Chapter 1: Life Sucks

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New York, what a heck of a city! From night to day, the city never sleeps. Something's always happening whether it was good or bad depended on the residents of the city. From heroes to villains, New York always seemed to be the main hotspot for something interesting to occur.

The buildings were tall, concrete towers that all served a different purpose. Skyscrapers that housed many businesses and apartments that served as a home to many residents of the city that never sleeps. On one of these apartments rooftops sat two girls that enjoyed their time by gazing at the stars and reminiscing on their sisterly childhood.

They both sat on their own portable arm chairs with a cooler box in between them with two soda cans on top of the box and an open packet of Doritos while a stereo played music next to them.

On a red portable arm chair sat a short girl with blonde hair that stopped at her shoulders, bright blue eyes and tiny freckles dancing across her nose. She wore thick black rimmed glasses, a red hoodie with a white shirt under it, grey leggings and white sneakers. This was Katherine Danvers, a simple girl with a passion for astronomy.

On a white portable arm chair sat an African American girl with short curled up hair and brown eyes. She wore a white and black sweater with black sweatpants and white sneakers. This was Monica Rambeau, Katherine's fun loving sister.

Monica chuckled "I don't get it."

"Get what?" Katherine asked as she turned her head away from looking up at the sky to face Monica.

"Why you're always so happy when you watch the stars." Monica said as she gestured to the sky "I mean the helicopters and planes must ruin the experience already."

"Yeah they kinda do," Katherine said as Monica chuckled "But I'm willing to ignore them. I don't know why but I just feel some kind connection to them; it's like a missing part of me is out there, pretty weird right?"

Monica stared at her for a long moment and she wanted to say something but she just sighed and dawned a smile.

"It's not weird." Monica responded as she reached over and ruffled Katherine's hair "Kat you're really passionate about this stuff, sometimes I worry that you're gonna become an astronaut and go all the way to space just to get away from me."

"I d-don't want to get away from you!" Katherine exclaimed and blushed at the sudden outburst.

Monica smirked "Does that mean you do want to become an astronaut?"

"I-I don't know...I mean, exploring space sounds like a dream come true but I doubt I'd get that chance." Katherine said as she started twirling her hair, she'd always do this when she got nervous.

"Oh come on sis! I see you studying almost every day, it can't be that hard." Monica stated.

"Nica its literal rocket science." Katherine stated.

Monica smiled "That won't stop you."

Katherine blinked in surprise at her response and smiled back at her which made Monica laughed and playfully punch her on the shoulder. Katherine pouted as she rubbed her thin arm to ease the pain while Monica continued to laugh.

"Girls!" They heard a woman call from the side of the building.

Monica groaned while Katherine stood up and started packing up by turning off the stereo and chugging down the rest of her soda.

"We gotta go Nica." Katherine said as she picked up her arm chair.

"But if we go then that means we go back to reality and reality means bedtime and bedtime means we'll be waking up for school tomorrow!" Monica complained.

"I-It's not that bad." Katherine said.

"Kat the school sucks and the people suck! They treat you like dirt for no reason!" Monica complained.

"It's not for no reason!" Katherine exclaimed which surprised Monica as Katherine shrugged shyly "They are just better okay? They're cooler, prettier and just better than people like me."

"Kat..." Monica said as she looked at her sympathetically.

Katherine shook her head "Let's just go."

Monica sighed as she picked up her chair and the cooler box while Katherine held onto the stereo and her chair. They walked to the side of the building and walked down the fire escape to the top floor window. They entered the apartment through the window which led them into the living room.

The apartment wasn't too big, with the living room as the largest part and the kitchen off to the side by the front door with a small closet right next to the front door and a hallway leading to four rooms. One bathroom and the other three being separate bedrooms for the women living in the apartment.

An African American woman with short brown hair that reached above her shoulders, brown eyes and full red lips. She wore a black shirt with blue jeans and pink slippers. This was Maria Rambeau, mother of Monica Rambeau and guardian of Katherine Danvers.

Maria was currently rinsing off the last of the dishes in the kitchen but stopped when she noticed the girls enter the apartment as Katherine closed the window and locked it in place.

"Ya'll took your time huh?" Maria asked.

"Momma." Monica complained.

"Sorry Aunt Maria, we didn't think we'd be up there for that long." Katherine apologized.

"Mhmm." Maria hummed "Just go get ready for bed, it's a school night."

Monica smacked her lips as she folded her arms "Man you really gotta remind us like that?"

"Wha? Girl if you smack your lips at me again, I'mma smack you into another family!" Maria exclaimed as Monica gulped fearfully.

"C'mon Nica! The hot water won't last long; you should go shower first." Katherine said with a wide and nervous smile as she pushed Monica away and into the bathroom as she went into her room.

After they both showered and said their goodnights, the girls had gone to bed with Maria doing the same a little bit later.


Midtown High, one of the most popular high schools in New York. It may not have been the most prestigious school but garnered one of the most students in the state and that was an accomplishment in itself.

Katherine and Monica stood in the crowded hallways of Midtown High, Katherine fetching her books from her locker while Monica stood by and waited for her.

"Honestly Nica, you don't have to be my bodyguard every morning." Katherine said.

"Yes I do, if I don't then assholes like Flash or Madison will start bullying you." Monica said with her arms folded.

Katherine shut her locker with a surprised expression "Language Monica!"

Monica rolled her eyes "Those Captain America documentaries are really seeping in."

"Oh Monica, there you are." A woman said as she walked up to them.

