????Evil Feeling???? [MingXyo]

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~Ming👬Wayo story~

warning 🚨🚨🚨
In this story contain a sex scene, and this is my first story that i wrote sex scene part.. hope you like it.

"Wake up my dear baby bro," the soft voice said, by kissing on my forehead.

Slowly I open my eyes and blink it, "P'Ming, I'm still sleepy," I said spoiled while clinging to the chest of the person I called P'.


"Ming hyung !!!" I yelled from the room. But the person I was looking for was not visible on the bridge of his nose. Soon I searched, smelled the delicious food from outside the room, I was persuaded to walk up to the smell with only a towel wrapped around my waist.

Arriving in the kitchen, I looked at the body of the person I loved from behind. Yeah ... not just a love from brother to brother but love to his lover. Ohh.. I forget, my name is Wayo Panuwat and the person I love is the person I used to call P'Ming named Mingkwan Panuwat, P'Ming is the only person I love and care for me from i was little, whereas our parents usually just work, home rarely, I chose to live together with him in his condominium, now I'm 19 years old. I'm students of medicine at Bangkok University, while P'Ming is 25-year-old and again he was busy-dizy with his doctor career. I do not care about this sinful feeling, I love him so much, his attention and his tenderness make me melt, I feel he is my angel.

He turned to me while carrying a plate of Thai fried rice that he just cooked, "Oh..Goodd, Yo, why not you wear your clothes? Hurry up! put your clothes on" He cried irritably as he covered his eyes.

"Why hyung?" I approached him with a nasty smile.

"Ahh! It's still this morning, Yo. Do not tease hyung, "he said with resignation.

"Who teases you hyung? So what if it's still morning? "I asked innocently.

"Hissh... quickly wear your shirt dear, hyung like can not bear to see you jar so," he coaxed.

"What do you mean by i can not bear it?" I asked him.

He grunted irritably, "you're still naughty, huh.. it's fatal as a result!" He said, instantly catching my body quickly.

I shocked and let go of his embrace, "Hahahaha I just tease hyung! But do not expect to touch me! "I mocked as he ran behind the desk.

He also ran after me but the result he got my body, but suddenly my towel slipped from my waist, his eyes poped widened and looked at me like a hungry beast. As I grabbed my towel, he jumped up on the table and pounced on me, "Finally a mischievous prey got in his own trap," poked P'Ming with a grin that made me shudder.

"Ahh.. hyung cut it off," I sighed as I felt his tongue lick my nipples.

"No way, Yo should be punished first," he said again with his lips coming down my neck.

'' Emmmmmhh ... aaaaahhh .. hyunghh it tickled, a-pardon me aaahh ... "i sizzle as he licked and little bit at my neck.

"No mercy, huh! Emmmmhh ... "His wild kisses moved from neck to my lips, but I kept on grinding and begging to be stopped. And finally he stopped his naughty activities.

"Haaah safe at last..." I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Huuh quickly wear clothes before hyung back to out of control," he said while handing me my towel.

I grabbed the towel and put it back on, "No, I'm hungry ... hmmm the fried rice looks good," I said smugly and immediately sat and eating my my breakfast.

"Huh, can not be told," he snorted, ruffling my hair gently.

"Ehehehehe who is my brother first? MING!! "I say mockingly.

He sat next to me, looking at me gently. The gaze that made me feel comfortable and was washed away in his love. I'm a little nervous when he is staring at me.. huh!

Actually I really want him to touch my body again, but the pain in my lap because last night still felt. Almost every night we make love, the pleasure is like an opiate that we can not let go, we are dependent on the 'game' that, I know this is wrong but I can not resist my desire, plus his touch is so soft and loving make me feel safe to be near to him, hmmm... actually we do this forbidden love since five years ago, precisely when I was 14 years old, where my period of recurrence... well all my fault, a sweet mistake.


