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Eyes closed and I could still see the pain. Darkness covered and I could still feel the pain, oh where do I go wrong ? The darkness felt like a void filled with nothingness,

Oh why is this happening to me ? What did I do wrong in this life ? I was fine for twenty two years living the life I ever wanted it. Yet now,

All I could feel is the darkness the clouded me from the beauty of the colours, my feet moved on the wooden floor and I could feel the slight smooth and yet cold floor.

Hands becoming my eyes as glided my fingers on the wall, tracing and following the path that I already implanted in my head.

The house I lived in feel so quiet yet in this quietness I never felt so... free. I could hear the voice of people outside my house, the engine sounds of cars and bikes and some even the sound of the ventilation.

What a weird hung I required, I lost my ability to see yet it enhanced my ability to hear.

I stopped at the room I always so familiarized, I can still remember it. The walls I painted to make it look like the skies, I learn the technique of 3 dimensional painting trough this wall.

my hand caress the bumps and dent on the wall, clapping my hand twice the room light turned on. It's still dark though, but because of habits I do this all the time.

It's funny how even though I turn the hough he light on I still couldn't see anything, my heart clenched as my mouth sneer at the feeling of helplessness.

The smell of paints, oils, brushes, and old canvasses greeted me and I indulge it, this room will never tire me.

I took a seat on the wooden high chair, brother make this seat for me, he said I could rest my back so I wouldn't become hunched. It worked well though, it makes me won't move and just sit there painting.

"Alexa, please play my classic Playlist on Spotify"

The sound ding and after few seconds I could hear the string of violin played and I recognize it is from Camille saint-saëns called danse macabre.

I hummed and follow the beautiful yet deathly song, my hand took a brush before dipping into the paint. My hand moved just like the rhythm and the flow of the classical music.

My head imagine a room of ballroom with chandeliers handing on the ceiling and the door to the balcony opened and come the deaths as the dance around the room.

Nobles frightened to see the deaths as they are afraid of it, i wonder why. To me death is just nothing, I rather be dead than to lose my eyes but here I am sitting and painting with my disability.

I already lived in a world filled with darkness like death, my fingers moved go paint the main attraction, the princess.

Oh the princess, how will she die ? Even I do not kno, after all I'm still in the beginning of the story.

I picture the beautiful princess felt alone, her beauty shined and yet she wasn't the one who want to talk, a wallflower she is. Her head looking down as she could hear people around her laughing and talking behind her back,

My mind see the princess look at the deaths coming towards her ballroom and she could see how happy they are, how careless they are to this pain and miserable world of her.

She long to feel like that, her soft hair that resemble like a blood and fire stood out as her skin fair like the beautiful moon, her beautiful dark green hair make her looks like a blazing fire.

I could feel the princess longing and loneliness as she eyed the deaths who are dancing around, I could feel the weird emotion she have for she doesn't even afraid at the deaths.

My hand moves again to change a brush as I slowly make a tall figure, hair so black and face so enchantingly handsome yet so deathly, and eyes that could penetrate the souls of any living being.

Yet that eyes catch the bautiful blue eyes of the princess, the two eyes clashed and met. Tension filled them as they slowly come closer,

The grim reaper hands met the princess's, their eyes widen at the shock, the grim reaper got enchanted as he sees the beautiful princess,

She is like the fire in his darkness, she is like light he always wanted. The grim wasn't satisfied, so he put his hand on her waist and pulled her closer to him.

The princess couldn't help but  felt that this gesture is so right, like both of them are meant with each other.

"Do you mind dancing with me ?" I could imagine the deep and hoarse voice of the grim reaper uttering a question.

"I don't" now I imagine the princess soft and gentle voice softly said,

this two voice match so perfectly that I couldn't even help blushed at their interactions,

I now imagine the grim reaper slowly move and danced along with the death as the princess follow his lead, the grim reaper couldn't help to feel like he need to lead this dance but he also couldn't help to slow down so that she could match his movement.

The two moved equally like a pair of long term lovers, their moves match the rhythm of the music as they swing and waltz perfectly around the ballroom.

The grim reaper smiled for the first time and soon the smiled followed with giggles from the princess,

The savor their time on the dance floor, time flows and yet they still haven't seperate from each other. The kept dancing until the last song and until the dawn slowly reaches,

When finally it was about to reach it ends the two eyes wavering,

"I... never want this to end" this time I imagine the princess spoken first and I could hear the helplessness from her soft voice,

"Neither do i" the grim reaper spoke softly as he closed his distance to the princess head, their forehead touches and the grim reaper slowly and softly kiss the princess.

He couldn't help but to want more so he deepen the kiss and when he release he sees the blushing state of the princess, he gave the princess a devilish grin.

"Now you're mine, princess"

As he announce that statement the song ended morning came, soon the death goes out of the ballroom. The grim reaper take the princess and pull her up into a princess carry.

The princess laugh as the two of them vanishes and leave the ballroom in state of shock as they have just lost their solely princess.

At that time the song from my Playlist also end, I took a deep breath and put my brush back. I'm smilling as I recalled the imagination I see,

Even though I couldn't see it, I know that I have finishes a beautiful painting. The smell of painting linger as I smell the pungent taste of paints.

A soft knock come from the door, I ignored the knock and smiles softly as I knew who just came,

His spicy, musky and deep smell indulge my sense of smells. Muscular and veiny arms slowly hugged me from behind, his slightly chapped lips kiss my neck.

"I woke to see you aren't beside me so I panic... but then I see you here, I should've know princess"

I giggles and caress his dark hair and turned around to kiss him on his lips,

"I'm sorry baby, I was struck with an idea and I need to let it go" I utter my reason and I turn my body again towards the canvas,

His hand hugged me back again and he rest his head on my shoulder, "It's beautiful, so beautiful... you did a very great job my beautiful princess"

I grinned and put my hands on his, "thank you,"

"You're welcome princess, this piece is a very great memory of mine that I always cherished"

"I know, it is mine too my grim reaper"

After all this is my memory of him when I first met him three hundred years ago.


Another part of the weekly challenge
brend_izzy & BookCulbHere

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