The RavenClaw Pride

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Knowledge can always be attain, no matter how old you are and not matter how poor or rich you are.

Knowledge is always accessible, but its our choice to take it and learn or not.


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I marveled at the eyes of him, shinning with mysterious gleam and yet he have so many knowledge inside. His aura is dark like the night yet they shine like the galaxy, like stars twinkling at us.

How marvelous he is, he always sat alone in classes, library and when in the hall he would sit with his house yet he always stay silent.

Tom marvollo riddle, just like his name he is full of riddle. Something I want to solve and see who he really is, but he is dangerous.

Even from here, his dark aura scared me. It felt like it want to ungulf me with evil and horrible deeds. How many years it have been since Ive seen someone like this ?

In my lifetime, I never seen a person who are so evil ever since gellert. I don't know how long it's have been since I was looking at him but it seems he sense me.

He look at my eyes and I act like I was thinking and look to the skies, it's getting dark. I should go back home and not stay here at hogwarts, my job is done.


I can't help to not go, I look at myself in the window and see my reflection. I've lived longer since the founder of hogwarts build this massive and ancient school.

Yet, when I look at myself. I'm no more like fifteen years old girl.


The day I attained it, I changed. everything seems so boring and dull that sometimes I forgot the time it self.

But knowledge seems to be the only thing that could keep me from trying to end myself or at least tried to.

I decide to stay here even though my job is done. I look at the barrier of the school and felt the magic that I done.

Good, this thing will not be able to let anyone come easily. When this school was build I was one of the first people who attend here.

I was sorted into the ravenclaw exactly like what my interest is and till now my room is still up there in a unknown chamber where no one knows.

Though I always hinted that its near the ravenclaw dorm. I took the stairs to the library and the smell of the old books welcome me.

Some student look at me, their faces looks like they are questioning who am I altough some doesn't even care that im here.

I said hi to librarian who she answer with a little bow, then I continue to browse the book.


I took the potions book  and opened it with carefulness, afraid that I would accidentally rip the old book. Looking back at the whole I smiled at the memories.

As I took a seat near at the back of the library where no students seems to be around And I quietly read the book again. I've read this book so many times that I lost count of it.

But one thing I have to clarify, I'm not a witch nor am I a Muggle. I am those rare being that are lived this world since it's started.

A magus is what I am, I do not need a wand but I do need a staff because the amount of magic I posses can make any wand break.

Well except for one, but I don't want it. After all I already have something that closed to me, something that I make, my staff.

"Who are you ?"

My eyes widen and I look up to see the boy whom I've been staring like an awful creep. His pitch black eyes look at me with so much intense feeling that my cheeks flared.

"and why should you know ?" I smiled at the boy, and I could feel my heartbeat pumping like a train.

"Perhaps I should know the person who stare at me for half and hour" his words stuck me deep, did I really look at him for half and hour ?!

How embarrassing.

"I-i... didn't mean to" my voice stuttered and I could feel the heat rising to my head.

Oh this boy makes me feel things, something so unknown.

"Mmm, interesting... I have never seen you here before and Im at my fifth year" He question me with one eyebrow up.

"I have always been here, Mr. Riddle. People just don't see me, but I know everything that goes into this school" including your act tom, oh I know what you have done. I wish I could say that, but It won't happen.

He didn't talk to me again and just kept looking at me, I excuse myself from the table and smiled at him.

As I leave the library, I decide to paint him.

But I make a bad choice to leave him be, I leave someone who will destroy the world. Kill innocent people and I never thought that love could be this intense.

I never thought that my own love could make such a thing, I never thought that his broken hearts could do such a thing.

I regret to ever leave him alone at the library, I regret to not let him see the beautiful side of this world, I regret to not let him see that power... isn't all you need.

But who am I to talk ? For I am empowered with wanting to have more knowledge, skills and experience. I thrived for it.

Perhaps it is my ravenclaw pride

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Im done doing my weekly challange 💕

BookCulbHere & brend_izzy

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