Weebs Central DxD: Kokabiel Fucking Dies

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Kokabiel was genuinely surprised. Despite what his intelligence had told him, he was sure that the weebs had some sort of weakness.

Now any chance of that being the case had been scrunched into a ball, doused in gasoline, set alight and thrown into the nearest black hole with a nuke for good measure.

The ORC looked on in awe as Cheese stepped forward.

The tank of the group then made good on his role and used his Lycanthropy to turn himself into a massive grizzly bear adorned in juggernaut armour.

Cheese: "K A B O O M."

With his minigun spinning up in one hand (Yes, he was one-handing that bitch) and a rocket launcher in the other, Cheese unleashed hell upon the fallen angels. The others couldn't help but laugh as he set loose hundreds upon thousands of projectiles and dropped the fallen angels out of the sky as they tried to escape the onslaught.

The priests that were currently trying to form the original Excalibur were distracted for long enough that Pine was able to teleport into the middle of them before using a poison curse to instantly team-wipe them.

Pine: "Enemy can't do much if they can't breathe."

As for Smol, he was ripping around the battlefield at speeds of upwards of 150km/h. This was on foot as well so you can probably imagine what he would be like if he wasn't essentially just jogging.

Yeah, jogging at 150km/h. This bitch is on some Skooma shit.

Either way, he was almost impossible to see until he was right in the enemy's face and actively tea bagging their bodies. Red, for once, was right in the thick of the fight as well. Actively using his cannons at point-blank range to erase fallen angels from his general vicinity. He was also taking care of the ones that were in the sky with his AA guns.

As for Reaper, he had gone all in on his power and seemed to be appearing in three places at once before striking the killing blow to his enemies. He would also take water from the nearby fountain and use his power to form it into projectile blades that were strong enough to slash through steel.

While that was happening, Cheese ripped a lamppost out of the ground and used it as a weapon, much like a certain blue super-villain. He used it to launch himself into the air before smacking every fallen angel out of the sky.

Kokabiel could only watch in a mixture of awe and pants-shitting terror as his soldiers were actively eviscerated and disrespected by a currently T-posing Smol.

Red looked up as he noticed Kokabiel's current demeanour.

Red: "Don't forget, you caused this."

Kokabiel looked down as Red bitch-slapped one of the fallen angels to the ground before erasing his head with a cannon shot.

Red: "You may have thought that their strength relied on what they were originally. However their weakness was losing to me in the first place. Now I no longer have full control of them and they're back at a hundred percent."

Kokabiel: "So, in other words..."

Red: "In other words, you fucked up. Big time. You also just gave me a massive load of paperwork that I'm going to need to deal with when this lot are finished playing. *sigh* I feel like this is going to be another Iraq situation... But on steroids. Damn you, Calli."

Kokabiel was about to respond when he sensed something behind him. Something... menacing.

Rage: "Think fast, chuckle nuts!"

Kokabiel spun just in time to see Rage holding what looked like a pair of curved golden short-swords. However he slammed the two together at the hilts and a bowstring appeared between the tips of the blades.

Red: "Welp, I better move."

Red dipped back to a safe distance before Rage pulled the bowstring back.

Rage: "Looks like you're about to have your bones turned into a five hundred piece puzzle! Unleash the surge, Utnapishtim!"

Kokabiel: "This is going to hurt a lot, isn't it?"

Rage: "The worst is yet to come though! ENKI!!"

In a moment, the night sky was lit up as though it were the middle of the afternoon. Only instead of a sun in the sky it was the arrow fired from the bow of the end. Surprisingly though, Kokabiel was still alive.

But only because the weebs were nowhere near finished playing with their food.

When Kokabiel's body hit the ground, Pine used a healing spell to restore at least a little of Kokabiel's strength as Rage turned his attention to the remaining fallen angels and priests.

Kokabiel: "Damn you all! I will personally see to it that your end is a painful on-"

Before Kokabiel could finish his rambling, Smol fucking ascended from whatever dimension he was speeding through to kick the fallen angel between the legs. He then sped around and delivered a right hook to the face before speeding away again and using a piece of rubble from the school as a hammer and bitch slapping Kokabiel with it.

