Chapter 3: A Stellar Awakening

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Katherine slowly blinked awake, her vision briefly blurred but that only lasted a moment and she was soon met with blindingly bright lights. She let out a groan as she clutched her forehead and sat up, looking around to get accustomed to her surroundings.

She was in a hospital room with machines and nutrient bags hooked up to her. Her glasses sat on a nightstand beside her bed and she reached out, picking them up and putting them on only this time, her vision blurred.

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she took off the glasses and she widened her eyes to see that she could not only see clearly but everything was so detailed that she could even see the tiny spider that had made itself a small web of a home at the corner of the room as if it was under the gaze of a magnifying glass.

She turned to look out the window and saw a convenience store not too far off and she could even see the prices of some of the products displayed in view from her angle. This was certainly strange.

She heard the door open and turned to see a nurse carrying a tray of food but then she dropped it in shock upon seeing a woken up Katherine.

Katherine watched the tray fall in slow motion and on instinct, she moved faster than the eye could see and caught the tray.

"Uh, here you go. Wouldn't want a mess, now would we?" Katherine said fully standing up and noticing that she was significantly taller than the woman.

"N-no take it, it was intended for you anyway." The nurse said and Katherine nodded, walking back to the bed and sitting on it with her legs crossed, indulging on the food "I'll get the doctor."

Katherine nodded as the nurse hurriedly scurried away and she paused to open her hand, seeing the fork she was holding was bended and twisted up as if it was lodged into a trash compactor.

The nurse came back in with the doctor behind her and he widened his eyes in surprise but then gave Katherine a gentle smile and she gave him a nervous and awkward one.

"Ms. Danvers, how good to see you finally awake." The doctor said, shutting the door and taking a seat in front of her.

"Awake?" Katherine asked in confusion.

"Yes, you've been in a coma for quite some time." The doctor replied with a nod and Katherine dropped the fork with her eyes wide and jaw dropped.

"I was in a coma!?" Katherine exclaimed and the doctor nodded once more "Wha- How the- How long!?"

"3 months." The doctor replied and Katherine blinked in shock.

"3 months? 3 months!? Oh man, I missed so much! Monica's spelling bee, Peter's science expo, Gwen's first show...wait Gwen..." Katherine stopped rambling as she gave the doctor a frantic look "The field trip to the airship base, did anybody else get hurt? Is everyone ok?"

"Calm down, calm down, everything's fine. Aside from a few minor injuries, every student was accounted for and completely fine, well...besides you, of course." The doctor explained and Katherine sighed in relief.

"That's good." Katherine said and she gave the doctor a sheepish smile "I must've gave everyone a big scare, huh?"

The doctor chuckled "You sure did, young lady. And to prevent any further scares, would you be so kind to let me do a checkup?"

"Yeah, sure." Katherine said with an awkward nod.

The doctor started his checkup and took notes down on a clipboard with every test, letting out hums with each test which admittedly worried Katherine a bit.

"Well?" Katherine asked as the doctor finished his checkup and wrote down his consensus.

"You wear glasses, correct?" The doctor asked.

Katherine nodded "Yup, needed them all my life."

"Well, excuse me but I wouldn't believe that at all." The doctor said, looking at the clipboard results and back at her.

"Why not?" Katherine enquired.

"You have perfect vision, Ms. Danvers. The best I've seen actually." The doctor stated and Katherine widened her eyes "Your body as well. Usually, coma patients that have woken up suffer from a lack of energy and take time to recover but you're completely fine. Your heartbeat is strong and you're overflowing with nutrients, you're the healthiest person in this hospital."

"Is that a bad thing?" Katherine asked and the doctor laughed, shaking his head.

"No, not at all. It just means that you won't have to stay here any longer." The doctor explained and Katherine nodded "I mean, we still have to keep you here for a few days to see if you're at a 100%, standard procedure."

"Yeah, I understand." Katherine said, looking at her hands and clenching them a few times 'This is so weird!'

"Oh and, your family and friends have been stopping by a lot. They really love you, especially that one girl." The doctor said as he stood up.

"Girl?" Katherine asked as she perked up.

