he never listens

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MJ has gotten a drivers license not too long ago so she made the two sit in the back
"Wait!" Peter leaned up in his seat to look at her"If you knew it was me then why did you almost hit me with the pipe!" He asked, but MJ just snickered

The three, of course, went to the mall And everything was on Tony Well his credit card That he didn't know they took Oh well

They stopped by a Nothing Bundt Cake and picked up an individual for each of them
(That place is to die for darling)
And of course, they stopped by a Star Wars Everything You Need To Have store for the three geeks
(They had a marathon with MJ and now she loves it too)

then they just walked around for the longest time, going into stores like Hot Topic, Vans, and into an Auntie Anne's to get some pretzels (Why are they in every Mall or outlet???)

finally, they left the mall to go and get pizza, and after that MJ had to make a stop to the jewelry store for her mom

"Come on guys last stop," She told them as they followed her in

MJ went up to the counter to pick up her mom's order as Peter and Ned sat in the back very awkwardly as lots of women walked around the store.

the two were having a conversation about what to do for the rest of the week (like watch the movies he missed) when Peters spider-sense went off

"What is it," Ned said when he noticed the goosebumps that Peter gets when these things happen

"trouble," Peter said before reaching into his backpack to find no suit cause Tony did say "No more Spider-man till I say so"

the door was kicked open and four men walked into the store, shooting their guns to the ceiling

"I want everyone on the ground, hands behind your heads!" The taller man yelled as he grabbed the lady from behind the counter

Peter felt useless, he couldn't use his webs cause one, he forgot them (for the first and last time) and two he wasn't Spider-man right now

the tall man had a pistol to the woman's head as she took the money out of the register and handed it to him with the jewelry behind the desk

The other two men had finished bagging away the necklaces and rings from the glass cases and started looking at the people on the ground

"Hey boss," The bigger man said as he abruptly pulled Peter to his feet, "Isn't this Starks son?"

the tall man grinned as he grabbed Peters head, examining it, "It sure is" he said, "Well boys I think our next week job has been taken care of!" He told them

At least they didn't see Peter press the 'help' button on his watch else that would be bad

"So does the Avengers kid know the codes to Starks lab?" The man asked as he jabbed the pistol to Peters' gut. Peter did know it in fact, it was "Underoos081962" his birthday, but of course, he didn't tell them that

"No," Peter replied, and the gun was pushed farther. "Last time kid," the man said, "I know when people are lying to me, so what are the codes." It wasn't a question this time, it was a demand

"I. Don't. Know." Peter replied just as harsh as the man

the man then smiled sincerely

the gun was cocked

and the gun was shot

Peter's eyes widened with fear

He heard MJ scream

he heard Tony's repulser shoot the man before and behind him

he fell onto someone's lap

He saw his father kneel down in front of him and take off the mask

he saw police sirens too

"Stay awake okay Peter?" He heard his father say

"Just stay awake for me"

easier said than done

he could feel his eyelids grow heavier

"Come on Peter you can do it" He heard another voice say and something grabbed his hand

"Just please listen to someone once"

then darkness clouded his vision

"Why doesn't he ever listen?" He heard someone ask before he fully passed out

'yep' he thought 'that's MJ'

and he fell asleep


Okay so yall i was indeed intending to have Flash appear in the mall and be mean and all or even might be a little nice to Pete, but then I looked at the index cards I made while writing "A New Home" and I realised "Man, I need him to be shot, cause Flash isn't really needed" So here we are and there is going to be another little sneak peek at what else happened in the stone

but hey, I love this story so much right now and what makes it even better is that ITS THE WEEKEND my full first week of school in over and uhg I want summer

but hey my Theater just started up again so another YAY!!

ya that might be all you hear about my personal life until my birthday next year

but also If you want to ask me questions about stuff feel free to cause I will answer them!

see ya

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