CH15. Josh's POV - Hold Back

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Chapter 15 – Josh's POV

Hold Back

I'm not getting played this time around. I'm not going to let her catch me by surprise. I'm done being the bottom.

This sounds a lot more problematic in my head than I had anticipated. I will never admit this out loud.

I am a pathetic man.

I hired a kid that's been staying in the downstairs room of my apartment building. Dylan. He's a nice kid, he just had it rough. I paid him to take care of my booth for the day, because apparently, I'm a hundred percent planning on making out with my Flea Market Girl and I'm so sure it's going to happen that I actually hired someone to look after my shit instead of worrying about leaving stuff unattended.

Am I creating a new form of prostitution here? Or it's more like babysitters that look after your kids when you and your mistress rent a hotel room for the night?

Ugh, I'm a mess.

And I'm still probably the mistress.

Poor Dylan probably thinks I have a problem. I've been pacing around the table. I look like a drug addict waiting for his dealer.

Someone needs to slap some sense into me, I am a literal mess.

It's one in the afternoon and she hasn't showed up yet.

What if she doesn't actually show up? What a real power move. I'd be the forever bottom after that.

Maybe I should leave. Maybe the real power move is for me to not be there when she gets here.

I'm actually debating leaving, or like hiding in a corner like a creep to see her get here and look for me and not find me, when she actually appears.

There she is.

I knew it.

Wavy blonde hair, pink lips and wicked eyes. She sees me and smiles.

I fucking melt.

But I won't give her the satisfaction of letting her know I've been waiting for this moment all week long.

The truth is though, I'm like, shaking. I'm so excited and full of adrenaline that I'm like grabbing stuff and putting back where I took it and Dylan is telling me something and I'm answering gibberish and all I can think is that she's close and she might be looking my way and I'm trying to not look at her, to not let her know that she's a hundred percent winning. I'm her goddamn bitch.

After maybe fifteen minutes of talking and acting like a toddler that hasn't fully grasped the English language and doesn't have full control of his limbs yet, I stop putting off what I really want to do.

I walk to the bathroom. This is becoming our routine after all. She'll follow me. She has to.

The second the door closes behind me though I turn around. No surprises this time.

The door opens. She walks in. I don't even let her see me and I grab her arm, pulling her into my own.

She's always kissed me first. Not this time.

I've taken her by surprise. I can feel it.

I really hope I don't seem like some kind of predator.

The way she's kissing me back though makes me think she's pretty on board with this.

She pushes me back against one of the stalls and the door opens behind me.

We both fumble to close it back behind us.

I have a hand by her jaw, kissing her deeply, the other pressing her body against mine.

Her hands have a mind of their own and go for my shirt, pulling at it.

Oh no, none of that. She's is not in charge.

I grab her wrists in my hand, and keep them up above her head, pressed against the one of the walls of the stall behind her.

She grins at me, like this isn't a bad decision on my part.

I grin back. "Safe word's dolphin," I tell her.

She nods, that wicked grin still there. "Smooth skin."

"Fuuuuuuck me," I whine. She gets it.

"Let my hands go and I just might," she answers in her husky voice.

"Not just yet," I reply. But fuck this, I want more than just kissing her.

Slowly I unbutton her dress. It looks more like an oversize flannel shirt to be honest. I like the look.

She's looking at me with wicked eyes, smirking at me.

One button, two, three, four, five.

No bra again. I might die.

I slip my hand inside, curling around her waist.

Smooth skin. I hate her.

I trail my hand up, slowly, actually getting angry that this perfect girl's got a hot voice and smooth skin. I have no chances, none at all. These are my two weaknesses!

My hand cups one of her breasts as I start to kiss her neck, trailing down a bit to her throat, kissing and licking the skin there, keeping her hands still firmly in place.

She moves, her head leaning down a bit and before I register what's happening, she says in her softest, most wicked voice, "Dolpin."


I let go of her hands right away.

This was her goal all along, because she pushes me back against the stall.

Her hand slips in my pants. She's looking at me like she's winning the round because she's got her hand around my dick and it's game over now.

I kinda want to slouch, and I also kinda don't want to give her the satisfaction of letting her know I want any of this.

I lean down and whisper in her ear, "Do I look like a thirteen-year-old kid who never had his willy played with?"

I grab her wrist, pulling her hand out of my pants, and lift it to my mouth, licking her palm. "Do your worst, honey."

Oh, that surprised her.

I grin.

She grabs my belt.

The door of the bathroom opens.

We both stop moving completely.

We don't say a word or do anything.

The guy that just came takes his sweet time peeing at the urinal, actually singing a clearly made-up song about peeing.

We're both pressing our lips trying not to laugh or make a sound.

"This is definitely not the best making out spot," I say after the guy finally walks out.

"If you don't want us to be interrupted all you have to do is ask honey. If you're nice enough I might follow you to your car," she tells me. She's still got her hand on my belt.

I want it in my pants again.

I won't tell her that though.

"Wait, so was this all just a big ploy to steal my car?" I ask, feigning shock.

I also want to keep her talking.

Jesus Christ, I love her voice.

She chuckles. Goddamn that's a nice sound. "Depends, what do you drive?"

I think about the most ridiculous car I saw in this parking lot. "A yellow Beatle." I wonder if its driver got it for some ridiculous reason like they like Yellow Submarines and the Beatles. How pathetic would that be?

"Just like mine," she automatically answers.

Oh no. Oh no, no, no.

"Wait, do you like the Beatles?"

She frowns. "Why are you asking that to me like the answer should be anything but of course?"

I back away from her. "Oh my god, you're a chick without a personality."

She snorts, confused. "What?"

"You like the Beatles? Dead inside," I say motioning to her body in a circle.

Oh, now she's annoyed. "As oppose to liking?"

What kind of obvious question is that? "The Rolling Stones!"

She kinda shoves me away. "Fuck off."

I don't care. She can't be serious. "The Beatles are essentially 50-years-ago-One Direction."

"Are you seriously comparing the genius music writing of Paul and John to One Direction?" she exclaims, pissed.

I laugh. "Genius music writing? Genius? They copied a poster from a circus! There not geniuses, they're little wankers who got everyone to believe they were special just because they had the same haircut."

"Oh my god, you are not shitting on their hair."

"1969 hair? Disaster."

With the way she's glaring at me, this was probably the worst thing I could have said. "I will never touch your penis again," she tells me between gritted teeth.

"Well, I'll never touch your boobs again."



And then just pushes me against the wall again, and kisses me.

She takes me by surprise, and it lasts about three seconds.

"See you next week, you tone-deaf hottie," she says, and leaves me there.

Well, what do you know?

I'm the goddamn bottom again.


The naughtiness has begun. ;P

Sorry it took so long to post this chapter. I'm going to try to be more consistent in my uploading!

I'll also be uploading Smirking Jerk weekly starting January 25th. But if you want a Smirking Jerk chapter right away, go check out my Patreon at There's an early access tier where you can get Smirking Jerk chapters before everyone else. There's one already up.

Alright, I'll leave you alone now. I gotta go to sleep! 0_0

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