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"the Soul Stone is an unforgiving place" Wanda started. "It messed us up a lot, but Peter had it far worse than any of us."

Strange continued, "Since when he turned to dust, he felt it ripping him apart barley, he was the only one to feel pain as he died. It first started when we had been walking for a long time there. Everything was black, except for the sky, it was an orange sunset color. All of us started to feel numb in the place we soon realized to be where we first started breaking apart, then the rest felt numb, a very strange feeling in fact."

"But Peter said that he felt pins and needles in his hands at first, and it spread through his arm, then the feeling went away and was replaced by-"

"Pure agony" Peter cut the sorcerer off, sitting up a little as Wanda started wrapping his wounds. "It felt like I was being ripped apart, 10x worse than it felt in the real world."

"I helped him fall asleep" Mantis said as she walked in alongside Groot and Drax

"Everyone helped carry the young Peter during every episode," Drax said looking for once...soft

"But that wasn't the worse," Strange said, "By the 4th time it happened in the span of a week, Peter's healing factor was affected by the Stone, and went haywire everytime he had an episode. Some old scars would open up and look just as they did when he first got them, luckily I never left Peter's side and was there to fully heal the wounds after Mantis put him to sleep"

"But like Wanda said, the Stone affected everyone in there after what we guess was 2 months." Peter Q said, "After a while, there were these weird mirages appeared in front of us. They would always be people we had lost in the past, but they would come up, and they could touch us and hug us. It broke you a little inside when you tried to hug your...mother back or your dead girlfriend."

"Soon we found each other" Bucky said as he and some others who disappeared on Earth walked in, "We were all slowly going a little insane and the only thing we were holding onto was that everyone was here with us, and we weren't alone"

"And when we met up, there were introductions and some tears as we said hello to the ones we knew. Then an argument rose quickly among us all. Everyone was fighting and Peter tried to stop it, and of course, we didn't even realize that it was his birthday. It was another sappy moment that we all somehow found a greater urge to make sure that we all got out of there alive." Sam smiled at Peter, and he returned one

"We came across others, helped them out and they continued on their way always claiming that they needed to find someone," T'challa said

"There were ghost towns of our homes. We came across New York more than once, but the first time, we all rushed to the tower hoping to see you guys there, but..." Wanda said, "Inside everything was torn to shreds, we picked up a few things we needed but its hard to see your home torn up and no one home to welcome you."

"People around us had gone fully insane and, gave up hope, stopped walking to try and find a way out. And just..." Peter said as he remembered some bodies he found on the ground who had ended their own lives

"But then what seemed for a lifetime, a gate opened up in the middle of the street, we all ran to it, crying tears of joy as we heard and saw People waiting for us on the other side. And at that very moment, another episode happened." Quill told them, "Mantis and Strange weren't around, and we knew that the portal would close soon, so Wanda and I had to carry him out. And when we passed through, we were back on Titan."

"The others collapsed and sobbed when they realized we were right back on that, that horrible place. And we realized that Quill's ship was gone and you two were too." Strange said as he nodded at Tony and Nebula (who was also in there)

"And somehow you called back your ship to come to get you," Tony said

the others nodded in reply

"That's what happened when you were gone?" Steve asked, who had thought that the others were merely frozen in time

"I saw your mom, and Peggy," Bucky said quietly as a tear ran down his face, "And all of our old friends like Timothy, Gabe, and Jim," He said as Steve side hugged the man

"Like I said, the Soul Stone is an unforgiving place. And anyone who was inside of it, may never be the same." Wanda spoke standing tall as so the others did too and looked at the ones who had no idea what they had been through


So that was that chapter and all of the things i was hinting all along

and when the next Marvel movie comes out im not gonna change any of this

But hey! I am really proud of this one cause it sort of showed how broken each one of them were and how they used that to become strong

And basically this was the quote I was thinking of

We believed
We could
So we did

So ya

See ya!

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