Chapter 12

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The three of us were silent while walking to the buses, I was enjoying the time I was spending with them, walking in the sweet and cold sunshine of the fall. A cold breeze made me shiver, sending brightly colored leaves swirling in the air. I think Tsuki may have seen me shiver because she drew closer to me, taking my hand and Kazuya's.

We clambered into the bus, I made sure I was sitting on the inner seat this time so I could shield them from behind when we got off the bus. I spotted John in the very back, it looked like he had a black eye forming, the thought made me grin, remembering Kamina beating him up.

"What's so funny, Mia?" Kazuya asked, breaking the golden silence.

"John has a black eye, serves him right."

A smile formed on Kazuya's lips and he nodded. Tsuki was sitting in between Kazuya and I, she yawned then curled up against Kazuya. We stayed quiet the entire bumpy ride there, I think everyone was sleepy. The quiet murmur of the bus kept me awake, I watched Kazuya start to nod off as well. Unfortunately, he wasn't asleep for long before I had to shake him awake and help carry Tsuki to his house.

We laid her on the couch, she was still sleeping soundly. Kazuya curled up on the couch next to her, his mysterious red eyes closing slowly and sleepily. Ms. Sandra came in the room for a moment to give me a quick smile and a cookie.

I felt drowsier than before but I still didn't sleep. Instead, I kept going over what Kaede said to me in my mind. Does she really think that? I still couldn't be too sure. Kazuya is very nice and passionate, I like him for that. But, I'm not sure if I love him. For now, he'll continue being my best friend, and I'll continue learning more about him.

Hey guys, I'm really sorry for the short chapter, I would have worked on it during the day but I got a job (yay?) ! Anyways, I'll update two chapters next week to make up for it, including writing in my spare time all I can since I don't have the 12 hours a day I was spending on it. Believe it or not, this took me three hours to try and write, which is what happens when you get a headache. Again, sorry for the short chapter, I know it was absolutely crap, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway.

Angel Blue ~♡~

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