Just when the fallen angel thought Smol was finished, it only got worse with a nut grab and subsequent crush. While Kokabiel was reeling, Cheese sprinted over with his lamppost and smacked the fallen angel into the nearby pile of rubble before rushing over and re-enacting the hulk beating the ever-living fuck out of Loki.

Kokabiel immediately tried to get out of Cheese's grip, only for Reaper to use the air around the fallen angel as a weapon as he changed the air flow to use it as blades.

Pine also used a restraining spell which liquified the ground beneath the fallen angel and trapped him with almost branch-like tentacles.

Smol: [I've seen and drawn enough porn to know where this is going.]

Cheese: "We really need to talk about your fetishes, dude."

Smol: [Can't stop, won't stop.]

Pine: "Well, he isn't moving any time soon. Go to town."

Cheese: "What about you?"

Pine: "I'm gonna study the Excalibur they were making."

Reaper: "Where's Rage currently?"

Red: "Currently he's in the middle of teaching Cerberus to roll over."

The weebs blinked as Rage's arm flopped into view, severed from its owner.

Cheese: "Is he gonna..."

Red: "I wouldn't worry about it. Calli's probably gonna fix him when he kills himself later."

Pine: "Where's the ORC?"

Red: "Currently, I've had them move to reinforce the barrier. If I'm remembering this right then the white dragon emperor should be showing up any time soon."

Reaper: "Remind me what his deal is again?"

Red: "Edgelord with a boner for fighting. Considering we all have shards of the red dragon emperor, he's gonna be after our asses."

The weebs were silent for a moment before they all burst into uproarious laughter. To put it into perspective, they were all on some nefarious shit with their limiters. Now that they had nothing holding them back and, by extension, nothing to lose, they were basically strong enough to crack the planet open like an egg without much effort.

Outside of the barrier, both devil peerages felt the atmosphere around the school change. The last thing that the ORC had heard was Red telling the weebs to forget something, though they couldn't quite figure it out since he was a distance away from them at the time.

Kiba: "Somehow I feel like someone just opened a can of worms."

Koneko: "He said something about limiters."

As Koneko finished speaking, Xenovia arrived at the school.

Xenovia: "Why are all of you out here?"

Kiba: "Xenovia."

Rias: "The guys told us to help reinforce the barrier. I don't know what's happening in there though, but I just got a weird feeling."

Akeno: "Is it your time of the month again, Rias?"

Rias: "No! Fucks sakes, Akeno, why is that what you default to!?"

Akeno: "You forget who you're dealing with."

Rias: "*sigh* True. But it felt like the pawn pieces I used on Rage just got warped somehow."

Asia: "D- Didn't you say that it took eight mutated pawns to actually bring him into the peerage?"

For a moment everyone was silent. Eight mutated pawn pieces was an already ridiculous amount of power. So if Rias could sense those pieces warping even further than their mutation...

Just what the fuck had happened in there?

Koneko: "... I get it now."

Rias: "Koneko?"

Koneko: "Red mentioned limiters in there. Those guys must've had their powers capped or sealed somehow. I think he said to forget their limiters so..."

Kiba: "That means they have nothing holding them back anymore."

Akeno: "So... Who wants to take bets on how much of the school's gonna be left over?"

Rias: "I'm at least betting thirty thousand yen that Cheese and Rage are gonna blow most of it up out of boredom. If not today, then at some point in the future."

Sona, who had been listening in suddenly grew very concerned, though at the same time she felt intrigued. One of her main pastimes recently had been researching and taking notes on the weebs various powers and skills. Being a bit of a bookworm herself, she found it entertaining to just let some of their chaos go ahead as it meant she could take further notes.

Though she nearly had a massive stroke after seeing Rage's pocket dimension and the current developments being made in there. Especially in the military technology department.

Sona: "If their power was limited before then they might become more dangerous. I'm sure I don't need to remind you of what happened on that dreadnaught, Rias."

Rias: "True. Rage managed to drop a sun on Riser. If that's considered limited then I don't want to know what he's capable of now."

Xenovia: "Shouldn't we go in and try to help anyway?"

Rias: "Do you want to implode out of sheer stupidity?"

Xenovia froze for a moment as Rias gave her a deadpan stare.

