👼My Guardian Angel👼

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🚨🚨Warning 🚨🚨

this srory contained blood, and tragic death.


It been five years scene you left me, i would like to share one story, yeah just one story that hanging on my mind, that make always thinking of him, he is the person who change my life, the person who make me always upset with him, the person that teach me the mean of love and the person that really make me crying hardly after thinking of him... You know what, I'm better now, better than before...

"Here is your clothes Young Master,"

He said as he lugging my uniform, his eyes red and glaring at me, he was like a vampire plus his very white skin, pale, her clothes were very neat with shirts and black coats, like a buttler.

"Who are you?" I asked.

He just smiled, "My name is Phana Kongthanin. You're Young Master Wayo Panitchayasawad right? I am your father assistant at the company, because my boarding place is being evicted, Young Master's dad offers to stay here, even though I refused but he said that he has a very sweet and lonely child so I am interested, "he said at length and smiled soft again.

I snorted, "Don't call me Young Master because I'm an adult, you can call me “wayo” or “yo”, And do not speak in a language that's too formal, it too weird to hear it."

"All right wayo." you can call me Phana or maybe P'pha because I'm more older than you.

"Hrum.., Now Get out!" I say curtly. He bowed, then obeyed my words.

I quickly wore my uniform, I'm a university student now and I think I'm an adult. The morning remained the same as always, adorned with screams and swears of my parents. It's all driving me crazy, my family is getting ruined. I tried not to care, picked up the bread quickly and went from the blasted house to the university with my driver. I stared at the view from behind the car window, my tears fell even though I wiped it over and over again. Hey, whoever you guys are going crazy  right if your family is in danger of being destroyed?

Everyday at university also as usual, I study seriously without associating. No one wants to befriend a cool tamper person like me, I'm not friendly at all. I do not need them either, I can live alone, that's normal.

Is that weird? Yes you guys might think I'm weird, how can a handsome boy like me but anti social. Simply stout who tried to approach me but did not last long.

After the class was over I had no intention to visit anywhere, I just want to go home, confine myself in the room as usual. Because I like the silence that makes me calm.

I was surprised to see Phana in front of my school, surrounded by many girls. He proudly flicked his hair and smiled kindly to spread the charms so that made a lot of unstable girls there screaming hysterically, I just grunted irritably.

"What are you doing here?" My voice instantly dispersed the lumpy girl's clump. As if I had a deadly black aura they all retreated with fear. Phana smiled pleasantly.

"I'm picking you up Yo, I'm afraid if a kid like you goes home alone," he said still with a smile that looked like an angel.

"I AM NOT A LITTLE CHILD YOU IDIOT! And I have a driver, where is my driver? !! "I yelled angrily. Everyone is watching us, Phana stays with his smile.

He did not reply to my words but opened the back door and let me in, I stare at him curtly. What kind of fool he is. He rubbed my head, stood behind me and pushed me in, I struggled but lost strongly with him. It sucks.

Along the way he tried to talk to me but I silent myself.

"You're getting cuteter if you're doing the face like that," he said, glancing at me for a moment in the rearview mirror.

"I'm not cute !!" I shouted as he threw my eyes back to the window.

That guy ... huh! Why does he love to tease me? Ah not just me, but he looks like to tease everyone, but I salute with his polite nature. I'm like a princess who opened the door by him, his glazed, shady eyes always staring at me and guiding me.


When I'm arrive at home I ran away from Phana, searched my room and slammed my bedroom door, I opened the window and threw myself on the bed. The breeze on this afternoon, the location of my room is very fitting with my mood.

I almost fell asleep but I felt someone was bothering my soles, I woke up and my eyes were staring at Phana with chicken feathers at my feet. He smiled innocently.

"What are you doing huh?" I snapped at him.

"Eat first, Yo. Later your body will not be big, "he said with an annoying smile.

"I'm already big!" I shouted while hiding my face on the pillow because I slept by my stomach on the bed side.

He patted my ass, I gasped. My face is become red, "Yo-you? !!!"

He did not answer but thrust a spoon into my face, "Eat first?"

I shook my head firmly, brushing aside the spoon and plate that was held so that it scattered then screamed at it with all my might. He remained unmoved. Only the smile I saw.

I again heard the noise of my parents outside. I look at the clock for a moment, why are they making this hour? My chest tightened again, it seemed my psychic was completely ruined with all this burden.

The sturdy arm pulled my waist, letting my head land warm on his chest. Ah ... Pha, he hugged me? My chest pounded, why could this be? Is it because this for the first time I feel comfortable adjacent to someone?

"Cry if it makes you calm, but tomorrow you have to be brave," he said softly.

I was stunned, clutching his white shirt and crying as hard as he could on his chest. I could feel him kissing my head many times, my feelings mixing between shame and sadness.


