Fallen Intervention

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The Weary101 was normally a very chill, very quiet place on a good day.

Today was not one of those days.

Reaper, Pine and Kiba walked through the door and were immediately greeted by Mim and Taka. both of which were pale and sweating bullets.

Reaper: "So where's Rage?"

Taka: "He's in the back. Cimrai wanted to see what was gonna happen so she went in with him."

Reaper sighed and walked to the back room where Rage was currently "interrogating" the priests he had managed to capture. One of them was hung by his feet from the ceiling while Rage slowly pushed needles through his limbs. The second was suspended from a chain with a meat hook stabbed into his back he was dangled above a tub of Fluoroantimonic acid. The third and final priest was also in a precarious position. He was tied to a chair with vices around his wrists and ankles as well as another one at his crotch.

Reaper: "Having fun?"

Rage turned with a splatter of blood on his face and a mallet in his hand.

Rage: "... There was originally four of them."

Pine: "It kinda smells in here."

Kiba: "What the hell?"

Rage: "Okay, the smell might be that one's feet getting scalded by the acid. As for Kiba's comment... This is just how I do things."

Kiba was now extremely disturbed. Brutalisation was just another form of entertainment for Rage?

He was about to ask another question when the door on the other side of the room opened and Cimrai walked out with a sword in one hand and a sledgehammer in the other.

Cimrai: "I want first hit on the hanging guy."

Rage: "Ight, just don't kill him. Old cunt's gonna be here soon and we want these three alive."

Cimrai: "Wait. One, two, three... What happened to the other six?"

Rage: "... Collateral."

Pine: "I thought you said there was four originally."

Rage: "I lied. There were ten. I got rid of six of them and this guy tried to be a smartass so he died too."

???: "This is why I don't let you interrogate anyone anymore."

Everyone turned to the door where Red was now standing with the others.

Xenovia: "Wh- What is all of this?"

Red: "It's best that you just don't question it. Anyway, may as well do some actual interrogating here."

Red walked in and pulled a chair over while Cimrai smashed her sledgehammer into the side of the hanging priest's ribs.

Red: "Alright, since this is a thing we're doing I may as well leave the torture to these two and ask the questions myself. Pine, I know you have a notepad so start taking notes."

At the first word, Pine already had seven notepads floating around her, each of them with three pens dedicated to the one pad.

Red: "Okay! First question. Cocoba-"

Cimrai: "Kokabiel."

Red: "EVEN YOU!?!? *Ahem* Anyway, your boss. Where is he?"

The first to answer was the priest that was tied to the chair.

Priest1: "Look man, we don't know. We're just grunts!"

Red: "Even grunts can have some knowledge."

Rage: "Say goodbye to your wrists!"

Red: "Hold off on that for now. I'll ask again, where's C-"

Taka (distant): "Kokabiel!"

Red: "... Okay how does he know?"

Rage: "I told 'em. Hence why Cimrai's helping."

Red: "Riiiight... Where is he?"

Priest2: "Last I saw him was at the church but that's all I know."

Xenovia: "We were at the church not too long ago, he wasn't there."

Priest2: "... I'm about to get dipped again aren't I?"

Rage: "Y U P!"

The others had to look away as Rage dipped the second priest foot-first into the tub of acid. Cimrai put a gag over his mouth to quiet the screaming before he was pulled back up.

Red: "We just couldn't do things normally, huh?"

Reaper: "On the contrary. This is normal... For Rage anyway."

Red: "That's what worries me."

The third priest then spoke up.

Priest3: "Look, Kokabiel's been going from Grigori back to the human world. He's trying to keep his appearances up in the underworld so nobody suspects anything."

Red: "Ah yes, because your three factions are wholly incompetent. Because it took me at least five minutes to figure out that he's planning an attack whereas nobody in heaven or hell has been able to figure that out without being specifically told about it."

Red rubbed the bridge of his nose in annoyance, something that didn't happen often, except for that one time that nobody talks about for VERY good reason.

Either way, Red normally didn't allow his emotions to have an effect on his attitude.

