaking as Torm stared at the sight before him.

"S– Sto-rm..." His beloved coughs out as more blood is added to the white floor of their room.

Torm felt the words he wanted to say clogging up his throat. What only came was a gargled wail.

Before him, Asher, all bloody and beaten. He was highly aware his love had broken his left leg, the right arm bending in an odd angle, and the added horror of stab wounds all over the raven's body.


Torm immediately turned around and apprehended the foreign presence behind quickly after the moment his boyfriend uttered to run.

"Monster!" The person wearing black exclaimed with venom.

The devil immediately threw them across the room with unmatched strength. The unknown person slammed into the opposing wall with a thud. Knocking them barely conscious of what was going on in the room.

Torm went to Asher and carefully sat him up. The raven groans in pain, broken ribs he can feel shifting and hurting his insides.

"I'm sorry."

Asher could barely make up his boyfriend through his blurry gaze. He raised his hand, "Not.... Your fault..."

"I'm sorry," Torm could only repeat again. He want to hug his beloved tightly but knew it was risky with all his injures. God there were so many stab wounds, blood escaping quickly. He had to stop them somehow. "Help, Jehovah... I have to get you help—"

A hand comes up and cups his cheek. Asher's thumb lightly going back and forth to sooth him. Both ignoring the blood on the man's hand and now on his cheek. "I- can't ma-ke it..." He was having a hard time staying conscious. Breathing is becoming harder every minute.

"No, you have to stay- I can't lose you!" Torm exclaims as he places his hand over Asher's. Red digital eyes became blue.

Asher could feel his love trembling, shaking even, so scared to lose him. The raven can only soothe him to the best of his ability until aid came.

He wonders if his boyfriend's sad and horrified face is the last he sees.

"You," He breaths clearly as he can to sound even and fine. "can move forward Storm." Asher tries to smile even if his boyfriend's tears start to slip from under his goggles. "Don't let me hold you back."

It's becoming even more harder to breath and he's sure he can see someone has come to pick him up by a fourth presence in the room that Torm not the intruder could sense.

"You can't—"

"Shh..." Cooling fingers press against his lips.

Quiet sobs leave from the other.

"I love you..."

"I *hic* —I love you too."

A few seconds later, Asher's last breath is taken in a shared kiss that he had initiated.

Asher found himself in his out of body experience. He leans down and places his ghostly hand on his beloved's shoulder while he mourns his death.

"My Asher...."

The raven straightens up and looks over his shoulder. A woman he hasn't seen in ages stood by the door with a soft but sad smile on her face.


She looks like she never aged a day, looking as she did the day before she met death. Long raven black hair that fell just under her waist, slim figure to that of model, her clothes a simple white sundress.

Asher walks over to her with a smile, "Hi mom... I missed you."

"I've missed you too." Her silver blue eyes meet her son's own. She takes hold of his hand and gives it an assuring squeeze. "Shall we leave?"

Asher closes his eyes and nods.

She pushes a strand of his hair behind his ear. "He will be fine."

"I know because he's my boyfriend." He laughs as he squeezes his mothers hand out of sadness. "He has a family worth more than anything in the whole world, they'll continue taking of him."

Mary Woods hugs her son while he breaks the dam of tears he's been fighting to stay fixed. Her son died so soon and there wasn't enough time for her son's partner to even cherish the last of his time to the most.

"We can wait." Mary says trying to comfort her son. "Let us wait a while longer before we leave, just to watch over him and give support."

All Asher could do was nod.

Torm by time didn't know how long he had been holding his lifeless boyfriend's body of his love. He could say it was enough time for the intruder to get a hold of himself.

To walk up to the kneeling Devil in his mournful state.

"You've ruin this world, you've ruined everything!" The intruder exclaims as he continues to verbally assult Torm. They raised their daggers in the air. "It's all your Family's fault!"

The dagger were brought down.

An ear piercing scream filled the air, ringing throughout the base. Waking those asleep and altering those awake.

One of the two in the room wailing in agony.

The other, letting their sleeping evil awaken.


I'm sorry ^^'

Fanart is loved and thank you to the artist very much.






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