Chapter 11

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As gym class bore on, Tsuki, Kazuya and I learned more about Kamina. He had moved here to get away from a terrible person at his old school and his girlfriend came with him due to the same person. His girlfriend's name was Kaede, and he said she was beautiful. Whenever he talked about her he had a slight blush to his face and his blue eyes shined.

We also told Kamina about ourselves. I didn't dwell to much on my past, but Kamina was solemn when I spoke. Tsuki didn't speak much, but she listened to everyone else. Much to my happiness, she clung to my hand for most of the time. Kazuya had just finished telling his story when the bell rang. Kamina said a quick goodbye and, looking at his schedule, ran off to his next class.

"He was nice, I like him." Tsuki said suddenly, looking at Kazuya and I with a small smile.

I nodded warmly in agreement, he certainly had been nice. All of us walked into the math class and lead Tsuki to the back where we normally sit. A girl with shoulder length sky blue hair and icy blue eyes peeked curiously into the classroom, then walked in slowly. She had a fair face and looked quite pretty, she handed a note to the teacher and sat in the back row across from us.

Once everyone entered the classroom our teacher asked the girl to stand up and introduce herself. She started in a quiet voice that slowly sounded more confident as she went on.

"My name is Kaede, um, I just moved here and I hope to enjoy this class." She sat down immediately afterwards with a tinge of pink on her cheeks.

"Kaede? Could she be Kamina's girlfriend?" I whisper to Kazuya.

He shakes his head, uncertain, glancing at her every now and then. The teacher passes out our work, and as he typically has, Kazuya finishes first and lays his head down. I continue on my work until I finish, and when I do, I decide to talk to the girl. This is something I've never done before, introducing myself to her is a scary thought. I decide to anyways, getting up silently and sitting in the chair next to her.

"Hello, Kaede. My name is Mia, it's nice to meet you."

"H-hi, Mia. Uh, nice to meet you too." Kaede certainly seemed a little uncomfortable.

"Um, don't you have a boyfriend? Kamina? I met him last class."

Her bright eyes grow wide with surprise and she blushes a dark scarlet. "Yeah, he is. How much do you know?"

I tell her all that Kamina had told me, he never told me the name of their tormentor but it sounded like he was a monster. Kaede was able to fill me in on the blanks, the name of the person was Karma, and he had done such horrible things, she trailed off without telling me anymore. Not wanting to pressure her, I tell her what happened to my parents and how I met Kazuya.

"You seem very close, are you together?" Kaede asked me innocently.

Now it was my turn to blush. "N-no, but we are close friends." With a chuckle I added: "Most people seem to think we are."

"I understand, I think you'd make a great couple if you did."

I laughed nervously, I didn't really know how to respond to that. "Maybe."

Much to my relief, the bell rings and Kaede is rushing out the door to leave. I join back up with Kazuya and Tsuki, telling them what little I learned about Kaede. I decide not to tell them what she said about how Kazuya and I would make a good couple, but I'm sure my face was still painted red.


Hey guys, I actually updated today yaaaaay. I promised my friend @KazuyaYamazaki that I would update today. Sorry for the short chapter, now that I'm not as busy I'll try to update longer chapters. Hope you guys enjoyed!

Angel Blue~♡~

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