Chapter 4: The New Normal

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Shocked. Surprised. Baffled. Heck, even bamboozled was a word that could also be used to describe the state of emotions Gwen, Peter, Monica and Maria were currently experiencing at the sight of the newly transformed Katherine Danvers.

Katherine shyly looks down with an embarrassed blush, growing more nervous as all eyes stayed on her, "S-sorry for w-well, just the sports bra. I-I didn't know you guys would be here so soon. I t-think there's a hoodie lying around here somewhere, just give me a sec."

She quickly looks around and paces over to her bed in search of the hoodie just as Monica was the first to snap out of her shock and she outright leapt over the bed to hug her little sister.

"Whoa!" Katherine exclaimed, stumbling back a bit, but regaining her footing quite quickly and laughing as she reciprocated the hug.

"I missed you so much!" Monica expressed lovingly as she tightened her hold on her.

Katherine let out a giggle as she spun her sister around, "Missed you too, sis. Good to see you're doing okay."

"Okay? My baby sister just came back from the land of the dead." Monica said, pulling back with a grin, "Girl, I'm more than okay."

"Longest power nap ever by the way" Katherine joked with a smile and a giggle.

"And what in Amazon happened?" Monica asked, looking her up and down.

"I guess I bulked up a bit..." Katherine said with a nervous rub of her arm.

"A bit? You look like you've been lifting tigers, you've got a six pack now and the worst of them all, you're taller than me!" Monica exclaimed in awe as she now had to look up at her, which sucked for her because Monica was already 5'8".

"Kat, sweetie, how tall are you now?" Maria asked.

"The doctor's measurements said exactly...6'0"" Katherine answered nervously.

"You grew six whole inches!?" Monica exclaimed in shock and her eyes snapped to her mother with a whiny expression on her face, "Momma, put me in a coma!"

Katherine laughed as Maria playfully rolled her eyes just as Peter was rubbing the lenses of his glasses and put them back on with a smile approaching her.

"Monica might have the right idea if they're signing coma patients up for gym memberships." Peter joked.

"Hey, Pete." Katherine greeted, giving him a hug as well as forgetting her newly developed strength, lifting him up and he laughed in surprise.

"My feet are off the ground, Xena!" Peter exclaimed and Katherine soon realized this as she quickly put him down.

"Oops! My bad! Sorry, Pete." Katherine quickly apologized.

"Don't be sorry, it's amazing." Pete said with a grin, "You're amazing."

Katherine smiled back at him as Maria was the next to approach her with her arms out.

"Guess it's my turn to get rag dolled huh?" Maria joked and Katherine immediately hugged her, consciously making sure to keep her newfound strength in check.

"It's good to see you, Aunt Maria." Katherine expressed as Maria chuckled and reciprocated the hug.

"You too, baby girl. Let me speak for everyone in telling you that you were greatly missed." Maria said lovingly as the pulled away and she looked up at her, standing on her tippy toes to place a kiss onto her forehead, "You'll always look beautiful to me, sweetheart, no matter the change."

Katherine smiled with the widest grin she could give as she hugged her again, "Auntie!!!"

"Now I gotta get in on this." Monica said as she joined the hug, pulling Peter along with her.

Meanwhile, Gwen still stood in the same position she had first seen Katherine in. She was outright stunned, no, gobsmacked at the new look Katherine garnered.

To her, Katherine Danvers was already one of the prettiest girls she had ever seen. Hell, there wasn't really any competition wherever they went. Be it school, town or anywhere else, she had yet to find anyone that had caught her eye as well as Katherine did.

And that was just then, now though, now with this whole new transformation, it was pretty much set in concrete to her that Katherine Danvers was the most beautiful girl she had ever seen.

She tried, damn did she try not to look at Katherine in a lustful or lecherous manner, she could keep it in check then, although some glances had been issued, but now it would be downright criminal to not admire the young woman in front of her. It was as if some higher being was like "Hey, take a picture, make damn sure it lasts longer.".

'Pull yourself together, Gwen! You're literally standing here with your jaw dropped! Do I just want to catch a fly!? I should move, I really should, but it's like she put me in some kind of trance. It was already hard enough keeping what I felt for her lowkey, but now it just seems like it'll be impossible! I gotta calm down. Steady my breathing, stop whatever aching my chest is going through and for the love of god, can this hard-on go away already!?' Gwen thought, subtly fixing her pants and glad that her hoodie was large enough to cover most of it up.

"Gwendolyne Stacy!" Peter called out to her and Gwen blinked, seeing as all eyes were on her now, "There she is."

"Gwen, are you okay?" Katherine asked, walking over to her.