Either way, he nodded to Rage, who pushed the needles around the priests right leg further in. Now normally this wouldn't be so bad. It would hurt, sure, but it wouldn't be as bad as it could be.


The needles that were being used had reversed barbs, meaning that if Rage were to yoink one out, it'd be taking chunks of flesh off with it, or at least it would leave some VERY nasty injuries.

Red: "Okay so now that we have a bit of info I'll ask this question next. The swords. What does he want them for?"

Priest1: "He wants to combine them into one sword."

Kiba's eyes widened. Were they trying to recreated the original Excalibur?

Red: "I see. And why are they needing to steal the swords to do that? I thought the church would already have reformed the sword."

Priest1: "It's because of the method. The ritual being used will likely wipe out Kuoh when it's completed."

Red: "... So civvies are going to get caught up in the explosion radius."

The priest immediately realised his mistake as Red nodded to Rage.

Red: "Now you can ruin his wrists."

Rage: "Better idea!"

Instead of the vices at the priests wrists or the ones at his ankles, Rage instead tightened the vice at the priests crown jewels, causing him to scream out in agony as he had his nads slowly and agonisingly crushed between two steel plates.

The other guys either flinched or had to full on look away due to the shared empathy that all men have when another guy's balls are hurt.

When Rage was finished, the priest was practically begging to be put down, tears were streaming down his face from his torture when Red asked the next question.

Red: "Alright, so what's his objective?"

The second priest, who was still suspended by a meat hook, was the next to speak.

Priest2: "War. That's all he wants."

Rage: "And it's all I want as well, BUT WE JUST CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS, HUH!?"

Red: "Your definition of a nice thing is committing seventeen types of war crimes, some of which haven't even made it into the Geneva convention yet."

Rage: "Look, if it ain't in the book, it's a'ight. That's why my weaponised tinnitus plan went off without a hitch."

Red: "You say that, but currently the UN is having a discussion about that."

Rage: "They can't have a discussion if they have no conference rooms."

Red: "... What did you do?"

Rage's smirk was all Red needed to know that he had likely planted several bombs in the conference rooms in the UN's headquarters.

Red: "At least tell me they're not nukes."

Rage: "No, I'd never waste a nuke on a politician... The city of London on the other hand."

Red: "Rage... I was born near London. Do not."

Rage merely chuckled before Red turned back to the priest.

Red: "The main concern for me is civilian life. If-"

Tricky (from the bar): "Kokabiel!"

Red: *anger* "If your boss is trying to start a war, then he's going to find himself on the losing side of it before it even starts up. I'll see to that myself."

Kiba: "So where's the most likely place for Kokabiel to strike?"

The three priests all admitted that they didn't know where he was likely to attack first, however an educated guess could be made that he was likely to attack the school.

Red: "Right, so we know his motivation and can guess as to where he's going to attack. All that's left is to hunt the bugger down."

Rage: "So what are we gonna do about the bodies?"

The three priests looked up in a panic as Rage spoke.

Red: "That depends. Do you think they're worth anything?"

Cimrai: "May I suggest killing them and leaving them to drain so the bar's stocked up on blood? C.Hat's blood gets pretty stale if I keep drinking that."

Rage: "Ight, time to kill some bitches."

Without any hesitation, Rage yoinked the sledgehammer out of Cimrai's hand and caved in the skull of the priest that was dangling above the acid. He then moved on to the one that was being hung by his feet and he mercilessly ripped out the barbed needles, tearing chunks of flesh out in the process. The last one remaining got an extra nasty surprise as the vice that was crushing his balls was slammed shut tightly. The shock from having his balls obliterated caused the last priest to die, to which Rage sighed. Dying of shock was no fun.

Cimrai: "Welp, that'll keep the bar stocked for a bit. Now then, Mim! Could you come and collect this blood for me?"

Some scurrying could be heard from the bar before Mim walked in with a bucket.

Mim: "We might need a second bucket, mistress."

Cimrai: "Oh that's fine, just take the cost out of Taka's account."

Taka (distant): "Fucking don't!"

The others laughed before heading into the main bar area where they proceeded to buy drinks as they informed the others of the situation.

