Chapter Twenty-Seven (Lysander's POV)

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I didn't go to school the next day. And it turned out that Julia didn't go, either.

I honestly don't know what I feel right now. Hartley, my girlfriend, was a jealous monster.

I had a girlfriend - Hartley was every guy's dream girl- pretty, tall, smart, nice. Well, not much of the smart part. But don't tell her that, or else you've just killed me. I'm so awesome you probably don't want to kill me.


She was pretty possessive. And popular. And gossipy. And your-every-day queen bee of a school.

Pretty sure the bad things weighed more than the good. But I still stayed with her.

Later I didn't have the same feelings as I did before we started dating - and it was her that confessed.

Weeeeeelll... she didn't do it.

It went something like this:

Her: Hey, Cutie.

I didn't even know she was talking to me until she made eye contact with me. Just insert facepalm here.

Me: Hi?

Her: You look lost.

Me: You look like the one that's lost. The one that's sitting at my table when your friends are frantically searching for you like you got kidnapped?

She laughed. That was one of the first signs that let me know she wasn't like any other girl I've seen.

Her: That was funny. I was laughing.

Me: Well, duh, you were obviously crying in pain because it was funny.

I kinda was having fun, too. And that's when she told me.

Her: Hey, wanna date?

Yeah. It took me less than a second to say yes. Because at that time, Julia was gone.

Those three words. That changed me forever.

Funny thing was, she didn't sound nervous and said it so casually that it would be weird for someone to say no.

But after a while, I didn't feel the same feelings I had for her before.

I'm pretty sure what hurt the most was that she didn't look or even feel sad or disappointed when I broke up with her.

I said, "Hartley, I- I don't think we're working out."

She didn't really care because she was half listening to another guy. I didn't know what came over me - to make this stupid decision that didn't even end up good and I had lost a friend.

Hartley told me that was because I was the only one working out in the gym and she was the one that was making Tiktoks.

I have no idea what made me say that she was smart. She was just about a smart as a donkey. Fine, I'll give her mercy. She's as smart as a donkey and a jellyfish combined.

I am totally not telling you that jellyfish don't have brains.

Totally not.

"So, what are you saying? We're... breaking up?" She asked, pretending to care even though a bit of annoyance seeped into her voice.

"Yeah. I'm not saying you're not good- you're awesome, but-" She cut me off.

She turned around and smiled at me. "Now that you have your point and we aren't together anymore, get your hiney out of here before I kick you. Shh, I need to hear what Bryson's saying."

Okay, maybe not the nice part either.

"Hey, bud," I whispered to Bryson, "You're in luck today." I motioned to Hartley, "She's a REAL gem. Like, totally not kidding."

"And you are her..." He trailed off.

"Ex-boyfriend of three minutes," I replied.

"Oh... wow..." His eye darted from me to Hartley, who was looking at us with an annoyed expression. "Congratulations."

"Thanks, buddy." I told him, "But you should watch out fo-"

Hartley cut me off. Now, I'm kinda happy that we broke up because this "cutting Lysander off" thing is getting old.

"You've already stolen my happy mood for the day," She said it so ironically because she literally sounded like the happiest human on Earth.

She rolled her eyes, then she raised her eyebrows, "Unless you want to steal my future boyfriend too?" She asked, motioning over to Bryson, who could obviously hear every word coming out of her mouth.

I don't know who was redder- Bryson or me. Knowing me, it's probably me.

"I should go now..." I said awkwardly.

"Yeah," I heard Hartley say behind me, "He should've gone a long while ago."

Greyson sat in front of me in a suit. "You shall not feel uncomfortable at all." He cleared his throat and started coughing. "You should listen to me because I'm obviously an official Love Lawyer, and officials are always right."

I only have three comments on the two sentences he said.

1) I feel uncomfortable now that he said not to feel uncomfortable. And him wearing a suit really doesn't help.

2) There are no such things as Love Lawyers. I'm pretty sure they're called therapists. Dunno if you've ever heard of them.

3) Who said officials were always right? Well, maybe they are, but if it's coming from Greyson's mouth, it's probably wrong.

Bonus: I'm sure officials a) don't cough and b) can afford cough drops.

I don't really blame Greyson because we're sitting on the ground with my mom's old toy tea set as a kid. We earlier decided that the seats that came with the tea set were too old, rickety, and small for us.
Imagine how OFFICIAL it would look when our little love lawyer falls out of the chair. Or even better, when he breaks it.

"Okay," I said, my voice shaky, but apparently our love lawyer didn't notice, "I'm comfortable."

"Before we get started, I will tell you a bit about myself, just because I'm kinda really important here." He giggled. Seriously? Do officials giggle?

"I know a lot about you. Why are you acting like I don't know you? I'm questioning your sanity-" He cut me off.

If another person cuts me off, I'll-

"So I have been in law school for a long record of one second. It smelled bad there. And I have a Master's degree in sarcasm. Yeah, I think that's it. These questions are really important to determine whether or not you will be compatible with your one true love, hath holy Julia!" He put a hand over his heart to be even more dramatic than he already was.

That's it. Greyson will not see tomorrow. Maybe I'll just gouge his eyes out. At least he ain't gonna be dead.

I rolled my eyes. "There will only be one question to determine it all."

This might be easier than I thought it would be. 

"It's a very difficult question, but I would like for you to answer it to the best of your ability. Wow, that sounded official. Yes! One point for me." He patted himself on the back.


"Are you ready?" He asked.

"No?" I replied unsurely.

"Okay, then! Did you actually think I cared? Get ready for the question. There weren't choices, idiot." I heard Greyson say quietly to himself "Yes! I roasted my first client!"

"What is your favorite ice cream flavor?" He asked.


I must've said it out loud, because he asked, "Would you like for me to repeat that, Mr. I-Am-The-Deafest-Person-In-The-World?"

He forgot to boast that he roasted me, his 'client,' again.

"Nah," I said, "Hard pass."

"Uhh... chicken?" I asked unsurely. I forgot his question.

He raised his eyebrows. "Your favorite ice cream flavor is chicken?"

"Oh. Right. Sorry, Mr. Dove Flawyer. Vanilla." I replied.

He gasped like I offended him. "You're missing out on a lot. Chocolate is awesome!"

"Debatable," I muttered.

"Let's cut to the chase. You're qualified now. So go get your girl! But make sure to turn your sound recording on so I can sit here and eat popcorn while I watch you. And you better turn on your camera." He announced like he was speaking to a whole crowd but in reality, it was just me.

I turned around to my door and put my hand on the doorknob. I took a deep breath.

I turned the knob, and before I knew it, I was in my car, driving to Julia's house.

I stepped out of the car door.

It was time to confess to Julia.

Hiiiiiiii people!

So I'll be re-reading Impossible (my KOTLC fanfiction) with you! We'll read a few designated chapters each week.

I'm doing this because I'm revising it for the Wattys Awards. It's been submitted as an entry, but I want to make sure Impossible represents us.

Both me, the writer, and you, the reader. Because both of us played a part in this and we can work together to make it the best thing ever.

Thanks for reading!

How'd you like it?

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Thank you @WAT3RM3LL for staying with me from chapter one of this book to now. I am extremely grateful that you are along on this journey with me.

Thank you to @KeefeRealSister, @AkShayaV675, @VexDizznee, @SiSiLoves2Read, and @theoneandonlywrite for commenting and giving me motivation when I lost mine in a ditch somewhere in the ocean.

Have a nice day!


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