Gwen gulped with a nervous smile, "M-me? Oh yeah, pshh! I was just...y'know, stunned to see you finally awake and alive after so long..."

"Hard to move too, huh?" Monica asked with a smirk and Gwen sent her a pointed look, but she just amusedly wiggled her eyebrows at her.

Katherine didn't take notice at the two's interaction as she smiled and hugged Gwen, "I'm so happy to see you."

Gwen froze a little and shuddered a bit, but she calmed herself down and slowly hugged her back, finding comfort at finally being able to hold onto her after so long even if she had gotten slightly taller than her.

"I'm happy to see you too." Gwen expressed near her ear and she smirked when she felt that Katherine slightly shiver after she had said that, "I missed you, Kat."

Their hug lasted quite a while and only did they jump apart once the doctor entered the room with Monica letting them know by clearing her throat. The two of them blushed with nervous and awkward chuckles as well as clearances of throats.

"I see it has been a good morning." The doctor asked with a smile.

"Really good." Gwen said with a smirk, not keeping her eyes off Katherine who shyly smiled under the gaze.

"Seeing her like this is honestly the greatest blessing I could ever ask for." Maria said, placing a hand on Katherine's shoulder, "Thank you for taking care of her doc."

"I just did my very best. Katherine was the one doing the heavy lifting." The doctor said with a shrug, "Healthiest recovery I've ever seen, that's for sure."

"You gotta admit. You have some pretty strong genetics if a coma does this to you." Peter said.

Katherine shrugged, "I wouldn't know. Never met anyone in my biological family."

"Oh..." Peter let out, scared that he dampened the mood.

"And you don't need to." Maria said firmly with a loving smile, "We're the only family that matters. The ones you can count on, right?"

Katherine nodded with a smile, but Monica didn't really agree with her mother's words, wanting to say something, but she bit her tongue. Choosing to keep what was on her mind to herself.

"In any case, Katherine is doing exponentially well and everything seems to be on the up and up. We were only keeping her here as a precaution in case any unforeseen hiccups popped up, but with the consent of both the patient and her parent/guardian, she is allowed to be discharged early." The doctor explained.

"Really?" Katherine asked excitedly, "I can leave? I mean, I appreciate everything you've done for me, doctor, and this is an amazing hospital, but I can really go home?"

"Finally get to touch grass again." Gwen teased.

"Only took, what? Three months?" Peter asked with a chuckle.

Katherine stuck her tongue out to both of them and they just snickered and returned the favor childishly.

"Well, I can see she's healthy and if everything is fine, like you said, then I think an early discharge would be much appreciated." Maria said to the doctor with a nod.

"You hear that, sis? All of your chores that were piling up are finally gonna get done." Monica said with a smirk and Katherine widened her eyes at the thought of three months' worth of chores.

"Why you gotta tease her like that?" Maria asked, "Baby girl, don't worry. Monica's been doing your chores as well as her own while you were out of commission."

"Really?" Katherine asked.

"Didn't even have to ask her to. She wanted to do it all on her own." Maria said proudly.

"Nica!" Katherine exclaimed happily as she ran and hugged her sister who chuckled.

"As if I'd ever leave you hanging, Kat." Monica said as she reciprocated the hug.

"So, immediate discharge?" The doctor asked.

"Yup." Maria responded as she looked at Katherine, "Time to go home."


All of them walked through a park on the way to the Rambeau/Danvers apartment building. They were all talking and laughing, catching Katherine, who now wore her hoodie, up with what had been going on when she was gone.

"Okay, so we've got a few more schools around town to compete with and when we beat 'em, we're heading off straight to nationals." Monica explained.

"Wow, you guys must be killing it, huh?" Katherine asked.

"Killing it? Monica's debates are a straight up slaughter. It's like she knows the ins and outs of the team she's debating against before they even do." Peter praised.

"Aww, Pete, that's so sweet." Monica said with a smile, "You heard him, Kat. I'm basically a lawyer with how good my arguments are."

"Eat your heart out, She-Hulk." Gwen joked.

"Could I beat her in a debate?" Monica asked with a smirk, "Dare I say, I might."

Katherine, Gwen and Peter laughed at Monica's confidence whilst Maria just shook her head amusedly at her daughter's actions.

"Alright, I'm gonna need y'all to go ahead without me." Maria said, turning to look at the teens, tossing the house keys to Monica.

"Huh? Where are you going, Aunt Maria?" Katherine asked.

"I had lunch planned for all of us back home, but I just remembered we're out of juice. So I gotta head to the store real quick to get some." Maria explained.

"Oh yeah, the juice. I was gonna go pick it up today, but getting to see Kat just seemed to take over my mind." Monica said with a reminiscent nod.

"I-I could go." Katherine said to her, surprising them all.