Xenovia: "... Point taken."

Anyways, back to the chaos. While the fallen angels were grouping up around the weebs, their bullshittery only grew more retarded.

They managed to surround Reaper and Smol as they prepared to throw a volley of light spears at the two when Reaper held his hand up and a bracelet with a green gem embedded in it manifested upon his wrist.

Reaper: "I suppose this will help. You with me on this?"

Smol turned to Reaper, confused by who he was talking to until the gem on his bracelet shone.

???: "Indeed I am. Let's dispose of this trash."

Reaper smirked before his back erupted in a flash of blue light. When the light died down, he found a pair of blue wings attached to him and a blue katana in his hand.

The fallen angels saw this and grew nervous, so unleashed their full volley of roughly three hundred light spears. Reaper merely stabbed his sword into the ground lightly and all three hundred spears ceased their movement.

The fallen angels tried to turn and run, however they found that their wings had been stopped as well.

Reaper then lifted the sword and slashed the air in front of him as all three hundred angels felt a searing pain in their backs as their wings were simultaneously severed.

Smol blinked in surprise as Reaper sheathed the katana and used his new wings to take to the air. However Smol's moment of surprise was as short as Pine and he was breaking the sound barrier within a few seconds.

Pine had been utilising more curses to either nullify enemy abilities or outright kill them via very painful means. The fallen angels couldn't even register what was happening as she effortlessly removed them from trying to get to the reformed Excalibur which she was currently taking notes on.

Meanwhile, Red was shelling Kokabiel relentlessly as he tried desperately to escape Cheese, who was chasing him with a chainsaw cannon.

Yes, you are reading that correctly.

A. Chainsaw. Cannon.

Engineering is not something the weebs should be given access to, yet here we are.

While that was happening, Rage looked up and saw a blue light slowly descending towards the barrier.

Rage: "I'll deal with this one. The others get to play with the crow, so I get to smack a lizard about."

In his usual fashion, Rage teleported away with a doot so he could deal with the incoming future corpse.

As the others cleaned up the remaining fallen angels, Red stopped his shelling of the cadre class fallen angel when Cheese finally caught him and started breading his wings.

For context: fried crow wings were on the menu for dinner.

As Kokabiel struggled against Cheese's superior strength, the barrier completely shattered as a white blur was sent crashing into the ground from above.

Everyone looked over and saw that the thing that had crashed was a young man in a suit of white armour. He tried to get up, however a familiar golden-armoured foot slammed down on his back, causing him to yell out in pain as he felt his spine getting crushed.

Kokebiel began to see the reality of his situation. He had essentially rang the dinner bell for six apex predators. He was not the victor in any situation where the six of them were involved.

Red walked over to the crater where the armoured young man now lay as Rage stepped off of him.

Red: "Well then. That's a hell of an entrance for the so-called White Dragon Emperor."

The young man didn't respond, mostly because his face was buried in the concrete ground, but also because he had passed out from the pain of having his spine dropkicked.

However, someone was present to answer the weeb.

???: "I must admit, I wasn't expecting a surprise attack like that. Nor was I expecting a gold dragon emperor."

Red raised an eyebrow as the wings of the armour glowed in time with the thing that was speaking to him.

Red: "Am I to assume that you're the white dragon?"

???: "Indeed. I am Albion, the English Dragon."

Rage heard the English part and immediately delivered another kick to the white dragon emperor.

Rage: "Sorry 'bout that, but as a proud Scot. I had to do it out of principle."

Red: "And the gas explosions, were they out of principle?"

Rage: "No, those were the 0.00001% of my blood that's Iraqi."

Red: "*sigh* of course it is..."

Albion: "Hm. How strange. I sense the red one within both of you."

Rage: "That's because I split him into six pieces and gave each of my adoptive siblings one of those shards. Same with count cuntula here."

Red: "Now that's just uncalled for."

Albion: "Heh, so in the end a mere devil was able to destroy the red dragon."

Rage: "Bitch, I made him stronger. Ddraig has since adapted to everyone's power to my knowledge and he's taken on forms appropriate to the individual and their power."

Albion: "So you managed to create six sacred gears from one?"

