Contest #9: Trapped?! Winners

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1) @RustyProductions

Your introduction where you set the scene was written so well! I really enjoyed your take on the theme. You used it rather indirectly as if he was trapped in poverty or in his own body. When I read it for the first time, I was moved because I was immediately put into his shoes. I felt his struggle and his sadness, thank you - it was great.

Well done, it was beautiful!

2) @Kimberley1505

I must say, first and second place were incredibly, incredibly close. Your piece very well narrative written story and I also really enjoyed how you used a real life incident that you felt so close to. It moved me, just like the first one. It opened up my eyes, helping me realize how traumatic those situations are.

Great work!

3) @AnonymousWriter-R

There were quite a few stories written about a disastrous relationship between a mother and a daughter but somehow yours stood out. I must say, I think it's because of your extensive use vocabulary. The way your expressed the emotions was very good as well as when you described the scene. I felt that dark, depressed and helplessness.

Very well written!

4) @LittleSylvia

I must say, you were very close to making the top three. I loved your story, the concept and the feeling that you are stuck in a situation! Missing half of your life must be horrendous - great take on the theme!

5) @lamewriterx

This piece was really cute and quirky, very different from the other finalists. They way you wrote the reaction and struggle of being in a boy's body was great and I do agree that being a girl is better - a much more extensive wardrobe!

Thank you all for participating! There were so many entries and it was so fun to read through them - I enjoyed it a lot.

Some pieces were very deep and I would like to thank you for sharing it with me.

If you didn't make it - don't be sad! There are still many other competitions to come with topics that might be more to your interest. Everyone has a different writing style and I'm sure there'll be a competition where yours will shine through!

See you soon!

- N

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