Summer Love

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This is one of the parts of the story, which I may or may not make it but ya'll get the gist.


🌹 Althea Elizabeth Reynolds🌹


The sound of the music on the beach party is blazing just like the heat of the summer. Bodies dancing to the music and got lost on the rhythm of it.

Some are on the campfires roasting and eating food, some are on the bars drinking their mind away, while some like me just quietly look around and sip my drink from time to time.

Lexa and anna bought me to this sick beach party and told me to enjoy my summer and not coping in my room for the whole summer like a bear hibernating in the winter.

I don't know why they told me to come, I'm not a person who get along with people to easily but if I already know and felt comfortable with them then I will get crazy as I can.

the party is very cool tho, altough I don't go to party too much since I have a body issue I still can felt that this is a great party, most of all because they don't care if I'm wearing a two piece bikini fit for girls like me.

I felt welcome here, all of them are older than me and they don't care If I'm a size 15 or 20. They also make a great food which I volunteer to help since I enjoy cooking.


"Come on Althea, it's just a party... besides the people I knew here doesn't mind it at all"

Anna looked at me gently before tugging me again into one of the shop that sells swimsuits, the two of them look like they are having the best time on the world  while I'm struggling with my anxiety.

Ever since we arrived on grandma house, the three of us, mama and aunt Bella go shopping, enjoy spa treatment, food tours, and sightseeing.

Grandma can't go since she needs to look after grandpa but we would always go home with food fit for the family so that grandma doesn't need to fuss for cooking.

But after a week Anna and lexa friends told them they are having a beach party and we're invited, apparently the two talk about me so much thay their friends want to see how I am in real life.

I was about reject the offer because there's so many reasons that I have but the biggest one is my body image issues. I'm a plus size girl, bikinis or swimsuits or cute clothes won't fit or match with me.

My ass, boobs and waist is too big for people to be liking, especially boys. I learned it in a hard way that they don't like me, heck ! They think I'm disgusting.

Girls also make sure to remind me of who I am and how big my body is, what's the point going to a beach party where I'm sure people will make fun of me.

My anxiety kicking in as I could feel my body turn colder and colder in the heat of summer day, my mind make more stuff up and it makes my anxiety become worse and worse.

"You don't have to worry thea" Anna grip my hand and look me in the eyes, she stop me from getting panic attacks again which I sometimes get.

"Yeah thea, even if there's people like that in there you don't have to listen to them, voices from them doesn't matter" Lexa voice ring into my head as she hugged me from the side

"What matter is.. you ! People like them always feel negative about other people"

I calm my self down and think about it more,yes... I can do it. Don't need to care about what other people think and just be me.

I look up to the two of them and nodded, they cheered loudly and to see their happy face makes me happy.

I guess I have to do it to overcome my inner demons.


After that, they bought me shopping to buy some clothes and swimsuits. In there I found a beautiful and cute short jumper with off shoulder long sleeve and floral design.

now lexa pulled me to the dance floor and we're dancing together, her and anna friends are really welcoming me and that make me comfortable with my surroundings.

After a while I excuse my self to get myself a drink, altough I'm tired I can feel my heart pimping with adrenaline.


I was startled and almost choke on my drink when a male come and said 'hi' to me.  He have this stereotypical beach boy looks blond hair, tanned and muscular body and not to mention a fang necklace.


I smiled at him which he returned with a cute smile, his look is very cute and I think because of the drinks I may or may not get a little bit tipsy.

"Um... my name is Luke btw and I was hopping if we could spend the night together and play ?"

Play ?? Sure I can play, there's nothing wrong with it right ? If I wasn't so drunk right now I probably already refused him because in my sober mind I knew what he is up to... but this is my drunk mind we're talking about.

"Sure, let's go play beer pong and my name is Althea btw"

He give me a large grin before take my hand and pulled me to a group of people that are playing beach beer pong,

I don't know how long we played but I was getting more drunk and drunk by the end of the of games and I'm playing 3 match in a row.

Luke and me becoming more closer, we kept our body close and talk with our drunken mind. He seems to be a fun guy and as the night goes up I kept liking the boy more and more

"Shoot baby! YES ! you win !!" He hugged me and twirled me around ands I win another match, don't know that I'm 'THAT' good with beer pongs.

"You look so cute baby, it makes me want to just eat you up"

"Aw you look cool too" He throw his hands over my shoulder and his face come closer to mine, the heat gets hotter and hotter as he leaned his body to mine.

"Fck you're so beautiful baby, did you know you have such a beautiful eyes ? Cus damn I think I'm falling for it"

"Really ? I never know about that"

"Yup !" He hiccup and grin lazily at me "it's so beautiful and reminds me of the sea that I always surfed"

"You also have a beautiful eyes Luke,  like a sky on summer days"

Our forehead touch each other as we kept giggling at our conversation,

"Is it ?? I never knew baby"

He used my words and make me gave him a  large grin, he is so cute

"Mmhmm, it match with your blond hair so much"

"I guess I should thank my momma for the good genes, huh ?"