"What was her name? Gwen, yes that was her name. For the past three months, she'd come and visit almost every day, weekends and all. Heck, she'd even spend the whole day in this room, sitting by your side." The doctor said and Katherine smiled "That's a great friend you got there."

"Yeah, she really is." Katherine muttered and the smile couldn't even leave her face.

"Well, I'll be taking my leave." The doctor said, opening the door and turning to leave.

"Wait, u-uh sir," Katherine said and the doctor turned to look at her "Could I maybe, kinda, go out and buy a drink at the convenience store over there? Like you said, I'm perfectly healthy and I'm feeling healthy too and I've been spending a lot of time in this room, so why not get some fresh air?"

The doctor raised an eyebrow and looked to see that the convenience store was only a couple of buildings away. He considered her words and the big grin on her face, as if she was a child trying to look innocent in front of a parent.

He chuckled "Alright, but please do be careful and hurry back."

"Yes! Thank you, sir." Katherine said.

"No problem at all, and I'll be calling your loved ones so expect them here tomorrow." The doctor said and she nodded, with that he left.


Katherine walked out of the convenience store with a plastic bag in hand and a fruit soda in her other hand, now wearing a black hoodie and black sweatpants with white sneakers.

She turned to the alley that led to the hospital but then a man popped out from behind the bin with a gun in hand.

"Everything ya got, give it here." The man said with a smirk.

"Argh, come on man, I just woke up from a 3-month nap." Katherine said annoyed by the current situation.

The man glared at her and cocked the gun "Don't mess with me kid, I want everything you have! Right now!"

"Okay, okay, I just have these drinks, that's all." Katherine said, showing him the bag but the most peculiar thing she noticed was that she wasn't scared at all, it was as if getting shot was the last thing in her mind 'What the hell is wrong with me!?'

"No money?" The man asked and Katherine shook her head "What a shame. Then this is for wasting my time."

The man fired the gun and Katherine covered her face, expecting the bullet to take her down and an immense amount of pain but all she felt was a light tap. She opened her eyes to see the man looking at her with wide eyes and she looked down at her arm to see that not even a bruise was on her arm but there was a small amount of smoke coming from it.

She picked up the bullet and saw that it was completely bent, as if it had hit a hard wall upon impact. The man fired more shots at her until the gun was completely emptied and she saw that each bullet was bouncing off her like a light tap from a raindrop.

"Oh my god..." Katherine muttered with a shocked expression that mimicked her mugger "I'm bulletproof."

"What the hell are you!?" The man shouted.

"I don't know but I'm freaking bulletproof!" Katherine exclaimed excitedly with a laugh and after a few moments she stopped laughing and smirked at the man "You're dead."

The man widened his eyes as Katherine moved so fast that she seemingly teleported in front of him. She cocked her right arm back and gave the man a strong right hook. The punch took out most of his teeth, shattered his jaw completely and sent him flying out of the alley and hitting a parked car.

Katherine stood straight and looked at her fist with an excited grin "I have so many questions!"


Gwen, Monica, Marie and Peter all followed the nurse as she led them to Katherine's room, all of them feeling mixtures of emotions that ranged from happiness to relief and even anxiousness.

Monica noticed the fact that Gwen was purposely slowing her steps to not move ahead of the group and she smirked "Someone's excited."

Gwen gave her a small smile "Yeah, I really am."

News of Katherine's awakening hit her like a freight train and she couldn't even sleep once knowing that Katherine was safe and okay. The smile on her face wouldn't leave her that night and she couldn't even sleep after the call from the hospital.

"Girl's probably sleeping right now." Marie said.

"We did get here pretty early." Peter said with a shrug.

They reached the room and the nurse opened the door and everyone entered the room. Everyone adopted a shocked look and dropped jaw from the sight before them.

Katherine stood up from her pushups and smiled at them all "Hey everyone."

She was just in a sports bra and her body had become well defined with some muscle to her arms but she still kept her feminine frame and her waist had become curvier with a toned stomach that had a light six pack. The morning sun illuminated her and highlighted her sweaty new body. This was the first of many marvelous changes. 

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