We missed you

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Peter went home the next day, proven to be physically fine, but no one was sure mentally. but hell everyone after the souls Stone wasn't fine, and I bet they were out of therapists in New York
"So what happened when I was gone?" Peter asked his two best friends
"Well first off when we first heard you were one of the many who 'died' MJ practically-" Ned was silenced by the lady herself
"We both really missed you the whole time, it was different. But hey, a lot of new drawing of people in crisis!" She said excitedly as she pulled out her notebook and indeed their were many faces (and even Flash's)
"I was on my computer every second either watching through Tonys helmet or looking for a way to get you back" Ned told him

What the two didn't tell him was that everyday at Ned's house they would watch videos with Peter in it and both cried as they watched their deceased friend, thinking that he might be gone for good

"So...I guess you know my secret???" Peter asked MJ, pointing to the bag which his mask was pointing out of
"I figured out when you saved me from being mugged" she told him, and Peter was surprised

The three watched the Star Wars movies just like old times, MJ and Peter both cuddled up to one another, and of course Ned got pictures without them noticing
"Hold up!" Ned yelled startling the other two
"We missed Peters 17 birthday!"
The other two froze. Peter was 17, and missed his birthday while being stuck in the Soul Stone
But Peter remembered his birthday while trapped

Soul Stone past

It had felt like a month when they met up with half of the Avengers, everyone was freaking out and lashing out at one another, trying to figure out a plan
"Hey guys! Stop it!" He yelled at them, hoping they could figure this out peacefully
"Shut up! We don't need advice from a 16 year old!" Sam told him
"17" Peter corrected him
"What?" A few asked
"Today's my birthday" he told him
They were all silent for a moment till Wanda rushed over and hugged him
"I'm so sorry" she told him as he returned the hug
"Kid, I'm sorry I was a little rude" Sam admitted as he joined in the hug
One by one the others all joined into one big group hug
"Don't worry" Wanda told him
"We will get out of here"

For Peter that was one of the best days for him while in the stone, that day, no more feeling of being ripped apart
"We should celebrate!" Ned exclaimed, the other two agreed
They all grabbed their stuff and started to head out to town when MJ pulled him aside
"Peter, I- we missed you" she said engulfing him in a hug
She walked ahead of Ned "get in losers let's go shopping!"


Okay so you see that chapter and MJ
That's going to be one of very few where she doesn't act like the MJ we love and adore
She showed her vurnable side to Peter in a few moments when others aren't around cause she doesn't like to be called weak

But hey next chapter is a trip around town with the Nerd Squad!!!!

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