I giggled and nodded at him, I think I have too much drink that I kept looking at his lips and wanting to kiss him, and I never kissed before !

"God I totally want to kiss you right now"

His voice drop a few octaves and become husk as he look at me with those sultry eyes that I mistaken for love.

"Then do it"

With that said he hurriedly kissed me, I could feel his hands going Down to my waist and pulled me closer to him. His lips taste like beers that I kept drinking trough the night, he licked my lips gesturing me to open my mouth, and I did.

I felt his tounge dance with me as we lip locking, we did that for the entire ten minutes and seems can't get enough with each other.

By the time we seperate with each other my crush is getting bigger as he gave me a drop gorgeous smile that matched with his handsome look.

The two of us laugh as he hugs me tighter,

"God ! If I know you have the best kisses I have, I should kissed you from the start baby"

"You are spectacular too babe"

"Hmmm, you must be an angel baby... Cus I felt like I'm falling for you"

I giggle at his attempt to flirt in his drunken stupor, we continue to flirt with each other trough the party and enjoy our self with dancing drinking and eating food that I prepared.

"Babe,I need to get something... wait for me for 5 minutes - yah ?" His head turn to look at me from my shoulder as we sat in front of the campfire.

"Ok, don't make me wait too much" He kissed me again before going up, somehow when he left me I could see his face, he looks like he is in war with something.

I was so confused at why he felt like that but decide to tell him later when he comes back, I hope it's nothing that bad.

Five minutes turn to ten and ten turn into twenty, yet I can't seems to find Luke blond hair as I kept waiting for him.

What if he's suddenly collapse become from the drinks we've been drinking ? What if he got into trouble ?, my mind gets wilder as I kept thinking and hoping there's nothing wrong with him.

Decide to not just sit around I look around to search for him and each time I ask the people where he is and they said they don't know it makes me getting more worried about him.

"Hey, did you see where luke went ?" I ask a red head girl who is drinking beside the bar, she then look at me with a pity look before smiled gently at me

"He is behind the beach shed" her voice gets a little bit sad and I don't know why, but I felt something is going on.

After I said thanks to the red head girl I jogged a little bit to the shed, but stopped when I hear a bunch of guys laughing.

I decide to hide from them and hear what they said, I knew there's look because I could hear his laugh.

"DUDE ! bruh ! I don't know how you can get that fat girl to kiss you !"

"Yeah ! Man you make me loss the bet, how is she taste tho ?"

I felt sick.... like like a bile is going to Come out of my throat as I kept hearing them talking shit about me,

"Yeah, there's no way she taste good ! Look at her body man ! Tell me you didn't felt like you kissed a pig"

"Bruh not a pig ! But mammoth !"

They laughed at the said of them man who called me mammoth, I felt my body quiver. Tears pooling at my eyes.

"Anyways you won the bet man, here's my 20 bucks" the males gave their money to Luke and I could see pride and smug look from his face

"Dude let me answer all of your questions, she's like the easiest bet I could could ever have ! She fell with just my attempt flirting ! You don't know how many cringe I took inside just to endure that fat girl look, she taste disgusting too with her body like that I felt like I'm kissing with a fckng whale"

"Anyways, a bet is a bet and I won it... there's no way I would go with that fat g- althea !"

I finally come out from my hiding,tears pooling at me, Luke look at me like I was a ghost or something, he then hurriedly tried to go near me but before he even come near me I already flinch.

"D-dont... nice to know what this whale kisses felt like, you're such a jerk luke"

I turn my back away from him and ran away from the disgusting male and I kept hearing his voice called out for me


Babe ?! There's no babe !ugh why did fall for him so easily anyways ?!? I knew I shouldn't be attached that easily.

I ignored his calling and take my bags, I didn't even said goodbyes to my cousins who seems to have fun in the dance floor.


Ughhh leave me alone !

I go out from the beach and hurriedly stop a taxi locking the door when luke finally catch up to me and he knock at the taxi wind shield.

"Please take me to the 7th Avenue no. 24 sir"

"Okay lady,you sure want to leave the poor male ?"

Poor male ?! There's no such thing poor or sad about lying jerk he is.


Luke kept knocking at the glass and I could hear his voice

"Althea ! Baby ! Please let me Explain ! Please babe"

"Leave right now,sir"

With that the taxi leave luke who kept running to catch the taxi before he fall and left alone on the road. If I wasn't so heartbroken I would stop the taxi and go back to him, but after what he just said... there's no need to do that.

As the journey to grandma house I kept crying at the back of the taxi,

I should've know I shouldn't go to that party and fall with a beach boy name luke.... I should've know, stupid ! Stupid Althea !

This is why we should be always on the corner... so we won't be like this again.

I hate this summer


The story will  become a part of the story IF my book club decide to make a writing competition again 😅😅

Anyways this is my one shot story for the book named


btw... the main male isn't luke, it's someone better that will make Althea felt like she's the queen.

Here's my weekly challange BookCulbHere



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