just a minor malfunction about his powers is all

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Oh god how Peter hated the beeping of a heart monitor now
But as quickly as it came, it went
'What the-' He thought when he suddenly found himself in a all too familiar space
Everything was black except for the orange sky
He was back in the Soul Stone
'Oh nononono' He thought as he spun in a full circle grabbing pieces of his hair and pulling at it
There was smoke in the distant and a figure emerged from it
"Uncle Ben?" He asked as the man stepped closer
"Take my hand Peter, come with us"
And more people appeared
His parents
And Aunt May
"Come with us Peter" May said as she stepped forward arms open waiting for a hug
Peter started running towards then when he heard voices
"Peter wake up"
"Please please wake up"

Peter stopped running and watched in horror at his families faces morphed and they screamed at him
"It should have been you"
"We never loved you"
"PETER RUN!" The last was May as her face turned into the one He last saw, the spear still piercing her heart and the blood every where
He tried running, but he himself being ripped apart
But that wasn't the worse part
He felt something that happened a few times in the stone during his episodes
His powers would malfunction
And old wounds would open up all over him, just a few at a time
But this time, they all did
He felt he ribs break and crack
He felt his nose break
He felt the scars from Clint's bows re open
He felt Vultures wing scrape his arm
And the gun shot in his gut
He screamed in agony as the pain continue
"Peter wake up"

Hospital wing at the compound while Peter dreams

Tony sat next to his sons bed, holding his hand, begging for him to wake as MJ, Ned, and Nat sat around Peter too
"Peter wake up"
Tony watched his kids best friends beg of his son
"Please wake up"
Tony abruptly stood up and walked out of the room, needing some air
He stepped in the hallway and looked back through the window
He couldn't take this
Watching his son asleep on a hostpital bed after almost losing him again
"It's gonna be okay" Steve said as he put a hand on his shoulder
"And how do you know" Tony asked, not looking away from the teen
"Because Peter is strong and can handle what ever comes his way"
"But What if he can't this time"
"What if he can't" tony said as he turned to look at Steve
"What if he doesn't wake up, what if he doesn't come back"
"Tony he will-"
"How do you know for sure!" Tony yelled at him, but not too loud
"Tony I understand what you're going through but-"
"No steve you don't! You don't know what I'm going through! I almost lost him once to that psychopath! I can't loose him again!! I can't loose my son!" Tony yelled now causing heads of the doctors and team turn in their direction
Before anyone could say anything Dr Cho came back out of the room
"Tony! You have to see this!"
Tony rushed back into the room to see Peter thrashing in bed, but that wasn't all

His wounds were reopening
The doctors were trying their best to clean it all up
All of the wounds were reopening and he couldn't stop it
"Peter wake up!" He yelled

And with that the boy sat up and was panting as the doctors tried to push him back down
But Peter refused to lay down, sobbing at the unbearable pain as they touched his wounds
"Not again" Peter Q said as he rushed into the room pushing the doctors aside
"AGIAN?!" Tony asked as Wanda helped shove the doctors out of the room and turned to Strange who entered in after her
"Strange, can you fix it?" Wanda asked as she comforted Peter, hugging him as he sobbed, careful not to touch any wounds
Peter stood on the other side of him, checking the wounds, seeing that all of them had opened up and not just a few like all of the other times as Strange was making weird shapes with his orange magic, and the wounds were looking a little less irritated
And off to the side MJ, Ned and Tony looked horrified at how the wounds opened up

"Is it bad?" Peter asked looking up at Wanda
"It'll be fine, Strange will fix it again" she tried to reassure him
"That's all I can do" Strange said as the bleeding stopped
"It started in the dream before it appeared here, it's to late to completely cure it" He finished
"But my healing factor should fix it right?" Peter asked
"I am afraid not, it seems to be malfunctioning, causing the wounds to appear"
They continued to talk about the problem when Tony butted in
"Someone tell me what's going on with my son!" He screamed at them
"And tell me the whole story"

The three paused and looked at Peter, who nodded, telling them it was fine with him
And they started telling the story of the Soul Stone


So that was exciting?

So ya that is fully what happened

And I just found my notes for this story and I relised  "Wow this might turn out way better than I hoped!" So I'm happy

Any one else love the ideas about Peter and Peter bonding cause they are the Peter duo

Chapters will come soon but it's school and I have auditions tomorrow for a play so wish me luck!

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