"Okay, the lights are all closed and the door is locked," Ming hyung said as he threw himself on the side beside me.

Yes, we always sleep together from I'm child even though there are still plenty of rooms available, but I'm more comfortable nearby, especially if it's raining like now we're warmed up each other.

"Nae, hyung," I replied in Korean, we both are korean lovers.

"Let's brake already, what? do you need hyung to sang a sleep song?" He asked with a sweet smile.

"Eemmmh.. not.. hyung.. actually I want to ask..." I asked hesitantly.

"Want do you wanted to my darling hhmm?" He said as he leaned towards me.

"What is ML?" I asked with a plain face, he immediately shocked to hear my question.

"Hmm? why Yo wanted to know about it? where did you know about ML?"

"From my friends at school, hyung."

"Hisss ... not important, you don't have to think about that again.. not old enough!" He said that then covered my ears.

I snorted and raised my lips for not a satisfactory answer, "Hyung stingy .. I want to know," I said and immediately turned around my body.

He hugged me tightly from behind, "Do not sulk, Yo."

"Tell me about it first, nah.. Yo really wanted to know about it.. nah.. nah.. nah... please nah hyung" i said back

"Ehemm.. in thai language ML is make love, but like knowledge generally focus more on sex."

"Sex?" I asked, not knowing.

"Yaaa... it like.. the intimate relationship of lovers, punctures, having sex, hahaha.."

"Eeemmm hyung! did you have any video of it?" I asked enthusiastically.

He is shocked agin and freaked out at my question, "Emmm... wait a minute," he said as he reached for his laptop on the table. Open folder 'D' and inside there is folder 'V.S', seen many rows of sex video , woo.. woo I just know that my beloved brother likes to collecting all of those video's.

P'Ming and i watched the video carefully, but not until 20 minutes, I felt something swell in my pants.

"H-hyung..." I say softly.

Apparently he understood my condition, and smiled sweetly, "Open your pants," he ordered, he also lowered his pants.

Although we have seen our naked bodies many times but this is the first time I see hyung panis stiffen, I am a little nervous but with a steady poke my pants, "and than?" I asked.

"Follow my movements," he said, beginning to push back her hand and in front of her penis

I also followed him and closed my eyes with pleasure, occasionally I sighed. Back I stared at the laptop screen in which there was a guy stabbing the hole of the girl, "Hyung I want so ..." I said as I opened the width of my crotch, curiosity plus the passion I feel makes me want more, I do not know this is wrong or right I know I have one hole and hyung have a dick, maybe be able to practice right away?

"W-WHAT?" he asked in shock.

"Yeah .. I want hyung to stabbing your panis into my hole," I said innocently.

Then he got up and kissed my forehead, "No way, Yo, we're brother's plus we are gu... aaaaahhh...." he sighed as quickly my hands shook his dick.

"I do not care!" I hissed then licked the tip of his penis that stiffened from earlier.

"Aaaaahhh.. eehhmmm... emmmmhh... my baby bro is naughty yaah aaahh... " he sighs progressively

I sucked all over his dick and pushed my head back like the one on the video. He was already out of control and pressed my head to strengthen the movement.

"Unnnnghhh... ummmmmhhh... eeeemmhh.. sssrrrpp..." my moans in tune with the movement back and forth my head in his penis.

Not long after that he pulled my body up, staring at my face with a look that I had never seen before, he brought our faces together and we kissed ... I squeezed his shoulders tightly, so delicious kisses that hyung give even though this is not my first kiss but the sensation this time is different, full of passionate lust that made my cock throb, plus the game of his tongue is so agile and the puffs make me melt.

Not only that, the kiss flowed into my cock that made me shudder and more horny, down again to my neck and then I could not hold my breath, sometimes licked, kissed and even a small bite that leaves red spots on my skin, while his hands cool gawk my penis tightened, his kisses down again to my chest, sucked up my hardened breast nipples because the stimulation is so good, "Eeennnnghhh .... Aaaaahhhh ... hyunghh ... aaaaakkhhh ... "I sigh of pleasure.