They turned to see their English teacher, Mrs. Garfield, who was a pretty woman with long black hair, Caucasian skin, black eyes and she wore a black blazer with a white shirt underneath, black pencil skirt and black heels with two books in hand.

"H-Hi Mrs. Garfield." Katherine greeted timidly.

"You ready?" Mrs. Garfield asked Monica, ignoring Katherine.

"Ready for what?" Monica asked, confused by the question.

"Don't tell me you forgot?" Mrs. Garfield asked in surprise and Monica just shrugged "Debate Monica, we agreed to practice your debate skills every morning for the upcoming competition."

Monica widened her eyes and face palmed "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! It completely slipped my mind."

Mrs. Garfield sighed "Well we still got time for it before classes start at least. Let's go, your teammates are waiting."

"But I was gonna walk Katherine to class." Monica protests.

"Katherine can walk herself, don't baby her." Mrs. Garfield said as she looked at Katherine with a glare.

"It's okay, Nica. Go, I'll be fine." Katherine said with a small smile.

"Alright..." Monica said, still unsure on whether to leave her.

"Fantastic! Come along." Mrs. Garfield said, grabbing Monica's hand and dragging her away.

Katherine sighed as she walked to class, ignoring the mocking looks and whispers she was getting from the other students. She didn't understand why she became the target for bullying in the school but she couldn't do anything about it and just living with it was her best bet.

"Graduation isn't that far, you can do this Katherine." She told herself but then she bumped into someone and fell over along with her glasses falling to the floor.

"Augh! Seriously!? Of all I the people I had to bump into today, it had to be the dyke!?" An annoyingly preppy voice shouted.

Katherine looked up to see the queen bee of the school herself, Madison McCarthy. A girl who wore more makeup than anyone in the school with long black hair, purple eyes and purple lips from her lipstick. She wore a magenta tank top with black leather pants and black heel boots.

"Eww! Are you checking me out?" Madison exclaimed with a disgusted look "Only hot dudes get to check me out loser! Get your eyes checked and chase after the other ugly girls in the school, you'd have a lot in common."

The people in the halls laughed and Madison was about to continue but the bell rang and everyone knew the principal liked to patrol the halls after the first bell and if he found you then that was a one way trip to detention.

The crowd of people in the halls dispersed and Madison strutted away, Katherine huffing in anger knowing she had the same class as her. She looked touched around on the floor, looking for her glasses.

"Here." She heard a familiar yet sweet voice say.

She took her glasses and blushed upon seeing one of the few friends she had in school and her all time. A girl with short blonde hair, blue eyes and barely visible freckles that wore a white shirt with a pink hoodie jacket, black jeans and cyan sneakers. This was the mysterious yet elusive, Gwen Stacy.

Gwen may have been the most popular girl in school besides Madison because Gwen just didn't care about a lot and she always seemed to be late for school or skipping it entirely to do whatever she does outside school. Katherine, Gwen and Peter Parker had been friends since kindergarten and even though Gwen was considered popular, she never left her two nerdy friends behind.

"T-Thanks." Katherine stuttered with a blush, putting them on but noticed they were cracked on one side.

"Madison?" Gwen asked.

Katherine nodded and Gwen adopted an angry look. Katherine didn't know why but Gwen always seemed extra protective when it came to her, something she found sweet and scary because Gwen was not the type of person to be afraid of throwing the first punch.

"I swear, when I see that girl..." Gwen said as clenched her fists angrily.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm okay, there's no need to freak out." Katherine said soothingly, grabbing ahold of Gwen's hand that seemed to calm her down.

"I just hate how everyone here treats you." Gwen says.

"You and Monica have that in common." Katherine said with a giggle "But it's okay, they're just teenagers being teenagers. Graduation will come and none of this will matter."

"You matter to me." Gwen said and Katherine couldn't help but blush and smile.

"You two!" The principal called out from down the hall "Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

"Uh, yeah! Yup! Just heading there now." Katherine said, walking away with Gwen to their first period.


"And that is why Russia scares me." The geography teacher, Mr. Romanoff finished with his heavy Russian accent and most of the class laughed.

Katherine sat by the window, staring out at the field having checked out from class a while ago since she wrote her notes and studied beforehand.

"Alright, 5 minutes class. I would like to announce that tomorrow you do not have to come to school," Mr. Romanoff states and some of the students cheered "Because we are going on a field trip!"

The class groaned and complained as one student raised his hand to ask a question.

"Yes, Victoria?" Mr. Romanoff asked.

"Where are we going?" Victoria asked.

"I'm glad you asked." Mr. Romanoff said with a smile as he rubbed his large belly "Tomorrow we go to Airship base and museum! Nothing is more geographical than seeing jets soar the skies."

Interested chatter filled the class and a lot of students were excited at the prospect of seeing jets fly. Katherine couldn't deny, her interest as well.

"You will be divided into partners as to not get lost and not to mess around tomorrow, I read them now." Mr. Romanoff says as he started reading the pairs off a sheet.

'Please get me Katherine, please get me Katherine, please get me Katherine!' Gwen shouts in her mind.

Katherine watched the big man list the names and she was wishing to be partnered up with Gwen, so they could spend more time together. But all those hopes went down the drain when Mr. Romanoff got to her name.

"Katherine Danvers and Madison McCarthy." Mr. Romanoff stated.

"What/What!?" Both Madison and Gwen exclaimed.

Katherine slammed her head down on the table and groaned 'God I hate my life so much!'

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