Red: "That's essentially what he's saying, yes. Now, I assume the reason you're here is to remove the crackhead looking fallen angel from the human world?"

Albion: "That is our objective here, yes. However since my wielder is currently out of commission thanks to the gold dragon-"

Rage: "You're welcome."

Albion: "It would appear that the matter of Kokabiel's capture is now out of our hands."

Red: "Well I for one cannot abide having anything that would threaten civilian lives remain alive. But since I no longer have any control over what those buffoons do, it's up to them."

Pine: "I kind of want to study him."

Cheese: "Study in what sense?"

Pine: "D̵̜̝̚ ̶͓͉͠I̴̹̞͛ ̸͕̿S̶̪̻̚ ̸̨̺͋́S̷̯̓ ̴͔̲̿Ě̴̺̰ ̴̧̡͐C̵̥̏ ̴̨͖̓T̴̙͛̅ ̵͔͆̕I̷̭͇̍ ̶͇͒Ő̸̞͜ ̵̚͜Ṉ̸̑."

Weebs: "..."

Red: "Okay, I'm not even going to bother with that one."

Rage: "I can lend you one of the surgical theatres in my pocket world."

Pine: "Nice."

Red: "If you're going to dissect him then try and keep it clean."

Pine: "No."

Cheese: "Ain't dissection usually done on dead things?"

Smol: [You really think we care about whether he's alive or dead?]

Rage: "I fuckin' do! When they're alive they wriggle around and they make so much noise!"

As the weebs discussed how to deal with Kokabiel, the cadre class decided to try and make a run for it. However as he turned away, three light spears impaled him through the wings and abdomen, pinning him to the ground.

The others looked over as Mittelt, Raynare and Kalawarner descended with another set of light spears ready to be thrown.

Raynare: "Going somewhere, shitboot?"

Kokabiel: "Y- You three!"

Mittelt: "So, can we kill him already?"

Before the fallen angels could say or do anything more, a huge slab of concrete crushed Kokabiel's skull and sent fleshy bits flying all over the place.

Rage just stood over him with a deadpan.

Rage: "He tried to run. So I made him not run."

Red: "You destroyed his head!"

Rage: "Is he running?"

Red: "... That's besides the point. Dissection subjects are supposed to have their bodies intact!"

Smol: [I mean. There wasn't much in his head to begin with.]

Pine: "I could have harvested his brain though!"

Weebs: "What brain?"

Red sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose before getting ready to order a clean-up of the place. However, Rias had called ahead and a whole army of devils started pouring in from teleportation circles.

Red: "Oh boy."

Rage: "... Can I kill them?"

Red: "They may be idiots, but let's not go ruining the standing we have with them."

Rage: "... Can I-"

Red: "No."

Cheese: "Welp, ya tried."

Reaper: "I give him five minutes before he kills one anyway."

Pine: "Three minutes."

Red: "Tell you what, I'll make you a deal. You don't kill anyone and we'll keep the Cerberus' as pets."

Immediately, all five younger weebs looked at Red. Then they turned to the three Cerberus' that were being surrounded by devils. Then they looked back at Red. Then back to Cerberus again.

Then silence.


The next few seconds could be considered a sibling fight... On steroids. Everyone died at least eight times, especially when Smol decided to grab hold of everyone and pop a grenade.

When they were finished, the devils that were present just looked at them like they were a bunch of babbling morons...

Which they are.

But it was decided that they would collectively look after the three Cerberus'. As such, the six weebs began to try and sneak away from the scene without dealing with anyone.

But the plot's a bitch and we all know it.

As they tried to make their getaway, Sirzechs appeared from the fucking void in front of them.

Sirzechs: "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

Red: "God fucking dammit. Sirzechs, it's been a while."

Sirzechs: "Indeed it has. Though I'm glad that none of you were injured- Wait, Rage is that a hole in your head?"

Rage then proceeded to take his finger and poke it into the apparent bullet hole that was in his head.

Rage: "Huh. So it is..."

He then fell dead on the floor.

Sirzechs: "I- Is he-"

Red: "Give it a minute."

Just as Red had predicted, Rage then lifted himself off of the ground with a fully healed head.

Sirzechs: "... I have several questions."

