small change

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Peter was finally no longer on bed rest just in time for school. yay.

"You know for some reason our moms decided to go on some trip to Europe together while out dads were going to go across the country watching different NFL teams" Ned explained to Peter as they got off of the subway, "They decided that since we were out of the house they could do what they wanted to do"

"And when are they coming back?" Peter asked, worried that his best friends-best friend and girlfriend, man have to get used to that, were so chill with their parent leaving the moment they were out of the house.

"When the NFL season ends," MJ said putting her arm around Peter since she said that since she was taller she was the one allowed to do it while not on the couch.

When school came into view all three simultaneously groaned. "The day I get out of that Stark wheelchair, I'm shipped off to school. wow." Peter complained as they entered the premises and walked to their lockers

As Peter was grabbing some books he felt a small tap on his shoulder, he turned around to see Flash Thompson. Preparing himself for a small shove or some insult, he was never prepared for this."

"I'm sorry"

Peter was taken aback and no words came out of his mouth.

"I'm really sorry about the bullying that started during our freshman year. And my little sis Emmy told me that she saw you in ... there. When she needed help to find mom, she said you helped her find my mom and then she said as she walked away you were in pain. I'm thankful you helped them and whatever happened in there is over." Then FLash walked away, but Peter saw something with his heightened senses. On the back of Flash's neck, there was a huge purple bruise that was barely hidden by a sweatshirt hoodie.

"That was weird," Peter said, not going to bring up the bruise on Flash.

"well Peter, " MJ started, "Flash really changed after the year with everyone gone. His mom and sister turned to ash and well we guess his Dad must have taken it badly because Flash wouldn't come some days, probably taking care of him and was really different. Sleep deprived and sometimes you didn't even know he was here cause he was so quiet. Must have shaken up his family."

Peter wasn't sure that was the deal Flash changed, but once again, kept it to himself.

The day went on. No mean comments and no homework. And other students would hug one another happy to see their friends back. Ned, Peter, and MJ silently walked down the halls to their classes and they all got a schedule change (Most likely Tony worried for his kid) and shared the same classes since they were all on the top of their classes.

The day dragged on the till the glorious bell rang.

The trio wasted no time to sprint out of the building and to Happy's car waiting for them in the parking lot.

"Hey Happy!"

"Hi Happy"

"Hey Mr. Happy"

MJ, Peter, and Ned said as the got in the back seat. "Why exactly are you called Happy?" Ned asked curious about why the grumpy, overprotective man was named that.

"Tony gave me the nickname when I was first hired and everyone else thought that was my name and it stuck." He replied not looking back at the three

"So what exactly is your name then?" Peter asked

"Hey, you guys want to see a feature they just added to this car?" Happy asked

then the divider between them started to rise completely cutting them off, "That."

Soon enough the arrived at the tower and they all filed out going up to Peter's room to do homework. Of course being the geniuses they are, it was done in no time.

Of course being out of the wheelchair meant his suit was now unlocked.

"You aren't going to put on the Iron Spider suit?" MJ asked as Peter was about ready to jump out the window. "Nah, Karen's not in that one," Peter replied before jumping out the window leaving MJ and Ned behind in his room monitoring him through a computer.

Peter swung through the streets of New York taking in all of the views. Some building were being rebuilt from the battle he had missed and the city still boomed with light and noise, he missed this.

He continued to swing into the suburbs to check in on everything there. He avoided Liz's house for many reasons *cough* her dad *cough*

And he continued to swing around, there was an unfinished tree house that he knocked down once, a newly finished outdoor fireplace which he also broke, and new fences all around and a sign in someone's backyard saying "No Spider-man allowed here" With of course the picture of him walking out of a portapotty. Perfect.

He swung far away scared that he might get shot by an angry neighbor. But as he was deciding to exit the suburbs, he heard a scream. A child screaming.

Of course with his enhanced hearing he still heard it even after it was muffled. He came up to a house and there through the windows he saw a girl about 7 being beaten by her father as her mother watched.

As he was about to crash through the window and help her, someone came yelling from the stairs


It was Flash Thompson.

"Don't yell at your father like that!" His mother yelled then slapping Eugene across the face, "Your sister is getting what she deserves."

That's when Peter came through the window. "Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, please step away from the children." He saw Flash give a sigh of relief when Mr. Thompson turned from his little sister, Emmy.

"Nobody tells me what to do!" Mr. Thompson yelled, holding his belt out to Peter, "Especially when it comes to how I care for my children

"You know this isn't what I would call caring for your kids, but hey, call it what you want, I'm still turning you to the police," Peter told them, watching as Emmy crawled towards Flash, making sure she was out of the way of harm, Peter could shut them up.

"I would call the police on you mister, this is a breaking and entering!" Mrs. Thompson was saying but Peter easily webbed them to the walls, covering their mouths so they couldn't cause any verbal abuse, and also they were pretty annoying.

He led Flash and Emmy out of the house and the police pulled up just as he exited the house, got to thank Ned for calling them.

"Thanks, Spider-man," Flash said as Emmy went inside with a police officer to grab her stuff before they went to their aunts.

"Peter," Peter said, not sure why surprised himself with that one. "W-what?!" Flash asked and Peter heard Ned and Karen both asking him the same.

"I thought you might want to know, after all of this weird shit going on after everything," Peter said.

"Look, the truth is I was taking my anger out on you. I was bulling Spider-man. wow." Flash took a seat as he sat down. "It is you, not someone else under the mask right?" Flash asked. Peter rose the mask above his eyes and put a finger to his own mouth telling him to keep quiet, then pulled it back down.

"Are you okay?" Peter asked Flash, changing the subject, "Ya, just some bruises here and there." Flash said. Peter clearly wanted to avoid the subject about him being Spider-Man with everyone around, and also because Emmy was returning.

"The police are gonna make sure you make it to your aunts safe and you won't be seeing your parents for a long time" Peter reassured Emmy as he walked the two sibling to a police car in front of the car Mr and Mrs Thompson were in.  Peter turned around just in time to see Mrs Thompson about to yell at them and shot a web at her mouth, earning a thank you from the police officer.

Before Emmy got into the car she turned around and hugged Peter, "thank you" She said, then ran into the car, in Flash's lap.

Peter then started to swing back to the tower, finished for the night. When he entered his he saw Ned freaking out about something

When the best friend saw Peter re enter the room he said

"Man this world is fucked up"

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