Two different world's [Phayo]

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It was heavy rain during a funeral ceremony held at the cemetery. it seems to feel sad over the passing of the person forever. On other side, there is one guy who crying while hugging the pictures of the person that already left this world and left him forever.

Pha is type of cool guy that never cry, but in this moment we can see the handsome coolest Person is crying. Pha and wayo are couple, it about five years now and today was they fifth anniversary dates and wayo death date also.

***Flashback ***

Pha P0V

tomorrow was my fifth anniversary with my lovely Baby Wayo, so i make a Plan to surprise my Baby Wayo with asking him to married with. I ask Beam, Kit, Forth and Ming to help with the preparations like place, food, invited fellow friends and some more.
I'm doing this for a month ago, i goes to Wayo parents house to get they permission on marriage their son, i think it really to get their permission but i will never give up until i got their permission to marriage with My Baby Wayo. And one day they said I'm pass of their test and they give me their permission on marrying Wayo.

I reach out the phone on my jeans pocket and dialing Wayo, a minute later one familiar voice pick up the call.

Wayo : "Hello.. ".

Me : "Hello Baby!! what are you doing? "

Wayo : I'm just finished my meal and going to take a shower.. why Bie?

it already 7:35 o'clock, i always call him on this time coz I'm busy all day at the hospital with my patients. just on break time or back from working, i will call him or pick him up for lunch and dinner.

Me : "Nothing baby!! I'm just miss you so much"

Wayo: 'P'Pha.. can't i ask you something? "

Me : "Sure Baby!! what is it?"

Wayo : "P'Pha.. if i'm gone for this world will you still loving me, waiting for me, and missed me?

Me : "Ohh baby!! you're being weird again, of course i will.. you know that i can't life without you in my life.. right "

I don't know why but lately he always asking me the same questions, what if I'm gone, if I'm gone.. and he a little bit strange, he always wanted my attention, his behavior also weird. lately when we're together, he always wanted me to hugged him always, he wants i always be by him side, always kissing him, and he said "It for the last time". I'm weird with what he is saying. I'm super confused, last time? but where did he wasn't too go.. I'm thinking positive well forget it.

Me : "Erm.. baby!! btw tomorrow i work half hour and you're not going to your office right..? i got a surprise for you tomorrow.."

Wayo : Hrm..!! I'm not going tomorrow.. ohh, surprise huh.. can you tell me now... what was that surprise is.. please.. na.. na.. "

Me : "Hahaha.. ohh Baby!! it not a surprise if I'm telling you what was it, you will know it tomorrow ok.. I will pick you up ok.. "

Wayo : "Hrm.. ok, I'm going to take a shower now, we'll talk later ok.. "

Me : "Okay.. i love you nah.. bye-bye.."

Wayo : "Krab.. i love you too.. bye!! "

Me : "Krab... take care baby..! "

*** Next morning ***

After I'm done with my breakfast, just bread with jam it already give me an energy to working at early mornings. I took my SUV car on my garage and drive away to the hospital. When i arrive Beam and Kit are already there, they both are early today. I walk near to them and suddenly Beam mad at me.

"Pha, can't you f****ing pick up your phone!! we're calling you like crazy.. you think i didn't have a husband and children to take care of.. " yelling Beam as i near to them. "Woo.. chill down bro, I'm sorry mommy Beam, my phone are on charge last night.. so what you wanted to call about? " i said as i stop walking,

[ A/N : Beam and Forth are marriage three years ago and they have a twins son name Tae and Tee, at first Beam didn't know that he can give a birth until one days he found out that he is pregnant and the first male that can pregnant in Thailand. And About Kit and Ming..., they just got married last years and, Kit is pregnant now.. hahaha I'm so happy to wrote this, ok let back to the story shall we..

" it about the preparation of your anniversary with N'Yo you idiot.. " said Kit mad at me.. " OK.. ok.., calm down kit, you're pregnant.. please controlled your emotional," said Beam as Kit gynecologist doctor. One hour later, I'm on my doctor table.. doing the patients report suddenly my frame photo with Wayo are dropped down into a pieces, i was shocked. what this mean, it a sign if something bad will happen, but ohh just not, think positive Pha, maybe i have to change the frame, it already old frame. I pick the broken glass of the frame properly unti my phone is ringing..

"Hello Beam!! what happens.."

"Hello.. Pha, Wayo.. Pha, Wayo.. " said Wayo mother

"Hello..!! Mama, what happened with Wayo.. Ma..!! Mama.. "

"Pha, Wayo in emergency room, he got a car incident.. " Said wayo mother that more shocking me.

With nothing to say I run away straight to emergency room but no Wayo there, so I'm asking the Nurse. The Nurse said that Wayo are moving to the operation room. I run to the operations room and i sport on Beam, Kit, and Wayo parents outside the operation room.. I run near to them and asking about Wayo conditions, They said that Wayo in operations room, he got to many injury on head and the bone are broken so the doctor got him an emergency surgery.

Without I'm knowing, i lost my balance and drop to the floor, my tear drop down so heavily.. why did this happen to him.. why Yo.. why.. WHY... Beam and Kit came to me, they hold me up and hugged me. I can't speak anything, what just i can't do is crying.. even Wayo father are crying heavily.

An hour later, One doctor came out from the operation room..

"Doctor Did my Son are alright? "

"Mr. Wayo Parents?.. I'm so sorry sir, Mr. Wayo lost too many of blood, plus his arm and leg bone are broken, I'm so sorry we can't save him... " Said the doctor

What... You're joking right..?? it a jock right.... tell me it a joke... tell me.. it a joke " said Wayo father.

My knee fall down again, Wayo is death.. no.. he is still alive.. I screen as wanted to hold the doctor in charge on Wayo.. but Beam and Kit hold me..
"calm down Pha.., calm down.. " . I can't believing this, wayo is still alive. YO... YOU MAKE A PROMISE THAT YOU'RE NOT GOING TO LEAVE ME.. BUT WHY YOU LEAVE ME RIGHT NOW... WHY WAYO!!.. WHY..!!

***End Flashback***

To Be continue 🛎🛎🛎

Thanks for reading

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