Red: "You don't want to know how long it took to get him reincarnated as a devil."

Sirzechs then asked Red for a small brief on what had transpired. Once he was satisfied with what he had heard, he hummed to himself.

Sirzechs: "If Kokabiel was doing this purely to start a war, then it's best to assume there will be others."

Red: "So what're you gonna do about that?"

Sirzechs: "The only thing I can do. I will call for the governor general, Azazel, and the Chief archangel, Michael, for a summit."

Red: "Somehow that seems like it'll go wrong."

Cheese: "Hm, yeah let's just put three influential leaders in the same place at the same time. Surely this won't be taken advantage of."

Sirzechs: "I realise it may be dangerous, however it is necessary if we want to keep any kind of peace between the factions. For now, I will let you all go home. However your presence may be needed at the summit."

Red: "Oh joy, more paperwork."

Sirzechs: "I assure you, there will be no extra paperwork for you to do. Having you at the summit will be enough. After all, I would assume you want a voice for humanity in this."

Red: "Well, you're not wrong."

Sirzechs: "Nevertheless. I will have Grayfia brief you when more details have been confirmed. For the moment, go and get some rest."

Red nodded before the weebs all headed back to the mansion. Upon their arrival, Rage sliced open a rift and brought the Cerberus' through.

Pine: "Kinda disappointed that we couldn't get the body."

Red: "Well, it's out of our control now. However we should get to work training these three."

Smol: [You guys have fun with that then. Imma go jack off.]

Cheese: "No the fuck you ain't! Get your ass over here and help!"

Red: "I'll be in my office if you need me."

Rage just chuckled as Red dragged Mittelt by the collar into the office so she could help him continue writing more of the reports she shredded.

As for Rage himself, he just turned to one of the Cerberus' that was a bit more aggressive than the others. When it noticed his gaze, it growled at him, clearly trying to intimidate the genocidal maniac.

Rage: "... We are the knights who say... NI!"

Cerberus immediately backed down. The power of the knights who say Ni was too much even for hell's guard dog to handle.

As the weebs continued to try to tame Cerberus, Reaper received a call. He broke away from the main group and held the phone to his ear, already knowing who was calling.

Reaper: "I take it you weren't a fan of our intervention there?"

???: "Quite the opposite, Reaper. I certainly didn't want to have to deal with a war raging around me as I try to achieve my silence. Your intervention is much appreciated."

Reaper: "Well, I wasn't expecting to be thanked for letting Rage deal with the White Dragon."

???: "Ah yes. I've been informed of him. He wields a shard of the red dragon that has since evolved into a being known as the Gold Dragon. The dragon that felled the heavens."

Reaper: "Then you're also informed of the other shards?"

???: "No, I just came up with that title. Seems fitting since it's a more angelic looking dragon."

Reaper sighed as the person on the other end of the phone giggled.

???: "Well that's enough of that talk. I thank you again for dealing with Kokabiel. With this, I can get somewhat closer to achieving my silence."

Reaper: "You know that if I were to tell my brothers about this, you would never have any kind of silence."

???: "Why do you think I haven't said anything about my current location. Besides, they wouldn't know the first thing about getting to the dimensional gap."

Reaper: "... You know one of them is able to tear open holes in reality, right?"

The person on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment before hanging up the phone.

Reaper: "What a buffoon."

Reaper walked back to rejoin his siblings before Rage's Cerberus crushed him while rolling over.

Rage: "Cerberus. As funny as that was, we look where we're rolling before we do it, okay?"

Rage then lead his Cerberus upstairs to his room so he could get the guard dog set up with a bed and possibly a dog house.

A few hours later, Red knocked on Rage's door. The genocidal maniac was in a good mood, so he didn't kill Red as he walked in.

Red: "What the fuck am I looking at?"

In the middle of the room was what looked like a large web made of light.

Rage: "Ya like it?"

Red: "What the fuck even is it?"

Rage: "A miniature world with it's own chronology, mythology and ecology."

Red: "How the fuck did you manage that?"

Rage: "I just took some ideas, fused it with some basic shaping magic that Pine taught me and voila, a very barebones world. Of course, Imma need to have an avatar of myself in there. But I can work on that at a later time."

