Chapter 3

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Adrenaline courses through ny veins and body. That felt good! The bully falls in complete surprise, and I catch Kazuya's book before it falls to the ground.
"Run!" Kazuya shouts as he and I grab our bags and take off towards the building. Once we get a safe distance away I hand Kazuya his book. "Here you go."
"Thanks..." His eyes are still a little teary and now they are filled with gratitude.
"No problem. It felt surprisingly good to punch him." And to help my friend too...
He nods. "I bet."
"We should get to class, I think the bell will be ringing soon."
"Crap! Wait, do you have math next?"
Surprise rushes through me, washing away the rush of adrenaline. Is this fate? Is this a set up for me to finally make a friend and trust them and then have them taken away from me just like my family?
"I do, thats so weird!"
"Let's go!" He sprints off and leaves me with nothing to do other than follow him. As we enter the class, the bell rings.
"We made it at least." I'm so relieved. I hadn't been late to class.
"Yeah, bad news. Look who is sitting up front."
I turn to look, already knowing who I would see. It's the bully, and I feel a small rush of satisfaction at seeing the red mark on the side of his face.
"Oh great!" I groan, adding a sarcastic tone to my voice. Kazuya sighs and walks to the two desks left at the back of the classroom. After a few moments of hesitation, I follow him. I feel really weird following him, and I don't want him to think that I'm dependent on him. But what does it matter? If I'm right about this being a way for someone to break me, it's working. I sit next to him in the empty seat and sigh.
"I hope we don't have to do anything else. And I hope he doesn't know that we are here." I point at the bully, who is writing something down.
"Unfortunately, he will. The teacher has to call roll." Kazuya states plainly.
Just figures! I mumble a curse under my breath.
"Don't worry." Kazuya tries to reassure me. I just nod and announce my name as the teacher calls out the roll. I play with my necklace as the teacher hands out some worksheets. I sigh again.
"So much for no work, huh?"
"Eh, it isn't very much. I can be done in five minutes." He starts working furiously on the worksheet and I just start working on my own. I take my time, filling in my answers slowly. After about five minutes I hear Kazuya's pencil drop to his desk with a clicking noise and out of the corner of my eye I can see him lay his head down on the desk and close his eyes. I finish a couple minutes later and I can tell by his gentle breathing that he is asleep. I find myself smiling, another real smile. What is going on with me? No one has done this before, it must be a trick! But for some strange reason I still feel as if I can trust him. And since I do, it will most likely be my downfall. I look away from him and take out my notebook. I start to draw more designs and shapes in it.

~Magical Time Skip 1 Hour~

I look up from my drawing as the bell rings. I pack it away and notice that Kazuys is still sleeping peacefully. I lightly shake his shoulder.
"Time to go."
He yawns and stretches, and right as he opens his eyes the bully comes running up and punches him in the face. I stand staring in horror as Kazuya's head snaps back and the bully's face slowly grows a malicious grin. Why didn't I see him? I could have stopped him. Some friend I am...
Kazuya rises and raises his fists. "Alright, you wanna dance pretty boy? Let's dance then."
"Stop this fighting nonsense." The teacher had risen from his desk and was now pointing at the bully. "Do you really want to be expelled on your first day of school? Now go to class, all of you!" The bully makes a grumbling noise and looks as if he might say something else. But he storms out of the classroom instead. The teacher returns to his desk and I pick up my bag, pausing at the door for Kazuya. He keeps rubbing his nose as we walk down the hall.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, I think he broke my nose though." He starts to move his nose around making popping noises that remind me of gunshots.
"Eww!" I shudder and cover my ears.
"Sorry," he mutters. "I fixed it."
"I hated last class, I really don't like math."
"You don't like math?" He sounds genuinely surprised.
"Yeah, I prefer to read or write. But I can tell you like it." I laugh and can't help thinking because you are smart. "Might as well head to the buses. Don't want to miss our bus."
He nods and we start heading in that direction. I'm thinking over things when sudden fear grips me. "What is the bully going to do?" I start looking around nervously.
"You're fine. If he comes after you, bad things will happen." He smiles at me and I give him a grafeful look.
"Thank you."
"No problem."
We reach our bus and he follows me as I sit near the back of the bus. When I sit down I relax and heave a sigh of relief.
"At least we didn't see him."
I feel Kazuya stiffen beside me as he moves to sit down. "Big problem. Major problem."
"What? What is it?"
His voice reduces to a whisper. "Look behind us."
I take a glance behind us, and fear floods through me, blotting out everything else. In the very last row, the bully sits with some of his friends. They all carry evil smirks on their faces.

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