Two months already passed, I live with Phana. My life feels more meaningful since there he is. He is a very complete figure for me, he can be a brother, a friend even he is as sweet as... a lover, but there is no statement from us both. Does he just think of me as a little bro? Or worse as his employer so he served me in such a way?

I do not know, that he could cover the gaping wound in my heart with his love. I put my face up as usual, Phana lying next to me. We lie on the roof of the house, enjoying the beauty of thousands of stars tonight because the weather is so peaceful.

"Hey there's a shooting star!" Phana shouted excitedly as he pointed at the sky, "Quickly make a wish!" He continued.

I closed my eyes, begging for nothing to separate me from Phana.

"What is your wishes?" He asked enthusiastically.

"Not important..." I replied coldly.

"Hahaha... i think you are wishing for a kiss from me tonight?" He said proudly.

Oh Phana, if you give it tonight I can not refuse, "Do not think about nonsense thing like that that! How could I! "I yelled roughly. Phana just laughed freely.

"that was my hope ..." he said after his laughter subsided.

I turned to him quickly, I was surprised. My throat choked, my face became red. What? Phana hope to kiss me tonight? Seriously. My chest, it's hard to stabilize my heartbeat.

He turned to me, and i immediately dismissed the view. He rubs my hair gently. He grabbed my shoulder, turned my body to face him, we stared for so long.

"Besides your parents, Young Master Wayo is the one I always wanted to take care of," he said with his soft smile. My lips quiver, does that mean I mean so much to him? But means in what sense? Come on Phana, tell me now! Do not hang me too long. He pulled my chin and...

The soft kiss landed warmly on my lips, I petrified. My body immediately hot cold, the vibrations in my heart more terrible, shouting excited. I was getting swept away as his warm hands pushed my neck to deepen the kisses and fumbled my cheeks. I just quietly accept his kiss, he ... stealing my first kiss, but I do not regret because I love him very much.

His cell phone rang so he let go of our kisses, he looked a little shocked after picking up the phone, "That's not my concern, I do not want to be involved anymore !!" Phana snaps on the phone, this is the first time I see him angry. Who is the one who made him angry?

Then he instantly switched off his phone, he stared straight up in an agitated gaze, "What's happen?" I raised my voice.

He turned to me and easily put the angel's smile back at me again, "It's nothing Yo," he said softly as he stroked my hair.


Time goes on, intimacy is always Phana give every day, it is very sweet. He also always keep me and loyal to my side although yeah you know my own nature, rebel, selfish, rough and stubborn. But he stood firmly beside me.

My wrath was getting worse each time I got sick, I still remember the dozens of nurses I managed to kick from my house. But unlike Phana, even though I cursed him, brushed him off when he tried to give me food or medicine, he kept smiling and putting his jutsu to make me obedient, a kiss. Yes, I was always melted by his intimacy.

Not only patience in facing me, he was smart. Evidently he can help me learn and understand all my studies, just as well fathers rely heavily. Though tired from working from morning until 3 pm he remained faithful to accompany me. Yes, I was whining to my father not to give Phana Lamborghini so he can pick me up to university and accompany my remaining time at home.

The thing I like the most is when I'm going to sleep, because lately we're always sleeping together. But Phana has never 'touched me', the most intimate thing he did last was kiss my neck so as to leave a red spot, but he never obey his lust to do more, all he set slowly maybe because he did not want to scare me.

My position was always pinched by him when he slept together, the firm arm around my waist, his knees on my thighs. He made me bolt, maybe the best-looking bolster he ever had. I looked up, stared at his still-looking, handsome face even asleep. I tried to tilt my body to face him, we slept on the same pillow very tightly. I was so dense I could feel every dent of her body, I'm surprised this body is too sexy for someone who work in office. What had he once been a construction worker? Hah I do not know, that I really enjoy reveling with him, my head hiding in his neck that I can kick up all night. Until finally that warmth drags me into dreamland.

Morning was always surprising, especially when I woke up first. You know what, our weapons will always be high in the morning even though there is no stimulation and my face is very reddish to find our bodies still attached and... my penis is sticking with his penis even though we are both wrapped in cloth. I can feel the thing, I want to touch it but my pride stifles it. But one thing I can not resist, 'mine'. Plus the distinctive aroma and Phana's face made me even less able to restrain myself, until I decided to spoil my little bro with my hand while staring at Phana's face, assuming it was he who touched me, may he not be aware of this shameful activity.

It all feels wonderful especially now that my parents are back together, until the day finally comes, the day I cursed my loudest in front of the university fence for not finding Phana at that time. I sent him a message and even called him many times but no response, ah Phana where you at?

I stared hard as the car I was waiting for came along after a long wait, "Where have you been? Do not you know I've been waiting for 3 hours !!! "I snapped.

