Chapter 7

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I immediately feel bad, still confused to why I do feel that way though. Well, he is my friend, I'll have to remember that he does care what I say. Very much unlike others, I have to be careful what I say.

"I'm sorry, Kazuya. I shouldn't have said that."

He looks at me, and he smiles. I can still see the hurt, but it's fading away, being replaced by something I don't recognize. I'm confused...

"Don't worry Mia, I'm fine, honestly." He grins, closing his eyes while doing so.

Before I get a chance to respond we arrive at our stop. I follow Kazuya off the bus, noticing that John, William and Noah weren't there, they had gotten off at their stop, much to my relief. We start walking towards his house, and in the unusual silence, I try to figure out what other feeling he had hidden.

"Hey, Mia, my sister and her boyfriend will be there, and so will my older brother. My younger sister might be coming later tonight as well." He broke the silence right as we approached the door.

I nodded, noticing a second car in the driveway. The new car was a little more busted up, but not too bad in shape. The other car was bigger and looked new.

"One more thing, Mia. Please don't get on my sister's bad side, she's crazy!" This time, as I looked in his eyes, I could see fear. His voice sounded scared beyond belief.

"I won't then, is she really that bad?" Sisters can't be all that bad, could they?

He could only nod, his eyes wide and frightened. That must be what I couldn't recognize in his eyes before! Satisfied that I figured it out, I promised I wouldn't get on her bad side. He opened the door and as soon as we stepped in he was bowled over by a much larger boy. The larger boy started wrestling with Kazuya who looked furious.

"Get off of me Sosuke!" Kazuya complained, the older boy laughed and jumped backwards, letting Kazuya up. He then noticed me, mouth agape in the doorway.

"Oh, Kazuya, who's this? There's no way you could have a girlfriend, is there?"

My face felt unusually hot. Oh God, I'm blushing aren't I? Before either of us could reply, there was laughter coming from up the stairs to our left, and a voice ringing with disbelief.

"Little brother Kazuya has a girlfriend now? I can't believe it!" A young woman came down the stairs, she was tall and had reddish-brown hair and emerald eyes. Kazuya's sister...uh-oh.

"She isn't my girlfriend, she's just a friend."

"I'm not his girlfriend!"

Kazuya and I replied at almost the exact same time making his two older siblings laugh.

"Maybe not now." They teased.

I could feel a furious blush on my face and the urge to hide it became overwhelming. I nearly slump to the floor in relief when I see Ms. Sandra come into the room from the hallway with a smile on her kind face.

"Mia! I'm glad you could make it!" She turns to give a stern look to Kazuya's siblings. "Sosuke, Kikyo, don't tell me you've been stirring up trouble."

"We haven't mom. In fact, I was just about to go back upstairs. I just wanted to say hello to my little brother." She laughed as Kazuya growled.

"I'm not little!"

"Sure you aren't. Anyways, I'll be upstairs with Saruzaki." She turned and walked back up the stairs. Saruzaki? Is that his little sister?

Kazuya rolled his eyes. "I didn't know Saruzaki was going to be here. Hey mom, when is Tsuki going to be here?"

"Later on tonight, probably while we're sleeping. Oh, Mia, I called your aunt today and we arranged for you to spend the night."

Then who's Saruzaki? "Ok, wait, do I have my pajamas?"

"Not to worry, dear. You can borrow some of Kikyo's old clothes." Ms. Sandra reasurred me.

Still feeling a little uncertain and even a smaller bit more uncomfortable, I nod. Sosuke grinned at me, then looked back at Kazuya.

"So, when shall we start the fight, brother?"

Kazuya smiled and I feel a little left out and nervous. Fight? They're going to fight?! Ms. Sandra must've been able to read my thoughts because she immediately told me what they were talking about.

"Don't worry, they always do this. Everytime that Sosuke comes home for a family game night, he and Kazuya fight. We all place bets on who we think is going to win. Sosuke normally does."

"I'll place my bet on Kazuya then."

I'm surprised at my own daring, but I believe he can beat Sosuke.

"How much do you bet?" Ms. Sandra asked me, so I put my hand in my pocket and pulled out $20.

"$20." I placed the money in her hand and she went upstairs to get Saruzaki's and Kikyo's bets.

"Thanks for betting on me, no one ever does." Kazuya seemed very surprised to me, I wonder why.

"I believe you can do it, now prove me right!"
He smiles and I see fire in his burning red eyes. "Alright!"

Ms. Sandra, Kikyo and a young man came down the stairs. The guy had bright blue hair and probably the most handsome guy I had ever seen. So that's Saruzaki, he must be Kikyo's boyfriend. Kikyo smiled as she saw me.

"I heard you're betting on my pipsqueak brother, not a smart choice."

Kazuya growled at that, but he didn't say anything. He must be saving his anger for the fight, smart.

"I believe he can win, no one has ever believed in him before so he didn't have reason to win." I spoke with quietness, but also with a determined tone.

She scoffed at my reply. Just you wait, I know he can beat Sosuke.

Hey guys! Sorry, little cliffhanger there. I've had horrible writer's block today, I've been trying to write this since around 11:00 a.m. I'll try to write some tonight if can. Probably when I'm trying to sleep I'll feel this amazing inspiration and an urge to write. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter!

~Angel Blue ♡ ~

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