the Shopping Episode

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Wussup everybody? now before yall crucify me for not updating in almost a year, remember I never said that my updates wouldn't be consistent with that being said, I expect a riot in the comments and will be disappointed if I don't see one.

Gabriel: Now... Where would be a good place to buy girls' clothes?

Yang: How would we know? This is like what? Our second day here?

Gabriel: Yeah, I know I know. what time is it anyway?

Yang: Umm, 2:17, why?

Gabriel: We got time, how about we go to a mall and search for clothes there?

Ruby: Did you say mall? Count me in!

Gabriel: That's all the confirmation I needed. Let's go!

Gabriel pulls out of the IKEA parking lot and onto the main road heading to a mall nearby.

Timeskip brought to you by Gabriel purposefully singing off-key to songs on the radio

(thought I forgot about this didntcha?)

Gabriel: Alright ladies and, uh... ladies, we have arrived at the mall!

Gabriel pulls the car into the parking lot while the girls talk about all the things that they would buy at the mall.

Ruby: I can't wait to get some new clothes! Oh, what about we get some chocolate? Or some strawberries!

Weiss: What we need is some makeup and fashionable clothes to make ourselves stand out.

Blake: I actually would like to not stand out right now. At least, not as much as we already do.

Gabriel: I second that. Stand out any more and who knows what might happen. Now then, the same rules we agreed to in IKEA apply here, don't get split up if you do then try to get to the food court and we'll meet you there. If you don't know where that then look on one of the directories. Got it?

Rwby: Got it.

With that, the makeshift family set foot into the mall in search of clothes to not look like a bunch of cosplaying dumbasses. They spend the next hour browsing the stores with Gabriel falling behind to not seem overbearing. This led to an interaction with mall security because some women assumed him to be a stalker. After an explanation and confirmation from the girls, the five decided to rest for some time at the food court.

Gabriel: So judging by your faces, I take it that you had fun?

Ruby: Yeah! We got a bunch of new clothes and this food is so delicious! How about you though?

Gabriel: Just glad that we could explain to security without being arrested. Still, it was my bad for following y'all from far behind.

Weiss: Still, it's insensitive to just assume that of someone.

Gabriel: That's rich coming from you, seeing as you thought the same of me not even two days ago.

Weiss: Hey, people change, you know! And you can't blame me that you look like a pedophile!

Gabriel: First off, harsh. Second, true.

Blake: So, what do we do now?

Gabriel: Well, we got the bedding and the clothes. The only thing we need now is the one thing I can't really help you with.

Yang: And that is?

Gabriel: your underwear. I can't really help you in this case but I can take you to a place that will. Once everyone's done eating, we will go there.


Gabriel: Alright then, here we are.

In front of the girls stood a store in the mall. It stood out the most compared to all the other shops with its pink and black color scheme, but with Gabriel power walking past it whenever they crossed it, they never focused on it. But with it now as a point of interest, they can see why he decided to avoid it, with the store proudly showing off its assortment of women's underwear for all the world to see. This store obviously being, Victoria's Secret. Gabriel takes a step toward the store before looking back.

Gabriel: C'mon now. This is for your stuff, not mine.

With the four girls behind him as he looks for an employee near the bra fitter's section

A/N: Honestly how the fuck would I know I've never been in one

After some awkward strolling down the aisles, they find a short employee who doesn't seem too busy.

Gabriel: Excuse me?

Employee: Hmm? How can I help you?

Gabriel: Well it's not for me. You see, I recently adopted these girls behind me and it's their first time buying a bra and I would like to see if you could help me find out their fits or whatever you call them?

Employee: I think I can help you with that, yes. Please follow me.

Timeskip brought to you by Gabriel sitting on a chair uncomfortably, outside the changing rooms

After another awkward amount of time searching for underwear the girls like and purchasing them, the family leaves the store. As soon as he steps out of the color overload that was that store, Gabriel breathes a sigh of relief.

Gabriel: Well then, now that should be all we need for now. How about we head home?

Weiss: Yes, please. My feet are killing me.

Gabriel: Well we still gotta walk to the car, which is all the way across the mall, so suck it up.

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