Red: "... Okay then. I need to talk to you about that inventory list."

Rage: "Oh for fucks sake, what did Mittelt not read it or something?"

Red: "We need an updated version. I just got off the phone with the UN."

Rage: "Oh boy, what was it this time?"

Red: "They want a list of operational weaponry that can be sent to China immediately."

Rage: "Lemme guess. China's getting pissy about Taiwan wanting independence."

Red: "They've got their eyes on Vietnam as well."

Rage sighed for a moment before opening the gateway to his pocket dimension and walking through into the gigantic weapons factory. Robotic frames wandered about the place dealing with mass production and development. Red looked around, slightly impressed by the scale of the operation.

Rage then lead him into a conference room with an observation window.

Rage: "Put the UN on the phone. I'll talk to 'em personally."

Red obliged and let Rage speak to the UN. After a three hour call, it was decided that Rage's experimental Combat Frames would be deployed to China so they could bring down the CCP through extreme violence, as per Rage's M.O.

Once the conference was over, Rage kicked Red out of his pocket dimension so he could mobilise his frames.

Red sighed before returning to his office with the inventory list that the UN wanted. No doubt that China would probably be wiped off the face of the Earth if they tried anything, but that would also mean more paperwork for him.

As Red walked back to his office, a light blue magic circle appeared in the living room.

He stopped to see who it was and when the light died down from the circle, Sona walked out.

Sona: "Ah, you're here. This is rather opportune, Red."

Red: "It is?"

Sona: "Yes, we got a hit on who it was that was snooping around here. A college division student named Ayano Aishi."

Red: "Aishi? Hm, yes I know her from the few times we've spoken during P.E."

Pine overheard the conversation and walked over with one of the other two Cerberus'.

Pine: "I know where Ayano's class is."

Sona: "Can you arrange to have miss Aishi meet with us next you see her then?"

Pine: "I can try, but I can't guarantee that I won't be trying to prevent Rage from blowing something up."

Red: "Rage is dealing with a UN situation right now, so you won't need to deal with any of his usual bullshit."

Pine nodded before going to the library to begin her studying while Cerberus followed close behind her. Red looked at the sofas by the tv and saw the large form of Ayula, Cheese's familiar, asleep with Smol's familiar, Ebony, nearby.

Red: "So I'm assuming that the upcoming conference is going to cause a bit of an uproar."

Sona: "That's putting it lightly. The recent announcement that Rias and I are marrying someone who was only recently reborn as a devil is causing a stir as it is."

Red: "Speaking of which, how long are the proceedings going to take before the actual wedding?"

Sona: "Probably a year or two, due to the scale of this marriage and the implications that it'll have for the relationship between Gremory and Sitri since Rias and I will be concubines to Rage."

Red: "I wouldn't put it past some jealous devils to try and crash that wedding."

Sona: "You're probably right, however the fact remains that they'd be facing down a walking apocalypse."

Red: "True."

Sona: "For now though, just leave that stuff to Rage, Rias and I. Speaking of which, where is he?"

Red: "In his pocket dimension. I'm going to go deal with more paperwork since I've been cursed with never being able to stop with it."

Sona laughed as Red retreated into his office.

Downstairs, in the firing range, Saruei and Botan were both testing their skills against each other. Botan was a soldier through and through, however Saruei was a sharpshooter, so while Botan could hit her targets with high accuracy consistently, Saruei was able to hit her shots with knife-edge precision without missing a beat.

Botan: "So, you knew these guys before, right?"

Saruei: "Only one of them. I knew of Red through the assassin network, but I was Rage's partner in crime for a while."

Botan: "Huh. What was that like?"

Saruei: "A cavalcade of stupid shit. We got jobs done and we did them well. But we also did them in the most stupid ways we could think of. Rage's idea to nobody's surprise. One of the ones I remember the best was when we were sent on a mission to Pyeongyang in North Korea."

Botan: "The assassination of Kim Jong Un?"

Saruei: "Yup. One of our dumbest ideas that managed to get us labelled as one of the best assassin pairs in the world."

Saruei recounted the story of how she and Rage assassinated Kin Jong Un by shooting a grapple rope between two buildings of differing heights and subsequently clipping on and rappelling down while taking the shot that landed between the fat dobber's eyes.

