The Devil's of Mourning

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~+Red Army Base: Leader section+~

The first arrive at the scene were nearby soldiers and Tord who had been doing paperwork in his room.

"What in hell's name is going on?!" Tord exclaims as he marches up to the soldiers already gathered by the door of his son's room.

A frightened soldier points at the wide open door, "S-Sir! We aren't sure ourselves! We came agreeing hearing the scream and found the door like this.

The wide open door didn't let anyone see what was inside due to the darkness blocking everyone's view. It sent shivers down their very core as if the shadows and a chilling darkness from Hell rained upon the doorway.

Tord cautiously approached the door, only to jump back when a person was flung forward to the floor from the other side. Their form all bloody and scratched up, clothes ripped at the seams. The unknown human claws at the floor so hard that their bleeding, this leaving streaks of blood on the white marble floor. Their face expressing pure terror as if he had seen multiple horrors in a few seconds.

"AHHH! HeLp!"

Surprised soldiers gasps from the large, red clawed hand that took hold of the person's ankle. They were slowly being pulled back into the darkness while the intruder begs for mercy.


In a quick tug from the other side, the person disappears. They can hear fearsome screams and bloodcurdling cries.

Tord looks back at the soldiers serious, "Where's Torm and Asher?!"

"I've gotten word that Torm went back to his room to check on Asher since he was taking quiet awhile to arrive to the hangers." One of the female soldiers, Regina, says trying to shake off her shock. She shakes her head, "Torm and Asher have yet to leave the base."

Tord looks back at the dark abyss entrance that his son must have created. "Storm! Storm, what happened?!" He shouts trying to reach his son.

There is no answer but a roar of rage and despair if Tord assumes correctly.



The twins, having been woken up by the scream earlier, came to see what is happening. Will stood behind them since he had been guarding their door when the scream happened.

The former leader looks at them sadly and takes a knee to pat their heads comfortingly. "Something happened with your brother..."

Lucille looks to the door worriedly while Lawrence looks at the entrance to the abyss uncertain of what's happening. The youngest could hear the roars clearly but he's also hearing someone crying. His brother perhaps?

"Big Brother?" Lucille says trying to get closer to the door.

A few soldiers stop her, worried she might get caught in the cross fire of the situation.

"My lady, please don't get close." Will says after picking her up to hold in his arms. He made sure to keep a hand on Lawrence's shoulder to keep him from walking close too.

The last thing anyone needs is more trouble of somebody getting hurt.

The twins watched as their father tried approaching the door to enter but an even loader roar made it pass the barrier like a warning. It's like asking to enter through death's door without permission.

Lucille tugs Will's sleeve to get his attention. When the blond looks at her she says, "We should call Big sister!"

"Big Brother Tomi too!" Lawrence adds hoping their other older siblings could help.

Will looks at them unsure, "I don't know you two. Your sister isn't able to come over due to her pregnancy and Tomi... I'm not sure if he'd come over when he's busy with his own duties."

"It doesn't matter!" Lawrence exclaims hitting his little fist against Will's leg. "Torm's crying!"

To the ears of the soldiers, Will, and even their father, they can only hear roars of anger. They can't hear the sorrowful cries quietly under them.

Lucille looks at one of the soldiers with a pleasing expression. "Call my sister, please! Try calling Tomi too, please, they can help!"

The soldiers around them looks around and share a nod of agreement. Some soldiers rushed to the radio tower to try and contact Tomi while others were scrambling to find a free tablet to video call Tika at the Green Army Base.

Luckily, Bryon was the one to accept the call so late in the night since he had some leftover paperwork to finish for the next day.

"Bryon!" Will exclaims seeing the brunet's face on screen. The exclamation surprised the tired man.

"Will? What's with the call so late at night?" Bryon asks setting his pen down next to his work.

"Sorry, no time to explain right now. I need you to get Tika on the line, it's very drastically important." The clone's voice urgent to the other man.

Bryon nods, "Give me a few minutes, I'll get her to wake up." He left the screen quickly to go fetch his wife from their shared bedroom. Waking his pregnant wife wasn't something he really want to do but Will's tone made him go for it. Seems there is an emergency at the base.

Given the couple of minutes, Bryon did manage to help Tika get up to talk to them in his office. He was just fortunate that his adoptive parents set his office nearby.

"Will?" Tika says while trying to rub the sleep from her eyes.

