Truth or Dare? [Phayo]

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"The challenge is, you must express the love to the first person who entered the classroom."


A/N : guys please do not read this chapter without mobile data this story contain a gift and pics... Enjoy 😘😘


Wayo POV..

As I stepped into the classroom, I regained my breath. I'm leaving early this morning so it's still very quiet and there are only 5 girls in the classroom and it makes me sick because I'm not a type of person who can familiarize myself with a girl, I walked slowly and threw a slight smile to my classmates, then shatter the ass on my seat, my class is quite wide that can accommodate more than 30 students, with paints dominated in white and blue, to the right there are many windows that lined in my classrooms that make the classroom bright enough, there are 4 white lights and one fan in the pelafon, near the door there was a teacher's desk, a calm atmosphere that made me sleepy.

"Hey!! why did you leave me?" said a guy with a salty face, He is my terribly cousin, Ming, he always sticks with me and annoyed me, for me he is the biggest catastrophe ever, he always exploits and squeezes me if I did not do so he would threaten to dismantle my biggest secret that I still got a night pee on the bad at grade 2 of secondary school. though it is still not a very annoying disgrace but don't ask me if I escape to the overseas or doing a plastic surgery to get rid of my shame.

"Too slow, " I replied lazily and put my head in the folds of my hands to continue sleeping.

He immediately ruffled my hair, "Hrum ... I already told you, we're come too early."

"Hrum .. I'm sleepy, do not bother me."

"Eh!! How about we're playing some games!"

"Play? what kind of games ?"


"hah.., I'm sure you will annoyed me."

"No.. I'm swear, this is fair, ok?"

"OK.. it rather than sleepy, where's the bottle?"

"I Don't have it, just use a pencil where is your pencil Yo? we can use it"

"Hmm wait a minute.. here, let's get start it!"

When the pencil was turned around and stopped. it turned out and lead to me, shia.. I got a bad luck again, surely ai'Ming will annoyed me all out.

"Truth or dare?"

I sighed and thought for a moment, in fact whatever I choose will surely hurt me but if I choose the truth he will ask me privacy and add my secret to make him useed on me again, with full of confidence I replied "DARE!"

"What you have to do is, you have to express the love to the first person who entered the class." said Ming by poining his fingers to the classroom door.

"Just like that? Easy," I say to belittle it, okay, it's not too much trouble it just a game.

After 10 minutes Ming and I waited, but no one went to class. Then when I went back to sleep Ming patted me on the shoulder.

"Yo!! , hurry.. Woke up! Here take this flowers."

"Hmm..." I replied lazy. Ming and I heard footsteps from outside the classroom and someone came from behind the door.

"KYAAAA~~" screamed five girls in the class, "My prince charming is coming," continued another girl.

"Ah. it a guy who appears, I don't want to do it, Ming!" I say full of pressure

"Hey hey... Did you want all of the students on this school knows what you always pee.."

"ENOUGH! Okay I will do it as you want.

"It not what I want.. But I was the game rules.. " said Ming annoyingly

"Yeah!! what ever.. " I rolled up my eyes

I walked near to Phana and stand in font of him, "Pha, I want to say something," I said with a serious look.

He smiled sweetly and rubbing my head as usual, "Yes, what does Yo want to say?"

I calm down my self and said, "I actually likes you for a long time ago, and now this is the right time for me to express my feelings to you, I love you so much," I dramatized the situation and Give the flower that giving fom Ming to Pha.

His smile became widened, "I do not think that I got so many fans. hahaha this is very fun, emmm I can consider it," he said nicely and covering our face with the book that he is holding and ...


A soft kiss landed on my lips for a few seconds, I instantly froze and could not believe it. And Pha saw passed from my face.

"YAAAAKKK!!!" shouted the girls with angry faces as if ready to pounce on me. the second maybe they do not want with that scene, Pha is their charming prince and Pha melted them again.

"Hay pretty girls," Pha greeted kindly and smiled softly with those who instantly made them back shouting happy.

I looked back sideways, first I looked at Ming who was still shocked and looked at me disgusted on the bench to the right. both I saw Pha who sat on the middle of the middle row he read the book but a second later he looked at me gently and waved towards me, last I look at the 5 girl groups that clustered, they looked back at me cynically and one of them there is moving his finger to her neck as if a gesture that says I will die slit.

Those girls look really scared to me.. Grh...that why never try to make girls mad, and from now on I think like I'm hunted by them.

I touched my lips and closed my mouth with my hands, a second later I ran quickly to the toilet.

"HOEEEKKK..."I vomited my breakfast this morning, the more I remember about the kiss even more I disgusted, I wash my mouth as clean as possible in washtafel, shia.. why who grab my first kiss must be a guy?

