Chapter 3: Morph

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"Can't stop thinking about it and when I die, for now I see that 'if' and 'when' are truly different cries, for 'if' is purely panic, and 'when' is solemn sorrow. And one invades today, while the other spies tomorrow..." Clarissa sang quietly as she walked down the hallway toward her locker.

"Hey," a friendly voice said from behind her.

Clarissa turned around, walking backwards. "Hey, Teag. How's your day been going?"

"Lunch sucked," Teagan sighed.

"I told you that you could have half of my sandwich," Clarissa chuckled.

"You know that I don't like turkey sandwiches. What ever happened to good old fashioned peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? We have too many options nowadays," Teagan replied, shaking her head.

"But they were serving meatloaf today and the meatloaf tastes like feet."

"Yeah, it does...Hey, they should call it feetloaf. Get it? Because it tastes like feet?"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it," Clarissa chuckled.

Teagan laughed. "Too corny?"

"Yeah. Too corny."

"Sorry. I had a little too much coffee this morning and I am wired," Teagan said, wide eyed.

"I can see that," Clarissa laughed. "Can I get-" she began to ask but accidentally walked into a tall, dark haired boy. "Oh, I'm so sorry."

"What the heck is wrong with you?" The boy snapped, pushing her away.

Clarissa stumbled backwards. "I-I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

"Look, shrimp, I don't know who you think you are, but stay out of my way," the boy said in a dangerously low tone before grabbing his red hoodie, slamming his locker shut, and storming off.

Teagan pulled her friend aside quickly. "Clarissa, do you know who that is?" She whispered.

"No," Clarissa frowned. "Who is he?"

"That's Nicolas Borovsky," Teagan sighed. "He's the biggest bully in this school. You had better stay out of his way. He's notorious for picking on other kids and getting away with it. He one time pushed a freshman down the stairs and the girl broke her leg and fractured her wrist. He never got in trouble for it."

"That's horrible," Clarissa said in shock before groaning. "I'm so sick of impertinent people who think that they own the world and then get away with their malicious deeds."

Teagan sighed. "If you keep talking like you swallowed a dictionary, you're going to become his next target. Just lay low and don't get in his way. Trust me please. I don't want things to end up like last year."

"I don't either," Clarissa sighed. "I'm supposed to get a new start at this school, not be right back where I left off."

"Just keep moving," Teagan chuckled.

"Okay," Clarissa laughed. "Thanks, Teag."

If I keep moving, they won't know.

I'll morph to someone else.

What they throw at me's too slow.

I'll morph to someone else.

I'm just a ghost.

I'll morph to someone else.

Defense mechanism mode.

Clarissa smiled at her friend and they both went to their lockers.


Clarissa was walking down the hallway, struggling to carry all her things. Suddenly, someone stepped in right front of her and she walked right into them, dropping her books. "Crap. I'm sorry."

"Well, well," the deep voice chuckled darkly, "we meet again. Clumsy as usual, I see."

Clarissa looked up. "Oh, dear. You're Nicolas Borovsky," she said in a slightly terrified tone, hurriedly picking up her books.

"That's right," Nicolas sneered. "And don't you forget it. You're new here, so there are still a few lessons I need to teach you."

"N-no, thanks," Clarissa stammered. "I'm g-g-good."

"See, I don't think you are," Nicolas said in a low tone as he backed her up against the wall. "You a worth nothing here. Or anywhere, for that matter. You're a useless piece of crap and don't you forget it."

He'll always try to stop me, that Nicholas Bourbaki.

He's got no friends close, but those who know him most know

He goes by Nico.

He told me I'm a copy.

When I'd hear him mock me, that's almost stop me.

"Get away from me." Clarissa pushed him away and fled down the hallway.

"Ooh, you'll live to regret that," Nicolas called after her.

Clarissa ran outside and onto the bus, tears pricking her eyes.

If I keep moving, they won't know.

I'll morph to someone else.

Defense mechanism mode.

I'll morph to someone else.

I'll morph to someone else.

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