"Tika, we need your help. You don't have to be here in person, but just you talking here is fine." Will said calmly at first but expression serious. Lucille in his arms giving her a small wave while Lawrence observes how his older sister sure is growing in the stomach area. "Your brother, Torm, is out of control."

"What? How did that happen?" Tika questions as her tired gaze is lifting. "I thought he and Asher were suppose to be leaving tonight for their vacation."

"They were suppose to but something happened when Torm when to check on Asher in their room after taking so long." Will pointed to the door of the bedroom so the soldier could move the camera to have Tika have a look for herself. "The soldiers found this after we all heard a scream."

Tika covers her mouth while Bryon's eyes widen at the dark shadow barrier. "It looks like something Tomi can do."

"Well Torm does have half devil genetics, closely related to the demon ones Tomi has. Their powers are fairly similar yet I've never seen him use his powers before. Torm's only been keen on using his wings or strong sense of smell... He's always been using his instincts." Will tells them from observing Torm and Tomi when they were still teens.

Bryon and Tika share a look with each other in understanding. Since they were young teens Torm has always been more of the one to go off his instincts. Never displaying any real power to control things unlike Tomi. The second oldest Lawson sibling loved playing with his shadow powers to get around places. So he tended to use his powers more often than the oldest.

"Get me closer, I'll try and reason with him." Tika said determined to knock some sense into her brother.

Regina complied a bit hesitantly. She was scared to approach, however, she would like to be strong and help than be useless.

She stood a safe distance away and put the table to full volume.

"TORM!!!" Tika shouts loudly that surprises her husband. Bryon quickly, but quietly, frets over her while she keeps her eyes on the screen. "Calm down, please! Let us help you!"

Whatever happened in there must have been awful to get Torm to reply back so fiercely to her. Tika knew something was wrong and orders the soldier holding the tablet to quickly step away.

If she hadn't moved a few seconds earlier the soldier would have met with a dealing blow of a chair thrown out from the room.

Tord grits his teeth seeing as one of the soldiers would have gotten hurt, especially if Tika was the actual one standing there.

"STORM LAWSON!" The former Red Leader exclaims now mad.

Meanwhile, inside the bedroom, Asher watches his love hovering over his lifeless body. His mother by his side holding his hand in comfort.

"Why do you have to be an idiot sometimes..." He wonder aloud seeing his boyfriend in between his half shifted to fully shifted monster form.

Torm's form scared him quite a bit to be fairly honest. His love's visors cracked and laying broken on the blood stained floor. The atmosphere heavy with a dark haze flowing about the room. Torm's large form, red scales and fur in some places showing off in a bristled show on how on edge he's in. His tail flicking back and forth dangerously and eyes colored black like Tomi's but with a red pupil in the right eye. Yet he can only feel love knowing it's still his boyfriend there just angry and sad.


Mary and Asher look to the person who called him. Approaching them is none other than Tom Thompson himself with a worried expression.

"Tom, sir."

Tom stops before them and notes the scene. Asher here perfectly fine while there is another him on the floor all bloody. He shakes his head, expression solemn.

"Asher... I'm so sorry."

Asher then shook his own head, "It's not your fault, it's no one's fault." He give a small smile to his boyfriend's mother.

Tom hums lightly and looks to the woman next to Asher. "Who is this?"

"My mother, Mary Woods. She has been waiting and watching over me." Asher tells him with a smile after introducing his mother to Tom. Mary give Tom a little bow of her head and a friendly smile. "We decided to wait a little longer before leaving..."

The older male's eyes soften at the mention of moving on. "When the time feels right Asher, burdens or regrets won't feel heavy once you see those you love happy to move on. I myself am waiting for him." Tom couldn't move on, not just yet without his beloved husband. He could wait, he's patient. Tom wants his husband to enjoy the rest of his time with their kids and watch them continue to grow with his guidance.

Asher nods in understanding. He understood his boyfriend's have a strong bond. One that could surpass even the most dreadful days.

The three ghosts look back to Torm's monstrous form. On all four, Torm stared narrowed eyes at the barrier as he lets out a fearsome roar.

"My son..." Tom says feeling hurt that he could not help comfort the devil.

~+30 minutes later: Outside the room+~


Tord and the younger Lawsons turn to face the owner of the voice of none other than Tomi. Soldier near him happy to see the second oldest child of the Lawson family. In his arms is Todd who seemed confused where they were, looking around to take in his new surroundings.