"Emmmmhh ssrerrpphhh..." he just smiled at me and returned his tongue plays on my chest and my nipples.

"Aaaaaakkkhhh... emmmmhhh... touch me more aaahhh..." I said, by squeezing her hair.

His licking roamed into my stomach, made me bend my body delicious, licking in my navel made my lust unstoppable, "Aaaahhh... ooooohhh... more.. i wants more.. ehmmmhh..."

He smiled bitterly into my face, whatever he thinks that he certainly did not stop his activity, lick every inch of my stomach and his hands actively shake my cock makes me continue to grab the favors, then his mouth down again to my cock, lick the tip of my cock, my face is very red milk feel the bottom , his mouth was so nimble licked, and suck-sucking my cock, his hands are also wringing my dick, until it seems I want to explode, can not be arrested again... aaaakkkkhhhh.... The warm larvae exploded too, he had swallowed it and I was a little dumbfounded, but also he spit it out a little.

"Ready?" He asked in a seductive tone.

I saw him dab of white fluid to his tense penis perfectly, I also spread my thighs, this is the peak event that I wait but why there is fear in my heart? Emmmhh I just want to know and I am willing to the person I love most touched me.

"Ennnnghhh..." I whimpered slightly as I felt a foreign object enter my hole. It turns out his middle finger is piercing, though not too painful but very strange .. feelings are really awkward. Without confirmation he re-insert another finger, "Aaaaaaakkhhhh .." I immediately shrieked feel my hole getting congested with a little bit of pain.

And even more shocked when I feel there is a bigger object stomping me, "Aaaarrgghh... aaahhh... aaaaahhh ... gaak... it hurt aaaahhh..." I screamed in pain, really painful, my hole seemed to be torn and torn, I could not stem my tears again at that time.

"Patience dear, aaaahhh ... later the pain will decrease, let's relax and set your breath ooohh .. eemmmhhh," he said who started moving his hips slowly and again I winced in pain.

The slow motion was now accelerating, and gradually I began to feel the joy of pleasure in me, the sigh of pleasure kept coming out of my mouth, his lips licking my chest, his hands squeezing my dick, and his dick stoning my hole in my narrow, three stimuli that made me really, really mad, I kept struggling to feel the sensation of pleasure throughout my body, until finally he issued a liquid of his love in my body.

"Aaaaah ... it hurt, but very good hyung," I said with a smile.

Immediately he pulled his dick from my hole, his gaze now changed, so upset and guilty, "Sorry I can not take care of you," he said in a pained tone.

I just smiled bitterly and immediately hugged his body that had been behind me, "Saranghaeyo hyung.." I whispered into his ear.

Then he turned his face to me and kissed my forehead, "Nado saranghae ..." he whispered as he hugged me tightly.

~~End Flashback~~

I can't stop my evil feeling... I need him, I love when he touch me, when he kiss me, when he smile with me. I feel like in the heaven... but I know I'll go to the hell...

God please forgive of this feeling ...

"Yo why you're cry?" His voice immediately broke my daydream.

"Ohh nothing hyung..." I answered flatly.

He drew his face close and wiped a teardrop that ran down my cheek, "Nothing is covered."

I immediately hugged his chest and sobbed in his arms, " please promise me that you're never going to leave me..." i said softly.

"I promise, I'm never going to leave you, nothing can separate us," he replied as he kissed my hair gently.





Hey guys.. it been a long time scene i didn't updates... I'm free now so i will updates my story twice a week.. so what do you think about this chapter? it really rare couple for Mingwayo but I'm starting to loving this couple better then mingkit.. sorry i didn't mean to said that but it what i feel.. i do love mingkit but mingwayo is lovely for me.. for Mingkit lover please don't mad at me. that all, see you on next chapter

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