Chapter Twenty

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"Any chance you're looking for Julia Robinson?" I asked nervously, "Or maybe I heard wrong because it's five in the morning..." I said in confusion.

"Wait." The guy "Fred," apparently said. I heard some crackling on the other end before he asked, "You said your name was Julia Robinson? On my sheet, it says your name is Julia Robins."

For one, I officially hate that sheet Fred was talking about. And for two, he's deaf. For three, sarcasm is not a word in his dictionary. I already h- strongly dislike Fred. Yeah, that's the word I was looking for.

"Yes, my name is Julia Robins. I'm a girl, by the way, if it doesn't clarify on your 'sheet.'" I said.

"Yes, ma'am, I know you're a girl." He replied. Funny thing was that he wasn't annoyed. Like, at all.

"And WHO exactly signed me up for this 'military camp' of yours?" I asked skeptically, raising my eyebrows even though I knew he couldn't see me. Yes, you might think I'm crazy for doing that at five in the morning. But I promise I'm not insane. Or at least that's what my doctor said and what I think. No guarantees, though.

"You were drawn from a hat, sir." Fred said.

And he said he knew I was a girl.

"I was never in a hat, ma'am." I replied, but he didn't seem offended to the least that I called him "ma'am."

"Your name was drawn." He informed me.

I didn't point out that names needed to be written instead of being drawn.

"And... who exactly put my name in the jar?" I asked.

"Hat, you mean." He corrected me.

"Oh. Yes, right." I said, rolling my eyes, "Hat. So, who put my name in the HAT?"

"Who?" He asked someone, beside him, probably. "I'm not sure."

"So why do I have to go with you?" I asked, now annoyed. What? Tis I am free human being, tis I have freedom, tis I shall be awesome all on my own (Just try to count off all the grammatical errors in this sentence, okay?).

There was some more crackling on the other side- seriously, is there no Wifi in military camp or is it bad service, because that's just making me feel nice about this private school- before someone else picked up the phone, and Fred was gone.

"Hello, my name is Barney. I see from my list that your name is Henry Thomas." Barney? Seriously?

And I do NOT have a double name, thank you very much. If you didn't know, Henry and Thomas were both trains in the Thomas and Friends show or whatever. Ack, my brother used to watch that so often that it influenced me

"Excuse me? My name is-" 'Barney' cut me off.

"Oh, yes, I apologize, I read the wrong name. Gerald Thompson."

I hate Barney.

"It's Julia Robins, sir." I didn't even want to say 'ma'am.' This Barney guy was so annoying.

I pressed the 'hang up' button.

It didn't work.





Stalker-ish much?

"I see you're trying to hang up, Ms. Robins," he said in a voice I couldn't describe, "but my men will be there before you know it."

Be where? I am getting kidnapped? Will I die? I'm too young, please, no. I'll give you the keys to my house. Just let me live! Please.

"Where? Be w-" But someone muffled me from behind.

I was really getting kidnapped, and that was the last thought on my mind before someone gagged me and I smelled the sickly sweet scent of whatever made my mind go black.

I opened my eyes. I looked out the window, and all I saw were clouds.

Endless rows of fluffy clouds.

Ouch. I'm on the floor of whatever thing I'm in, and I really need something fluffy right now.


No, turns out, I was on an airplane. What a way to ruin the fun.

I looked around the airplane. There were a bunch of blocks of wood and gallons of oil.

Did these people rob Home Depot or something?

"Where am I? Did someone grab my fluffy socks? Please tell me you brought my fluffy socks. I can't survive without them." I fake panicked. Yes, I'm not that ridiculous. I can actually process things in my brain when my life is in danger.

"You're getting kidnapped," said Fred's voice.

Stupid. You don't actually tell someone if you're kidnapping them. Well, er, it's not like I have any experience or anything...

I picked up my phone and dialed a number. "Hey! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Fred yelled/screeched.

I looked at him like he was crazy. "Calling Papa John's? If I'm getting kidnapped and eventually going to die, I better die with the love of my life."

I was actually going to call the police. Because I want to live a life. On the ground, preferably not on air, by the way.

"Oh. O-o-okay then. I'm sure the boss won't mind, but be careful, an alarm goes off if you call the police or 911 or whatever. Oh, and could you order a pineapple pizza for me? I'm in an awesome mood because we're going to land in the Bahamas. Oops. I wasn't supposed to tell you that." He said.

Dang it. He's a professional plan-wrecker.

No! Not the Bahamas. I'm literally going to cry. You actually don't need to know why, by the way. Top secret, so shush.

I saw a guy, the boss Barney probably, come up to me. "You. Jeremiah George. You're coming with me, and I'll give you a set of rules. Don't follow them, your head will get chopped off."

He grinned, his yellow teeth flashing. "I think I'll have fun with this one."

Hi guys!

Okay, he's not going to actually do anything to her. NOTHING MATURE, PEOPLE. You'll see what happens, it's not going to be mature, IT'S NOT GOING TO BE MATURE.

Thanks for reading this chapter? How was it?

And if you want to see more mentionings of Julia and Lysander, make sure to check out my other book How to Survive Highschool. Same school, same setting, just different ships and stuff.

This chapter is dedicated to @__Stupid-Moth

Have an awesome day!

Who's excited for the next chapter? What happened to Julia? What's going to happen to her? Will she make it out alive?

(I shall not promise to keep all characters alive, @AkShaya675. Sorry.)


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