After a few minutes of waiting, the others finally arrived. Cheese and Smol were with Astolfo, all three of them ordered the femboy milk that Mim suggested to them. Rage was at a booth with Akeno and Rias, Okita was also present. Rias and Akeno had both ordered some lemonade while Rage went all in and asked for true 10,000% Russian vodka. Why? Because fuck it, if it killed him then he could just come back and try again. Okita ordered some sake at her master's insistence.

Red and Diluc were at the bar discussing if the redheaded sword wielder should get involved. However it was deemed that Diluc should just be on standby in case things went south.

Reaper and Pine were drinking with the two Shutens and Galahad, though Reaper wasn't drinking alcohol due to the fact that he was an outrageous lightweight. The Shutens were drinking some of their home-brewed alcohol from the gourds they carried with them while Pine just had some water.

Kiba and the others were also in another booth, mostly Kiba was getting chewed out by Koneko because he decided to go edgelord mode because of a sword.

Asia just kept to herself while occasionally taking a sip from her glass of orange juice. She was kind of uncomfortable since this was a bar rather than a restaurant or a café, but it didn't stop her from trying to have a good time.

Though she nearly choked on her drink when Tricky started yelling about fixing the Krimbo hole.

Specifically with copious amounts of caulk.

With no context, hilarity ensued. Either way, there was more drinking going on than strategizing. Mostly because strategy is for the weak and over-the-top violence is the only true way to enlightenment.

Taka walked over to the table where Rias was currently trying to talk Akeno out of getting Sirzechs to help in the counterattack against Kokabiel.

Taka: "Sounds like this is gonna be a pretty big battle, huh?"

Akeno: "A cadre class fallen angel is nothing to scoff at."

Red: "Fallen angel schmallen angel. He's still an arrogant dick."

Rias: "You haven't met him yet, but I'd say that's probably accurate."

Red: "I dealt with worse! I had to deal with the fucking Olympians! Because of Rage!"

Rage: "OI! Don't rope me into this!"

Red: "You pissed on Ares' armour!"

Rage: "He fucking deserved it!"

The two then proceeded to bicker like idiots for the next ten minutes while the others just watched and laughed.

Rage: "I'm gonna fucking kill you one of these days!"

Red: "You've tried that! Many times have you tried that!"

Rage: "And I'll fuckin' do it again! Die when you're killed for fucks sake!"

Meanwhile on the other side of the bar, the fallen angels just facepalmed as Tricky walked over.

Tricky: "So... Are they always like this?"

Raynare: "From what we've seen. Yup."

Mittelt: "I read a few of the reports from battles where Rage was involved. Yeah, this happens a lot."

Tricky: "Huh."

Kalawarner: "Wait, did you put the reports back?"

Mittelt: "Yeah, of course. I put 'em in the little box under Red's desk."

Both: "... Mittelt, that's a paper shredder."

As soon as those words were said, Red's head snapped towards the three fallen angels.


In that moment, all conversations ceased as the bar's attention was drawn to Red.

Mittelt: "I... May have put a few reports in there."

Red's eyes twitched as he spoke.

Red: "Which. Fucking. Ones?"

Mittelt: "Eh, Mission reports 32, 86, 97, 101, 117, 132 and... 148."

Red: "..."

Rage: "... Wasn't 32 when he met me?"

Pine: "117 was when he met me."

Cheese: "132 was Iraq, wasn't it?"

Rage: "... Oh."

Reaper: "She shredded the Iraq report."

Red's eyes were twitching rather violently now. Iraq was currently under review by the UN because of certain peoples actions that caused several thousands of deaths.

Not naming any names...


Red: "Was there anything else you may have shredded? Or was that it?"

Mittelt: "Uh... Something about an inventory list?"

Red: "... Do you remember anything on that list?"

Mittelt: "Something about a condensed singularity trebuchet."


Red: "The trebuchet was the most recent addition to that list. If I remember right your fucking city spanning weapons platform was also on there."

Rage: "Oh, the Colossally Obscene Cosmic Killer?"

Red: "..."

Cheese: "HA! C.O.C.K!"