Botan told Saurei of some of her ops as well and the two ended up gaining a mutual respect for each other, they were both operatives at the end of the day, now both of them were under the orders of Admiral Red, however Saruei was still a freelancer through and through.

Back upstairs, Cheese looked around the mansion for Olya since she seemed to have ran off somewhere. He eventually found her lying against Ayula in the living room. Honestly he couldn't blame the girl for wanting to use the queen of bears as a pillow since her fur was thick and soft.

However he lifted her off of Ayula and brought her back to his and Smol's room. He and Astolfo had worked together to build another room into the one he and Smol shared.

Once Cheese had tucked Olya into bed, he walked back out to the living room and started petting Ayula while Syltharea cleaned her feathers.

He remained there for a while longer before retreating to the gaming room so he could play through MGS 3.

The following few days were quiet with the exception of Rage and the others causing untold amounts of property damage.

Saruei kept testing new rifles with Botan so the two could test who the better marksman was and to push themselves even further than before.

Red then walked into the mansion with Jean and the rest of the Teyvat crew behind him.

Red: "It's more than likely that the Kuoh devils will want to come along as well."

Jean: "Eh, the more the merrier, I say."

Kaeya: "Might end up being funny since I heard that Rage is engaged to two of them."

Red: "Engaged to two, actively fucking one of the others and potentially hitting on a fourth."

Kaeya laughed before taking a seat on the sofa, he was nonplussed about Ayula and Syltharea being there so they chose not to bother him in return.

Pine walked out of the Library with Rachel, who looked confused at the people with Red.

Rachel: "Oh, are there friends of yours, Red?"

Red: "Oh, that's right. These are some of my allies from another world that we know of as Teyvat. Jean's my second in command."

Jean: "It's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am."

Rachel: "Oh, no need for the ma'am. Just call me Rachel."

Diluc: "Where are the others?"

Pine: "Cheese is in the gaming room, he's been playing MGS for god only knows how long at this point. Smol's downstairs, Reaper's in his room and Rage is on a small trip, should be back soon."

Red: "Oh yeah, he mentioned he was going to check on his operations in Roanapur."

Jean: "Isn't that the island in southern Thailand? The one with all the gangs?"

Red: "The same. Rage has his own criminal empire over there."

Diluc: "Since when!?"

Red: "Since long before I met him."

Rachel: "That's enough talk of criminality. I'd rather not hear it. So are you all here for a social call?"

Jean: "I suppose you could view it that way. I was mentioning to Red that he hasn't taken any vacations from teaching since joining Kuoh as a P.E. teacher."

Venti: "So basically we're stepping in and getting him out. We were gonna invite everyone else too."

Jean: "Yes, however we won't be leaving until tomorrow. We'll also be staying on a remote island overnight."

Red: "Unfortunately..."

Rachel: "And you're sure it's safe?"

Diluc: "Yeah, Aether and I headed over and checked it out ourselves. It's perfectly fine."

Pine: "I'll make a few calls and get some people to come with us."

Jean: "Can you also inform Rage?"

???: "I'm aware."

Jean would forever deny the scream she let out as Rage appeared behind her with a goblin-esque smirk on his face.

Rage: "I heard the whole conversation and I've already called Rias and told her to pick out a swimsuit."

Red: "Did you just call up and say pick out a swimsuit, we're going to the beach?"

Rage: "The fuck kinda animal d'you think I am!? I said: 'We're going to an island to vibe for a day, pick out a swimsuit (preferably something sexy) and we can find a spot to ourselves away from prying eyes.' Those were my exact words."

Red: "So you two are going for premarital, eh?"

Rage: "We're devils, Red. Sin is our very existence. But I'm just messing with her for about half of it. I seriously don't want you fucks anywhere near my spot on this island or hands WILL be thrown."

Red sighed as Rage headed back upstairs, Pine then called after him.

Pine: "How was Roanapur?"

Rage: "Still a shitshow, my little empire still rules it though. Apparently we managed to drive the Russians out a while back and Lagoon Company's been climbing the ranks to some of my top operatives. I can probably call in a few favours with 'em as well if we have any smuggling operations going forward. Drug runs are also on the table."