"I'm sorry Yo, there's a job I really can not leave. Coincidence the signal is bad so I can not reach you. "

"To much talking! Do you see how exhausted I am waiting for you like a fool until a yellow evening sky like this? "

"I'm sorry Yo, now I've come. Give me a quick warm hug? "he said cheerfully.

I'm walking away from him hoping he'll come after me and begging until I'm not upset anymore. Indeed Phana was chasing me but I speeded up the pace or exactly ran until there was a car coming up to me and the people there caught me with alacrity. I struggled, seen Phana ran as hard as he could after the car that kidnapped me but it useless.

I did not give up, trying desperately to defeat the three big men who held me in this cage until I finally gave up finding a sharp dagger leading to my neck. Oh God, why did I get this pinning position.

"You can not refuse my offer, your beloved angel is already in my hand," said the fierce man in front of me while on the phone while his hand with the knife rubbed my cheek with the tip of the blade softly.

I'm sure, that person who he talking with is Phana and I remember something... time on the roof, Phana is furious because of this bastard. I can hear Phana swearing across. After talking or rather shouting the person was off his phone.

He looked at me with a cynical smile, "You know... the man you think of as an angel is actually a demon..." he hissed. My eyes widened.

"What do you mean? !!!" I yelled angrily.

He laughed out loud, "He's a killer or know as cold-blooded assassin. Because he was my former partner who left me and I was in jail while he... hahaha got a very happy life apparently. "

Phana... killer, assassin... my body instantly vibrates, what this guy is saying is not the same as what I've been seeing all along. I shook my head hard, it was past Phana! Everyone also has a dark past, Phana I know now is a guardian angel figure, not a cold-blooded assassin in his past!

The guy continued to incite me but I just kept silent, "He'll be stuck hahaha... as soon as he comes to pick you up, I'll finish him off after that you'll catch up like him too.."

My eyes widen again, I stared in disbelief. God, please protect us.

Upon arriving at the devil's lair, I was tortured, cursed and there was also a gay who tried to touch me but forbidden the demon king, "Do not touch him! he's mine, "so it sounds.

He drove all his men, approached me who was stuck in a chair. The dagger stroked my smooth cheek again. As he tried to kiss me I spat on his face. He almost stabbed my face with the knife but there was a hand holding it from behind.

"Touching him is the same as you're looking for death," said a voice I know very well. Phana.

"Run away you fool! You're framed! " I yelled. Phana stared hard, his eyes is rarely he showing.

The villain laughed because Phana seamlessly got in his trap because of me. I tried to untangle these ropes because their attention was on Phana. Yes they are, because the men who had come out had come back and surrounded Phana. God please, What is going to happen now. We're going to deaths.

Those who numbered a dozen start to attack Phana but only with long legs Phana swept them out until it was crashed. They got up, cast a fist that they could hold and strike back. But whatever the power, Phana lost the number, several times a hard blow landed on his jaw, stomach or back. I cringed in horror. While the head of the villain licked the knife while listening to his men.

Yeah, my bonds come loose. With the remaining courage I lifted my seat and then waved to them all who were ganging up Phana. He got up again and attacked them one by one. Likewise me, I imagine the kicks and the powerful kick that made the blood scatter from their mouths .. I was not spared from the blow, some times I sprang to find a strong kick but back up with a flood of emotion I eradicate them all with Phana. Just breathed a sigh of relief but was again startled, "AAAARRGHH !!!" the head of the villain ran up to me with his high-pointed knife, his movements so fast that I did not have time to dodge...

CRAAT!! [gun sounds]

Blood spattered on the floor, I opened my closed eyes, "Ph-Phana ..!" I yelled sadly. I saw Phana embracing me and on his shoulder stuck a dagger. I pulled him up quickly until he grunted. He turned, his eyes staring sharply, before he robbed the dagger in my hand. He hit the criminal, beat him with the remaining force and with my own eyes ... I saw the side of Phana psychopath who stoned the villain a dozen times, my knees trembling.

DORR! DOOR! DOR! [gun shut sounds]

Three shots led to Phana, I gaped wide. Phana fell on the floor. I glanced at the man who fired just then threw the right chair on his head. I went to Phana.

"Phana! Are you okay? "I asked. How stupid is my question, how can he be all right when the dagger rips his body and 3 bullets nest in his body. Phana got up, looked at me with the usual gentle smile.

"I.. hmm.. fine... your lips are hurt Yo," he said as he wiped my lips. It's not clean but my face is getting dirty because the blood that fills his hand.

"I am alright! Let's get out of here! "I tried hard, holding back my sobs. If I panic it will not help at all. I hugged him, he limped because two bullets lodged in his legs but I was even more amazed because he still smiled. I, with the remaining force trying to walk around the lonely road that riders rarely pass. The weather is so cold that my breath is smoky, god if it's snowing tonight then we can not survive.