Rias: "You were developing a weapons platform called the C.O.C.K. Really?"

Red: "They aren't very mature, Rias."

Rias: "Fuck you, that sounds awesome aside from the name."

Red: "HOW RUDE!"

Cheese: "We don't need another Jar-Jar, Red."

Red: "Me'm ganna getsa da belt and beat yousa wit it."

C.Shuten: "Did he?"

A.Shuten: "The fact that we know what he's referencing shows that the throne has a strange sense of humour."

Okita: "You two weren't forced to watch all six of the movies."

Cheese: "Aren't there nine?"

Galahad: "The other three aren't canon and don't count."

Red: "Since when did you guys watch Star Wars?"

Rage: "I made Okita watch them with me and my... ah, one of my business partners. Yeah."

Rias looked at Rage suspiciously before Red spoke up again.

Red: "I don't wanna know. Mittelt! You're helping me to rewrite all of those reports."

Mittelt: "HUH!? WHY!?"

Red: "Because am I fuck remembering every detail on those damn things!"

Mittelt was then picked up and carried out of the bar by Red while the others laughed.

Tricky: "... Huh. That happened."

Taka: "Y'know. Haven't seen Juni or Krimbo in a while."

Mim: "Krimbo's working in his arcade right now and I think Juni's working on some kinda world Mothification scheme."

Rias: "Hold up. Mothification?"

Rage: "Juniper's a moth. Clearly having dommy mommy energy wasn't enough so she wants to dom the fucking world."

Rias: "... There's a lot to unpack there."

Mim: "I mean, you guys are devils and I'm an incubus, Tricky's a dragon and Cimrai's a demon."

Rage: "Really? I thought Tricky was the millennium kitty."

Rage smirked as he could see Tricky's head snap to his direction as soon as he said that.

Tricky: "I'm not a fucking cat."

As she said that, her pupils dilated similarly to how a cats would which only fuelled the shenanigans.

The weebs spent another few hours in the bar until it was time to head back to the mansion. The ORC followed since they were basically part of the weebs by this point whether they wanted it or not.

Upon their arrival back at the mansion, they could see Mittelt in Red's office trying to not fall asleep from writing boring-ass reports.

Raynare: "So... How long do those reports take to write?"

Cheese: "The Iraq one is gonna take a few days most likely."

Kalawarner: "Alright, what the fuck actually happened in Iraq?"

Smol: [Y'know how we always say don't ask? Don't. Fucking. Ask.]

Pine: "It's better for everyone's sanity if you don't ask."

Reaper: "Mine especially."

Cheese: "Why yours? If anything the one that lost the most braincells was Red."

Rage: "I'm not apologising."

Okita: "To be fair, Master. I am also curious."

Nobunaga: "It's probably one of those situations that was so FUBAR that it's best not to even mention it, right?"

Smol: [... I suppose it could be looked at that way...]

Nobunaga just gave her master a look that said "Just how fucked was Iraq?"

Galahad: "Well, I trust since they all made it out then it's probably nothing to worry about."

Cheese: "... Nobody say a god damned thing about what Smol did."

Reaper: "I thought it was well established that Smol's war crimes are not to be mentioned anywhere at all at any time?"

Cheese: "E X A C T L Y."

The group laughed before breaking into smaller groups as they entered the mansion. A few of the girls headed to the spa while some of the guys went to the gym. Smol retreated to his room so he could continue decaying under the influence of CS:GO.

Reaper headed to the kitchen so he could work on some more dessert recipes because why the fuck not? Both Shutens just watched him and drank copious amounts of alcohol. Astolfo headed to the games room and got a few games of pool in against Nobunaga and Kiba.

As for Rage and Saruei? Those two headed to the labs to do some more weapons testing. This time it was under project: Gandhi and it was officially endorsed by the Japanese government.

Shit was boutta get real fun.

Anyway, back in Red's office, the boomer and fallen angel were continuing their report writing.

Red: "Any ideas as to where the two exorcists are right now?"

