Contest #10: My Life

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The previous competition was quite a long one, so why don't I make a completely different contest?

A quote!

About what?

Your life!

The brief is that you write a quote about your life in a nutshell. It can be factual or fictional and it can be any genre or type of writing. It can be a metaphor if you please.

The maximum word count is 40 words, because it is a quote. It doesn't have to be one long sentence, it can be a few short ones.

You can decide whether you want it to describe one element of your life, or something summing up your whole life.

What I Will Look For:

+ originality




+vocabulary and writing skills

Due date: 19 June

I know, I know, this is one of those 'restricted' topics but you always seem to surprise yourself when limited. I promise the next topic will be way more free and easier but don't let this limit you!

1st place:

+ Advertisement of one of their stories

+A follow

+Honest comment on one of their books

+Bragging Rights ;)

2nd place:

+A Follow

+Honest comment on one of their books

3rd place:

+ Honest comment on one of their books

4th and 5th place also get mentioned!

How to enter:

1) Create a new story

2) Write your quote

3) Publish your story

4) Comment the link

5) Await results anxiously

Hope you all enjoy this topic and I must say, I can't wait to start reading these - think their gonna be interesting!

If you have any questions that are URGENT, you can PM me on my personal @cuddlepug but please do not send entries through there.

Ready, set, GO!

- N

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