Chapter 5: Who's Your Hero?

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Katherine had absolutely no idea what she was doing.

She only just recently found out that she was bulletproof and now she was fast enough to not only save a freaking superhero from danger, but she was also strong enough to use a steal beam like a baseball bat.

Rhino was right. She was far from what you would call normal.

Strangely enough though, just like the mugger, she wasn't afraid. In fact, she was actually looking forward to giving the massive muscle brained maniac in front of her a beat down he would never forget.

'If I'm going to do this then I gotta give it my all. I can't back out now!' Katherine thought as she got into what emulated a fighting stance, "Bring it on, Rhino Man! That onesie ain't gonna save you from this ass kicking!"

'What the heck happened to you, Kat!?' Ghost-Spider asked herself in shock of such bravado and confidence coming from the normally timid girl she knew, "Hold on a sec, do you even know the first thing about fighting?"

"Nope!" Katherine exclaimed as she let out a battle roar and sprinted towards Rhino.

Rhino grinned, more than happy to accept a charging battle. He kicked back his foot a few times and roared as he charged at her.

Katherine widened at the realization that he wasn't backing up, blocking or even the showing the slightest hint of backing down. In fact, he was coming at her with full force.

That realization broke her momentum and she skid to a halt, raising her arms in fear.

"W-Wait a second! Time out! I'm not ready!" Katherine shouted, but Rhino didn't care as he continued his charge.

This time it was Ghost-Spider's turn to save her as she shot a web line at Katherine and another at a building to the side. She used the momentum to pull both of them up, avoiding Rhino's charge as he crashed through the construction area.

They landed in the middle of the square as Rhino got up and started walking out of the construction area, his sights aimed at he both of them.

"I might've been a little over my head with this." Katherine pointed out, looking at Rhino's glare with fearful eyes.

"Ya think!?" Ghost-Spider shouted as she glared back at Rhino, "Look, stay back while I take care of the glorified unicorn over there."

"B-But I can help." Katherine argued.

"I can't focus on taking him down, keeping the civilians safe and keeping you safe at the same time." Ghost-Spider stated, "Just trust the process. I got this."

With that, Ghost-Spider jumped into the fray, swinging towards Rhino whilst shooting multiple webs all over his body, hoping at least one would slow him down.

"Argh! Annoying bug-lady!" Rhino shouted as he tried removing the webs but they were so sticky his hands were getting stuck and as she kept shooting, his whole upper body was starting to get surround by a strait jacket of webs.

"Aww, that's the sweetest thing you ever said to me." Ghost-spider teased, skidding around him and sure he was trapped.

She shot a web at his horn and launched herself towards him whilst reeling back her fist for a knockout right hook.

But then, Rhino flexed his muscles and used all of his strength to rip his way out of the strait jacket of webs and manage to catch Ghost-Spider's fist just in time.

"Uh Ohhh!!!" Ghost-Spider let out when Rhino raised her up by the arm and slammed her down to the ground, raising her up again then spinning her, tossing her towards one of the police cars that had surrounded the area.

With a quick leap, Katherine reached Ghost-Spider in time and managed to catch her before she could crash into the car just as Ghost-Spider groaned in pain.

"How's the process going?" Katherine asked with a worried quirk of her eyebrow.

"Processing..." Ghost-Spider responded as Rhino charged at them, "Look out!"

As if on instinct, Katherine tossed Ghost-Spider up in to the air and met Rhino's charge head on by grabbing his horn. The impact of the charge caused another shockwave, but much to many that were watching's surprise, Katherine did not move.

"I may not know how to throw down, but my big sis taught me one thing!" Katherine shouted as she elbowed Rhino in the gut and he bent forward.

Taking the opportunity, she tightened her grip on his horn and effortlessly lifted him over her shoulder, slamming him to the ground.

Rhino groaned in pain and he groggily opened his eyes to see two webs shoot onto his chest and from the air Ghost-Spider shot down and used both her knees to strike him in the face, knocking a few teeth out in the process.

Rhino went limp, diving in and out of consciousness as Ghost-Spider flipped off of him and landed next to Katherine who was grinning at her.

"High-five!" Katherine exclaimed happily, but Ghost-Spider simply narrowed her eyes at her which replaced Katherine's grin with a more nervous smile as she slowly put her hand down, "Maybe later."

"You and I have to talk. Right. Now!" Ghost-Spider spoke in a no nonsense tone, not leaving much room for any arguments.