Mittelt: "I... Actually don't know. They left before the others showed up at the bar, but I dunno where they went. Should probably go see what they're up to, Imma go do tha-"

Red: "No the fuck you don't. You're gonna stay here and continue these reports or your ass is getting the belt."

Mittelt became very quiet following that statement.

Red: "Alright, let's see. Shuten, I assume you can hear me, yes?"

Even though he hadn't spoken very loudly, Shuten basically kicked the door open and walked in.

Red: "Dammit, the fucking door!"

A.Shuten: "Meh, no big deal. What's up?"

Red: "I need you to go find the two exorcists we're currently working with. they didn't show up at the bar so I want to make sure they're not injured."

A.Shuten: "Got it. Give me a few minutes to do some scouting."

Red nodded as Shuten headed into astral form and began scouring the city to find blueberry and happy-handles.

Meanwhile, in the firing range, Botan and Cheese were having a contest to see who could hit more headshots.

Botan was leading by thirty headshots.

Cheese wasn't one for accurate fire, he was more on the spray and pray mindset, however Botan was all for accuracy with any weapon except for grenades. Thankfully having some of Rage's new weapons to test out made the contest much more fun.

Though the flamethrower minigun would need some tweaks.

Botan: "So, how do you guys even come up with weapons like these?"

Cheese: "We look at the Geneva convention... Then follow absolutely none of that."

Botan: "Seems legit. But you're like the main weapons tester, right?"

Cheese: "Mostly for heavy weapons. Rage usually tests the lighter ones himself. Unless it's a prank. He had Red test a gas pistol."

Botan: "Gas... Pistol?"

Cheese: "He may be a battleship, but he still has a sense of smell. And fart gas works wonders when you lock the door."

Botan: "... Y'know, knowing how he operates, that makes an uncomfortable amount of sense."

The two continued to chat as they kept going for headshots. Botan having a headshot accuracy rating of 98.74% compared to Cheese's 72.21% meant that she was definitely winning the contest.

In the Library, Pine was doing her usual and studying for an unholy amount of time while she waited for Galahad to finish up in the gym, however he was having fun in there so it would likely be a while.

While she waited however, she had a skim through some of her notes on servants. Galahad had talked her through the basics of servants and the many, MANY different classes. Her notes read as follows:

Saber: Considered the strongest of the knight classes, mostly carry swords and fire energy beams from those swords.

Archer: Only a few Archers ever actually use bows.

Lancer: Mostly known for having abysmal luck but do include some notably powerful servants.

Rider: Servants that usually have some form of mount or vehicle to aid them in battle. Usually faster than most other servants.

Caster: Mostly focus on pelting their enemies with attacks from long range and will use supportive spells to help their allies or themselves. Notable example: Phallus Thaumaturge. (Merlin.)

Assassin: Physically weaker than most other servants in most cases and stick to utilising presence concealment to conduct sneak attacks on their foes.

Berserker: Not much needs to be said here.

Avenger: A N G E R Y

Ruler: Neutral servants that mostly act as mediators for large-scale grail wars.

Faker/Pretender: Mostly known for deceiving others into doing great deeds.

Gunner: Archer, but with guns.

Alter-Ego: Alternate versions or split personalities from other servants or legends.

Gatekeeper: Not a lot of information to go off of.

Ancient God/Giant: The class name speaks for itself.

Foreigner: Servants that exist outside of the normal universe. Mostly have contracts with eldritch gods.

Shielder: All the defence.

Mooncancer: Servants that have something to do with the moon.

That was what she had managed to gather from what Galahad had told her, there was also something about seven grand servants, but they had to head out to find the priests before he could get to that part.

Back in Red's office, Shuten reappeared with a rather grave expression, which caused Red to frown. (He actually did something other than deadpanning? the fuck!?)

Red: "What happened?"

Shuten: "I found one of them. Irina I think her name is. But, you might want to gather the others, and fast."

Red nodded and stood up from his desk before heading into the main hall and calling out to the others.

Red: "Right you lot! We've got a problem! Get your gear ready cuz we're going out!"

Within about two minutes, everyone had shown up ready for a fight. Though why Saruei had a backpack with six rocket launcher arms on it, nobody knew but they didn't want to question it.