By his side is Ace who had informed Tomi of the situation in the first place. The brunet was the one to directly deliver the news to his leader with a rare concerned look on his face.

"What happened?" Tomi questions approaching his father. Only to hear a roar that sent shivers through him. His monster instincts acting up.

But why were they also sending signals of a mourning?

Even Todd was affected by the roar, his hands clutching onto his mama's hoodie tightly. The child wanted to cry by how sad the other person beyond the dark barrier was crying in pain. "M-Mama?" Todd says looking up to meet his mom's eyes. His own filling up with tears at the corners of his eyes.

Tomi nuzzled his child's cheek with his nose and whispered that things will be okay. He had to hold himself back from licking away Todd's tears by his demon instincts to comfort his little one. Instead his uses his thumbs to wipe them away.

"Mama will take care of him little one." He says enough that the soldiers and his family can hear him.

The older half demon carefully held Todd to his dad. "Please watch him for me. I'll go find out what's wrong with Torm."

Tord did so without a complaint, holding his grandson carefully in his arms like he used to do for his three older ones and the twins. Todd looks at his grandfather curiously for a moment before snuggling close to his chest. He like the smell and warmth from the older man, he felt so safe.

The retired leader looks to his second oldest, face so tired but determined. "Help your brother."

"I will always help him," Tomi places a reassuring kiss on his dad's cheek and then on Todd's. He walks pass them to ruffle the twins' hair which they relax too at the comfort.

Tika watched her brother Tomi smile at her before transforming half way into his monster form before them. Purple fur covered his body and made his clothes disappear effortlessly without a problem.

The purple demon shakes himself and lowers his body down on all for limbs. His horns proudly showing themselves while the giant black eye shows their determination.

"Rooo~" Tomi roars lightly to get his brother's attention on the other side.

The roar on the other side replies back a bit less loudly than the past ones. Even if the roars were toned down, both of them knew they were being cautious.

Tomi continues his light requests through the indecipherable roars. He wants to take it slowly and let Torm invite him inside. After all, this wasn't the regular Torm he knew but the Alpha taking control through the confused rage and despair.

Little by little Tomi was able to get through the barrier. He fully entered through the door with no problems. Although he did keep his head low as to not meet eyes with the alpha.

Instead, he lowered himself even further to the floor that his stomach laid flat against it. Tomi had to show his alpha brother that he means no harm.

Tomi hears his brother's heavy footsteps approach him but never leaving too far from the spot he was in before. Torm lowers his head to sniff at the omega before him to decided if he was a threat or not.

The omega brother remained completely still until the alpha back away slowly with no desire to hurt the one before him. Tomi carefully rose back up just in case Alpha Torm decided he wasn't suppose to get up just yet. When he managed to sit up he decided to speak.

"Alpha, I have no desire to cause you trouble."

"As you have proved, Omega." The Red Devil across from him says sternly. The devil's tail stretches out to to touch the tip of Tomi's chin. Giving it a little push up so they could meet each other's eyes. "What brings you here?"

"My presence here is to see what has brought about your... rage." Tomi didn't take any chances to let his eyes roam about the room. All the scents flowing about the room told him so much of what has happened. For example, the scent of blood smells strongly and there is death that didn't sit well in his stomach. "Let us talk, please?"

There was a moment of silence, those dark eyes and his single red pupil staring at him to find a fault. A reason to attack the other demon.

"Come closer." Torm's deep voice says with a warning growl in trail.

Tomi slowly makes his way to his brother until the smell of death became too much. He looks up at his brother again with a sad look.

"Lean down, please." The half demon says almost pleading his brother.

The Alpha brother does just that with a bit of hesitance. His eyes widen at the comforting nuzzle his Omega brother starts up against his neck.


"I'm sorry Stormy... I'm so sorry..." Tomi would have to inform his father of the death that has taken place. He takes the chance to look around them while his brother cannot see him clear due to his actions.

Splatters of blood painted some of the walls, some on the furniture and the covers of the bed. By the left corner of the room, the intruder who had entered whimpers and shakes by fear. Claw marks marring his bloody cloth torn body.

Just under under them is the one who had died.

Asher's hair matted against his forehead by the blood loss. Stab wounds a mess about his body with broken bones certainly. His body laid on the floor unmoving that made Tomi's stomach turn over.

God he wanted to throw up.

The rat that hand entered their home didn't deserve the mercy they whined about in their presence.

