Chapter 4

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"Oh no..." I groan. I just had to say one thing!
"Just stay quiet, I got this." Kazuya closes his eyes and seemed to be focusing on something. I watch him curiously, wondering if he could hear them talk. His eyes open again and I can see fear in his eyes.
"Oh crap, we gotta go and now!" His voice is strained and laced with fear. I look around frantically for a way out but there isn't a safe escape.
"How? We are on a bus!" As if to prove my point, the bus begins it's slow rumble down the street.
"Yeah, well every person on this bus is our enemy. They're planning to attack us at our stop." His voice is hushed and concerned, fearful.
"What do we do?" I watch as he pulls something out of his pocket, after a few seconds I recognize it. How did he get that smoke bomb? Did he have it all day?!
"We use this right after we step off the bus."
"Alright, which way are we going? Towards your house or mine?" As the bus comes closer to our stop and as more kids file off the bus, I grow more and more fearful.
"Mine, it's a shorter run and we can be protected. When the bus stops, run to the left." Kazuya holds the smoke bomb in his tightly clenched fist, looking out the window. Seeing him that tense worries me and I breathe out shakily.
"What all did they say?" I watch as his red eyes go bright with a spark of anger at the question I asked.
"You don't want to know."
The bus stops and we slowly start walking down the aisle. I can hear the people behind us following, drawing closer. Their laughter echoes in my ears and I become distracted.
"Now!" Kazuya yells, bringing me back into reality. He throws the bomb down and I run to my left as fast as I can. As I leave the smoke cloud I try not to cough, I don't want them to know where we went. I can see Kazuya running ahead of me and turn to the right towards a house. I change directions and almost fall as I reach the house, sending a moment of pure dread through my body. I make it to the steps and Kazuya is holding the door for me. As soon as I enter, he shuts the door and looks up at the ceiling.
"That was too close." He remarks. I'm breathing too hard to reply. A new voice cuts through the air, and a woman with long, dark brown hair walks around the corner.
"Kazuya? What's wrong? Did they come afted you?" She was a very pretty woman, and she was looking very concerned at both of us. I turn red in the face and fix my glasses subconsciously, feeling uncomfortable in this situation.
"Y-yeah, and they came after my friend, Mia, can she stay here for about an hour?"
Feeling more awkward by the second, I manage to say a quiet "Hello."
"Hello, sweetie. You can stay as long as you like, you are always welcome here." I look up at her and she is smiling kindly. I smile shyly and thank her.
"No problem, and I also made some brownies earlier, would you like some?"
"Oh, my favorite!" Kazuya immediately responded, he has a huge grin and his eyes are alight with excitement. I feel my stomach growl at the thought of some homemade brownies.
"I would love some, thank you for being so kind to me." The way she was treating me made me very happy, no adult was ever this kind!
"Don't mention it. Have as many as you like. And it is very nice to meet you Mia, you may call me Ms. Sandra." I nod my head and smile my thanks again as she walks into a different room.
"I like your mom, she is so kind!" I whisper to Kazuya after she left the room. He chuckles and I give a small laugh.
"What's so funny?" I ask curiously.
"Nothing." He responds and I follow him into his kitchen. The house was neat, but not too orderly, a perfect family house. A plate of brownies was resting on the kitchen counter, I smile and take one. The sweet chocolate taste fills my mouth and it tastes like heaven.
"Mmm, these are delicious!"
"See why they are my favorite?" He picks one up and bites into it as Ms. Sandra walks into the kitchen.
"Yes I can!" I agree, taking another bite while Ms. Sandra watches with a warm smile.
"I'm so glad Kazu has a friend now, he's never had one."
"I know how that is, he's my first friend as well." I admit, growing a little sad at the thought.
"I figured, you seem like the quiet type." I laugh at that, it's true.
Today has been the most talkitave I have ever been."
"You should come to family game night tomorrow, things get...crazy to say the least. Kazu and his older brother always get into fights. Wd even make bets on who we think will win."
That sounds so extreme, I may come just out of curiosity. I would like to meet Kazuya's family. Wait...what am I thinking? A blush grows on my face and I come up with a quick response.
"I will have to ask my aunt, but I'm sure it will be fine. It sounds like fun!"
"Yeah it is!" Kazuya smiles and I just can't believe how nice they are being to me.
"I...I just want to tell you both of you how much I appreciate your kindness. It's hard for me to get along with people, and today I met someone that has had the same problem even when he shouldn't. I just appreciate it so much!" I blurt out, my voice wavering.
"Don't start crying on us." Kazuya says jokingly.
"I won't." I laugh then sigh. "I should probably get going."
"Want me to walk with you? To make sure nothing happens?"
"Um, I think I will be ok. I don't want you to be alone on the way back."
"Alright, bye." I can't tell by the tone of his voice or by his expression if I had upset him at all because of his response.
"Bye, thank you for the brownies, and I guess I might see you tomorrow. Have a good night!" I smile at both of them before grabbing my bag and walking out the door.

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