Chapter 10

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I still couldn't believe it. I couldn't be special, I'm only me. I sigh and begin writing on the note. When I'm satisfied by what I write, I hand it to him.

"Alright, I still don't get why I'm 'special,' but I will accept it. I really care about Tsuki, she's such a sweet little girl. Kikyo called me sister as well. I still don't know why."

He nodded at me, satisfied with my answer. I couldn't tell if he really was satisfied, his face showed confusion. He crumpled up the sheet of paper and got up to throw it away. While he was gone, Tsuki came over to me and sat on my lap. I smiled, unable to help doing so.

"Want me to do your hair?" I asked her.

"Yes, please!" She responded happily.

I began sorting through her soft, long, icy blue hair with my fingers and started braiding it. I could see Kazuya watching me out of the corner of my eye, smiling at us as he sat down. From what I can see, he put his head on one hand so his head is tilted towards us, his goofy grin still visible.

Trying to focus more on braiding Tsuki's hair, I almost finish as the bell rings and it is time to go to gym. I stand up from my seat as Tsuki moves more towards Kazuya, sleepily resting her head on his arm. He smiled warmly at her, then he raised his amused and mysterious red eyes to me and I felt a twang of unusual happiness. What was that?

Shaking off the feeling, I followed the both of them through the dim halls and into gym class. Whatever I had been feeling before, it turned into fear. John, William and Noah were standing in the corner, throwing glances at us. I did my best to shield Tsuki from them, hoping they wouldn't come over here to talk. As my luck would have it, they did start walking over here. The ringleader and his monkeys. I sighed at the thought as John spoke.

"Who's this? Did you go out and adopt someone?"

Kazuya narrowed his eyes at them and I instinctively moved between the bullies and my friends.

"No, she's his little sister. Now, leave them alone." I explained, glaring into John's cruel and amused eyes.

He scoffed at me, then pushed past me to get to Kazuya and Tsuki, knocking me over in the process. I grunted when I hit the floor, dazed for a moment. I could faintly hear Kazuya calling my name, then someone else's.

"Mia! Tsuki! Leave them alone you-"

Whatever Kazuya was going to say, he didn't finish because a blurred image had struck at him, knocking Kazuya backwards. I try standing up, but it's as if my hands and feet can't work, and time has slowed down. I start to shake my head, time started to play at the correct rate and I resumed control of my limbs.

I scramble to my feet, fully recovered. A shape of a modern height boy rushes past me, pushes John out of the way and shields Tsuki from view just as I was about to do. Stunned, all I can do is watch as he trips both William and Noah, causing John to curse. The numbers were now even, and the bullies stalked off. The boy helped Kazuya to his feet, he had blond hair and bright blue eyes.

"Thanks for that." Kazuya said in a pained voice, rubbing the back of his head.

"No problem, I'm Kamina by the way. Glad to be of help " The boy nervously ran a hand through his hair, as if daunted by his own bravery.

"You're new here, aren't you?" I asked quietly.

Kamina nodded. "Me and moved here."

"That's nice, oh and I'm Mia. Thanks for protecting Tsuki." I motioned to the little girl who had now come to stand at Kazuya's side.

"Nice to meet you guys. It's good to make friends on your first day." He smiled, it looked to me as if he had perfect teeth.

I nodded, it certainly was.

Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter I've been busy. Also, I won't get much of a chance to update tomorrow soooo I updated as close to Friday as I could. I might make another short chapter on Saturday on my way home much like this short one. Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

Angel Blue~♡~

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