"What? Why?" Monica asked.

"Baby girl, you just woke up from a coma, you need to rest." Maria said worriedly.

"I'm already rested, Aunt Maria. Like you said, I just woke up from a coma. My body needs exercise and I think a short walk around town is exactly what I need." Katherine explained.

"I don't know...what if something goes wrong?" Maria asked, understanding her reasoning, but still skeptical at the idea.

"She does need some fresh air. I think this walk could be good for her." Gwen said as she draped her arm over Katherine's shoulders, "I'll even go with her to make sure she's okay."

"Could be good for her, Momma." Monica said with a small smile, more confident in knowing Gwen would keep her safe.

Maria looked at the two and pondered the preposition, letting out a sigh with a short nod.

"Alright, fine. You can go." Maria said as she took out some cash from her purse as the two girls celebrated, "Here's enough for the juice and some snacks. Gwen, you got my number?"

"Yes, ma'am." Gwen said with a nod as Katherine was handed the money.

"Maybe I should come along-WHOA!" Peter was about to say, but then Monica suddenly draped her arm over his shoulder and moved him to stand with her and her mom.

"Nope, you gotta help me set the table." Monica said with a smirk.

"Seriously?" Peter asked.

"It's a big lunch." Monica said, sending a wink to Gwen and she smiled gratefully at her.

"C'mon, Kat. Time for a juice run." Gwen said, walking with Katherine on another path out of the park as Katherine waved at her family and friend.


"So..." Katherine started.

Gwen smirked amusedly as she looked at her, "So..."

"How's it hanging?" Katherine asked.

"Did you just say "How's it hanging?"" Gwen asked with a quirk of her eyebrow and a laugh.

"Cut me some slack, will ya? I just got up from a three-month long nap. I don't know the recent lingo." Katherine joked.

"Worst three months of my life that's for sure." Gwen said with a sigh.

"I...heard you were a frequent visitor when I was out of it." Katherine said.

"Hm? Oh yeah, I basically lived at that hospital." Gwen said with a shrug, "Still kinda mad at myself for not being there when you woke up. I mean, the one time I pass out on my own bed after so long is the one time you wake up."

"Yeah, but that doesn't discount all the times you were there." Katherine said with a smile and a small blush, "It was really sweet of you to do that even if there was no reason to."

"It was for you, Kat. That's more than enough of a reason." Gwen responded earnestly and Katherine shyly smiled with an internal squeal.

"Ooh, now I gotta pay you back. Whatever you've got in mind, I'm down." Katherine said to her.

"I mean, you really don't have to, Kat." Gwen said.

"No, I really do." Katherine said with a frim nod, "There's gotta be something I can help you out with."

"Well..." Gwen let out and Katherine grinned.

"Well...?" Katherine asked.

"This weekend." Gwen started and Katherine nodded, letting her continue, "The band's having a show and if you really want to pay those visitation hours back then why not come to the show, see us preform?"

"Oh my god, the band! You guys had your first show already, right? How's it going?" Katherine asked excitedly.

"It's been going really well. MJ's been making it fun for us and the music ain't half bad if I do say so myself." Gwen said proudly.

"Well, I'd love to come and see you preform. I've been a fan ever since you told me you joined." Katherine said with a smile and this time it was Gwen's turn to shyly smile.

Her shy smile slowly turned into a genuinely happy one as she looked to be contemplating something whilst taking glances at Katherine. She nodded to herself and took ahold of Katherine's hands, surprising her as the two made eye contact.

"Kat...will you go out-" Gwen was suddenly cut off by her Spidey Senses going off and she immediately pulled, Katherine to her and jumped to the side just as the bank's entrance they were in front of crashed open in a plume of smoke and dust.

Katherine covered her eyes from the dust and Gwen turned to see a large figure running out of the bank and barreling through multiple cars just as a crowd of people formed around them watching the large humanoid mass continue to run with bags of money.

"Gwen?" Katherine asked as Gwen stood up.

"He's heading downtown." Gwen said as she looked at Katherine, "Stay here, alright?"

"What? Where are you going?" Katherine asked, as she stood up.

"My dad's patrolling around the downtown area today, I gotta go make sure he's okay." Gwen said as she started pushing past the crowd, "Just stay there! I'll be back! I promise!"

"Oh...okay..." Katherine muttered in a tone that was a mix of confusion and suspicion.

'Sorry, Kat.' Gwen thought as she turned down an alleyway.

She jumped onto a trash can as she took off her hoodie and shirt to reveal the top half of her suit. She jumped and ran on the walls whilst taking off her pants, pulling out the mask from the hood whilst doing a backflip. She tied up the clothes in a bundle and used the railing of some stairs to launch herself out of the alleyway, not as Gwen, but as Ghost-Spider.