Type a guy like him can only make me embarrassed, I do not like his character who love to spread charms. okay he is fascinating with very white and clear skin, blushing red lips, narrow eyes that reveal his oriental face, neat style, friendly, and smart. ok I accept for the girls she is perfect, almost 100% of girls in my school be his fans, but what just happened now? A popular guy at school and very coveted all the girls kiss me ...
I AM A GUY... !!

I'm disgusted with him, that why I hate him, the main factor is because I envy him who always looks perfect and are considered as angel by the girls. me? Shoot the girls always rejected me, but why? I'm not bad or ugly, right? You believe that I'm not bad right? My skin is also white, my lips are also red, what!! because of my body? Okay for a guy, has a height 165cm it is not proportional, and I am very jealous with Pha who has a high 178cm!!! secondly, because of his fans was too fanatic and annoying, he smile like a noisy thundering plane that passing especially if he hugged the girl who gave him a gift, he really likes to hug or kiss the cheek of any girl who give him a gift, he is cheap man right? That why his locker always full of gift when the valentine day, but me... He kiss my lips is very unusual! If I get scattered gossib I can slaughter all the Phana fans who call themselves Phana Lovers! Thirdly, because the girl I'm appraising always refuses me because she likes Phana! Shia shia shia! Why don't me be Phana? Gwen will accept me gladly, But this is... almost 3 years I was in the same school as Phana in the same class as well but he never had a girlfriend, the reason is because he wants to focus on his studying or he doesn't like a girls? Hah... he was very lucky, he get any girl that he wants, I was really jealous !!

I think my mouth are washed clean in the toilet has been finished so I step my foot out, but when I open the toilet door ...

"Pha..." I said after saw him appear in front of toilet doors.

"Hey my princess, we meet again," he said, and stroking my hair gently.

I quickly brushed off his hand and backed away until my back hit the wall. He closed the toilet door and approached me.

"Why you avoid that?" he asked with a smile and wrapped his body with his hands in position kneeled, shia this insult!! Why is he bent and aligning high Just want to chat with me.

"Remove your hands!! " I replied curtly.

But he pulled my waist and hugged me tightly, "Finally I can get the couple that I want from the first."He whispered to my ear.

"Do not accept it, I'm not serious about that, please take back the word that you are saying, I love a girls, you Just be my betting with Ming."

He immediately took off his embrace and looked at me sharply, a look that I never saw before, "So you're playing with me?"

I'm downcast, his aura is so awful, "Well ... this is actually Ming's idea, I'm not entirely wrong."

"just wait and see, I'll get you soon."

"Are you crazy, I'm dating with you.. Grh.. Yark.. It ridiculous, you think that I'm gay like you, oh I know now that why you're ever dating any girls before, apparently you do not like girls right, you really don't realize yourself! Ought, just be grateful to yourself, you also have a handsome face, you can get any girl that you wanted, but why you pick me?
Ai'hia!! "

"Baby, enough of your humiliation, it's my way, you know? Baby you should be punished," he said by giving me an evil smile.

I immediately shuddered in horror as I felt his lips touch my ears, his kisses moving around my neck and sucking my neck. I tried to revolt but he held my waist so close to him, with his naughty hands wringing my ass, I really do not believe dimesumin like this popular guy in my school, the treatment just cause a strange turmoil in my body, amusement, and afraid to mingle, "AAAAKH ... le-let me go aahhh," I said with difficulty.

Then he stopped his actions and grabbed my shoulder, "Be mine, I'll promise you that I'll give the happiness for you."

"Take it off!! no need," I said, then walked to the door but he hugged me back from behind with the hands he held around my waist and my neck.

"You must be mine," he whispered as he licked my ear.

"Aaarrgghhh stop it! it ticklish," I snarled as he nudged his stomach then ran as far as possible.

"PARTY IN WAYO HOUSE !!!" shouted Ming excitedly to classmates.

I just went to the class immediately caught, "What? Party at my house? I can not believing this... Oh no.. no.. no.. "

"Come on dear, your parents are out station again, better we had a party, let me handle everything OK hahahaha."

"NO!!! I said there's no party, whatever it is it'll be no party."

Ming immediately glared upset, "you want the hold of school know that you love to pee..."

I quickly wiped Ming's mouth, "hahaha yeah, tonight is a party at my house!!!" I shouted to my classmate.

At Wayo house 🏡

Don't stop make it pop

DJ blow my speakers up

Tonight, Im'ma fight

Til we see the sunlight

Tik tok, on the clock

But the party don't stop no

Woah- oh oh oh

Woah- oh oh oh

Kesha-Tik Tok

I can only cover the ears with a pillow because it is very disturbed by the various music that Ming set hard, ah even though I do not participate party I think I also participate staying up late tonight.

Phana POV..

Hearing that Wayo throw a party at his home I was so excited, I think it could be a good approach and maybe it will grow in love over one night.