Tomi closes his eyes and focuses on his brother once again. By his observation, Torm is really shaken up and his monster instincts are on full alert. There was no way he can move Asher away unless he wanted to be labeled as a threat.

All he could do now is calm Torm and wait for his emotions to settle.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

+Outside the door: Some Time Later+

Tord is very worried.

He trusts Tomi to help in their current predicament but he's also worried something could go wrong.

The retired leader really wanted to knock his head against the wall a couple times for not listening to Tom back then about how to deal with their first son.

Tord sighs pitifully, "I'm totally regretting not listening to Tom back them."

For now he's just grateful that his son, Tomi is here to help. Unlike listening to him, Torm very willingly listens to Tomi.

Todd, settles in the man's arms, looks at him with a confused tilt of his head. To him, a child, the man looked sad. So he wants to cheer up his mama's friend.

"Who you?" Todd asks to strike up his first conversation with the man.

Tord looks surprised when the toddler asked him who he was. "Ah, that's right-" Tord notes he hasn't really been around Todd since he was born. "Where are my manners. I'm Tord Lawson, your grandfather or grandpa."


Todd saying that really hit Tord in the heart. His grandson is so sweet and cute. Reminds him how Tomi used to be way back when.

"Yeah, I'm grandpa." Tord smiles softly as he playfully pokes his grandson's cheek.

The child smiles back equally happy to get the man to smile. "Gwampa!" Todd plays a kiss on his grandfather's cheek happily.

Then Tord feels someone tugging his pant leg. He looks down to see the twins look up fairly curious of Todd. The older man squats down and holds Todd carefully to show the toddler his young twin aunt and uncle.

"Todd, this is your aunt Lucille and uncle Lawrence. They're twins." He introduces the young toddler to his youngest kids. "Lucille, Lawrence, this is Todd, you're nephew."

"Oh," Lawrence watches his sister curiously bring her hand up to lightly pinch the toddler's plush cheek. Only to smile afterwards and awe at how adorable their brother's baby is.

"Law look! He's so cute!" Lucille exclaims look to her brother.

Lawrence nods in agreement to his sister, "I can see that Luci."

Todd tries a couple of times to say their names while the twins encourage him whole heartedly. When he gets them right, the twins would give him a kiss on the cheek. Todd giggles, happily kissing them back on their cheek. Tord and Tika, who is watching from her screen, smile the young getting acquainted so happily.

"Dad, how much longer do think it will take until Tomi gets Torm to calm down?" She expresses her concern knowing how unpredictable her older brother can be. "I'm so scared he'll hurt himself if we aren't watching him."

"I'm not sure honey, you said yourself that Torm's unpredictable." He gives a thoughtful look then turn his attention to the doorway at the sound of someone coming through. "However, it looks like they're done."

Tomi comes out of the room in his human form supporting his brother who is not sporting his visors. Torm didn't shift all the way back to his complete human form yet since what was left is just his tail and horns. Both their clothes were in a mess with, Torm more so having almost shift into full form that it left rips.

A soldier tried to approach them but they couldn't get closer when a warning growl left the older Lawson child. His eyes snapping open to the ones he had in his monster form.

It surprised the rest of his family and the soldiers. They've never seen him with black eyes and that one red slitted pupil before.

"Stormy." Tomi said sternly yet soft as he could.

Torm continues to growl warningly until he felt satisfied that no one is going to approach them. He closes his eyes again and hides his face in the crook of his brother's neck and shoulder.

Tomi pats his head carefully while he focuses on everyone before him. He looks to Ace, "Get Dr. Duke and Dr. Grace right now."

"Yes, sir." Ace left without question to get the two head doctors.

Tomi them looks to the soldiers present, "Collect the intruder inside the room, don't kill him. But leave Asher alone until the doctors come."


Tomi for once in their life scares them to death when his smile widens. It's strained. The room becomes cold and the shadows pools around under him in warning.


The soldiers quickly leave to go into the room to deal with the intruder barely hanging onto his life.

Todd looks at his mama cluelessly as to what's happening around him. The sadness he sensed earlier was still them but leveled to a point it didn't ripple his emotions to the point of crying again for the person's pain.

His black eyes landed on the person holding onto his mama and smiles cheerfully.

"Dada!" Todd cheers.

Tika places a hand on her forehead while shaking her head. Tord held Todd a little more securely after the surprise title the little one called Torm. The twins on either side of the man sigh and shrug their shoulders at the situation.

