Chapter Nineteen

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"So, what's it like here?" I asked Jonah, the guy that was leading me around.

"Eh. Silent. Quiet. Noiseless. Soundless. Peaceful-" I stopped him.

"Okay, Jonah, I think I get your point." I chuckled. "How many people go to this school?" I asked, wondering why it was so quiet here, "This isn't a bad school."

"Just about twenty people." He said, looking at the walls, showing me to the arts room.

"Oh. I meant the whole school, not a class." I said.

"Yeah. That's the whole school." He laughed.

"Why only this little people? Like I said, this school isn't the worst, but question: do you guys have french fries? If not, I'll gladly swim back home and grab a few of those from Chick-fil-A." I said quickly.

"Whoa, whoa whoa, I see you're curious. I'll answer your first question: it's because you won't be able to find this school on your Chrome browser. And two, you'll just have to find out yourself." He smiled.

I like this Jonah guy. He's nice.

I sighed. "So you're saying it's found in a Windows browser? Or maybe Foxfire. Safari?"

He laughed again. "You'll see. Here's our first class." He turned into a friendly-looking room decorated with posters all over the walls. "Ms. Framer." He informed me.

I walked in. "Why is it so quiet in here?" I asked looking at the empty desks, "And why is there only us here?"

"Not everyone decides to play an instrument," He said. I'm grateful that they gave us choices for this french-fry-less school. If there were no electives, that would make this school sadder than it already is (very sad, if you didn't know).

Turns out, this place is rigged. Expected.

There were chicken nuggets, and that made my day, but guess what?

It was from the ad "tastes like meat, made from veggies." Awesome.

In shorter words, the chicken nuggets didn't taste like chicken nuggets. So I ended up eating salad the whole time. I'm pretty sure the only thing with meat here are the salads. Guess I'll be eating that the whole year.

In a whole crowd, three people missing wouldn't be that noticeable.

In twenty people, three people missing is VERY noticeable.

Maybe Jonah was rounding, because there were only, like, five people in the whole cafeteria, including us.

"By the way, the twenty people I said included the staff members." Jonah said, reading my mind.


"I'll have to check my dorm anyways. See you later." I walked out of the cafeteria, throwing away my trash in the trash can by the door, but before I left, Jonah said loud enough for the whole world to hear, "ALL THE REST OF THE PERIODS ARE ONE-ON-ONE!!!"

Yeah. I guess I'm excited for that (not really).

So this is what after school looks like:

I'm not complaining about my dorm room, which is good. It's decent, in other words, not bad.

I laid on my bed, calling every single person I know on my phone so I don't get too lonely. Jonah isn't enough, I'm sorry, and I'm not even sure we're friends.

No one answered, so I went to sleep.

My ringtone filled the silence of my dorm room. It's three in the morning. Does no one know what sleep is these days? If not, I'll take yours. Unlike some people, I treasure it.

Please don't let it be Lysander, please don't let it be Lysander.

It was Lysander. How great. Exactly what I need at three in

"Hi.." I greeted him. Technically mumbling, but he didn't mind, really.

"Oh, hi! What are you doing?" He asks cheerfully.

"It's three A.M. for God's sake!" I exclaimed.

"So what were you doing?" He asked.

He really has no brain.

"I was skydiving, yes, at three A.M. in the morning." I replied sarcastically.

"Ooh did you have fun?" He asked. Again with his never-ending questions.

"Yeah. I did. I totally wasn't half asleep, falling through the clouds and out of the sky." I yawned.

"Okay then!" He said enthusiastically. "Guess what?"

"What?" I grouched.

"Guess!" He encouraged me.

"No." I said. It's three in the morning. Do I want to guess? Maybe. Do I have the strength to guess? Nope.

"Please?" He asked.


"Pwetty please?" He asked, trying to sound like an innocent person but in reality he sounds like a possessed three-year old. What? I'm being honest here. Not my fault you don't appreciate my honesty.


"Ugh. I'm just going to tell you." He groaned.

"Anytime today, now." I added.

"I tried to send you the most awesomest thing in the world!" He said happily, like a three year old getting a unicorn for their birthdays. I have no idea how and why unicorns please kids so much these days.

"Uh-huh? And? You ate it? Or did it get lost overseas? I know it! Blackbeard stole it, didn't he?" I asked sarcastically.

"Nah. I wish."

He wished this? Wonderful guy he is.

"I tried really, really hard to send the awesomest thing to you but the mailman told me to get out of the mailbox."

Bruh x2.

He thought he was the awesomest thing? I'd prefer him ship a couple boxes of chicken nuggets and we'll be fine.

French fries would be fine with me, too, though.

"Well, I gotta go now. I'm leaving the skydiving place right now. Can't talk, bye." I hung up on him. Curse all stupid guys. And all guys in general, really.

I went back to sleep.

After a few hours, at five A.M., my phone rang. Again. Is there something wrong with my phone and it ringing in the wee hours in the morning?

"Hello?" I grumbled.

"Hi, sweetie," My mom said. "How's school? What class are you in right now?"

"Oh, it's lunchtime." I said, rolling my eyes even though my mom couldn't see me.

"Okay! Did you see anybody you know? Any old friends?" She kept on shooting me questions about school.

Did my mom actually expect my friends' parents to ship them (literally) to Hawaii private chicken nugget-less school?

Wait, no. Scratch that. Take two.

I have no friends, but it seems like my wonderful mother did not know that. Sadness hits me real bad, friends. At least I have you guys.

Unless I'm missing something here, I sure hope not.

"Mom, how did you expect me to find my friends out of ten students? That just lowers the possibility. And, yes, I made a new friend." My mom was even more enthusiastic than when it was my first day of second grade.

Now, it's time to do a background check. That's what my mom does, so that's the process that scares my friends away. No, I don't try to hide them from her because she knows my passwords. She bribes them out of me, by the way.
I didn't technically hide Arianna because she's not existent in this world. Maybe in another universe, so you never know. Tell me if you see her somewhere, and I'm not going to give you a prize, by the way. Sorry, tough luck, buddies.

"Here, Mom, you can do your background check or whatever and I can go to sl- eat lunch." I told her.

"I don't even have the info, so you need to give it to me, young woman." My mom said.

"Sorry, Mom, there's a phone call coming in! Bye!"

"Bu-" But then, I had already hung up.

I slept for another precious minute until there was an actual call coming in.

"Hello?" I sighed, not even trying to sleep anymore.

"Is this Julia Robins?" The person on the other end asked.

"No, this is George Washington. Yeah, it's me. Who are you?"

"I'm Fred from the military. We've been told to recruit you, so you should pack up your things and get ready for the plane in thirty minutes."

Yeah, another awesome cliffhanger.

I hope you guys are having an awesome day! First week of school down, a lot more to go!

This chapter is dedicated to @rogue_witch

Guys, if you haven't already, check out my book How To Survive Highschool: Jar Breaker Edition, please do. There's actually a few connections to this book in that one - same school, same place, just different couples and ships and stuff.

I can't tell you guys who ends up with who because I don't want to give away all my spoilers. And cliffhangers. Because that's the whole point.

But I can tell you that I know what's going to happen. So yay. If I'm good, you good, so you really don't have to worry.

Please, vote, comment, and share!

Love you guys!

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