Chapter 5

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As I walked down the street after leaving Kazuya's house, I remember the evil grins I had only caught a glimpse of and shudder. I pass by the bus stop, pausing only once to think. I'm glad Kazuya is so smart, he comes up with some crazily good ideas. I make it to my house after about three more minutes of walking and I open the large, oak door. Once I close the door, I take off my shoes and spot my aunt in the kitchen.

"I'm home, Aunt Joni!" I call out, seeing her turn around with a look of concern on her face that immediately turns into relief.

"Mia! Where have you been?" She exclaims, drawing me into a quick hug.

"There were some bullies, so I stayed at a friend's house. I was invited over again tomorrow night to play some games. May I go?"

"Of course! I'm sorry you were bullied, sweetheart. I'm so glad you made a friend though." She was smiling at the news that I had made a friend.

"Yeah, his name is Kazuya." I couldn't help but smile as I pictured his and his mother's face. "I need to go do my homework."

"Alright, sweetie. I'm proud of you."

I walk up the winding staircase, my hand on the black railing. As I enter my room, I close the door and sit down at my desk, get out my homework, and start working on it. Once I got about 75% done, I heard a loud thud, something had hit the window. Was that a rock? I get out of my chair and open my window.

"Yo, down here." A familiar voice said.

I looked down and smiled, it was Kazuya. "Hey! What are you doing here?"

"Mom told me to follow you." He explained.

"That was nice of her, you get to tell her that I made it home safely then." I can see him smile in the dim light.

"See you tomorrow, Mom's going to pack some brownies for you and your aunt to have."

This news makes me smile even more. "Yay! She makes some awesome brownies."

"Alright, bye!"

"Bye!" I start waving. "Be careful!"

"I will!" I watch him run off into the woods surrounding the houses with a small smile, then continue to do my homework.

"Oh, shoot! I forgot to tell him I could go tomorrow night. I'll have to tell him tomorrow." I sigh and look at the clock. 9:00? Wow, I didn't realize it was so late. I hurry to finish the rest of my homework, and once finished I change into my pajamas; a t-shirt and sweatpants. I climb into bed after turning out the light, falling asleep was easy.

I was sitting in biology, silently doing my work. To my right, Kazuya was sleeping peacefully. I had a strange desire to look up, and as I did the teacher changed into a tall figure covered in black clothing with a gun. Before I could scream or even cower under my desk, more dark figures came in from the door, three of them had my mother, father and sister. I numbly turned my head, looking around the rest of the room. All of the students, except for Kazuya and I, were gone. My heart thudded in my head, making me feel fear beyond what I could ever imagine. An order was shouted within the group of the black figures. I was paralyzed, frozen with fear to my chair. My eyes widened as the three figures holding my family took out guns and held it to their prisoner's heads. Tears streamed down my face as I studied my family's faces, smiling at me. Another order was shouted, and three gunshots sounded in usion. I screamed, I know I did, but I couldn't hear my own voice. To my right, Kazuya began to stir, lifting his head. He turned his sleepy, confused red eyes on me. He opened his mouth to say something when I heard the fourth gunshot.

I woke up, gasping from breath in a cold sweat, from my nightmare. The beeping of my alarm clock had awoken me, not the absolute fear. I was used to other dreams, ones in my house, but not at school, and especially not ones with Kazuya in them. Trying to shake off the dream, I busy myself with getting ready for school. Once done, I grabbed my bag and a piece of toast and ran out the door. Walking to the bus stop, I wolf down my piece of toast. As I near the bus stop I can see Kazuya standing there, his face towards the golden, rising sun.

Hey guys, I'm so sorry for not updating sooner. I meant to, I really did. Last week I was in Alabama on a missions trip with my church and had no service. I plan to update more often now and tell you guys ahead of time when I'm going on vacation. Again, I'm so sorry. Hope you enjoyed :)

~Angel Blue ♡~

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