Chapter 6

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As I approach the bus stop, Kazuya turns, as if he'd heard me. He was wearing a black hoodie with the Scout Regiment symbol from Attack on Titan on the back of it.

"Yo, can you come tonight?" He asks me, I smile as I give him my reply.

"You bet, I can't wait!"

He chuckles and I hum the opening theme for Attack on Titan, making him grin. The bus finally pulls up and I breathe a small sigh of relief to see the jerks from before weren't on the bus already. I sit down near the front this time and Kazuya sits beside me, giving me a curious look.

"Why didn't you sit in the back, like normal?"

"We can get off as soon as the bus stops at school, we can get away from the guys faster that way." I explained. I don't want to have to deal with them again, since more people are getting off we can blend in with the crowd.

I stare out the window again, getting lost in my thoughts and not really paying attention to who gets on the bus until I feel Kazuya stiffen beside me. Knowing immediately who it was, I look at the mean reflections of them in the window. It was still hard to see them, the glass was cold and frosted from the chilly air, but I finally had somewhat of a good look at them.

One had black hair, he was tall and the most definite leader of the group. I can't make out much more from the reflection so I move to the next person. He wasn't much shorter than the ring leader, and he had sandy brown hair, again I can't make out any other description. The third guy had blond hair, he wasn't short but he happened to be shorter than the other two guys.

They passed us, not looking at is either, much to my relief. But...could they be planning something? I can't help but wonder. Beside me, I can feel Kazuya relax. I study his face from the window, he seems more relaxed but his mysterious red eyes held something more. Concern? For what, I wonder.

I'm startled out of my thoughts as I suddenly see the school come into view. The bus jerks to a stop, as soon as the doors open Kazuya and I get off the bus.

"Wanna go get some breakfast? Since we're here early and all, thought I'd ask." Kazuya offers me, I decide to accept his kind offer.

"Sure, why not? I'm not going to eat anything though, I'm not hungry."

He paused, his face seemed a little astonished. What's going on with him? Did I say something wrong? After a few moments, he snapped out of whatever trance he was in.

"Kazuya, are you alright?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine."

He starts to walk off towards the school before I can say anything, I follow him, what else could I do? By the time I make it to the cafeteria, he's already in line so I choose a table to sit at and wait. I wonder what made him act so strange. Maybe I'll find out some answers tonight. Before I can think too hardly about the subject, he sits next to me. I stare at his little tray that held two pieces of toast and a little orange.

"Would you like one?" He picked up a piece of toast and held it out to me.

"No thanks, I'm not hungry. Thank you for the offer."

He nods and starts munching on his food, leaving me to think again. Halfway through another thought process I yawn, hugely. I use my hand to cover my mouth, surprised as I realize that I feel exhausted.

"Mia, are you ok? You seem tired."

"I'm ok, just tired." Although, I don't know why. I silently add.

"Once you finish your work in Biology you can sleep a little. I'll wake you up."

Thoughts of my dream come back, my family, the teacher becoming a black figure...

"N-no, that's ok. I can suffer through."

He gives me a worried look but doesn't press me any further. I can't tell you why, I'm sorry. A sudden realization surprised me. Since when did I start to care about telling others things? Especially someone I haven't known for long.

The bell rings to indicate that class is about to start, snapping me out of my daze. I wait for a few seconds for Kazuya to throw his tray away, then we start to walk to class. When we reach the classroom, I sit in my seat, but instead of sitting in front of me like yesterday, Kazuya sat to my right. Sending memories of my dream flooding into my brain, and a chill up my spine. The teacher, Mrs. White, who was short and had brown hair and kind green eyes passed me my work. I worked on it slowly, making sure that I would be done at the end of class. I miscalculated. I still have about 30 minutes left in class by the time I finish my work.

I'm bored and tired...Kazuya said he'd wake me up...but that dream. I can't risk screaming aloud in class or for him to know about it. It would be kind of weird for me to explain that I had a dream about him, wouldn't it? Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Kazuya put his head down on his desk. Fear coursed through my veins. This can't happen again, it can't! I focus on controlling my breathing instead, letting my thoughts die out and the fear subside. The bell rings, finally, and we are released to our next class.

Gym is a blur, we play dodgeball the entire class. I find out that I can't throw, but what I can do is dodge like a maniac. Kazuya can play so well, he got the black-haired bully out multiple times along with his little gang. I find out their names that class. The black-haired guy is John, the sandy-haired guy is Noah, and the blond-haired guy is William. I'm able to find out that Noah wears glasses, something I hadn't seen in the frosted glass window.

I groan as we sit in our seats in math.

"I hate math." I complain.

"But why? You're obviously good at it." Kazuya countered, starting to work on the worksheets that were just laid out in front of us.

"I just don't like it, and you're one to talk. You get it done in like five minutes!"

He chuckles, and sure enough, in about five minutes time he had finished the worksheet. He sat back in his chair and closed his eyes. I work for about another seven minutes before I finish. I had grown sleepier as the day went on, so now I was exhausted. I couldn't stop myself from closing my eyes and letting my head droop. No! I can't risk to sleep...I can't...

"Mia? Mia, wake up. It's time to go." Kazuya shook my shoulder slightly, jerking me awake.

I groggily lifted my head, and within seconds I pieced together what happened. I fell asleep, I didn't dream. I feel much more awake now.

"Kazuya?" My voice, however, still sounded especially sleepy.

"C'mon Mia, we can't miss our bus." That got me moving.

I got up quickly, nearly falling over. I grabbed my bag and we sprint to the buses. They were just about to close the doors as we got in and took our seats. Kazuya gave me a little grin.

"You made it to the bus in time, again."

"We would've been here earlier if I hadn't fallen asleep." I mutter, I was angry at myself.

He didn't seem to have a response to that, I looked in the window's reflection of him. Is that...hurt on his face? I turned my head to actually look at him, and sure enough, in the depths of his red eyes, I could see hurt.

Hey guys! Ok, this one was super long, I felt like I should've made it long since last chapter was a little short. But anyways, I'm going to try and post at least every other day unless I'm really busy. I won't be able to post this weekend, I'll try and post on Friday and Monday to make up for it. I have a week trip to the mountains sometime this month, I'll try to write in the evening before bed but I'm not sure how much I'll get done. Now, what I could do is go ahead and write some more chapters, get them done, and find time to just publish them every other day, if I have time to write them, I will. It depends on how much I feel like writing I guess, oh well. Have a wonderful day!
~Angel Blue ♡ ~

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