After a journey of approximately 20 minutes I arrived in front of Wayo's house, a house that in a elite residential complex, modern-looking, plaid-shaped, there seemed to be three floors, and from the yard there is so many parked vehicles and flickering decorative lights, it really remember me of the Christmas day.

The noise began to sound clear as I entered, there were many people dancing, who were they? I do not know. I just thought inviting classmates. Walking to and fro Just meet some friends but the owner of the house is invisible, I started to feel uncomfortable much less nawarin cigarettes, liquor and even drugs, haha.. not true, I never thought Wayo had many friends that not right.

But I'm a little relieved to see Ming, "Hey, Ming, where's Yo?" Ask me as kindly as possible.

Ming looks very happy with the 2 girls clinging to both sides of his body, "He is at the second floor, he is sleeping, I think "

"Huh.. why he is sleep? It's his party right?

"Who says? It's my party, Wayo is not my level so thats why he did not join."

I frowned a bit in surprise, but quickly I went up to the second floor, a little excited also to hear Wayo alone in the room, so I can be a little ignorant hehehe.

When I found the first door I open it with thinking a while "AAAAAAAAAAAA!!" shouted the couple who had been in love but now they are shocked because I open the door without knocking it first.

"Upps sorry," I said and closed the door again.

A bit of anxiety to open the door again because there are to many doors. I'm afraid if it's will be the same as before , but I spot on something, there's a very striking door because there are skeleton patches like the pirate flag and lots of warning boards like 'Devil's lair', 'forbidden' or 'if you get in, you're looking of dead!' . I just smiled thinly.


"Get out!!!" sounds the voice that came from the inside, and I knew it was Wayo's voice.

I knocked the door again, and the door sounded to opened, "Hi .."

"What are you doing here? " he yelled by pointing a toy sword on my neck.

"Ahahaha I just wanted to party with you,"

"Hm.. Come in."

"Wow, super big and super clean " I said while I stepped into his room


"Well.. Your welcome,"

I smiled back, and sat on the mattress where he lay him self , "My princess, you're so cute."

"Don't call me princess again!"

"But I like to call you that," then I approached and crushed him.

"He-hei get of me!" he screamed with the blushing face.

then I lay on the edge, "Hahaha my heart is beating faster if I be with you,"

"What do you mean?" he ask confusedly.

"why are you so rude to me now? Iu used to be normal."

"That's because I already know who you are!"

I'm cooling my body and pulling at his waist so we're face to face now, "Whatever you want to say, I've always been interested in you,"

By seeing on his body language, I know that he's a little freaked out and quite interested on me, "You better get out." he said.

"You like me right? You're just a pride on your word in the toilet that says you're not gay right? Please don't be a sel..."

"I can't, coz I really don't Interested on a guy ."

"Are you sure ?"

"Okay, I really admire on your looks and you look perfect but that's just a motivation for me, nothing more than that."

"I'm handsome, good and rich, I can make you happy, I'm rarely interested in getting in touch with someone other than you."

"You're just obsessed with me, you know, you're not really in love with me." he replied back.

"Okay maybe your right about that, it just because we're not closer together, but if you accept me, I'm sure i will truly love you."


I'm a bit upset with is words, he is so a rock head but why he can trust his own heart, so I overturned his body, "Tonight you belong to me," I said and closer my face to his face.. It going to become closer, closer and closer....


Damn who disturbs my ritual, Wayo immediately pushes me and opens the door, "Gwen, are you coming?" asked Wayo to the girl at the door.

"Hey, it to loud down there, so that why I'm in here, did you with someone?"

"it only Pha in here."

"Pha? Pha who?" Asked Gwen by staring into my room and I'm waving to great her.

"Do we know any else Pha..."

"KYAAAAAAAA~ It's destiny that brings me up and there's my prince! "The girl broke in and leapt into Wayo's bed.

Almost an hour of Gwen's annoying behavior, it's like a lunatic, I just put a fake smile on my face and Wayo, he looks so cheerful and happy with the presence of Gwen, this is why I do not like girls, there are too fussy and annoying.

"Gwen, I want to said that I li..."

Wayo did not finished his word yet because Gwen cut straight, "It's enough yo, how many times have I told you I do not like you, we're just a friend, I'm like Pha my dream prince!"

"But I do not like you, Gwen, I like Wayo," I continued with frankly.

Gwen's mouth was wide open, the cake in her hand immediately dropped, for 30 seconds she did not blink at me she not believing, "Hahaha is this bullshit right?"

"I'm serious ..." I said flatly and pulled Wayo's chin and kisses his lips.

Suddenly Gwen ran out and slammed the door.

"Aaakkh.. shia! you make my dream girl run away!"

"I don't care..." I again overtook him, stripped off all of our clothes, fumbled and 'entered inside him' this night his whole body became mine even though his heart had not become mine yet.

"I will get his heart soon.. I 100% sure that he will be mine"





BookCulbHere I'm doing with my weekly challenge..!!

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Chapters.. 😘😘

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