Chapter 8

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Ms. Sandra lead us to a back room that had a boxer's ring in the middle of it. Sosuke and Kazuya bowed to each other, shook hands, and started circling the other.

Kazuya, who got bored, struck first. He threw a punch at his older brother, who dodged it easily, made a quick turn with his foot out and tripped Kazuya making him fall. Before Sosuke's foot passed by, Kazuya grabbed it so that he brought Sosuke down with him. They both moved so fast, it was hard for me to keep up with the both of them. Kazuya would land a good punch and would get one in return, they were pretty evenly matched. As the fight bore on, Sosuke seemed to have the upper hand. However, Sosuke was tiring and as Kazuya figured that out he began to torment his brother with that fact until, with a laugh and grin, Sosuke fell back.

"You win, little brother. Good job."

I cheered whilst Ms. Sandra, Kikyo and Saruzaki stared with disbelief. Reaching into her pocket, Ms. Sandra gave Kazuya, who was laughing and had a huge silly grin on his face, all the money. He counted it, and gave me half of it.

"$150 each, how about that, Mia?"

I shake my head in disbelief, I'd never just been given money like this before. Not even on my birthday!

"Surely, I can't take this." I try handing the money back to Kazuya but he wouldn't take it. He instead walked past me, pausing to whisper in my ear.

"Thank you for being the only one who believed in me."

I can only stare down at the money, going over what he said in my head. I couldn't not bet on him, I'm his friend. Also, what can I do with $150? I can give this to my aunt, no, she'll ask where I got it. I can tell her the truth but I'm not sure how she'll react.

"Are you alright, sweetie?" Ms. Sandra had walked up to me as I had been lost in thought.

"Y-yes. I'm great, thank you."

She gave me a small smile and walked out of the room. Being the only one left in there, I follow her and see that everyone else is in the kitchen and eating brownies. I smile and pick a brownie off the plate on the counter. It was as delicious as I had remembered! Someone started to play music and we started having dancing contests. I didn't join in, I can't dance at all. We partied until about 9:30. I was getting really sleepy, the party high was wearing off. I can tell everyone else is feeling the same way. Kikyo walks up to me, holding two different pairs of clothes.

"These are for you, a pair of pajamas and a pair of clothes for tomorrow. I hope they fit. Goodnight, sister."

Sister...? "Thank you, Kikyo!"

I walk upstairs, searching for my bedroom. Pausing as I see two beds in one bedroom, Kazuya sitting on the far bed.

"In here, Mia. You get that bed." He pointed to the bed closer to the door.

"Alright, I'll be right back."

After a quick search, I find the bathroom and change into the pajamas Kikyo gave me. They fit nearly perfect, much to my relief. I walk back into the room, seeing that Kazuya is already sleeping peacefully. I set the clothes I was given for tomorrow right beside my bed and crawl under the covers. As comfortable as it is, I can't sleep. Trying not to make much noise by tossing and turning, I lay flat on my back, making shapes on the ceiling with my mind.

The sound of the door creaking open made me freeze, straining my eyes to see through the darknesss. I hear two tiny feet padding on the hardwood floor and can just make out a shape in the darkness. The shape looked like a little girl with really long hair, I couldn't make out much else. I watched quietly as she leaned over Kazuya's sleeping form and whispered something to him. I couldn't quiet hear her words over the blood rushing in my ears from the fright I had when she had opened the door. Kazuya's form stirred and I could hear him shuffling over to make room for the smaller girl.

That must be Tsuki! I forgot she was coming. The pounding in my ears died away and I turned my head so I could see them a little better. Seeing Kazuya with a little girl made my heart swell, though I have no idea why. Could I be falling for him? Is this some sort of trick? I am afraid for the worst and for the best.

I go back to watching the shapes on the ceiling swirl, all within my own mind. Slowly, I begin to feel my eyes droop, finding it harder to keep them open. I give in, closing them, awaiting the dreams to come.

My last thought was something along the lines of: Could I really be falling for him?


I'm so sooooooooooorry. I really meant to keep updating, life just decided to punch me in the face and I didn't. Please forgive me! I've had to rearrange what I've said, for now, I'm going to be updating once or twice a week depending on how busy I am. Last week I was in the mountains and had little to no service. I hope to start updating on Fridays (including this one) and maybe one more day during the week, I haven't decided. Again, I am really really sorry for not updating sooner. Hope you all enjoyed this

~Angel Blue ♡~

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