Chapter 9

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A sudden light woke me, making me wince against the brightness. Opening my eyes, I struggle to focus on something that was standing right in front of me. When my eyes did focus, I leapt up with a small yell, falling backwards off the bed. A small girl with long, ice blue hair and wide bright blue eyes was staring at me with a tilted head.

"Kazuya, who's this?" She asked, looking behind me at Kazuya who was laughing at me.

"Tsuki, this is Mia. She's my friend, she came over for our family night and spent the night here." He explained between laughs.

"Yes, hilarious I fell over. I get it." I tried to sound hurt, but my big smile gave me away.

Taking the clothes Kikyo had given me the night before, I excused myself to the bathroom to change. Something isn't necklace! I gasped and ran back to the room, searching my bag and relaxing as I found it in the front pocket. But, how? I always remember to put it back on if I take it off. Before I could question myself further Kikyo came into the room.

"How do the clothes fit? I'll take the pajamas for you."

"They fit very nice, thank you, Kikyo."

As I handed her the clothes, I realized why I didn't know my necklace was gone. I feel safe here, safer then I've ever been. I wonder how long I've been without it.

"Mia! It's time to go!" Ms. Sandra was calling to me from downstairs.


I grabbed my bag and raced down the stairs, blinking in surprise as I saw Kazuya and Tsuki standing by the door.

"She's coming to school with us today, won't that be nice? At her school, she was getting bullied, but this way she can still learn something." Kazuya explained, he seemed very happy.

I nodded, but couldn't help but think about John and his two buddies. I won't let them touch her. We left the house and walked to the bus stop. I trailed behind them, I could tell Kazuya hadn't seen Tsuki in a while and wanted to let them have some privacy. Tsuki said something to Kazuya and they both stopped, letting me catch up to them. Before I could say anything or ask what was going on, Tsuki took my hand in her little one and did the same with Kazuya so she was walking between us. Not wanting to ruin this beautiful moment, I kept my mouth shut, my heart filling with love for this little girl. I couldn't help but smile.

Unfortunately, my moment of bliss didn't last long. The bus pulled up shortly after, I made sure I was sitting on the outside, so I could shield them if I had to. Even if I hadn't known either of them for long, I still felt protective. Possibly because they have been the only ones who have accepted me, that I can call them my friends. A few bus stops later, John, William and Noah get on the bus. They don't make any remarks but they did sneer at Kazuya, Tsuki and I. Angry, I glare at them until they sit down.

We reach the school unharmed by the bullies scorn. I still trailed Kazuya and Tsuki a little bit in case someone tried anything. When we reached the cafeteria, I sat where I had yesterday, watching the two of them carefully out of the corner of my mind and twirling my necklace absent-mindedly. I continued to be lost in thought until I heard Tsuki say something to me and Kazuya gasp.

"What? What happened?" What could she have said?

She cleared her throat and spoke again: "Big sis, aren't you going to eat anything?"

Sister? Again...but why? Kazuya gives me this look that tells me that we need to talk as soon as possible. I give him a confused nod, I have no idea what's going on. The bell rings and we're forced to go to class. Kazuya explains to the teacher why Tsuki's here and I start on my notes. Kazuya goes to sit beside me and places Tsuki on his lap. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see her reading all the notes he writes down over and over, her blue eyes scanning the page.

I finish writing the last of my notes and put down my pencil. Tsuki turned her eyes to me and tilted her head as I take out my book.

"Mia, do you have any drawing paper I could use?" She whispered to me.

I smile and nod, ripping a sheet of paper from my notebook. She took it gladly and began doodling on the paper, and I could see Kazuya smiling at her as soon as he finished his notes too. Getting an idea, he tore out a piece of his own notebook paper and started writing on it. He passed it to me, and I was astonished as I read what was written.

"Tsuki had a big sister who used to never eat breakfast either. The fact she calls you 'big sis' is a miracle, you are special. In a very good way."

I can only stare at the paper, dumbfounded. I'm special? No way. I shake my head slowly and hand him back the paper. I can't ever believe I'm, Kikyo called me 'sister' too.

Kazuya started writing again, more frantic this time. He handed it to me with a look that I knew meant he was serious.

"Believe me! I don't know how to explain it, but it really is true. There's this connection I feel between the three of us, it's very special. I'll tell you about that later, I promise."

Hey guys, I updated when I was supposed to, yaaay! I want to dedicate this chapter to my little sister (Wolfeather101), as it was her birthday yesterday! I can't express how grateful I am to all my readers, I've reached nearly 300 views and that is so exciting to me. Thank you all! I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

~Angel Blue ♡~

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