She tossed the clothes to a water tower and shot a web, trapping the clothes onto the water tower. She started swinging through the concrete jungle following the chaos and destruction her target had caused.

She swung ahead of her target and shot multiple webs at one of his feet. This caused him to trip and fall, ending his charging rampage just as Ghost-Spider landed in front of him.

"You know, when banks say they're gonna charge you, they didn't think you'd take it so literally, eh, Rhino?" Ghost-Spider asked.

The Rhino had been the cause of the destruction as he got up, easily ripping away the webs on his feet and glaring at the heroine in front of him. The Rhino was a behemoth of a man that wore a full on rhinoceros' suit. Known for using his size and durability to charge into battle with anyone of the like, he was a disastrous force to be reckoned with.

"BUG! Of course, you'd just be magically around to stop me!" Rhino shouted.

"Yeah, yeah, witty banter, blah, blah, can we skip to where I kick your ass and piss off PETA even more?" Ghost-Spider asked, "Some of us have beautiful people waiting."

"I'm gonna enjoy turning you into roadkill!" Rhino shouted, "Ya hear me!? Roadkill! I'm the strongest around and I'm finally gonna be the one to knock you down! Any last words?"

"...Hippos are better." Ghost-Spider responded and that must've broken a nerve as Rhino let out a roar and charged at her.

She easily dodged the charge by leaping over him and as he continued his charge, she shot an abundance of web string to his feet, tripping him again, but this time tumbled and crashed into a garbage truck.

Rhino groaned but then he got up angrier than before with an angered roar, picking up the garbage truck and tossing it at her.

"Dammit, Rhino!" Ghost-Spider exclaimed as she slid under the garbage truck, shooting a large web at where it was going to crash and onto the light posts around it to stop its momentum and keep it from crashing into anything, "Will you please think about the environment!? Has climate change taught you nothing man!?"

"Not man, damn you! Rhino!" Rhino shouted as he charged at her again.

"Heard you the first time, big guy!" Ghost-Spider responded as she jumped and swung onto his back.

She grabbed onto his horn and veered him to the left to avoid crashing into the garbage truck, but now his charge wasn't stopping.

"Stop! Chill! Do I have to unplug you somewhere to stop you from charging, huh!?" Ghost-Spider shouted, but he wouldn't stop from his wild charge.

She gasped and widened her eyes when she saw that he was charging directly at a cement truck with the workers still around. She narrowed her eyes and shot the webs onto his back, jumping off of him and swing under him, using her strength and momentum to bring his head down just as she used both her feet to land a nutcracking shot on his privates.

Rhino let out a pained squeal as they both fell and tumbled past the truck and towards the construction area behind it just as the nearby workers ran away.

Rhino hit a few beams as well as Ghost-Spider, the two separating with steel beams falling on the both of them.

Rhino would be relatively fine with the beams due to his endurance, but Ghost-Spider on the other hand was in danger. She felt her Spidey Sense go off and she groggily looked up to see the beams falling towards her.

She shut her eyes to prepare for the whole world of pain, but it hadn't arrived with only the sound of the beams hitting something hard and them coming to an abrupt stop.

She slowly opened her eyes and widened her eyes to see a familiar blonde in just her black sports bra and red tights as well as blue sneakers holding onto all the beams, keeping them from falling on Ghost-Spider.

"Sorry, for jumping in like this. You looked like you could use some help." Katherine said with a smile just as Rhino roared and popped out of the pile of beams that had fallen on top of him.

"I AM RHINO! FEEL ME CHARGE!!!" Rhino shouted as he charged at the both of them.

Katherine thought fast, shrugging off almost all the beams to the side except one and using the one she was holding as a makeshift bat. She reeled it back just as Rhino got in range, and swung it with all her might.

The hit caused a brief shockwave and Rhino widened his eyes at the sudden pain just as he was launched out of the construction area and into one of the big screens. The screen exploded and Rhino fell out of it and onto the ground with a groan, many scratches to his suit with bruising around his body and smoke emanating out of him.

Katherine dropped the beam and helped Ghost-Spider up, "You good?"

"Y-yeah, just give me a minute to get my bearings." Ghost-Spider responded.

"I don't think we have a minute." Katherine said as Rhino slowly got up with a pained huff.

"R-Rhino got knocked back...Rhino's charge was stopped...No! No! That's impossible! That's not normal! You're not normal!" Rhino shouted as he pointed at Katherine.

"Yeah." Katherine said punching her palm which caused an audible and visible shockwave, surprising Ghost-Spider, Rhino and all that were watching as she smirked, "I'm starting to realize that.

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