MP is go

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"OH MY GOD!!" Ned exclaimed as he grabbed the collar of Peter's shirt and started violently shaking the poor boy, "MY SHIP HAS SAILED! I REPEAT IT HAS SSSAAAIIILLLLEEDDD!!!" Finally pushing Peter to the floor as he started to walk around the bedroom.

"Oh god, I have to tell Shuri that you guys are dating! Then I'll be the best man and Shuri would be the bridesmaid and then I might be a godparent! Oh my god, what if they have twins! OH MY GOD, WHAT IF ONE OF THEM COULD SUMON AND ARMY OF SPIDERS!"

"Ned slow down their buddy," Peter said as he leads his best friend to his desk chair, "I don't even think that we are dating."

"What?!" then Ned pulled out a rolling 12-foot chalkboard out of who knows where, "You said that you and her sang to the piano that you were playing and then she played with you, looking into one another's eyes, then she pecked your lips, and the two of you both fell asleep on one another?! How does this not automatically make you a couple?!"

"We didn't actually ask the other if they wanted to be a GF and BF," Peter explained as he shrugged.

"Okay" Med went back to pacing while holding his pointer he used while using the chalkboard, "Project MP is go. We need some really awesome Peter way to ask her out, and Peter is going to stutter and mess it up if he asks her like other guys"


"I need to search the web," Ned said as he started to walk out of the room

"Ned wait-what is MP?" Peter asked grabbing hold of his best friends shirt before he fully left the room

Ned sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, "You know how she goes my MJ and your name starts with P? MJ + Peter = MP" and he walked out

"what just happened?" Peter asked himself as he flopped down on his bed scrolling through Instagram until an idea hit him.

He wasted no time to tell Ned, and of course, the shipper freaked out and agreed it was an amazing idea

and it took a week, three video cameras, Wanda to distract MJ while they did this, and 12 boxes of chips.

"Hey MJ!" Ned called from the lab, "I need some help here!" MJ left Wanda and went to go check on her best bud, "Ya Ned what is it- WHOA!" Ned pushed her in a chair "sit" he ordered her and walked away

The room was pitch black until one a Stark screen turned on in front of her.

"A Film By Peter Parker and Ned," the screen said causing MJ to snort

when the screen turned on it showed Peter standing in front of a red curtain standing awkwardly in a science pun shirt

"Do you know what to say?" She heard Ned asked, making Peter look up to the him who sat behind the camera.

"No. Yes? I don't know, man I should have really not winged this." He laughed and started to fidget with his hands

"I-I don't know what to say at all! Man, should we postpone this I mean tomorrows another day?" He shrugged but MJ could tell by his reaction after Ned was death glaring

"Okay. The camera is not on right?"


"That's good though. Um- what should I say?"

"Talk about all you like about her and then summarize it all. But ill only record the summarized part"

"That's a good plan" man she could tell Peter was so nervous

"I-I don't know where to start! I mean she might just be the prettiest girl I have ever met! I love how every day she comes to school and doesn't care how the other girls make fun of how he hair looks and how she never wears makeup, but hey she has the real beauty unlike those plastics! Oh and how whenever she used to come over she turned down Dads request to hang out in his lab to hang out with Mom! And how she can fight off some thugs in the street is pretty cool we had a joke for a while calling her Spider-woman! and we made her web shooters I see her wear sometimes, now more often after the jewelry store... anyways and then how strong she is in what she believes in I mean! She knows who she is and she's gonna rule the world someday! And the funniest thing is that we met by her by her flipping us off and yelling at us when we sat at her lunch table!"

"Man you were terrified of her for the month!"

"And then there isn't a thing I want to change about her you know? She is perfect in all of her odd quirky ways! And I love her laugh how its always never a cute giggle (only when she is sick) Its a loud snort that makes you want to laugh with her! It's really cute. And when I first got her to smile its cause I got my mash potatoes on my face! And I wish I could tell her all of these things but I would make a fool of myself." He said using drastic hand motions

"Ready for me to record?"

This time Peter stood tall and confident


"Three, two, one action!"

"Hey MJ" he waved, she waved back even though it was a recorded video

"So the other night was really fun for me and It brought up a lot of feeling I have been hiding from you so here goes nothing."

MJ's eyes widend when she relised what the video was about as she heard Ned yell action in the video

" *nervous laugh* Anyways MJ, I don't think I could go on any-longer with the knowledge of that you might be taken away or turned to dust! Oh bad joke, but will you be my girlfriend?"

the video stopped and the lights turned on to show Peter, in a science pun t-shirt holding a rose.

"Okay so I didn't know the first part was even there-"


he was suprised


MJ stood up and walked over to him

"I said Yes Bug-boy"

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