"En-enough Yo... I... I've suffered so much," he whispered. Yes of course he suffered from walking for 2 hours did not find a bright spot.

"Hang on ... I'm sure we'll find a help!" I yelled trying to convince. He glanced at the river on the side of the road.

"Please... i begin you help me ease this process. I'm in a lot of pain," his voice was pained. I can no longer accommodate my tears.

Phana, you are like an incandescent lamp, dim but surely giving a new light in my dark life. This smile feels more meaningful with your presence giving breath in my spirits. In the past, this body is very fragile... the burden of life to share the crazy larva sweep and burn every inch of my happiness but your presence is like a cool rain and cool my heart. The sense of comfort you create makes this heart's garden more beautiful, decorated with fresh flowers and beautiful butterflies flying... hang on for me, as you breathe for my spirits, do not let this fragile body go back in the darkness of the past...

But he fell on the ground, I tried to wake him but there was no more effort for him to survive, "I... akhh... I love you Wayo..." he said in a hoarse voice. I hugged his head and nodded.

"I love you too P'Pha .." I said, sobbing.

He smile at me, his smile really meaningful "Thanks Yo, this is the.. first time... You.. call me.. P'pha.. I'm soo happy.." the words that split by him make me cry even more.

The blood in his body keeps flowing, he can run out of blood. The smell of rancid piercing, made me want to vomit and my chest pain because Phana was the one who must feel this incredible pain. He looked at me sadly, his mouth quivering like he wanted to say something but could not. Cold is piercing the bones, really going down the snow. I hugged Phana, rubbing his hands.

I looked back on the road, blood... yes too much Phana's blood dragged along the road. He can not survive without help! Arrghh!

I did not want to give up, it was Phana's weight but I dragged him. He grunted, I could not bear to see him in pain so he came back on his knees beside him. I kiss her face hoping love can strengthen it.

"Help me solve this pain, for the sake of your love. You do not want it if I suffer right? "

I shook my head firmly, "Hang on!" He shook his head. His eyes were as wiry as ever, but the first time I saw these eyes draining the water, the marks of his nipples were very deep. Should I kill him for the sake of my love for him, I can not afford ... I can not possibly find the reality in the morning Phana is no longer beside me, no one is chatting with me at home and smile ... I'm so crazy about that smile. My shoulders shook violently as my tears grew stronger.

"Death is not a bad thing, death brings us to god ... do not hesitate Yo, I'm ready."

He pointed at the river, I understand. I can not be selfish this time, I do want Phana but I can not bear it if he has to be in pain for longer. I think logically, it's as bad as this is not possible the medical side can save plus now there is no help then I dragged him there and then lie on the edge of the river. I clutched her head, "Are you sure P'pha?" I whispered. He smiled and nodded. I pressed his body into the water. I grunted, my tears broke and my body limped to see the froth in the water was gone, Phana has gone forever.

If The God give me one chance, just one more chances. I promise i will not being rebel, selfish, rough and stubborn ever again, if P'pha still by my side I'll always make him smile, laugh, cry and even mad at me.. but that just a dream, even he is not at my side.. he always in my heart and always be “MY GUARDIAN ANGLE”


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A/N : I'm crying guys.. i don't know why I'm wrote this.. huhu it really make me cry so hard, 😭😭 . OKAY, okay.. I'm control my tear, so what do you think about this story?  i hope you like my tragic ending, and don't forget to vote and comments.

So guys i wanted to promote my new story call “Heartbeats" [Mingkit story]

A heart beat is a single pulsation of the heart. Heart beats are what keep us alive. But without that one single heart beat, that one beat in isolation, there would be no heart beats thus rendering us without life.

To say someone is your heart beat is to say that they are the beat that keeps your spirit alive, your soul alive, your joy alive, you happiness alive and your reason for loving alive. Without them, your heart may physically beat but your spirit, soul, joy and happiness would be without a beat. Their presence in your life is what keeps the smile on your face, the joy in your day and the shine in your eyes.

Your heart beat is the person whose smile keeps you smiling, whose company keeps you laughing with glee. Everything about this him is perfect. Their presence brings light into your life and makes everything crystal clear. The mist of loneliness disappears and is replace by the veil of affection. He can make your heart race and slowly beat at the same time. Because he is the beat of your heart, all you can do is think about him, care for him so that he continues to beat in delight. Your heart beat is the beat that keeps you breathing.

If you are Mingkit or Kimcop fan's you're really invited to read this story it not a private story so all of my reader are allow to read it.. plus in this story are different from my another story.. hope you like it and don't forget to enjoy..

see you on next chapter
i love you

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