"Alright, fine, but just calm down, everything is fine. We took down the bad guy, I saved you twice." Katherine listed enthusiastically.

"Once." Ghost-Spider corrected.

"I'm pretty sure it was twice." Katherine retorted.

"And I'm pretty sure you're trying to make madder than I already am." Ghost-Spider retorted with narrowed eyes.

"Why are you so mad anyway? It's not like he's gonna get up-"

"RAAARGH!!!" Rhino roared as he shot up in a wild rage just as Ghost-Spider's Spidey-sense went off.

He turned towards the two and aimed a fast and devastating punch down at the both of them, and once again off instinct, Katherine shoved Ghost-Spider out of the way.

She took the full force of the punch and her head reeled back as her hair tie broke free of her golden mane. Many watchers gasped in shock upon witnessing the devastating hit.

"NO!!!" Ghost-Spider shouted.

Katherine's leg slammed down onto the ground though and she stopped herself from reeling back, instead shooting forward at full force with her fist cocked back. She grits her teeth and hit Rhino with a devastating punch to the face of her own.

The punch straight up knocked the behemoth of the man out and he fell to the ground, now completely out of commission.

There was a stunned and shocked silence amongst the square with Katherine's huffs and puffs being quite audible.

The silence was soon ended by Katherine raising her foot and slamming it down onto Rhino's chest, raising the fist she had knocked him out with to the air with a proud grin on her face.

"Who's your hero!?" Katherine shouted and the massive crowd of people that were watching started to cheer, hoot and holler at the display.

Katherine slowly lowered her arm as she looked around at the happy and cheerful people. This feeling off...pride, triumph. It was something else. Something she had rarely come to experience and after realizing everything she had done today, it just made the feeling all the more real to her. She beat a bad guy. She saved people. She was actually a hero.

"Hands in the air!" She heard someone shout and her euphoric feeling was immediately dissipated as she turned to see multiple officers aiming their guns at both her and Ghost-Spider with a familiar face leading the charge.

The man leading the charge was a high ranking police officer with well-cut blonde hair, familiar bright blue eyes and he wore a white dress shirt with multiple badges attached to the left side, a black tie, black pants and black shoes with a policeman's hat atop his head. This was the head captain in charge of the New York police force, Captain George Stacy

"Captain Stacy!?" Katherine exclaimed in surprise, 'Gwen's dad really was patrolling around here...'

"Crud..." Ghost-Spider muttered.

"You're under arrest. The both of you." Captain Stacy stated.

"Seriously?" Ghost-Spider asked.

"Why!? We just saved the day! We beat the bad guy!" Katherine argued as she pointed at Rhino's unconscious form.

"Look around you." Captain Stacy said and they looked to see the massive amount of property damage the whole battle had caused, "Vigilantism, property damage and reckless abandon of super heroism. You two really did it all huh?"

"Most of this was Rhino's doing y'know." Ghost-Spider reminded, "If anything, give him the property damage charge."

"I'm not going to entertain two kids playing hero. This isn't child's play!" Captain Stacy stated, "So stand down or you'll be forcing my hand."

Ghost-Spider sighed frustratingly, "Let's get out of here."

"What?" Katherine asked in surprise as she looked at her, "But-"

"Wait-" Captain Stacy also shouted.

Ghost-Spider didn't even argue as she grabbed onto Katherine by the waist and shot a web at one of the buildings, carrying the both of them away.

The officers and civilians watched on as they swung away from view, escaping the scene.

"Y'know, I know who Ghost-Spider is, been dealing with her for a while, but," An officer next to Captain Stacy said, "I've never see to other girl before. Wonder who she is."

"Well she wasn't exactly wearing a mask or anything, I'm sure we'll be able to find out really fast." Another officer said.

"With how many blondes there are in this city?" Another asked with a scoff, "Good luck."

"Any ideas, Cap?" One officer asked, looking to his superior.

"A few..." Captain Stacy muttered, finding Katherine familiar, though she wasn't built like the Katherine Danvers he knew, but maybe...


Ghost-Spider and Katherine landed onto the rooftop of a building and as soon as she let go of Katherine, she started celebrating and laughing enthusiastically.

"WOOHOO! Did you see that!? DID YOU SEE THAT!? We took down Rhino-Man like BOOM! With a little bit of BAM! And a side order of BOP!" Katherine recounted as she emulated boxing jabs whilst doing so, "And you were all like THWIP! And I end it off with a BADABING! That "Who's your hero" line was improvised by the way, but boy did it feel good!"

