Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Julia- let me explain-" Lysander started.


"There's nothing to explain." I said coldly, not meeting his eyes, which wear pleading me to hear him out. I wanted to, but when I left, he just... shut me out.

He never told me about his girlfriend.

He never told me what was happening in his life when I shared everything with him.

And he already planned to leave.

I guess I should've seen it coming - him being tense, and he never was the same after I left.

But he still should've told me, and if he did, I wouldn't be sitting here on a hospital bed with my arms crossed with Lysander shaking me and begging for me to listen to him.

"One minute, Lysander. You have one minute. After that, kindly scooch your smelly self out of here." Anger seeped into my words, but what was most noticeable was the sadness.

I use sarcasm too much now that I don't even know if I'm kidding or not.

"It's a college thing. I thought I'd be fine going because you were gone too, and I was planning to tell you tomorrow-" Lysander got cut off by Greyson, who walked in.

"Actually, you told me you planned on letting her know the day you were leaving," Greyson said.

"Not helping, bro," Lysander glared at Greyson. "And I only have one minute! Now shush."

"And I thought I'd be fine because you were gon-" Greyson cut Lysander off again.

"You've already said that bud," Greyson said.

"Bruh," Lysander groaned, "I'm trying to save time! Your interruptions aren't nice, okay? Now please kindly shut up before I rip your throat out and you don't even have the power to talk anymore."

"Well, I saved you time by telling you that you've already said that so you don't say it again so therefore I saved you time. You're welcome." Greyson smiled and didn't know that I was mad and all that awesome jazz.

"Ten seconds and you're out, Spooner." I warned.

"Julia. Let me explain. Please." Lysander pleaded. "Please."

I know I should've been more kind, but I told him when I was leaving.

He didn't.

"Five. Four. Three. Two-" I was cut off by Lysander, who was running his hands through his hair.

"Julia." He said, shaking my shoulders so I could only focus on the desperate look on his face, and it was quite heartbreaking.

Then I saw why I was so mad. I had a FREAKING crush on Lysander.

Nah, it couldn't be. Being a teenager and a senior in high school was enough! I have no idea who came up with the idea of having a boyfriend added to that! And he had a girlfriend anyway.

I guess I was just kind of jealous he had a girlfriend. But I wouldn't admit it, because I was too stubborn.

Nah. I'm joking... at least I hope I am. I don't want to be stuck with a crush on a guy with a girlfriend. And she could just claw my eyes out with her ridiculously long nails, too,

"My dad moved to Brazil. He left. Abandoned me. Like I did with you. Because I couldn't stand you bearing the pain I had to cope with. That my mom died and my dad was crappy." He looked away, afraid of my reaction.

I didn't say a word even though he lied straight to my face. And when he turned back, I had tears streaming down my face. "I'm so sorry," I cried, "I had no idea."

He shook his head, saying it wasn't my fault and he wrapped me in a huge, warm hug.

We stayed like that for a while, and I didn't pull away even though I had never hugged anyone since I turned six.

I kicked him out after that. I would've literally kicked him if I could. Getting kicked by a leg with a cast on it kinda sounds painful. Would not like to try that anytime.

The day after that, my mom drove me home. She didn't ask me anything because she could probably sense my sour mood but she didn't question it.

The car was moving slowly because it was rush hour.

I have no idea why it's called rush hour when nothing moves.

Turns out the hospital was nowhere close to my house, so I fell asleep.

I woke up halfway through the car ride. They said never give up on your dreams, so I went back to sleep.

When I woke up, I was on the couch. My mom probably went somewhere with my dad.

That's it. I wanted to be alone... and just... think about it, I guess. All I needed was time, but I wasn't mad at Lysander. It was just kind of... disappointing, how he didn't tell me. I would've 100% understood.

I wandered into the kitchen and found a note. It was from my mom, saying after I was done resting I would have to clean the house.

"Alexa, clean the house!" I told Alexa. If you don't know what an Alexa is, and Alexa is basically a machine type of thing that can do anything for you online from texting people just with speech commands or searching anything up on the internet.

"I am sorry, please connect to the internet," Alexa said.

I groaned louder than the storm outside.

"Be strong," I whispered to the Wifi signal, "I'm feeling especially like crap today, but it seems like you're crappier. Prove me wrong, hath holy Wifi signal!"

And I totally cracked up after that, the first time I felt happy in a while.

After that, I crawled up the stairs to my room, new hope blossoming in me that everything would eventually be okay, and this stop would just be a small memory.

Someone knocked on my bedroom door the next day.

"Yeah, Mom? Come in." I said, stretching, and opened the door after my long sleep.

"I didn't know you called me Mom," A familiar deep voice said from the doorway. Guess who it was? Obviously the tooth fairy. No? Yes, you're right. It's Santa. Or perhaps the Easter bunny.

"Well, I do now." I sighed at Lysander. "What brings you here? I thought my parents kicked you out a long time ago."

"Why so sarcastic?" He asked quietly, quieter than I've ever heard him. "That's what I like about you." He said those words so quietly, and if I weren't listening, they were barely audible. "They let me in. People forgive, you know?"

All the guilt clouded into my eyes.

"You think I'm sarcastic?" I choked, "You should hear what I don't say."

I held back the tears.

"I'm not leaving," He said, "I'm eighteen. I can legally live by myself."

"Congratulations," I faked a smile. "Are you still returning to Oceanview tomorrow?"

"Yeah." He said, "Are you?"

"Yep. I don't think I can ever survive another day at that private school." I complained. "But please just... give me some space, okay? These few weeks have been a huge mess." I said quietly, looking away.

"But we're still friends, right?" He asked hopefully, "We're chill?"

"Yeah," I said, hating how sour the words sounded on my lips, "We're chill." And it took everything in my will to not cry right there with the sad smile on his face.

"Well, I'll see you around, Robin." He smiled genuinely and left.

I shut the door, fell to the ground, and all the tears I held in all came out.

Yeah, this chapter was pretty sad. But things will get better. Eventually. Now? Maybe not.

And not to mention how boring this chapter was. Not funny, right? Well, I need some climatical moments where iNtErEsTiNg things happen. So yeah.

Anyways thanks for reading! Lemme know how you liked this chapter.

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Have a nice day!


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