"Baby, it's Uncle. Tormy is you're Uncle." Tomi reminds calmly while he remains keeping his older brother content and calm.

The toddler giggles and makes grabbing motions to be with his mama and Torm.

Tord shakes his head and places a hand on the boy's head. "Not right now Todd. You're Mama's taking care of your uncle right now." He understand his grandson wants to be with his mom but now wasn't really the right time. He also isn't sure how Torm would react to Todd's presence at the moment either.

Instead, Lucille was the one to approach her older brother after being so worried for him earlier. She ran over to her older brothers and hugs Torm's leg tightly.

"Big brother!" Lucille always looks up to Torm a lot out of her two older brothers. She may be quiet and not express herself clearly like Lawrence but when it comes to Torm she falls apart. It's hurts her to see her brother like this.

Torm doesn't look at her, but he does moves his hand to rest on top of her head. Not a word is said and Lucille didn't expect him to say anything.

Just him being gentle to her is enough for now.

Soon enough the two head doctors come in with their fellow staff accompanying them with necessary equipment.

"Does anyone have something I can write on?" Tomi asks since he can't clearly say what he wants with Torm close to him.

Lawrence comes over and gives him a post it not and a pen their dad always keeps on him for reminders. The half demon quickly wrote what he needed and folded it up. Then he gave it to Lawrence to give to the doctors.

The pair gave him a surprised look for a moment after receiving the note from Lawrence. Upon reading it their expression becomes serious until they nod in understanding to Tomi.

"We'll take care of everything Tomi." Dr. Grace says carefully while her gaze shifts between Tomi and Torm.

Dr. Duke pats her shoulder and they go off into the room after the soldiers pull out of the room with the intruder. The man shaken and whimpering our prayers that could not save him

The dirty rat that Tomi will personally deal with later.

"Keep him alive, I'll deal with him later."

"Yes sir."

Tika felt a shiver crawl up her spine at the cold tone her brother used. It seems as if Tomi had switched of his personality for their older brother's out of no where.

"Tika," Tomi calls to get her attention. She looks at him with full focus. "You should head back to bed. I'll take care of everything and inform you what happened tomorrow, or maybe Dad will."

"I can stay up." Tika says but her husband next to her shakes his head.

"Sweetie, think of the baby and yourself." Bryon tries to reason with her.

Tomi smiles at her, "Bryon's right."

In defeat, Tika accepted her fate of being reasoned back to bed to rest. She really can't win against her brother unlike Bryon.

And she blames how Tomi has their mom's looks. Really no one in the Lawson family can't say no to their deceased mother.

The video call is ended so the soldier holding the tablet is free to go assist or go back to her room. She salutes her leader and the family before leaving.

"Dad." Tord looks at his son unsure of how things would go from here. Heck he hasn't even been informed what is going on just yet. "I'd like to talk about what has happened in the morning. Tormy should be a little more stable to stand us talking about what happened here tonight." Tomi shifts a little to get his brother to loosen his grip on him a bit. "For now, I want him to rest."

His father wanted an explanation sure but now is not the time. After seeing what happened a few minutes ago with Torm's warning growl he'll trust himself on Tomi's words.

He'll still be able to get some kind of reason from the doctors and Asher when they come out.

"Alright, I understand."

Tomi looks at his baby and holds his arm out for him. "I should probably take Todd with me." His little one gets fussy when he's not with him for a long period of time. Not good especially when it's time for sleep.

"Um, what about Torm? I thought- You know..." Tord said trying not to say it around the younger Lawson siblings.

"I'll deal with the problem when it comes up." He takes Todd close to his chest after some of his dad's hesitation passes over. He kisses his baby's forehead and the toddler cuddles up to him. "It shouldn't be hard for an omega like myself to know how to protect my young."

Tord watched his son look at Todd the same way Tom used to do when taking care of Tomi and Storm when they were small. A small flashback to Tom carrying Tomi the same way goes through his head. Yeah, Tomi's definitely gonna keep Torm in line if it means protecting Todd while they're here.

"Goodnight Dad. We'll see you in the morning."

"Goodnight, sleep well."

Tord watches his son cover himself, Torm, and Todd in shadows after getting Lucille to go back to him and Lawrence. They sink to the floor and disappear.

"Huh?" The father says after some thought. "I forgot to ask where they're going to rest for the night.

~+Red Army Base: Tika's Room+~

Tomi had taken his brother and baby to their sister's old room.

"Tormy, we're here."