Katherine turned to see Ghost-Spider just looking at her with her arms folded, seemingly not amused by the entire situation.

"You done?" Ghost-Spider asked.

"Still mad?" Katherine asked.

"Extremely!" Ghost-Spider shouted, "Argh! What were you thinking!? Do you have any idea how much danger you put yourself in!?"

"Wha- What do you mean!? You saw how I did out there! I handled it like a champ!" Katherine argued.

"You shouldn't have even been there in the first place! You could've died! Did that ever cross your mind!?" Ghost-Spider shouted.

"I-I mean not necessarily then, but everything worked out in the end anyway!" Katherine continued to argue as Ghost-Spider frustratingly started to paced back and forth, "I saved you!"

"That's right! You did! You saved me! The superhero! You saved the superhero! See what I mean? If I have to be saved, then this just tells you how much really is at stake when doing this!" Ghost-Spider shouted, "Captain Stacy was right! This isn't child's play! People's lives are at stake, including mine and yours!"

"Well, I just couldn't sit around and do nothing! You heard Rhino-Man, I'm stronger! I'm faster! I'm not normal!" Katherine shouted, "If that's the case, why not use these abnormalities to help people. To help you! Why are you so against me doing that!?"

"Because I don't want to see you get hurt, Katherine!" Ghost-Spider shouted.

Katherine paused with a stunned expression on her face. She never mentioned her name nor any semblance of it. How in the heck did one of her favorite superheroes know her real identity?

"H-How do you know my name?" Katherine asked.

"What?" Ghost-Spider asked as she was calming herself down.

"I never told you my name." Katherine told her suspiciously, "How do you know who I am?"

"Oh...OH!" Ghost-Spider said with wide eyes, realizing her mistake, "W-Well...I, uh, I remember you."

"Remember me?" Katherine asked with a quirked eyebrow and folded arms.

Ghost-Spider gulped, "Yeah, 3 months ago you got hurt when I was fighting a super villain. I blamed myself for what happened and the guilt got even worse when I saw that you were in a coma because of it. So...I've been keeping tabs on you, making sure you were okay. Learning your name sorta just happened along the way."

"Really?" Katherine asked with a small smile and Ghost-Spider nodded, "Well, thank you. It really wasn't your fault, so please don't blame yourself. I'm actually surprised you actually remember me, seeing as I'm a nobody and all."

"You're not a nobody." Ghost-Spider said with a shake of her head, "You're more important to a lot of people than you think."

"I know that now..." Katherine said, smiling at the memory of everyone coming to see her at the hospital, "I'm glad I'm a somebody to the people that truly care about me. It's what really matters."

"Exactly." Ghost-Spider said with a relieved sigh at her quick save, "So...what happened to you?"

"I honestly don't know. One night I woke up from my coma and everything felt so different. A good different." Katherine said with a shrug, "I was worried something was wrong with me at first, but I felt good. Really good!"

"You look good." Ghost-Spider said to her and Katherine blushed as she looked down with a smile, causing Ghost-Spider to immediately widen her eyes, "Oh, sorry! I didn't mean it in a flirty way or anything! I just-"

Katherine giggled, "It's fine. Really. Thank you for the compliment."

Ghost-Spider gave her an awkward thumbs up as she cleared her throat, "So, when did you discover you had powers?"

"Oh, when I got shot." Katherine responded nonchalantly.

Ghost-Spider widened her eyes, "What!?"

"Yeah, I left the hospital to get some snacks at a convenience store and on the way back, I was getting mugged and the dude shot at me for not having much. Wasted all of his bullets too." Katherine explained.

"You're bulletproof too?" Ghost-Spider asked in surprise.

"I'm starting to realize I'm a lot of things." Katherine said with a chuckle.

"Wow." Ghost-Spider said, processing just how unreal all of this is.

"So, what now? Please don't tell me to just go back to a normal life after discovering all these amazing things I can do." Katherine begged.

"I was going to say that." Ghost-Spider said and Katherine frowned, "But, seeing as this might be permanent thing. I don't really have much choice."

"Much choice for what?" Katherine asked.

"I'm gonna help you." Ghost-Spider stated and Katherine widened her eyes in surprise, "I've been at this for a while now, so I get how suddenly having superpowers is both fun and scary. The best way to help you now is learning the true extent of your powers and help you control them."