It took about ten minutes to get to the location that Shuten had given Red, however upon their arrival they found Irina with slash marks all over her body and her outfit torn in places.

Pine: "Galahad."

Galahad nodded and lifted Irina onto his shield as he used it as a stretcher.

Before the others could begin searching, they heard someone approaching from not too far away.

???: "Well well well, if it ain't the psychos that blew up the church on the hill!"

The group turned and found a familiar face grinning from ear to ear at them.

Red: "Freed. So you managed to survive."


Red: "Seems I'll need to rectify my mistake and make sure you're fucking dead this time!"

Before Red could continue, Cheese put a hand on his shoulder to reel him back in. As such, Red took a deep breath and reassessed the situation.

Red: "So, you used Irina as bait to lure us out?"

Freed: "Well we wanted the devils, but bringing you ugly fuckers out here's even better in my book!"

Red: "Look at the pot calling the kettle black."

Freed was about to go on when another voice sounded off from above.

???: "Are you quite finished, Freed?"

Freed looked up with his usual grin and laughed as a fallen angel with multiple pairs of wings hovered overhead.


Freed: "Sorry, boss. Looks like no devils today!"

Red: "So, you must be-"

Cheese: "Kokabiel."

Red didn't even bother at this point, it was just expected.

Kokabiel: "Ah, so you know who I am already, Admiral?"

Red: "I see you know me as well."

Kokabiel: "Indeed. I took the liberty of doing some research before coming here. I suppose dealing with the most annoying parasite first is the best move, so I'll be killing you all now."

Rage: " Saru, do the thing."

Saruei smirked before the six rocket launcher arms burst out of her backpack and all simultaneously aimed at Kokabiel.

Kokabiel: "... What the fu-"

Saruei: "Firing!"

With that, all six launchers lit up as their payload was fired at the fallen angel, in most circumstances, this wouldn't faze Kokabiel in the slightest.

However when he was dealing with anti-matter rockets, that was another thing entirely.

The fallen angel reeled from the attack as he seethed with anger, he then raised his arm and formed a giant spear of light in his palm.

Kokabiel: "Well, looks like I'll just skip the pleasantries and get right to killing you! I'll be sure to give your regards to miss Gremory as well!"

Pine: "Galahad!"

Galahad nodded and slammed his shield down as the spear was about to be thrown.

Galahad: "LORD CAMELOT!"

As the shield hit the ground, a castle began to form around the group as the spear crashed into the shield. When the dust from the ensuing explosion subsided, the weebs were left with no injuries.

However I would like to draw your attention to the last thing Kokabiel said.

We all know how this ends.

Kokabiel frowned as he saw the weebs completely unharmed, however he spotted something as he looked at them.

One was missing.

A feeling of dread crept up his spine as he turned around and found Rage pointing a cylindrical sword at him.

Rage: "Hi."

Kokabiel: "What is-"

Rage: "You die now."

Without another word, the wind began to concentrate and spiral around the cylinder blade of this sword as it began charging energy. Kokabiel was about to make a break for it when an artillery shell hit his back.

He turned in anger and saw Red with his rigging fully deployed and with all guns trained on him.

Kokabiel had only one decision to make and he made the choice to teleport out of there ASAP.

When he was gone, Red lowered his guns and Rage de-summoned Ea.

Red: "Well, now we know he's definitely in town."

Cheese: "So now we just gotta hunt him."

Red: "Yes, however we'll deal with that after school's over tomorrow. For now we need to head back and inform Rias and the others."

Smol: [Way ahead of you. I just texted Kiba.]

Reaper: "Wait, since when did you have Kiba's phone number?"

Smol: [...]

Cheese: "Did he give it to you?"

Smol: [What do you take me for!? I hacked his phone.]

The others laughed as they headed home for the evening.

Galahad carried Irina to the infirmary in Rage's pocket dimension where she could be healed at a rapid pace before he headed to the library to do some reading because he's a fucking nerd.

While he did that, the others were getting ready for bed. Of course, when I say the others I only really mean Pine, Reaper and Red. The other three were doing dumb shit.