"Hmm..." Torm continues holding onto his brother. He doesn't want him to leave.

So Tomi walks over to a chair and sits his brother down. "Tormy... You have to clean yourself up first." The sight of his brother all bloody is a sad sight to see.

In the moment, Todd reaches out slowly and pats his cheek lightly. "Hurt?"

Out of tune Torm doesn't care at all that Todd is there. However he does hold his hands out for the toddler.

Tomi bit his bottom lip at the gesture to want to hold Todd. His internal struggle between his omega side and personal wants conflicts with what to do. In the end he carefully gives his little one for Torm to hold, given a watchful eye on his omega part.

Todd being held by Torm didn't affect either party. The child brings his other hand up to hold the blind devil's face lightly. "Sad?"

"Mmh... I'm sad..." Tears collect in the corners of Torm's eyes again. "It hurts."

Todd lips wobble as he wants to cry for Torm. He leans his head forward and rubs his forehead against the man's clean cheek.

"Sowry..." The young half demon apologizes for reasons he did not know.

Torm hugs Todd close and cries silently with the young half demon.

Tomi stays quite as he tends to his crying brother while Todd keeps his attention occupied. He goes to bathroom to bring back a small basin filled with water and a towel.

Carefully he wiped away the blood off of his brother after carefully taking off his ruined vest and dress shirt. The string tie left next to the bin on top of his dress shirt.


Black eyes continue to eye the blood he wipes away. "Yes?"

"I feel... empty." Torm closes his eyes, his arms hugging Todd closer. His nephew quiet.

Tomi stand back up on his feet and kisses his brother's forehead. "It will be like that for awhile Tormy. Just until you can find someone who can fill that empty hole up."

A silent pause before Torm asks,"Why can't you?"

"Because it's just not my place anymore after Asher came into our life." Tomi tells his brother truthfully. He was only there as support for his brother when he had yet to fall in love with anyone.

The love Torm is looking for now is not the one he can provide.

"Just wait Tormy." Tomi pats him on the head. "I'm sure you'll find someone who can bring you back up."

Not knowing what else to say, his shirtless brother then starts humming a lullaby after his words.

Todd nodding off to sleep while Tomi continued to watch his brother while finishing his clean up.

Once finished with cleaning up the dried blood, Tomi held his hands out to take Todd back.

"I'll take Todd back. You should change into your pajamas that Tika keeps for you in her closet." Tomi saw how his brother was reluctant to give Todd back to him for a moment. "Tormy?"

"Can I..." His glazed over eyes shouting round as if trying to look around the room. "May I keep holding him?"

Tomi's eyes soften with pity. Maybe Todd's presence put his brother's mind into comfort for the mean time during his vulnerable state.

"Sure but you still have to change out of your pants." There was no way Tomi was gonna let his brother sleep in those bloodstained pants with Todd in their sister's bed.

"Then could you please grab me a fresh pair?"

Tomi nods and goes about to their sister's closet to pick up his brother's pajama pants. Usually when they were growing up, Torm and Tomi would leave a fresh pair of pajamas in their sister's closet in case one or both of them decided to sleepover in her room. So wasn't unusual for any of them.

Bringing them back Torm quickly changed while Tomi continued lulling Todd to sleep after getting him back. Changing was quick for the half devil so they were able to slip into Tika's old bed not a moment later.

Torm was able to pull Todd and his brother closer to snuggle up with them. Their warmth helping him fall asleep faster to already get this horrible night over with.

That left Tomi to fall asleep last.

He looks at his sleeping sibling and baby all snuggled together. He sighs with a sad smile, Tomi didn't think he's ever see this sight.

It's cute so he pulled out his phone to take pic of his two of his favorite people. Automatically making it his new wallpaper on his phone.

"Ngh... Ash," His brother's face scrunched up at the incoming nightmare.

Tomi brings the blanket up more to keep his brother warm and comfortable. His hand comes over to cup the side of his brother's face, then pushing a stray strand of hair behind his ear

"Shh... It's alright."

Soothing as a mother Tomi got his brother to calm down. He wishes for things silently for his brother to go good instead of bad.

The rest of the night, in that room, if anyone were to pass by, one could only hear a lullaby.

New chapter for this month ^^

Thanks so much for reading this far, when I really should have finished this book at number 2 ^^' Anyways thank you all the artist taking their time to do Fanart. Love you all and hope you're all doing well.

Until next time,




-Local Anon

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