"Yes! This is amazing! I get to have superpowers and a superhero mentor!? Everything's coming up Katherine!" Katherine exclaimed excitedly as she hugged Ghost-Spider, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Ghost-Spider laughed, "Okay, okay, it's not that big of a deal."

Katherine pulled back with a grin, "So when do we start? When do I start kicking more butt?"

"Easy tiger. Let's not rush into things just yet." Ghost-Spider said, "We're first going to have to figure out how to handle the things happening around you."

"What do you mean?" Katherine asked.

"Well, you kinda showed your face to the whole world, so keeping this low key won't be easy." Ghost-Spider said and Katherine jaw dropped at the realization.

"Oh my god, you're right! I didn't even think about that when I jumped in! I can't live a normal life anymore!" Katherine exclaimed in a mix of shock and horror.

"Hey, hey, calm down. This is surprisingly salvageable." Ghost-Spider said, holding her hands to calm her down.

"How?" Katherine asked.

"You ever heard of the Superman effect?" Ghost-Spider asked and Katherine cocked her head to the side in confusion, making Gwen smirk under her mask.


'This might've been a mistake.' Katherine thought as she walked through the streets of the city now wearing a pair of glasses, hair tied into a messy bun and little to no makeup on her face. Wearing a grey hoodie and blue jeans with red sneakers, all clothes they swiped from a nearby dollar store general.

"There's no way this could work! Absolutely no way! Washing my face, tying my hair and putting a pair of glasses on isn't going to magically mask my whole identity!" Katherine said as she spotted a crowd looking up at a big screen and she turned to see that it was her standing on top of Rhino in her victory pose, "Especially when I'm all over the news!"

She started backing up, still staring at the big screen in shock until she suddenly bumped into someone behind her. She turned to see that it was a police officer and her fear skyrocketed immensely.

'That's it! I'm dead! I'm a goner! I'm going to jail! I'm going to become someone's prison bit-' Katherine's thoughts were cut off though.

"Sorry about that, kid. Wasn't really looking where I was going." The officer said with a tip of his hat as he walked past her.

Katherine watched the officer continue walking with wide and unbelieving eyes, "D-Did that just happen?"

"Kat!" She heard a familiar voice shout and turned to see Gwen running towards her with a plastic bag in hand.

As soon as she got to her, she pulled her into a tight embrace that Katherine found safe and reassuring.

"Gwen!" Katherine exclaimed as she pulled back, "Where were you? You just suddenly ran off and ooh boy, do I gotta tell you some things?"

"Tell me what?" Gwen asked with a raised eyebrow.

Katherine was about to say something, but the Ghost-Spider's words immediately rang through her head in remembrance.


"Keeping a secret identity means that it's a secret! Don't tell anyone! We don't want the people you care about getting caught up in this dangerous world. Got it?"


"Oh uh..." Katherine said as she bit her tongue, "Tell me why~ Ain't nothin' but a heartache~"

'Heh, atta girl.' Gwen said with a subtly amused smirk as she feigned confusion, "Backstreet Boys?"

"Yup! I just wanted to tell you how stuck in my head this song is." Katherine quickly said with a nervous smile.

"Oh...well, that's random." Gwen said with a slow nod.

"Uh huh...speaking of random." Katherine said softly punching Gwen's arm, "Way to leave me behind."

Gwen sighed, "Yeah, I'm really sorry about that. I just saw the commotion and got worried for my dad. He's all I got left y'know?"

Katherine gave her a hard stare, but it softened up with a small smile, "I get it. And I won't blame you, especially with all the crazy things that happened today."

"Thanks." Gwen said with a smile of her own and the two of them, even if they couldn't help it, got lost in each other's eyes for a bit, until Gwen looked down at the bag and cleared her throat with Katherine blushing and rubbing her arm, "I got you some marshmallows as a way to make up for running off."

"Aww, Gwen." Katherine said happily, delighted by the gesture.

"And..." Gwen said, digging into the bag and pulling out a carton of juice, "I got the juice."

"Okay, you made up for it." Katherine said, reaching into the bag for the marshmallows and opening them, immediately going through them as they started walking.

"I knew the marshmallows would do it." Gwen said, draping her arm over Katherine's shoulder and pulling her closer.

Katherine giggled, "Yeah, yeah. You know me so well."

Gwen chuckled as they continued to walk.

"By the way," Gwen said, "Did you change your clothes?"

"Nope." Katherine responded, tossing up a marshmallow and catching it with her mouth as they continued their way back to Katherine's home.

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