Red: "Well we won't be needing to do any drug runs... Legally anyway."

Rage: "Cool, I'll tell Cheese to get a shipment of cocaine ready to head to the US."

Jean: "I think the fuck NOT!!"

Cheese (distant): "Too late!"

The weebs chuckled before Jean took a seat next to Kaeya.

Red: "So is Barbara going to be coming with us?"

Jean: "Yes, she finally got over her illness and has made a so far successful recovery. So she'll be joining us tomorrow."

Red: "Good to know. Will anyone else be joining us?"

???: "Wah."

Red looked down behind him and saw Ninomae Ina'nis looking up at him with a smug grin.

Red: "Of course... I assume the three sharks are coming too?"

Ina: "Yeah. I called Ame, Kiara and Calli and they're coming as well."

Red: "What about the horny pirate?"

Ina: "You should know by now, Admiral. There is no escaping Marine."

Red: "True."

Rage: "Marine's almost as horny as Akeno. In fact, remind me to never put them in the same room, it'll end up like the fucking borderline strip club thing that happened two weeks ago."

Red: "What borderline strip club thing?"

Rage: "Read my spinoff when it comes out, retard. That'll tell ya."

Rage turned in a random direction and winked once before turning back to the others. Nobody questioned it because all six of the weebs were prone to randomly saying something extra-dimensional every once in a while.

Rage decided he was bored and headed up to his room to get some clothes and entertainment prepared for the trip.

Pine: "So are we taking a boat?"

Jean: "Yeah, I was going to make the admittedly probably dumb decision of asking Rage if we could take one of his luxury yachts."

Red spat out some of the tea he was drinking as Jean said those words.

Red: "ONE OF!?"

Diluc: "Yeah, he's got about four of different sizes."

Kaeya: "Yeah, we usually go out on one of them with the boys and go get hammered on the open ocean."

Diluc: "It's surprisingly fun to do."

Red: "What's the biggest one!?"

Venti: "The Valkyrie."

Red: "Which is?"

Aether: "A superyacht."

Red sighed before asking the most pertinent question on his mind.

Red: "How much was it?"

Venti: "He built and engineered it himself. The Valkyrie's the second largest of the four luxury ships he has."


The Bois: "The Damocles."

Lisa: "Isn't that the one that dwarfs most cruise ships?"


Red's eyes were wide with confusion. He would certainly have noticed something of that scale in the ocean. Unless...

Red: "Are these ships in his pocket dimension?"

Jean: "Apparently."

Lumine: "I think the Valkyrie should be good enough for everyone to fit comfortably."

Kaeya: "Oh, definitely."

Red: "Right, well I'll go get stuff sorted out for tomorrow. One of you lot go get Rage to give us the keys to the Valkyrie."

Venti: "I don't wanna die, so I'll stay here."

Jean: "It was my suggestion, I'll ask."

Jean sighed as she walked up the stairs and along to Rage's room before knocking the door. Rage used some magic to open the door while he was packing some things into a small suitcase.

Rage: "Whaddya want?"

Jean: "I came here to discuss transportation."

Rage: "We're taking the Valkyrie, no ifs ands or buts."

Jean: "That's... Actually that works out perfectly. I was coming to ask if we could take the Valkyrie out."

Rage: "Good, now unless you want to see things you'd probably rather not, get outta my room."

Jean didn't have to be told twice as she closed the door. Out of all of the weebs aside from Red, Jean had known Rage the longest and she had seen him at the height of his sadistic cruelty. Not an experience she wished upon anybody else.

She admired Red for his patience with Rage's outbursts of insanity, though she could tell that his patience would wear thin at times and now that the weebs restraints were removed, Red was in a vulnerable position. Everyone else was orders of magnitude more powerful than he and while he had his endurance factor, it wouldn't take very long for one of the five others to figure out a way to overcome it.

Jean had decided to be on high alert from that moment on for her Admiral's sake.

Thankfully, tomorrow was going to be a day of relaxation and if there was one thing the weebs did best, it was let the cards fall where they may and just relax.

End of Chapter.

Next Time: Bullshit on the Beach.

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