Cheese, Rage and Smol were all browsing cringe-ass memes, constructing an orbital weapons platform and browsing pixiv respectively.

Three very different mindsets, but either way, none of them would be sleeping.

When morning finally rolled around, the weebs all had their breakfast as normal before Red headed out ahead of the other five due to him being a teacher.

When the five main causes of brain damage arrived at the school though, their shenanigans commenced instantly with Smol wandering around and yoinking anything that wasn't nailed down. Cheese just sat on his phone in homeroom and continued his cringe crusade.

The day was fairly uneventful aside from Cheese putting a grenade down one of the toilets for some unknown reason. But it was at the end of the day as the sun was setting that the real shit began.

Red was by himself in the teacher's lounge doing some more paperwork due to Calli literally dropping it at his desk in the middle of lunch break.

He was convinced now that she was doing it for fun rather than out of spite. In fact, it was most likely both.

Anyway, had he not been concentrating so hard on the paperwork, he would have noticed an increasingly bright light heading towards the school.

However he didn't and a whole section of the building came crashing down around him.

Most importantly though, his Thermal flask filled with tea got crushed.

Yup. The Englishman lost his tea.

Shit was boutta get real.

In the aftermath of the school collapsing, the occult research club and student council both leapt into action. The latter set up a barrier to contain Kokabiel and his forces while the former went in to deal with those forces.

All in all, Kokabiel had brought around a thousand men with the majority of them being fallen angels loyal to his cause.

However the devils had backup in the form of five deranged idiots with too much power and no idea how to use it without invoking the Geneva convention and no. Nobody was exempt from that. Each one of the five had committed a war crime of some kind whether it be use of flamethrowers in an active combat zone (Smol), taking hostages (Pine), using chemical weapons (Cheese), convincing a prisoner of war to fight for the hostile power (Reaper) also that isn't made up. That's an actual war crime.

But of course, last but not least: Torture, Biological experimentation, extensive destruction and appropriation of property, wilful killing, wilfully causing great suffering and injury to body and health and chemical and flame based weapons wilfully used on the battlefield (Rage.)

Yeah, this was the kind of insanity that the fallen angels were about to try and fight.

Kokabiel had also called in the cavalry in the form of Cerberus. The ORC seemed intimidated and Rias even commented that it was forbidden to bring Cerberus to the human realm.

However the five weebs just saw a group of big dogs that needed to be put in their place...

Then petted profusely.

Weebs Central everyone, we're idiots and we regret nothing.

Anyway, as Kokabiel got ready to unleash his troops upon the devils and weebs, the rubble of the school began to shake and fall away in an area. The fallen angel's eyes widened as Red's rigging burst out of the debris.

Red: "... Forget them."

Cheese: "He say something?"

Smol: [No fuckin' clue.]

Reaper: "Red, you say something?"

Red looked up with an unfamiliar glint in his eyes.


Red: "Your restraints. Forget them."

The weebs were stunned by this. Red had worked hard to put those restraints on them and now he was telling them to just forget about them?

Fuck yeah.

Pine: "You know you won't be able to put those restraints back on, right?"

Red: "I know. However that fucker is endangering the lives of civilians by trying to incite a war between the factions. Not to mention if that Excalibur is formed, then it means the city's going to get destroyed."

Cheese: "So... Kaboom?"

Red: "Yes, Cheese. Kaboom."

Cheese's smirk matched a certain strawberry pimp as he spun up his minigun.

Cheese: "KABOOM!!"

Rage: "You better know what you're doing, auld cunt. Once we do this, there's no goin' back."

Red: "I know you won't let the city be destroyed though. After all, it's not just us that lives here."

Rage just smirked before the weebs revealed that they each had an odd shackle around their right ankles.

In turn, the five of them reached down and obliterated them before their presence became like a crushing force of gravity upon Kokabiel's shoulders.

They each looked at each other in turn and laughed before turning to Kokabiel.

Weebs: "You're boutta have a bad time."

End of Chapter.

Next Time: Weebs Central DxD: Kokabiel Fucking Dies.

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